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Professional Special Needs Teacher Education

60 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Professional Special Needs Teacher Education (60 cr)

Contact Information


Special Admission Requirements

Voit hakea ammatilliseen erityisopettajankoulutukseen, mikäli sinulla on ammatillisen koulutuksen ammatillisten tai yhteisten tutkinnon osien opettajan kelpoisuus (Lisätietoja asetuksesta 986/1998, § 13, § 13 a, § 13 b, § 14, § 29):

hakukelpoisuuteen vaadittava tutkinto
hakukelpoisuuteen vaadittava työkokemus
opettajan pedagogiset opinnot (60 opintopistettä/35 opintoviikkoa)
ja lisäksi vähintään 5 kuukauden päätoiminen opetus- ja/tai ohjauskokemus ammatillisesta oppilaitoksesta ja/tai ammattikorkeakoulusta.

Opettajan pedagogiset opinnot voivat olla suoritettu joko ammatillisena opettajankoulutuksena tai yliopisto-opintoina. Hakukelpoisuuden tulee täyttyä hakuajan päättymiseen mennessä.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Osaamisperustainen erityisopettajankoulutus perustuu erityisopettajaopiskelijan aikaisemman osaamisen tunnistamiseen, tarvittavan osaamisen kehittämiseen ja koulutusprosessin aikaiseen jatkuvaan arviointiin.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Ammatillinen erityisopettajankoulutus antaa kelpoisuuden toimia ammatillisena erityisopettajana ammatillisessa koulutuksessa ja ammattikorkeakoulussa.
Asetus opetustoimen henkilöstön kelpoisuusvaatimuksista (865/2005).

Completing the studies entitles the person to use the abbreviation AmE (ammatillinen erityisopettaja, professional/vocational special needs teacher) to signal their qualification.

Key Learning Outcomes

The education focuses on special pedagogical competencies, pedagogical competencies of professional special needs teachers, work community competencies and development competencies.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Ammatillinen erityisopettaja työskentelee alansa
asiantuntijana ja kehittäjänä oppilaitosten monipuolisissa
oppimis- ja toimintaympäristöissä sekä verkostoissa
alueellisella, kansallisella ja kansainvälisellä

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Pedagogical Skills Related to Special Needs: scale 1-5
Other Study Modules: Pass/Fail

Mode of Study

The professional special needs teacher education is based on inclusive pedagogy, which involves a reflective, inquisitive and development-oriented approach.
The perspectives included in the studies involve individuality, guidance, authenticity, cooperation and plasticity.

The studies are multimodal.

Professional Special Needs Teacher Education

Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
Professional Special Needs Teacher Education

Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
Enrolment period

20.01.2025 - 23.02.2025


03.03.2025 - 30.05.2025


5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


Professional Teacher Education


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Professional Special Needs Teacher Education
  • Minna Seppälä
Person in charge

Minna Seppälä

Objectives (course unit)

• recognises contemporary social phenomena and discussions regarding special education pedagogy and can observe them critically
• is aware of the significance of background, values, and attitudes as well as social differences when it comes to defining diversity and who is considered a person with special educational needs
• understands how international, national, and local values and ideologies are reflected in the structures, operational environments, and encountering diversity in various service systems
• understands how society creates and defines inclusion or exclusion
• looks at the paths leading to marginalisation from the society’s viewpoint

Content (course unit)

The course looks at how international, national, and local ideologies regarding diversity, special educational needs, and disabilities have developed over the decades and what impact have the various ideologies and values had on the development of the service system during different eras. The course also focuses on the paths of inclusion but also exclusion and marginalisation from the societal viewpoint, and what is the role of the service system in either preventing or even causing marginalisation, especially during various stages of transition. The course also makes the students think about how their own personal values and attitudes impact their definition of diversity, encountering students with special educational needs, and planning support activities as experts.

Assessment scale
