Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
Teollisuusteknologian avoimen AMK:n polkuopintoryhmä
Opintosuuntien ajoitukset
Teollisuusteknologian avoimen AMK:n polkuopintoryhmä
Opintosuuntien ajoitukset
Teollisuusteknologian avoimen AMK:n polkuopintoryhmä
Opintosuuntien ajoitukset
Teollisuusteknologian avoimen AMK:n polkuopintoryhmä
Opintosuuntien ajoitukset
11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Seija Haapamäki
- Hilda Szabo
Hilda Szabo
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course student knows about the major physical, chemical and biological water and wastewater treatment units, such as sedimentation, filtration, coagulation/flocculation, activated sludge, N and P removal, membrane processes, ion exchange, advanced oxidation processes. He/she can perform mass balance calculations related to the units. Knows various natural wastewater treatment systems and the alternative wastewater management options. Can perform simple design of a water/wastewater treatment system for a specific situation.
Sisältö (OJ)
Physical, chemical, and biological unit operations used in water and wastewater treatment, drinking water production, wastewater treatment, and sludge processing, laboratory exercises: activated sludge analysis, activated sludge process, coagulation and flocculation.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
You will be handling real activated sludge during the course, due to which you should be up to date with the Tetanus vaccination before the laboratories.
This course is primarily aimed for the IDEE students and Double Degree students. Before taking this course you should have the Water and Sanitation course and all basic chemistry courses done. Exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory water treatment and chemistry courses done before taking this course. If you are an exchange student and you do not have studies the aforementioned courses, you are advised to take Water and Sanitation course instead of this course.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. This means the student is familiar with the basic concepts discussed during the course but often makes mistakes when applying them. Can perform the laboratory measurements and experiments independently and has basic skills in reporting the results of the measurements and experiments. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance. Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is structural. This means that the student is familiar with the concepts discussed during the course and can apply them in most of the situations. Is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course and can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly. Can perform laboratory measurements and experiments independently and the reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is wide. This means that student is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks and can perform simple laboratory measurements and experiments independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Seija Haapamäki
- Hilda Szabo
Hilda Szabo
21IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, student knows the concepts related to contaminated sites, knows the main contaminants in soil, groundwater and sediments. Student understands the main processes of soil contamination, knows remediation and management technologies of contaminated soils. Student will also gain soil and groundwater sampling skills. Other types of environmental sampling, such as sediment sampling, is covered during the course. After the course, student has preparedness to design and implement sampling programmes, which gives him/her preparedness to participate different remediation projects.
Sisältö (OJ)
Soil contaminants, soil and grondwater sampling, analysis and measurement methods, remediation methods, principles of sustainable remediation, field visits and practical work.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
This course is primarily aimed for the environmental engineering, Double Degree, and exchange students. Before taking this course you need to have all basic studies done, especially all chemistry, physics and mathematics courses. In addition, it is required that you have completed Soils Science and Engineering or equivalent course.
Double Degree and exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory soil engineering and chemistry courses done before taking this course.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student is able to recognize and define the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation.
Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and is able to do routine operations. Student knows courses of action but cannot necessarily justify his/her choices, for example, when choosing a remediation method and sampling methods.
Student can give and receive feedback and can work in a group. Student is able to consider and assess the topics from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe sustainability related effects of his/her own work related to contaminated site remediation.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student is able to apply, explain and compare the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation. Student is also able to structure things in relation to one another.
Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different remediation options and justify his/her choices. In practice, this means that the student is able apply his/her skills and make plans accordingly. Student is able to limit tasks and solve problems during the course.
Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student is able to consider and assess the topics both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Can describe and assess the sustainability related effects of his/her own work in relation to contaminated site remediation.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyze and relate contaminated site remediation to the professional context.
Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives for remediation and sampling, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student is also able to assess diverse site remediation solution and sampling alternatives, combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group’s interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the sustainability related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work in relation to contaminated site remediation.
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
3 op
TAMK Kielet ja viestintä
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Emmanuel Abruquah
Emmanuel Abruquah
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing the course you
• are aware of and able to practice the conventions used in business communication
• can state some of the contributions you can make in working life
• analyse your audience and choose your methods of communication accordingly
• develop your written, spoken and online skills further
Sisältö (OJ)
Business communication. Job application process. Skills based CV. Communicating professional matters outside your field. Presentation skills. Using the available media to get the reaction you want.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Writing Scientific Reports in English or equivalent
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
pronunciation is not always correct but acceptable for communication
- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.
02.07.2024 - 02.09.2024
09.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Juha Mettälä
- Pauliina Mansikkamäki
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing the course, student knows the principles of environmental management systems, environmental impact assessment and understands how different organizations can benefit from pursuing for sustainability in their operations. Student can plan and build an environmental management system for an organization. Student understands what is meant by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and knows the main guidelines and standards related to CSR. Student can assess and audit different management systems by using the available tools.
