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Open University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Engineering

60 ects


Timing plans by specialisation


Timing plans by specialisation


Timing plans by specialisation


Timing plans by specialisation

Enrolment period

01.08.2023 - 30.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 14.10.2023


5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship
  • Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise and Development
  • Path Studies for Upper Secondary Students
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Degree Programme in Media, students who began in 2013 or earlier
  • Master's Degree Programme in International Sales and Sales Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Modern Executive Assistant
  • Digital Specialist Fast Track – Specialisation Education
  • Case Management in Social Services and Health Care, Specialisation Education
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration
  • Specialisation Education in Digital Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Mari Stenvall
  • 23YAMK

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

• is able to perform the learning tasks of the course
• demonstrate that they are in control of the core content of the course
• is able to apply the lessons learned in working life situations, but there is much to improve in sharing knowledge

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

• performs the course as a whole fairly well
• An active learner and as an individual and in a team can demonstrate the applicability of knowledge and practices acquired from literature, lectures, and other sources to tasks analyzing and developing working life

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

• is able to perform all the parts of the course commendably
• she has shown interest and motivation to learn as an individual and in a team and is able to share her knowledge with others
• master the curriculum and apply the skills learned from literature, lectures, and other sources in analyzing and developing work-life skills

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows about the major physical, chemical and biological water and wastewater treatment units, such as sedimentation, filtration, coagulation/flocculation, activated sludge, N and P removal, membrane processes, ion exchange, advanced oxidation processes. He/she can perform mass balance calculations related to the units. Knows various natural wastewater treatment systems and the alternative wastewater management options. Can perform simple design of a water/wastewater treatment system for a specific situation.

Content (course unit)

Physical, chemical, and biological unit operations used in water and wastewater treatment, drinking water production, wastewater treatment, and sludge processing, laboratory exercises: activated sludge analysis, activated sludge process, coagulation and flocculation.

Prerequisites (course unit)

You will be handling real activated sludge during the course, due to which you should be up to date with the Tetanus vaccination before the laboratories.

This course is primarily aimed for the IDEE students and Double Degree students. Before taking this course you should have the Water and Sanitation course and all basic chemistry courses done. Exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory water treatment and chemistry courses done before taking this course. If you are an exchange student and you do not have studies the aforementioned courses, you are advised to take Water and Sanitation course instead of this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. This means the student is familiar with the basic concepts discussed during the course but often makes mistakes when applying them. Can perform the laboratory measurements and experiments independently and has basic skills in reporting the results of the measurements and experiments. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance. Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. This means that the student is familiar with the concepts discussed during the course and can apply them in most of the situations. Is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course and can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly. Can perform laboratory measurements and experiments independently and the reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. This means that student is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks and can perform simple laboratory measurements and experiments independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student understands the basic laws of chemistry, can write chemical formulas and is able to balance chemical equations. Student can solve problems related to chemical quantities, such as mol, molar mass, molecular formula. Student knows the gas laws, the properties of liquids and solids, can calculate concentrations and is able to solve problems related to gas laws and exothermic and endothermic processes. Student passes the Occupational Safety Card Training as a part of the course.

Content (course unit)

Measurements; atoms and elements; molecules and compounds; chemical quantities; chemical reactions; structures of solids and liquids; gases; solutions; Occupational Safety Card Training.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions, laboratory exercises and exam) that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: atoms and elements, periodicity, chemical bonds, chemical quantities. Student can write and balance chemical equations and can solve model exercises correctly. In addition student can perform simple laboratory measurements and soil sample analysis under supervision and has basic skills in reporting the results of the analyses.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action, but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognises his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions, laboratory exercises and exam) that he/she is fluent in explaining and applying the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Student shows that he/she can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, can perform simple laboratory measurements and soil sample analysis independently. In addition, reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student attends to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choices when solving the problems. Student is able to make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving the problems.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognises and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions, laboratory exercises and exam) that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Student can solve model exercises and new exercises correctly and shows creativity in solving the tasks. Student can perform simple laboratory measurements and soil sample analysis independently and understands the background of the used analytical method. Reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student assesses diverse solution alternatives.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE
    Bioproduct engineering spring 2024, double degree

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student has the basic knowledge on hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere and anthrosphere and the stringent environmental issues related to them. Student gets understanding on the most important environmental pollutants. Student has adopted and understood the concepts of sustainable development, circular economy, cleantech, environmental impact assessment (EIA), life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental management. Student knows the main technologies in management of environmental pollution and the EIA process and knows the basics of environmental management systems in organizations.

Content (course unit)

Sustainable development; principles of environmental engineering and management; EIA process; LCA; environmental management systems; cleantech; circular economy.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student shows throughout the course and at the exam that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems; has basic theoretical knowledge in treatment and prevention methods. The group work is done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information minimal, reporting structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing only narrow competence achieved. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student participated actively in the group assignments and showed her/his competence in the subject in the exam. The achieved competence is good and student can understand how to apply theory in different situations. Student has good knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems introduced during the course. Student has good knowledge in treatment and prevention methods.

Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing herself/himself. The group work was completed successfully and the instructions were followed. All assignments were submitted within the deadlines. The assignments show that student is able to process information and collects it from different reliable sources.

Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student participated actively in the group assignments and showed her/his competence in the subject in the exam. The achieved competence is wide and student can apply theory in different situations. Student has fluent knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to the pollution, sustainability and environmental management systems introduced during the course.

Student has fluent knowledge in treatment and prevention methods. Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing herself/himself.

The group work was completed successfully and the instructions were followed. All assignments were submitted within the deadlines. The assignments show that student is able to process information and collects it from different reliable sources. Discussion and conclusions in the reports are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student understands the laws behind basic natural phenomena and can explain the chemical structure of liquids and solids, behavior of gases, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, buffers, oxidation and reduction, and radioactivity. Student can calculate the energy provided by spontaneous redox reactions and the amount of chemicals produced by electrolysis. Student understands the theory behind analytical methods such as titration and spectrophotometry. Student also knows and is able to measure essential water quality indicators and is able to characterize natural water systems based on the analytical results.

Content (course unit)

Chemical equilibrium; acids and bases; redox reactions; legislation concerning chemicals; chemical equipments; basic qualitative and quantitative methods with use in analysis of environmental samples.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Student should have completed the Basic Chemistry course or some other corresponding course before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow.

Student shows throughout the course that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Student has basic skills in reporting the results of the analysis.

Student can solve model exercise correctly, has the basic skills in water sampling and is able to perform the analysis of water samples under supervision. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course, can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly.

Student has sufficient skills to be able to perform water sampling and analysis independently, the reporting of the results of the analysis shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results, understands the background of analytical method. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices.

Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions, laboratory exercises and exam) that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course.

Can solve model exercises and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks, has sufficient skills to be able to perform water sampling and analysis independently, understands the background of the analytical method. The reporting of the results of the analysis shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results and can think about alternative solutions. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 08.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Pekka Kaatiala
Person in charge

Pekka Kaatiala

  • 23IENVE
  • 23TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course students have achieved the following skills to write, present and manage numerical and written data with the aid of computers and software, and to use appropriate TAMK computer services and network.

Content (course unit)

Basic use of office programmes, such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, and other relevant basic computer and software tools. TAMK computer services for students.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define field-related phenomena and basic concepts.

Student manages the assigned tasks assisted. Knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of tasks is based on routine or pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback. Student considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group. Student recognises important courses of action in the field. Student takes reponsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define field-related phenomena and concepts.

Student manages the assigned tasks. Knows diverse courses of action and can justify his/her choices.

Student can give and receive feedback. Student can work in a group. Student recognises important courses of action in the field. Student takes reponsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name, define and understand field-related phenomena and concepts.

Student manages the assigned tasks well. Knows diverse courses of action and can justify his/her choices.

Student can give and receive feedback. Student can work in a group. Student recognises important courses of action in the field. Student takes reponsibility for his/her own work.

Location and time

Follow the TAMK intranet and course schedule from there. There will be also weekly schedule in the course Moodle.

Exam schedules

No final exam. The assessment is based on personal projects, the result of the projects and the documentation of the results and the implementation. Also keeping in the schedules is one part of the assessment.
More detailed instructions will be given in the practical work instructions.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade is based on personal projects which are checked against timetable, demands, documentation and the quality of the solution. Documentation details can be found from the assignment sections. Using the Onedrive cloud is also one part of the documentation. The details and the grading of the projects will be published in the first lectures. The details of the grading can be found also from course Moodle (Tabula).

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The course will be hold in online learning. Examples, demonstrations and also workshop using the Zoom environment). Explanatory and instructive videos in Moodle(Tabula) environment.

Learning materials

Most of material is in the explanatory videos mainly published in Youtube. Some of those videos are public and some are hidden. There is also some additional material in the course Moodle(Tabula). That is in the form of additional videos, internet links, example files and links to written material.

Student workload

Total 80 hours. Self-promoted working is about 50-56 hours. Demonstrations, workshops, coaching and contact online lessons alltogether is about 24-30 hours.

Content scheduling

TAMK network and computer services
Office365 environment
Microsoft (MS) Excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint
Functional programming

Completion alternatives

Contact the course lecture.

One possible way could be to produce a set of self made and self designed video material concerning Office 365 environment. After that a suitable environmental engineering / energy engineering / water issues / mathematics (physics, chemistry) application problem could be solved and documented with enough examples and details.

No private (personal) guidance is given in this kind of way.

Further information

Follow the course Moodle.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

No practical work is returned within the given time limits. Or the returned practical work does not meet the given minimum requirements.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

"Introductory knowledge". The student knows the basic of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can take responsibility of his own studying and needs some support from his team mates. The student follows the project schedulings with minor changes.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

"Basic knowledge": The student knows the possibilities of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can do independently the projects and can also support his group and team mates. The student can follow the course timetables and project schedulings.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

"Advanced knowledge": The student can broadly and independently apply the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student is very self motivated in solving problems in his application area and he can take responsibility of his group and team mates. The student follows exactly the course timetables and is faithful to agreed schedulings.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 20IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student knows the concepts related to contaminated sites, knows the main contaminants in soil, groundwater and sediments. Student understands the main processes of soil contamination, knows remediation and management technologies of contaminated soils. Student will also gain soil and groundwater sampling skills. Other types of environmental sampling, such as sediment sampling, are covered during the course. After the course, student has preparedness to design and implement sampling programmes, which gives him/her preparedness to participate different remediation projects.

Content (course unit)

Soil contaminants, soil and grondwater sampling, analysis and measurement methods, remediation methods, principles of sustainable remediation, field visits and practical work, occupational health and safety issues related to contaminated site remediation.

Prerequisites (course unit)

This course is primarily aimed for the environmental engineering, Double Degree, and exchange students. Before taking this course you need to have all basic studies done, especially all chemistry, physics and mathematics courses. In addition, it is required that you have completed Soils Science and Engineering or equivalent course.

Double Degree and exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory soil engineering and chemistry courses done before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student is able to recognize and define the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and is able to do routine operations. Student knows courses of action but cannot necessarily justify his/her choices, for example, when choosing a remediation method and sampling methods.

Student can give and receive feedback and can work in a group. Student is able to consider and assess the topics from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe sustainability related effects of his/her own work related to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to apply, explain and compare the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation. Student is also able to structure things in relation to one another.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different remediation options and justify his/her choices. In practice, this means that the student is able apply his/her skills and make plans accordingly. Student is able to limit tasks and solve problems during the course.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student is able to consider and assess the topics both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Can describe and assess the sustainability related effects of his/her own work in relation to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyze and relate contaminated site remediation to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives for remediation and sampling, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student is also able to assess diverse site remediation solution and sampling alternatives, combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group’s interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the sustainability related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work in relation to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 03.03.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jukka Suominen
Person in charge

Jukka Suominen

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student is able to apply the concepts of limit and derivative when solving practical problems, interpret derivative as rate of change, determine the derivative using graphical, numerical and symbolical methods, and construct error estimates using the differential method.