Sisältö (OJ)
Environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001, BS 7750 etc.); environmental management tools; environmental impact assessment; auditing; reporting; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Preliminary knowledge on environmental management is required before taking this course. Basics for Environmental Technology and Management or corresponding course is a pre-requisite for this course.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
The achieved competence is sufficient for passing the course but remains narrow. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) and at the exam that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has basic theoretical knowledge in environmental management systems. The group work was done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information remained minimal, reporting structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing that only narrow competence is achieved.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations. Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has good knowledge in the structure of environmental management systems and the student understands the requirements of environmental management systems (for example ISO 14001, EMAS). Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed. The group work was done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected, reporting has been structured according to the instructions, with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in changing situations. Student has fluent knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has fluent knowledge in the structure of environmental management systems and the student understands the requirements of environmental management systems (for example ISO 14001, EMAS). Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.
The group work was done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected, reporting has been structured according to the instructions, with references to the reliable sources, presentation correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.
07.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
3 op
TAMK Kielet ja viestintä
TAMK Pääkampus
- Suomi
- Ajoneuvotekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, vuosina 2014-2018 aloittaneet
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
- Johanna Granlund
Johanna Granlund
22AI112PKonetekniikka 2022, monimuoto
Tavoitteet (OJ)
Kurssi on tarkoitettu suomenkieltä äidinkielenään käyttäville opiskelijoille.
Suoritettuaan kurssin opiskelija ymmärtää viestintätaitojen merkityksen osana ammattitaitoaan ja osaa arvioida omaa viestintäosaamistaan ja haluaa kehittää suomen kielen ja viestinnän taitojaan osana omaa ammattitaitoaan. Opiskelija osaa antaa ja vastaanottaa palautetta ja osaa hyödyntää saamaansa palautetta. Opiskelija ymmärtää tarkoituksenmukaisen ammatillisen viestinnän periaatteet, mm. aikataulujen noudattamisen. Opiskelija tuntee oman alansa olennaisimpia tekstilajeja niihin liittyvine kielenkäyttösuosituksineen, osaa viestiä asiantuntijana jäsentyneesti, ymmärrettävästi ja vakuuttavasti ja osaa hankkia ja käyttää alansa tietoa kriittisesti. Opiskelija hallitsee raportoinnin käytänteet: rakenne, lähteiden merkintä, referointi, visuaalinen havainnollistus, tyyli, oikeakielisyys, sekä toimii ammatillisissa viestintätilanteissa vastuullisesti ja sovittujen toimintatapojen mukaisesti. Opiskelija osaa ottaa huomioon vastaanottajan, tilanteen ja alansa vaatimukset.
Sisältö (OJ)
Raportoinnin käytänteet: rakenne, lähteiden merkintä, referointi, visuaalinen havainnollistus, tyyli; oman alan opinnäytetöihin tutustuminen; tiedote; työnhakuasiakirjat; käyttö- ja toimintaohjeet; sähköpostiviestintä; virkakielen piirteitä; tekstinhuoltoa.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Ei ennakkovaatimuksia
Lisätiedot (OJ)
Opintojakso on tarkoitettu suomea äidinkielenään puhuville opiskelijoille. Vaihtoehtoista suoritustapaa ei ole. Riittävä suomen kielen taito.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Opiskelija kirjoittaa ymmärrettävästi raportointimallia jäljitellen. Tekstin rakentaminen ja sisällön argumentointi on hapuilevaa, ja kielen muoto- ja tyyli- ja oikeakielisyysseikoissa on runsaasti huomautettavaa. Hän on kyennyt tekemään kaikki kurssitehtävänsä.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Opiskelija viestii kirjoittaen jäsentyneesti ja havainnollisesti. Olennainen tieto välittyy selkeästi, ja teksti on melko virheetöntä ja noudattelee asettelultaan täysin raportointimallia. Opiskelija osaa esittää asiat erotellen omat näkemyksensä lähteistä hankkimistaan tiedoista niin, että referointi niveltyy luontevasti muuhun tekstiin. Opiskelija suorittaa kaikki tehtävät aikataulun mukaisesti. Hän osoittaa aktiivisuutta ja perustelee näkemyksensä. Hänen tekstinsä ovat annettujen ohjeiden mukaan tilanteen ja vastaanottajan huomioivia ja rakenteeltaan toimivia.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Opiskelija viestii vakuuttavasti, perustellen näkemyksensä monipuolisesti. Hänen tekstinsä olennainen tieto on erinomaisesti jäsennelty sekä tiivistetty. Teksti on virheetöntä sekä täysin raportointiohjeiden mukaista ja tyyli hallittua. Hän osallistuu lähiopetukseen aktiivisesti ja rakentavasti.