Content (course unit)

Limit, Derivative, Partial Derivative, Graphical Differentiation, Numerical Differentiation, Symbolic Differentiation, Applications of Derivative, Error Estimation with Differential.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Orientation for Engineering Mathematics and Functions and Matrices or similar skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands the basic concepts of differential calculus and is able to solve simple applications that are similar to the model problems solved during the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition, student is able to apply the methods of differential calculus in various problems and is able to explain the methods of her/his solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition, student has an overall understanding of using differential calculus to solve applications and the ability to present and justify the chosen methods of solution.

Location and time

Dates and times are shown in TuniMoodle.

Exam schedules

The exam will be held on Thursday, 7th of March at 14.15-17.00 in the auditorium D1-04.
Two resit exams: the first one on Thursday, 21st of March at 14.15-17.00 in the classroom B2-25 and the second one on Thursday, 11th of April at 14.00-17.00 in the classroom B2-25.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade is based on the exam and the homework. A homework package is given weekly (approximately 7 packages). One point is given for every submitted homework package in Moodle. Homework packages are not accepted by email. The maximum points for the test is 43 points. The homework and the test together give the maximum of 50 points. The grade is based on the following table

12,5 points -> grade 1
20 points -> grade 2
27,5 points -> grade 3
35 points -> grade 4
42,5 points -> grade 5

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lessons, exercises, self-study, videos, homework, exam.
A student solves exercises and saves them in TuniMoodle by given dead-lines.

Learning materials

All material, theory and exercises, can be found in TuniMoodle. If necessary, a student can use math books he/she has used before and the Internet to search more information about the topics. A student can borrow books in TAMK library. The solutions for the some homework will be published in TuniMoodle after every deadline.

Student workload

A student is expected to student 27 hours / credit unit (81 hours / 3 credit units).

Content scheduling

Topics are shown in TuniMoodle.

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 03.03.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Roope Siikanen
Person in charge

Roope Siikanen

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism, can describe electric and magnetic phenomenona by using quantities and their dependences and can make justified solutions of related problems, and can apply the field concept in electricity and magnetism.

Content (course unit)

Electric and magnetic fields, Electric components and circuits, Electric and magnetic properties of materials, Electromagnetic induction, Operating principles of basic electrical devices and sensors.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, the student should have completed courses in Mechanics and, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics, or corresponding courses.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowledge of the most essential phenomena and related quantities and units in electricity. Capability to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively simple cases related phenomena similar to discussed examples

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition capability to apply the principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations of justified qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenomena.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition versatile ability to analyse phenomena qualitatively and quantitaively realizing the limitations related to theories in use.

Exam schedules

Base level exam for grade 1 (online, can be taken as many times as needed)
Final exam for grades 2-5.

Retake exam dates are published towards the end of the course

Assessment methods and criteria

Passing base level exam gives a grade of 1.

For grades 2-5 you get points from the following:
exercises, measurement tasks, final exam

Exact grading conditions are found in Moodle

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

contact teaching
measurement tasks

Learning materials

The detailed schedule available in Moodle
1. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics and MasteringPhysics™: International Edition, 2/E
Randall D. Knight, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
2.Harris Benson, University Physics
or Young&Freedman, University Physics
3. Technical Formulas, Tammertekniikka, 2002
4. Teaching material in Moodle
This plan, the detailed schedule and other material is available in Moodle

Student workload

Lectures, exercises and feedback about 40h
Independent study about 40h
Together appr. 80 h

Content scheduling

The schedule will be published in Moodle

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 25.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 11.12.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Sakari Lepola
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 20IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows and understands possibilities of energy saving in industrial processes and facility management. Student will also know the legislation related to energy management and efficiency in construction and facility management in order to discuss and evaluate the work of energy professionals.

Content (course unit)

Energy saving methods, insulation of buildings, use of energy

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, student should have completed all mathematics, physics and chemistry courses. The course is primarily aimed for fourth year students.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can define the core principles of energy efficiency. Student knows the energy efficiency assessment process and principles of energy efficiency.

Student knows the basic use of technical tools in energy efficiency. Student can succesfully implement a energy efficiency assessment project under supervision as a part of a group. Student can identify and control issues related to energy efficiency.

Student recognizes the role and significance of energy efficiency in the working life. Student takes responsibility of these issues in his/her own work as a part of the group.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain and apply the core principles of energy efficiency in practical assignments.

Student can select the most appropriate technical tools and apply them in energy efficiency assessments. Student can implement and manage an energy efficiency assessment successfully. Student can identify and manage issues related to energy efficiency and suggest for actions to tackle the issues.

Student can assess the role and significance of energy efficiency in the working life. Student commits to the project work and his/her role in the implementation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands and analyses the core principles of energy efficiency. Student can design an energy efficiency assessment project and analyse energy efficiency in a professional manner.

Student can apply and compare technical tools in energy efficiency and critically evaluate these applications. Student can design, implement and evaluate an energy efficiency assessment project successfully. Student can tackle issues and problems in energy efficiency and suggest for improvements in a constructive manner.

Student understands the role and significance of energy efficiency in the working life. Student commits to the project work and is able to support or lead the group in project activities.

Location and time

The 2023 lectures will be held (under normal circumstances) in the classroom.

Exam schedules

The exam of the course will be carried out in the end of the course. The exact day will be clear during the last third of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the exam, 0 to 5
Returned exercises
Active participation in classes and group work gives you a much better chance of getting good grades in the course!
End of the course –exam

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Basic training of the IR-photographing
Basic knowledge of elecricity and heat energy producing and delivery methods
Calculation program (Excel-version) of energy usage with different kind of buildings
Exercises and pair/group works
End of the course –exam

Learning materials

Course material is informed and published in TuniMoodle. Partly it will be literature or internet based material, partly teacher’s own material and partly material made by student’s work groups during the course.

Student workload

Contact lessons in this course some 30+ hours. Additional seminar work with own group 10-15 hours and one possible excursion*, which takes app. half working day.

*During the pandemic situation this has been impossible since year 2019 but the situation is little by little changing better since the beginning of year 2022.

Completion alternatives

Participation in classes is mandatory for part of the course, when practicing IR photography, and when making and presenting pair and/or group seminars. Attending the lectures is highly recommended when practicing the Excel calculation program, which is (according to the experiences autumn 2022) very complicated to understand without explanation.