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
Toteutuksella ei ole tenttiä.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
kurssitehtävien suorittaminen ajallaan
työpajoihin osallistuminen
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
etätapaamiset lukujärjestyksen mukaan
kirjoitustehtävät ja muut harjoitukset
kirjoittamisen työpajat
TAMKin kirjallisen raportoinnin ohje
opettajan materiaali Tabulassa
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
etäopetustunnit lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti
palautekerroille osallistuminen
Aikataulu esitellään kurssin alussa ja sitä muokataan tarvittaessa.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
ei ole
Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija ei ole palauttanut hyväksyttyä raporttia.
Opiskelija ei tunne tai osaa käyttää TAMKin Kirjallisen raportoinnin ohjetta ja/tai raporttipohjaa. Kielessä on merkittäviä puutteita, jotka haittaavat luettavuutta ja ymmärrettävyyttä.
Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii ymmärrettävästi ja asiatyylisesti jäljitellen malleja ja ohjeita. Opiskelija löytää lähteitä, joskin niiden käyttö ja referointi on vähäistä ja ohjeiden vastaista. Väitteiden perusteleminen puuttuu kokonaan tai on vaatimatonta. Tekstin rakentaminen on hapuilevaa, ja kielen muoto- ja tyyliseikoissa on huomautettavaa.
Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii esityksissään jäsentyneesti ja havainnollisesti. Esitetyt näkemykset on perusteltu, ja lähteet valittu tarkoituksenmukaisesti, lähteet on merkitty ohjeistuksen mukaisesti. Referointi niveltyy luontevasti muuhun tekstiin. Olennainen tieto välittyy selkeästi, ja tekstit ovat melko virheettömiä.
Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii esityksissään vakuuttavasti perustellen näkemyksensä monipuolisesti. Hän käyttää lähteitä arvioivasti ja kommentoiden. Laadittujen tekstien olennainen tieto on erinomaisesti jäsennelty ja tiivistetty. Tekstin kieli ja tyyli on hallittua, ohjeistusta noudattelevaa ja liki virheetöntä.
02.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
3 op
TAMK Kielet ja viestintä
TAMK Pääkampus
- Suomi
- Ajoneuvotekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, vuosina 2014-2018 aloittaneet
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
- Johanna Granlund
Johanna Granlund
21I131Autotekniikka, auto- ja työkonetekniikka
21I132Autotekniikka, auto- ja korjaamotekniikka
21I228AAutotekniikka, älykkäät koneet
Tavoitteet (OJ)
Kurssi on tarkoitettu suomenkieltä äidinkielenään käyttäville opiskelijoille.
Suoritettuaan kurssin opiskelija ymmärtää viestintätaitojen merkityksen osana ammattitaitoaan ja osaa arvioida omaa viestintäosaamistaan ja haluaa kehittää suomen kielen ja viestinnän taitojaan osana omaa ammattitaitoaan. Opiskelija osaa antaa ja vastaanottaa palautetta ja osaa hyödyntää saamaansa palautetta. Opiskelija ymmärtää tarkoituksenmukaisen ammatillisen viestinnän periaatteet, mm. aikataulujen noudattamisen. Opiskelija tuntee oman alansa olennaisimpia tekstilajeja niihin liittyvine kielenkäyttösuosituksineen, osaa viestiä asiantuntijana jäsentyneesti, ymmärrettävästi ja vakuuttavasti ja osaa hankkia ja käyttää alansa tietoa kriittisesti. Opiskelija hallitsee raportoinnin käytänteet: rakenne, lähteiden merkintä, referointi, visuaalinen havainnollistus, tyyli, oikeakielisyys, sekä toimii ammatillisissa viestintätilanteissa vastuullisesti ja sovittujen toimintatapojen mukaisesti. Opiskelija osaa ottaa huomioon vastaanottajan, tilanteen ja alansa vaatimukset.
Sisältö (OJ)
Raportoinnin käytänteet: rakenne, lähteiden merkintä, referointi, visuaalinen havainnollistus, tyyli; oman alan opinnäytetöihin tutustuminen; tiedote; työnhakuasiakirjat; käyttö- ja toimintaohjeet; sähköpostiviestintä; virkakielen piirteitä; tekstinhuoltoa.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Ei ennakkovaatimuksia
Lisätiedot (OJ)
Opintojakso on tarkoitettu suomea äidinkielenään puhuville opiskelijoille. Vaihtoehtoista suoritustapaa ei ole. Riittävä suomen kielen taito.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Opiskelija kirjoittaa ymmärrettävästi raportointimallia jäljitellen. Tekstin rakentaminen ja sisällön argumentointi on hapuilevaa, ja kielen muoto- ja tyyli- ja oikeakielisyysseikoissa on runsaasti huomautettavaa. Hän on kyennyt tekemään kaikki kurssitehtävänsä.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Opiskelija viestii kirjoittaen jäsentyneesti ja havainnollisesti. Olennainen tieto välittyy selkeästi, ja teksti on melko virheetöntä ja noudattelee asettelultaan täysin raportointimallia. Opiskelija osaa esittää asiat erotellen omat näkemyksensä lähteistä hankkimistaan tiedoista niin, että referointi niveltyy luontevasti muuhun tekstiin. Opiskelija suorittaa kaikki tehtävät aikataulun mukaisesti. Hän osoittaa aktiivisuutta ja perustelee näkemyksensä. Hänen tekstinsä ovat annettujen ohjeiden mukaan tilanteen ja vastaanottajan huomioivia ja rakenteeltaan toimivia.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Opiskelija viestii vakuuttavasti, perustellen näkemyksensä monipuolisesti. Hänen tekstinsä olennainen tieto on erinomaisesti jäsennelty sekä tiivistetty. Teksti on virheetöntä sekä täysin raportointiohjeiden mukaista ja tyyli hallittua. Hän osallistuu lähiopetukseen aktiivisesti ja rakentavasti.