International connections

This course is usually very good possibility to build up international connections with other participants from different countries and from multicultural backgrounds.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student’s motivation to participate to the lectures is normal, some absences are possible. The minimum requirement is to fully participate to the seminar work of the own group. Student passes the written or otherwise arranged exam.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student’s motivation to participate to the lectures is good, some absences are possible. Student participates actively to the seminar work of the own group. Student passes the written or otherwise arranged exam with good marks.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student’s motivation to participate to the lectures is good, some absences are possible. Student participates actively to the seminar work of the own group. Student passes the written or otherwise arranged exam with excellent marks.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


14.08.2023 - 12.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Emmanuel Abruquah
Person in charge

Emmanuel Abruquah

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course you
• are aware of and able to practice the conventions used in business communication
• can state some of the contributions you can make in working life
• analyse your audience and choose your methods of communication accordingly
• develop your written, spoken and online skills further

Content (course unit)

Business communication. Job application process. Skills based CV. Communicating professional matters outside your field. Presentation skills. Using the available media to get the reaction you want.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Writing Scientific Reports in English or equivalent

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

pronunciation is not always correct but acceptable for communication
- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Exam schedules

No exams, Continuous assessment based on the tasks given.

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment, peer-feedback/assessment, participation in lectures, meeting and negotiation sessions, submitting documents for a job application and participating in Job interviews.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, group discussions, self-study, concrete practical assignments.

Learning materials

Materials will be provided in Moodle plus student created materials.

Student workload

Two hours of contact teaching per week and two hours of work in own time. The blog writing and online seminar will take longer.

Content scheduling

Job application process.
Business communication.
Blog writing/ Podcast
Online seminar

Completion alternatives

If you have achieved the learning goals of the course elsewhere write an email to the teachers explaining when and where and attach proof.

Practical training and working life cooperation

The in-class activities are directly linked to working life. Job application process and documents. Meetings and Negotiations etc.

International connections

International group. The online seminar is available internationally,

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has not attended 80% of the lessons and has not submitted any of the assignments.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

pronunciation is not always correct but acceptable for communication
- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but the main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to the interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points, as well as details of demanding professional material, is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Juha Mettälä
  • Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Person in charge

Pauliina Mansikkamäki

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, student knows the principles of environmental management systems, environmental impact assessment and understands how different organizations can benefit from pursuing for sustainability in their operations. Student can plan and build an environmental management system for an organization. Student understands what is meant by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and knows the main guidelines and standards related to CSR. Student can assess and audit different management systems by using the available tools.

Content (course unit)

Environmental management systems (EMAS, ISO 14001, BS 7750 etc.); environmental management tools; environmental impact assessment; auditing; reporting; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Prerequisites (course unit)

Preliminary knowledge on environmental management is required before taking this course. Basics for Environmental Technology and Management or corresponding course is a pre-requisite for this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The achieved competence is sufficient for passing the course but remains narrow. Student shows throughout the course (assignments, classroom discussions) and at the exam that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has basic theoretical knowledge in environmental management systems. The group work was done, reported and presented within the deadline but background information remained minimal, reporting structured according to the instructions but literature references are missing, presentation incomplete, discussion and conclusions are inadequate showing that only narrow competence is achieved.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The achieved competence is structured and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in known situations. Student knows and understands the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has good knowledge in the structure of environmental management systems and the student understands the requirements of environmental management systems (for example ISO 14001, EMAS). Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed. The group work was done, reported and presented properly and within the deadline, background information collected, reporting has been structured according to the instructions, with references to the reliable sources, presentation of the results mostly correct eventually with small mistakes, discussion and conclusions are adequate showing deep understanding of the concepts and ability to apply them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The achieved competence is wide and student can apply the theoretical knowledge in changing situations. Student has fluent knowledge and understanding the basic concepts and phenomena related to environmental management systems, auditing and other themes discussed during the course. Student has fluent knowledge in the structure of environmental management systems and the student understands the requirements of environmental management systems (for example ISO 14001, EMAS). Student is motivated towards the subjects discussed, shows creativity and has a positive attitude towards developing itself.

The group work was done, reported and presented very well and within the deadline, background information collected, reporting has been structured according to the instructions, with references to the reliable sources, presentation correct, discussion and conclusions are adequate and based on comparison to literature, conclusions are clear and clearly expressed. The work shows deep understanding of the concepts and that the student has sufficient skills to apply correctly the theoretical knowledge.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Ella Hakala

  • 23IENVE
  • 23TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After the course, student can evaluate their communication skills, can take advantage of the feedback given, understands the importance of communication skills and communication processes, understands what purposeful communication is and wants to develop his/her skills in Finnish and communication as a part of their professional skills. Student can cope in the communication situations of their own field, can give and receive feedback in working life communication situations, can listen to, observe and interpret communication. Student has expert communication skills: the message is structured, understandable and convincing. Student can take into account the demands of the respondent, situation and the field, can acquire and use information of their own field critically and can create a written and spoken presentation for a target audience and also, if required, and include visual aids. Student know the working life text types and ways to use language, uses the language of their field following the practices and guidelines and understands the impact of culture in communication and the significance of collaborating with people from various cultural backgrounds.

Content (course unit)

Basics of spoken communication (theory and practice); Grammar; Writing documents (e.g. job applications, notifications).

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites.

Further information (course unit)

No alternative form of completion.
Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Evaluation criteria is available in Finnish only.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Evaluation criteria is available in Finnish only.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Evaluation criteria is available in Finnish only.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 01.09.2023


01.09.2023 - 29.11.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Johanna Granlund
Person in charge

Johanna Granlund

  • 20I132
  • 20I131
  • 20I228A

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 11.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Marita Mäki
Person in charge

Marita Mäki

  • 21I111

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 11.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 12.04.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Lotta Markkula
Person in charge

Lotta Markkula

  • 21I160

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 14.01.2024


09.01.2024 - 16.04.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Annina Korpela
Person in charge

Annina Korpela

  • 21I228K
  • 21I190
  • 21I180

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Kirsi Saarinen

  • 23IENVE
  • 23TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

13.09.2023 - 27.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Noora Erkkilä
Person in charge

Noora Erkkilä

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics and thermophysics, can describe phenomenona by using quantities and their dependences and make justified solutions of related problems, can calculate pressure, force and buoyancy in a fluid, can analyze fluid flow and effects of fluid resistance, knows the main laws of thermophysics and can predict the natural behaviour of a thermal system, can determine the state of a system in a basic thermophysical change, and can apply heat transfer in practical situations.

Content (course unit)

Properties of static fluid, pressure and buoyancy, Laminar and turbulent flow, continuity equation, Bernoulli´s equation, Fluid resistance and viscosity, Temperature, heat and fundamental thermodynamic laws, Thermal expansion, Ideal gas equation, Heat capacities, Phase changes, Heat and humidity transfer, Heat pumps.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, student should have completed Mechanics or similar course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowledge of the most essential phenomena and related quantities and units in fluid mechanics and thermophysics. Capability to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively simple cases related phenomena similar to discussed examples

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition capability to apply the principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations of justified qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenomena

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition versatile ability to analyse phenomena qualitatively and quantitaively realizing the limitations related to theories in use.

Exam schedules

More detailed schedule in Moodle

Assessment methods and criteria

Points are collected in the course as follows:

Homework total 10 points
Measurement total 6 points
Final exam 26 points
Maximum score 42 points

The passing threshold for grade one is 12 points

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Independent online study
Measurement work
Final exam

Learning materials

The course material can be found on the Moodle platform

Student workload

3 credits equals 81 working hours

Enrolment period

14.08.2023 - 29.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 12.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jukka Suominen
Person in charge

Jukka Suominen

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student is able to understand the concept of a function and recognizes the characteristic properties of different basic functions, solve equations involving basic functions, recognize graphs of basic functions, perform basic calculations with matrices and apply them in practical problems.

Content (course unit)

Basic Functions and Terminology (Polynomial, Rational, Power, Exponential, Logarithmic and Trigonometric Functions), Graphs of Basic Functions, Equations, Matrix Operations, Group of Linear Equations.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Orientation for engineering mathematics or similar skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands the basic concepts of functions and matrices and is able to solve simple applications that are similar to the model problems solved during the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition, student is able to solve simple equations involving basic functions and knows how to apply matrices to technical problems. Student is also able to explain the methods of her/his solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition, student has an overall understanding of using course topics to solve various applications and the ability to present and justify the chosen methods of solution.

Location and time

Dates and times are shown in TuniMoodle.

Exam schedules

The exam will be held on Tuesday, 12th of December at 12.15-15.00 in the auditorium B4-22.
Two resit exams, the first one will be held on Friday, 19th of January at 15.15-18.00 in the classroom B2-25. and the second on Friday, 16th of February at 15.15-18.00 in the classroom B2-25.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade is based on the exam and the homework. A homework package is given weekly (approximately 7 packages). One point is given for every submitted homework package in Moodle. Homework packages are not accepted by email. The maximum points for the test is 43 points. The homework and the test together give the maximum of 50 points. The grade is based on the following table

12,5 points -> grade 1
20 points -> grade 2
27,5 points -> grade 3
35 points -> grade 4
42,5 points -> grade 5

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lessons, exercises, self-study, videos, homework, exam.
A student solves exercises and saves them in TuniMoodle by given dead-lines.

Learning materials

All material, theory and exercises, can be found in TuniMoodle. If necessary, a student can use math books he/she has used before and the Internet to search more information about the topics. A student can borrow books in TAMK library. The solutions for the some homework will be published in TuniMoodle after every deadline.

Student workload

A student is expected to student 27 hours / credit unit (81 hours / 3 credit units).

Content scheduling

Topics are shown in TuniMoodle.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information


Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 01.09.2023


04.09.2023 - 13.10.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jukka Suominen
Person in charge

Jukka Suominen

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student is able to understand basic terminology of geometry, solve a scalene triangle, calculate areas and volumes of two- and three-dimensional objects, determine the center of mass of a plane region, perform basic vector calculations, apply vectors to technical problems, and perform calculations with complex numbers.

Content (course unit)

Terminology of Geometry, Solving a Scalene Triangle, Areas and Volumes, Center of Mass of a Plane Region, Similarity, Scale, Vectors and Applications, Complex Numbers

Prerequisites (course unit)

Orientation for engineering mathematics or similar skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands the basic concepts of geometry and vector calculations and is able to solve simple applications that are similar to the model problems solved during the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition, student is able to solve basic geometrical problems and knows how to apply vectors to technical problems. Student is also able to explain the methods of her/his solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition, student has an overall understanding of using course topics to solve various applications and the ability to present and justify the chosen methods of solution.

Location and time

Dates and times are shown in TuniMoodle and in Intranet.

Exam schedules

The exam will be held on Monday, 9th of October at 8.15-11.00 in the auditorium D1-04.
Two resit exams, the first one on Wednesday 1st of November, at 8.15-11.00 in the classroom H2-25 and the second one on Wednesday 22nd of November at 8.15-11.00 in the classroom B4-27.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade is based on the exam and the homework. A homework package is given weekly (appr. 8 packages). One point is given for every submitted homework package in Moodle. Homework packages are not accepted by email. The maximum points for the test is 42 points. The homework and the test together give the maximum of 50 points. The grade is based on the following table

12,5 points -> grade 1
20 points -> grade 2
27,5 points -> grade 3
35 points -> grade 4
42,5 points -> grade 5

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lessons, exercises, self-study, videos, homework, exam.

Learning materials

All material, theory and exercises, can be found in TuniMoodle. If necessary, a student can use math books he/she has used before and the Internet to search more information about the topics. A student can borrow books in TAMK library. The solutions for the some homework will be published in TuniMoodle after every deadline.

Student workload

A student is expected to work 27 hours / credit unit.

Content scheduling

Topics will be shown in TuniMoodle.

Further information

A student is expected to have a calculator and a formula book.

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 08.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 01.05.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Sampo Saari
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the characteristics of different natural and industrial emissions to air, water and soil. Student knows the dispersion and deposition processes of emissions and knows the modelling systems of environmental pollution.