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
Toteutuksella ei ole tenttiä.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
kurssitehtävien suorittaminen ajallaan
työpajoihin osallistuminen
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
etätapaamiset lukujärjestyksen mukaan
kirjoitustehtävät ja muut harjoitukset
kirjoittamisen työpajat
TAMKin kirjallisen raportoinnin ohje
opettajan materiaali Tabulassa
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
etäopetustunnit lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti
palautekerroille osallistuminen
Aikataulu esitellään kurssin alussa ja sitä muokataan tarvittaessa.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
ei ole
Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija ei ole palauttanut hyväksyttyä raporttia.
Opiskelija ei tunne tai osaa käyttää TAMKin Kirjallisen raportoinnin ohjetta ja/tai raporttipohjaa. Kielessä on merkittäviä puutteita, jotka haittaavat luettavuutta ja ymmärrettävyyttä.
Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii ymmärrettävästi ja asiatyylisesti jäljitellen malleja ja ohjeita. Opiskelija löytää lähteitä, joskin niiden käyttö ja referointi on vähäistä ja ohjeiden vastaista. Väitteiden perusteleminen puuttuu kokonaan tai on vaatimatonta. Tekstin rakentaminen on hapuilevaa, ja kielen muoto- ja tyyliseikoissa on huomautettavaa.
Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii esityksissään jäsentyneesti ja havainnollisesti. Esitetyt näkemykset on perusteltu, ja lähteet valittu tarkoituksenmukaisesti, lähteet on merkitty ohjeistuksen mukaisesti. Referointi niveltyy luontevasti muuhun tekstiin. Olennainen tieto välittyy selkeästi, ja tekstit ovat melko virheettömiä.
Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)
Opiskelija viestii esityksissään vakuuttavasti perustellen näkemyksensä monipuolisesti. Hän käyttää lähteitä arvioivasti ja kommentoiden. Laadittujen tekstien olennainen tieto on erinomaisesti jäsennelty ja tiivistetty. Tekstin kieli ja tyyli on hallittua, ohjeistusta noudattelevaa ja liki virheetöntä.
25.11.2024 - 07.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 20.04.2025
5 op
Environmental Engineering
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Sampo Saari
Sampo Saari
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course student knows the characteristics of different natural and industrial emissions to air, water and soil. Student knows the dispersion and deposition processes of emissions and knows the modelling systems of environmental pollution.
Sisältö (OJ)
Air, water and soil, noise and radiation pollution, practical exercises in measuring and monitoring emissions.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Before taking this course, student has to have completed all physics courses, Basics for Environmental Technology and Management and Sustainable Industrial Production courses.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student is able to analyse simple noise and particle modelling cases both qualitatively and quantitatively. Student needs extra support to be able to complete given tasks. Exercises have been done, but results might be slightly erroneous.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student is able to use correct terminology and presents justified qualitative and quantitative analysis. Exercises are done completely, and results and analysis are correct. Results are at least briefly commented.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student shows the ability to do versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis. Student has a realistic knowledge of the limitations of the theoretical framework. Reports are comprehensive and well-structured. Student is able to show his or her own conclusions clearly.
02.07.2024 - 20.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
4 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Hilda Szabo
- Nabila Budiaki
Hilda Szabo
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing the course student understands the need for material and resource efficiency, is familiar with the concept of circular economy. Student understands how side products can be used as new raw material and is familiar with the main recycling streams.
Sisältö (OJ)
Sustainable resource utilization, green technologies, life cycle assessment, industrial ecology and material efficiency in industry.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Before taking this course, student is recommened to have completed at least Sustainable Industrial Production and Waste Management and Engineering courses or courses with similar contents.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency.
Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the assigned exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work in relation to material circulation and resource efficiency.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency.
Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choices. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems related to material circulation and resource efficiency.
Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Student can describe and assess the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency to the professional context.
Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action in material circulation and resource efficiency. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.