Content (course unit)

Air, water and soil, noise and radiation pollution, practical exercises in measuring and monitoring emissions.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, student has to have completed all physics courses, Basics for Environmental Technology and Management and Sustainable Industrial Production courses.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student is able to analyse simple noise and particle modelling cases both qualitatively and quantitatively. Student needs extra support to be able to complete given tasks. Exercises have been done, but results might be slightly erroneous.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to use correct terminology and presents justified qualitative and quantitative analysis. Exercises are done completely, and results and analysis are correct. Results are at least briefly commented.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student shows the ability to do versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis. Student has a realistic knowledge of the limitations of the theoretical framework. Reports are comprehensive and well-structured. Student is able to show his or her own conclusions clearly.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on measurement and modelling exercises, group assignments and final exam.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching OR online teaching
Measurement work
Co-operative and independent studying
Computer simulation modelling work
Guidance with video material
Written reports

Learning materials

Lecture material in
Online resources

Student workload

Classes: 45h
Independent modelling work 30 h
Independent self study, measurements and reporting 65h
Total 140 h

Enrolment period

17.01.2024 - 13.03.2024


04.03.2024 - 28.04.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jukka Suominen
Person in charge

Jukka Suominen

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student is able to understand basic terminology of integral calculus, determine integral graphically, numerically and symbolically, calculate areas using definite integral, solve basic differential equations and use differential equations for modeling physical phenomena.

Content (course unit)

Integral Function, Definite Integral, Graphical Integration, Numerical Integration, Symbolic Integration, Calculation of Areas and Volumes with Integral, Differential Equations and Applications.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Orientation for Engineering Mathematics and Functions and Matrices or similar skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands the basic concepts of integral calculus and is able to solve simple applications that are similar to the model problems solved during the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition, student is able to apply the methods of integral calculus in various problems and is able to explain the methods of her/his solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition, student has an overall understanding of using integral calculus to solve various applications and the ability to present and justify the chosen methods of solution.

Location and time

Dates and times are shown in TuniMoodle.

Exam schedules

The exam will be held on Tuesday, 16th of April at 11.15-14.00 in the auditorium D1-04.
Two resit exams: the first one on Wednesday, 15th of May at 17.00-20.00 in the classroom B4-18 & B4-27 and the second one on Wednesday, 5th of June at 17.00-20.00 in the classroom B4-18 & B4-27.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final grade is based on the exam and the homework. A homework package is given weekly (appr. 7 packages). One point is given for every submitted homework package in Moodle. Homework packages are not accepted by email. The maximum points for the test is appr. 43 points. The homework and the exam together give the maximum of 50 points. The grade is based on the following table

12,5 points -> grade 1
20 points -> grade 2
27,5 points -> grade 3
35 points -> grade 4
42,5 points -> grade 5

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lessons, exercises, self-study, videos, exercises, homework, exam.

Learning materials

All material, theory and exercises, can be found in TuniMoodle. If necessary, a student can use math books he/she has used before and the Internet to search more information about the topics. A student can borrow books in TAMK library. The solutions for the some homework will be published in TuniMoodle after every deadline.

Student workload

A student is expected to work 27 hours / credit unit.

Content scheduling

Topics are shown in TuniMoodle.

Further information

A student is expected to have a calculator and a formula book.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course student understands the need for material and resource efficiency, is familiar with the concept of circular economy. Student understands how side products can be used as new raw material and is familiar with the main recycling streams.

Content (course unit)

Sustainable resource utilization, green technologies, life cycle assessment, industrial ecology and material efficiency in industry.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, student is recommened to have completed at least Sustainable Industrial Production and Waste Management and Engineering courses or courses with similar contents.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the assigned exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work in relation to material circulation and resource efficiency.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency.

Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choices. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems related to material circulation and resource efficiency.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Student can describe and assess the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts in material circulation and resource efficiency to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action in material circulation and resource efficiency. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Noora Erkkilä
Person in charge

Noora Erkkilä

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student can use quantities and units, knows the fundamental laws of mechanics, can describe phenomenona by using quantities and their dependences and make justified solutions of related problems, and can make and interprete graphical presentations.

Content (course unit)

SI-system of quantities and units, Modelling of motion with constant velocity and constant acceleration, Force and Newton´s laws, Energy principles in mechanics, Modelling of rotational motion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowledge of the most essential phenomena and related quantities and units in mechanics. Capability to analyse, when guided qualitatively and quantitatively simple cases related phenomena similar to discussed examples.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition capability to apply the principles to new situations. Can use the terminology and models in presentations of justified qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenomena

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition versatile, fluent ability to analyse phenomena qualitatively and quantitaively realizing the limitations related to theories in use.

Exam schedules

More detailed schedule in Moodle

Assessment methods and criteria

Points are collected in the course as follows:

Homework total 12 points
Measurement total 6 points
Final exam 24 points
Maximum score 42 points

The passing threshold for grade one is 12 points

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Independent online study
Measurement work
Final exam

Content scheduling

The schedule plan can be found in Moodle

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student knows the different groups of hydrocarbons, compounds with functional groups, large molecular compounds of biological importance – their properties, naming and roles. Understands the mechanisms of environmental pollution and knows the main pollutants of air, water and soil. Understands the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative and instrumental analysis, is familiar with volumetric and some instrumental analytical methods and can apply them in practice.

Content (course unit)

Hydrocarbons; organic compounds with functional groups; organic pollutants; volumetric analysis; spectroscopy; chromatography.

Prerequisites (course unit)

In order to be able to follow this course, the students should have completed Basic Chemistry and Basics of Environmental Chemistry and Measurements (or equivalent courses taken in another higher education institute).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. Student shows throughout the course that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.

Can solve model exercises correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples under supervision and has basic skills in reporting the results of the analysis. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.

Can solve model excercises and new exercises correctly, based on given models is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student attends to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices.

Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks, is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly and independently. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently.

Understands the background of the analytical method and the reporting of the results of the analysis shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results and can think about alternative solutions. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

17.01.2024 - 21.02.2024


04.03.2024 - 31.07.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Roope Siikanen
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the fundamental laws, can describe phenomenona by using quantities and their dependences and can make justified solutions of related problems, can analyze periodic phenomena by using harmonic oscillation modelling, knows the main properties of mechanical and electromagnetic waves, can calculate distribution of waves based on point source modelling, knows fundamentals of quantitation and how that is related to fundamental atomic phenomena, knows fundamentals of nuclear structure, nuclear energy and radioactivity.

Content (course unit)

Harmonic oscillation and resonance, Mechanical waves, Sound and intensity level, Electromagnetic waves, Quantitation, Thermal radiation, Absorption, emission, laser, x-rays, Nuclear stucture, Radioactivity.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, the student should have completed the courses in Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics, Electrodynamics and magnetism, or alternatively courses with similar contents.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowledge the most essential phenomena and related quantities in oscillating , wave and modern physics. Capability to analyze qualitative and quantitatively simple and discussed cases and examples

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition capability to applytrhe principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition versatile ability to analyze phenomena qualitavively raelizing the limitations related to used theories.

Exam schedules

Final exam 29.4.

Time for retake exam will be announced later.

Assessment methods and criteria

Basic level exam: Automated STACK-exam in Moodle. Passing this will grant a passing grade (1) for the course.

Other assessment methods:
- weekly group task returns
- excercises
- measurement tasks
- final exam
These will give points for grades 2-5.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

weekly group tasks
measurement tasks
final exam

Learning materials

The detailed schedule available in Moodle
1. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics and MasteringPhysics™: International Edition, 2/E
Randall D. Knight, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
2.Harris Benson, University Physics
or Young&Freedman, University Physics
3. Technical Formulas, Tammertekniikka, 2002
4. Teaching material in Moodle
This plan, the detailed schedule and other material is available in Moodle

Student workload

contact teaching about 40h
Independent study about 40h
Together appr. 80 h

Content scheduling

The schedule will be published in Moodle

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowledge the most essential phenomena and related quantities in oscillating , wave and modern physics. Capability to analyze qualitative and quantitatively simple and discussed cases and examples.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

In addition capability to apply the principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

In addition versatile ability to analyze phenomena qualitatively realizing the limitations related to used theories

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 11.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Noora Erkkilä
Person in charge

Noora Erkkilä

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • 22TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student can make controlled physical measurements, evaluate reliability of measurements, report measurements according to standards and ethical principles, evaluate importance of measurements, plan, implement and analyze an own measurement.

Content (course unit)

Measurements of students own technical area, Reporting of laboraratory works, Project learning applications.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, the student should have completed courses in Writing Scientific Reports in English, Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics, Electrodynamics and Magnetism, and Oscillation, Waves and Modern Physics.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognise, name and define phenomena and basic concepts in the laboratory experiments.

Student manages the assigned experiments under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action, but cannot justify his/her choices.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognises important courses of action in the experiments. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student structures relations between pheno,ema and concepts related to the laboratory experiments. Student is able to apply his/her knowledge, and explain the phenomena and concepts.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different options and justify his/her choice. Student applies his/her knowledge, plans the experiments ahead and solves problems independently.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognises and follows the important courses of action in the field. Studen also takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them. Student is able to generalize, analyse and relate the laboratory experiments to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student also assess diverse solution alternatives and combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching
Laboratory work
Written reports
Cooperative learning

Learning materials

Any books on university level physics.
Laboratory instructions available at

Student workload

- Introductions, guidance 10 h
- Laboratory measurements 12 h
- Independent work 58 h
Total 80 h

Further information

Participation in all laboratory exercises is mandatory. Laboratory exercise is completed when the student is present for the whole measurement and participates in the measurement activities.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Evaluation is based of the grades of the laboratory works. Each report is evaluated based on the work in the laboratory, results and the report.

Participation to measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Detailed evaluation, see in tabula.

Delivery times:
- 2 working weeks from the date of the measurements
- a delay will affect negatively on the grading
- the dead line is 4 working weeks from the date of measurements

If reports from several students are found to copies of each other (even partially), all those reports are disqualified, and students involved will need to perform new measurements for different laboratory assignments and write new reports from those measurements.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Reports have been done,methods and results have been presented, structure and analyses may have some shortages and can be partly erroneous. Discussion contains very few, simple conclusions.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done in a normal way. Results and analyses are correct.
Reports have been done correctly according to the reporting standards of TAMK. Discussion contains some comments relevant comments relating to the results and applications.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done with comprehensive, active, collaborative working. Results and analyses are correct. Structured, fluent, especially transparent text, vision of limitations and improvements, broad mature discussion and own conclusions related to the topics. Report follows TAMK's written report guidelines perfectly.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jaakko Aumala
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student has basic skills in the use of computer applications and resources in environmental planning and design. The aim is that, after the course, student is able to start his/her own design projects by using the introduced software tools. Examples of design softwares include programmes like AutoCAD and SketchUp.

Content (course unit)

Computer-aided design and drafting; technical drawing applications; 3D modeling.

Prerequisites (course unit)

It is recommended that before taking this course, you have completed the Computer and Software Tools or similar course.

Further information (course unit)

The programmes to be used during the course are specified in the implementation plan.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts introduced during the course.

Student manages the assigned computer exercises under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices when using a computer programme. Completion of the assigned computer exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts introduced during the course.

Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems by using the software tools introduced during the course.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action when using the software tools. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the principles of risk assessment and management from the point of view of corporate sustainability. Student can identify hazards to people and the environment, control risks particularly to individuals, organizations and the environment. Student knows the principles of risk communication, principles and practices of project management and project implementation and how to use technical tools in project management. Student is able to design, organize, implement and evaluate a project in different roles as a part of a project group.

Content (course unit)

Occupational safety and health risks, environmental risks, risk assessment, risk management, project management tools and skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can define the core principles of risk and project management. Student knows the project implementation and risk assessment process and principles of project design.

Student knows the basic use of technical tools in risk and project management. Student can succesfully implement a project under supervision as a part of a group. Student can identify and control risks related to different themes.