23.05.2024 - 30.08.2024
24.08.2024 - 16.10.2024
3 - 5
3 op
40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Verkossa tapahtuva opiskelu
TAMK Mediapolis
- Suomi
0 - 60
- Tampereen korkeakouluyhteisön ristiinopiskelu
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Audiovisuaalisen median tutkinto-ohjelma
- Pertti Näränen
- Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
Leena Mäkelä
24AVMAAudiovisuaalisen median tutkinto-ohjelma 2024
Tavoitteet (OJ)
Opintojakso perehdyttää erityisesti audiovisuaalisen median historiaan. Jaksolla analysoidaan estetiikan ja mediateknologian kehityksen yhteyksiä sekä pohditaan propagandan ja mediaetiikan teemoja.
Opintojakson suoritettuaan opiskelija
- tietää audiovisuaalisen median kehityksen päälinjoja ja käännekohtia
- tunnistaa median ilmaisumuotojen ja sisältöjen yhteyksiä teknologian, talouden, taiteen ja politiikan kehitykseen länsimaissa
- kehittää tiedonhakuun, lähdekritiikkiin ja tekijänoikeuksiin liittyvää osaamistaan
- osaa arvioida tai testata mediahistorian ilmaisukeinojen tai arkistomateriaalien käyttämistä nykypäivän mediatuotantoihin
Sisältö (OJ)
Liikkuvan kuvan alkuhistoria.
Dokumentarismin kehitys.
Valistus ja propaganda.
Sähköisen median ja digimedian murrosvaiheita.
Mediatulevaisuus ja kehittyvä globaali digitalisaatio.
Julkiset media-arkistot ja arkistojen hyödyntäminen uusiin tuotantoihin.
Huom! Kolmen pisteen kokonaisuudessa keskitytään mediahistoriaa koskevan tiedon rakentamiseen. Viiden pisteen kokonaisuuteen sisältyy mediahistorian ilmaisukeinojen soveltaminen uuteen mediatuotantoon tai muu tietoa soveltava näyttö.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Opiskelija tunnistaa audiovisuaalisen median historian päälinjat. Opiskelija osallistuu opetukseen, yhteistoimintaan ja keskusteluihin niukasti. Itsenäinen tiedonhaku on suppeaa. Toiminta, ohjeiden ja aikataulujen noudattaminen jaksolla on tyydyttävällä tasolla.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Opiskelija tunnistaa audiovisuaalisen median kehityksen päälinjat ja pystyy arvioimaan kehityksen yhteyksiä kulttuurin, politiikan, talouden ja tekniikan kehitykseen. Opiskelija tuntee mediaetiikan periaatteet. Opiskelija osallistuu opetukseen, yhteistoimintaan ja keskusteluihin aktiivisesti. Itsenäinen tiedonhaku on monipuolista. Opiskelija osaa arvioida audiovisuaalisen historian taiteellisten ja teknisten ilmaisukeinojen soveltumista nykypäivän mediatuotantoihin. Opiskelija kehittää verkko-opintoihin liittyvää osaamistaan. Hän osaa hyödyntää ja antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Opiskelija tietää audiovisuaalisen median kehityksen päälinjat ja pystyy arvioimaan kehityksen yhteyksiä kulttuurin, politiikan, talouden ja tekniikan kehitykseen analyyttisesti. Opiskelija tuntee mediaetiikan periaatteet ja pystyy arvioimaan mediasisältöjä etiikan näkökulmasta. Opiskelija osallistuu opetukseen, yhteistoimintaan, keskusteluihin ja omien tavoitteiden määrittelyyn aktiivisesti. Itsenäinen tiedonhaku on monipuolista ja lähdekriittistä. Opiskelija osaa arvioida audiovisuaalisen median historian taiteellisten ja teknisten ilmaisukeinojen soveltumista nykypäivän mediatuotantoihin analyyttisesti. Hän tuntee IPR-kysymyksiin ja tekijänoikeuksiin liittyvät periaatteet median arkistomateriaalien käyttöön liittyen. Hän kehittää verkko-opintoihin ja liittyvää teknistä ja vuorovaikutukseen liittyvää osaamista. Hän osaa hyödyntää ja antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta.
Aika ja paikka
Verkkoluonnot ja keskustelut (Zoom) maanantaisin 13-16 välillä 26.8. - 30.9.
Lopputöiden esittelyt ja keskustelut ma 7.19. klo 13-17 luokassa ADA (10016).
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
Kurssi järjestetään pääosin etänä (Zoom ja Moodle). Jaksolle voi osallistua myös avoimen AMK:n ja muiden alojen opiskelijoita. suorituksensa on 3 op laajuinen sisältäen tehtävät ja verkkoluennot maanantaisin 13-16 (Zoom) välillä 26.8. - 30. syyskuuta. TAMKin audiovisuaalisen media opiskelijoiden on mahdollista edellisten lisäksi suorittaa kurssin lopputyö yksin tai ryhmissä, jolloin suorituksen laajuus on 5 op. Lopputöiden esittelyt järjestetään livenä luokassa ADA ma 7.10. klo 13-17.
Kurssilla käydään läpi elokuvan, television ja sähköisen median kehityksen yleispiirteet ja keskeisimmät käännekohdat. Lisäksi analysoidaan median yhteyksiä politiikan, talouden ja tekniikan kehitykseen. Kurssi sisältää Zoomin kautta välitettäviä verkkoluentoja, elokuvanäytteitä, keskusteluja ja kirjallisia tehtäviä. Tehtävistä osa tehdään ns. kotitehtävinä.
TAMKin AV-median opiskelijoiden 5 op:n suoritus voi olla joko yksin kirjoitettu essee, yksin tai kaksin tehtävä esitelmä tai pienryhmässä toteutettava audiovisuaalinen demo. Demo voi olla esimerkiksi havainnollistus jostain mediahistorian tekniikasta tai sisällöstä, pastissi tai tyylikokeilu.
Luentojen pääteemat:
Median varhaismuodot ja elokuvan alku
Ääni ja värielokuva, dokumentarismi
Elokuvapropaganda, TV:n pioneerit
Elokuvan uudet aallot ja uusi Hollywood
Suomen television vaiheita
Video, digimedia, some ja ”valemedia"
Lopputöiden esittelyt
Esitellään kurssin Moodle-alustalla
11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
6 op
Environmental Engineering
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Johannes Jermakka
- Seija Haapamäki
- Hilda Szabo
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, student knows the different groups of hydrocarbons, compounds with functional groups, large molecular compounds of biological importance – their properties, naming and roles. Understands the mechanisms of environmental pollution and knows the main pollutants of air, water and soil. Understands the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative and instrumental analysis, is familiar with volumetric and some instrumental analytical methods and can apply them in practice.
Sisältö (OJ)
Hydrocarbons; organic compounds with functional groups; organic pollutants; volumetric analysis; spectroscopy; chromatography.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
In order to be able to follow this course, the students should have completed Basic Chemistry and Basics of Environmental Chemistry and Measurements (or equivalent courses taken in another higher education institute).
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. Student shows throughout the course that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.
Can solve model exercises correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples under supervision and has basic skills in reporting the results of the analysis. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.
Can solve model excercises and new exercises correctly, based on given models is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student attends to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices.
Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks, is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly and independently. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently.
Understands the background of the analytical method and the reporting of the results of the analysis shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results and can think about alternative solutions. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
3 op
TAMK Matematiikka ja fysiikka
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Anne Leppänen
- Roope Siikanen
Anne Leppänen
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course student can make controlled physical measurements, evaluate reliability of measurements, report measurements according to standards and ethical principles, evaluate importance of measurements, plan, implement and analyze an own measurement.
Sisältö (OJ)
Measurements of students own technical area, Reporting of laboraratory works, Project learning applications.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Before taking this course, the student should have completed courses in Writing Scientific Reports in English, Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics, Electrodynamics and Magnetism, and Oscillation, Waves and Modern Physics.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student can recognise, name and define phenomena and basic concepts in the laboratory experiments.
Student manages the assigned experiments under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action, but cannot justify his/her choices.
Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognises important courses of action in the experiments. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student structures relations between pheno,ema and concepts related to the laboratory experiments. Student is able to apply his/her knowledge, and explain the phenomena and concepts.
Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different options and justify his/her choice. Student applies his/her knowledge, plans the experiments ahead and solves problems independently.
Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognises and follows the important courses of action in the field. Studen also takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands extensive entities and relations between them. Student is able to generalize, analyse and relate the laboratory experiments to the professional context.
Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student also assess diverse solution alternatives and combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.
Aika ja paikka
TAMK Kauppi campus 4.9.-13.11.2024
The last deadline for reports is 13.12.2024
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
No exams. The course is graded based on reports written on laboratory works.
Deadlines for reports:
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
- The lab classes have 100 % attendance requirement.
- Depending on the size of class the lab works are performed in groups of 2-3 students.
- 4 measurements and 3 reports: 1st report is a practice report (pass/fail), for 2nd lab it is sufficient to return your results (no full report) and last two labs and reports are graded 0-5.
- Final grade is the average of the last two reports. To get a passing grade, first report must also have a passed grade and 2nd lab results approved.
- Reports are returned at most 2 weeks after the measurement (holiday does not count).
- Returning your report late causes a deduction in grade (0.5 grades / week)
- Last day to return late reports is 13.12.2024.
- If the course is failed the reason is either insufficient reports or missing attendance in class.
If the reports of two groups are found to be plagiarized, they are failed for all students involved. A report can be failed for this reason even if it was previously graded with a passing grade.
The course used university guidelines for using AI.
The teachers in the course can give out assignments where using generative AI is allowed or not allowed.
If a student uses AI tools in their assignments, they have to cite them as a source and provide the prompts used during the task.
If a student presents AI generated content as their own without citations and/or prompts, the teacher may fail the assignment or require the student to redo their work.
The teachers have a right to ask if a student has used generative AI in their assignment.
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
Measurements in laboratory
Guidance for writing reports
- Measurement instructions in Moodle
- TAMK reporting guidelines
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Measurements in lab 12 h
Guidance and instructions 6 h
Independent work ~60 h
Sisällön jaksotus
4.9. introduction
11.9. 1st measurement
18.9. guidance
25.9. 2nd measurement
2.10. guidance
9.10. 3rd measurement
30.10. 4th measurement
13.11. spare lab class (absences etc)
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
02.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Jaakko Aumala
Hilda Szabo
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, student has basic skills in the use of computer applications and resources in environmental planning and design. The aim is that, after the course, student is able to start his/her own design projects by using the introduced software tools. Examples of design softwares include programmes like AutoCAD and SketchUp.
Sisältö (OJ)
Computer-aided design and drafting; technical drawing applications; 3D modeling.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
It is recommended that before taking this course, you have completed the Computer and Software Tools or similar course.
Lisätiedot (OJ)
The programmes to be used during the course are specified in the implementation plan.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts introduced during the course.
Student manages the assigned computer exercises under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices when using a computer programme. Completion of the assigned computer exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts introduced during the course.
Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems by using the software tools introduced during the course.
Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts to the professional context.
Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action when using the software tools. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.
02.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Kai Hintsanen
- Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Pauliina Mansikkamäki
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course student knows the principles of risk assessment and management from the point of view of corporate sustainability. Student can identify hazards to people and the environment, control risks particularly to individuals, organizations and the environment. Student knows the principles of risk communication, principles and practices of project management and project implementation and how to use technical tools in project management. Student is able to design, organize, implement and evaluate a project in different roles as a part of a project group.
Sisältö (OJ)
Occupational safety and health risks, environmental risks, risk assessment, risk management, project management tools and skills.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student can define the core principles of risk and project management. Student knows the project implementation and risk assessment process and principles of project design.
Student knows the basic use of technical tools in risk and project management. Student can succesfully implement a project under supervision as a part of a group. Student can identify and control risks related to different themes.
Student recognizes the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student takes responsibility of these issues in his/her own work as a part of the group.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student can explain and apply the core principles of risk and project management in practical assignments. Student can design a project.
Student can select the most appropriate technical tools and apply them in the project and risk management processes. Student can implement and manage a project successfully. Student can identify and manage risks related to different themes and suggest for actions to tackle to risks.
Student can assess the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and his/her role in the implementation.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands and analyses the core principles of risk and project management. Student can design a project and analyse risks in a professional manner.
Student can apply and compare technical tools in project and risk management and critically evaluate these applications. Student can design, implement and evaluate a project successfully. Student can tackle issues and problems in project and risk management and suggest for improvements in a constructive manner.
Student understands the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and is able to support or lead the group in project activities.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
5 op
Environmental Engineering
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Environmental Engineering Virtuaalihenkilö
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, student understands the importance of quality a thinking and system prevailing principles in industry and services. Student will also be able to use quality tools and systems in common business life.
Sisältö (OJ)
Quality resources and planning, total quality managment systems, quality improvement tools and technigues, continual improvement through self assessment and benchmarking, techniques used in quality planning, process management and control, quality teamwork, ISO 9001.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Before taking this course, student should have basic understanding on management systems and understand the basic idea in quality. Student should have completed at least "Basics for Environmental Technology and Management" and "Environmental Management Tools" courses, or courses with similar contents.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student can define the core principles of quality management. Student knows the project implementation and quality assessment process and principles of quality management.
Student knows the basic use of technical tools in quality management. Student can succesfully implement a quality management related project under supervision as a part of a group. Student can identify and control quality issues related to different themes.
Student recognizes the role and significance of quality work and quality management in the working life. Student takes responsibility of these issues in his/her own work as a part of the group.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student can explain and apply the core principles of quality management in practical assignments. Student can design a quality management related project.
Student can select the most appropriate technical tools and apply them in the quality management processes. Student can implement and manage a quality management related project successfully. Student can identify and manage quality related issues to different themes and suggest for actions to tackle to risks.
Student can assess the role and significance of quality work and quality management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and his/her role in the implementation.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands and analyses the core principles of quality management. Student can design a quality management related project and analyse quality in a professional manner.
Student can apply and compare technical tools in quality management and critically evaluate these applications. Student can design, implement and evaluate a quality management related project successfully. Student can tackle issues and problems in quality management and suggest for improvements in a constructive manner.
Student understands the role and significance of quality management in the working life. Student commits to the quality management related project work and is able to support or lead the group in project activities.
02.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Environmental Engineering
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Johannes Jermakka
Hilda Szabo
22IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course the students will:
• know the principles of scientific research: qualitative and quantitative research and you can identify a research study accordingly
• be able to deploy on a larger scale all the writing skills, which you have been developing throughout the degree programme
• consider the audience and the brief for each communication task
• be able to give professional presentations about your own work and host events with your colleagues and co-workers in a good manner.
• know the main statistical analysis methods in experimental research and can use them in practice
• know the procedure of the thesis process at TAMK and requirements of a thesis
• be able to plan an experimental research study
• Student clearly demands help in many phases of the research process. The submissions show narrow or incomplete understanding of the connection between research questions, background literature, choice of methodology, study design, reporting and concluding. Student shows some knowledge of of conceptual and theoretical thinking in doing research. Difficulty in activating the audience.
Sisältö (OJ)
Bachelor’s thesis planning and writing processes, professional reporting and presentations, research and data collection methods, data analysis, work life connections.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Scientific Reporting in English, English for Students of Environmental Engineers, Statistics or equivalent
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student clearly demands help in many phases of the research process. The submissions show narrow or incomplete understanding of the connection between research questions, background literature, choice of methodology, study design, reporting and concluding. Student shows some knowledge of of conceptual and theoretical thinking in doing research.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student is able to write clear research documents. (S)He can justify the decisions on methods, context or study approach. The student is able to find useful resources and design a study which can be put into practice. The student is able to present results and draw reasonable conclusions based on the results. Student make choices about the research methods, but uses concepts and arguments is lightly. The student shows the ability to choose an appropriate register and is able to activate an audience.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student is able to write clear research documents. (S)He can justify the decisions on methods, context or study approach. The student is able to find useful resources and design a study which can be put into practice. The student is able to present results and draw reasonable conclusions based on the results. Student make choices about the research methods, but uses concepts and arguments is lightly. The student shows the ability to choose an appropriate register and is able to activate an audience.
02.07.2024 - 31.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 23.10.2024
3 op
TAMK Matematiikka ja fysiikka
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Jukka Suominen
Miika Huikkola
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course students are able to use the basic statistical methods (calculate statistical values, use graphs in describing scientific phenomena, test hypothesis) in data analysis.
Sisältö (OJ)
Statistical charts and numbers, probability, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
Student needs to have basic skills in using Microsoft Excel or some other similar kind of software. Student should also have completed Functions and Matrices and Integral Calculus courses or courses that cover the contents fo the two aforementioned courses before taking this course.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student understands and is able to name and define the basic concepts.
Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and knows different ways to conduct the statistical analyses, but cannot justify his/her choices. Student's way to use the statistical analyses is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback, and is able to consider and assess things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student is able to structure relations between the basic concepts and is able to apply, explain and compare different statistical methods.
Student can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply the advanced concepts when solving technical problems.
Student can give and receive feedback actively and contructively, and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student is able to understand extensive entities and relation between them. Student is able to generalise, analyse and related the advanced problems to the professional context.
Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student assesses diverse solution alternatives creatively. Student has skills to present and justify the chosen methods when solving problems in a logical way.
Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively and works in a committed manner.
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
5 op
Environmental Engineering
- Englanti
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Avoin ammattikorkeakoulu
- Emmanuel Abruquah
- Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Emmanuel Abruquah
23IENVEDegree Programme in Environmental Engineering
Tavoitteet (OJ)
After completing this course, the student knows the labour law, human resources and management and related regulations in working life and is able to apply this knowledge to practical situations. Student understands his/her role and responsibilites as employees and employers in the future training and work and knows the juridical status of the individual and the principles of jurisdiction. Student knows the legal and political systems and sources in Finland and Europe with special emphasis in environmental administration and knows the principles of public participation.
Sisältö (OJ)
Legal systems and sources on different levels (Finland, Europe, international); legal cultures; legal acts and representation; the role of public participation in public administration processes; labour law; employee's and employer's responsibilities; human resources management and related regulations; occupational health and safety legislation and practices.
Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)
There are no prerequisities for the course.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Student recognizes the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student identifies the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can define the related concepts.
Student knows the responsibilities of employers and employees, can implement the knowledge in his/her own work in a routine manner.
Student can consider and assess his/her role in the legal context of working life.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Student can explain the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student knows the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can explain and compare the related concepts.
Student can apply the knowledge of the course theme in the working life, can make plans and solve problems related to the topic.
Student can sensitively consider and assess the activities and processes in the legal context of working life.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Student understands and analyses the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student understands the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can extensively and analytically use the concepts of the topic.
Student can apply the knowledge of the course in an analytical way in the working life. Student can find creative solutions to problems related to the topic and assess the outcome in question.
Student can critically assess the activities and processes in the legal context of working life and change his/her actions and thinking accordingly.