Student recognizes the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student takes responsibility of these issues in his/her own work as a part of the group.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain and apply the core principles of risk and project management in practical assignments. Student can design a project.

Student can select the most appropriate technical tools and apply them in the project and risk management processes. Student can implement and manage a project successfully. Student can identify and manage risks related to different themes and suggest for actions to tackle to risks.

Student can assess the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and his/her role in the implementation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands and analyses the core principles of risk and project management. Student can design a project and analyse risks in a professional manner.

Student can apply and compare technical tools in project and risk management and critically evaluate these applications. Student can design, implement and evaluate a project successfully. Student can tackle issues and problems in project and risk management and suggest for improvements in a constructive manner.

Student understands the role and significance of project work and risk management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and is able to support or lead the group in project activities.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 14.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Juha Mettälä
Person in charge

Pauliina Mansikkamäki

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student understands the importance of quality a thinking and system prevailing principles in industry and services. Student will also be able to use quality tools and systems in common business life.

Content (course unit)

Quality resources and planning, total quality managment systems, quality improvement tools and technigues, continual improvement through self assessment and benchmarking, techniques used in quality planning, process management and control, quality teamwork, ISO 9001.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Before taking this course, student should have basic understanding on management systems and understand the basic idea in quality. Student should have completed at least "Basics for Environmental Technology and Management" and "Environmental Management Tools" courses, or courses with similar contents.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can define the core principles of quality management. Student knows the project implementation and quality assessment process and principles of quality management.

Student knows the basic use of technical tools in quality management. Student can succesfully implement a quality management related project under supervision as a part of a group. Student can identify and control quality issues related to different themes.

Student recognizes the role and significance of quality work and quality management in the working life. Student takes responsibility of these issues in his/her own work as a part of the group.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain and apply the core principles of quality management in practical assignments. Student can design a quality management related project.

Student can select the most appropriate technical tools and apply them in the quality management processes. Student can implement and manage a quality management related project successfully. Student can identify and manage quality related issues to different themes and suggest for actions to tackle to risks.

Student can assess the role and significance of quality work and quality management in the working life. Student commits to the project work and his/her role in the implementation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands and analyses the core principles of quality management. Student can design a quality management related project and analyse quality in a professional manner.

Student can apply and compare technical tools in quality management and critically evaluate these applications. Student can design, implement and evaluate a quality management related project successfully. Student can tackle issues and problems in quality management and suggest for improvements in a constructive manner.

Student understands the role and significance of quality management in the working life. Student commits to the quality management related project work and is able to support or lead the group in project activities.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Emilia Ali-Löytty
Person in charge

Emilia Ali-Löytty

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course the students will:
• know the principles of scientific research: qualitative and quantitative research and you can identify a research study accordingly
• be able to deploy on a larger scale all the writing skills, which you have been developing throughout the degree programme

• consider the audience and the brief for each communication task
• be able to give professional presentations about your own work and host events with your colleagues and co-workers in a good manner.
• know the main statistical analysis methods in experimental research and can use them in practice
• know the procedure of the thesis process at TAMK and requirements of a thesis
• be able to plan an experimental research study

• Student clearly demands help in many phases of the research process. The submissions show narrow or incomplete understanding of the connection between research questions, background literature, choice of methodology, study design, reporting and concluding. Student shows some knowledge of of conceptual and theoretical thinking in doing research. Difficulty in activating the audience.

Content (course unit)

Bachelor’s thesis planning and writing processes, professional reporting and presentations, research and data collection methods, data analysis, work life connections.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Scientific Reporting in English, English for Students of Environmental Engineers, Statistics or equivalent

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student clearly demands help in many phases of the research process. The submissions show narrow or incomplete understanding of the connection between research questions, background literature, choice of methodology, study design, reporting and concluding. Student shows some knowledge of of conceptual and theoretical thinking in doing research.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to write clear research documents. (S)He can justify the decisions on methods, context or study approach. The student is able to find useful resources and design a study which can be put into practice. The student is able to present results and draw reasonable conclusions based on the results. Student make choices about the research methods, but uses concepts and arguments is lightly. The student shows the ability to choose an appropriate register and is able to activate an audience.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student is able to write clear research documents. (S)He can justify the decisions on methods, context or study approach. The student is able to find useful resources and design a study which can be put into practice. The student is able to present results and draw reasonable conclusions based on the results. Student make choices about the research methods, but uses concepts and arguments is lightly. The student shows the ability to choose an appropriate register and is able to activate an audience.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Textile and Material Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Cross-study in the Tampere Universities Community
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Marja Rissanen
  • Minna Varheenmaa
Person in charge

Marja Rissanen

  • 22TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

The student understands what smart textiles and garments are, what their properties are and what kind of technologies are required for produce them.
The student can explain the smart textile product applications area in health care, in active sports and work wear.
The students knows the most common high performance fibers used in smart textiles

Content (course unit)

Smart textiles and applications
Phase change materials, shape memory materials, chromic materials, conductive materials.
High performance fibres: manufacture of optical, plastic-optical, electrically conductive and metrological fibres.
Testing and standardization

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowing: The student knows the basics of smart textiles and the main application areas on a general level. The students is aware of what high technology fibers are and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles.

Acting: The student manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assistance.
Being: The student is a little bit motivated, takes his/her responsibility for studying and is capable of working in a group. The student can give and take feedback.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Knowing: The student can explain well the basics of smart textiles and the main application areas. The students understands what high technology fibers are and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles on more advanced level.
Acting: The student applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: The student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. The student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. The student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Knowing: The student knows widely the technology of smart textiles and the diverse application areas of them. The student has extensive knowledge about high technology fibers and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles.

Acting: The student can search for diverse solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, assesses new solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Being: The student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Location and time

Period 3 and 4
on site in Kauppi campus

Exam schedules

Given separately in Moodle

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam and group works

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, discussions, group works, company visits and visiting lectures

Learning materials

Lecture material in Moodle
- Shahinpoor, M. (2020). Fundamentals of Smart Materials. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
- McCann, J. & Bryson, D (2023). Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology (2nd Edition). Elsevier.
- Tao, X. (2015) Handbook of Smart Textiles. Springer.
- Bhat, G. (2017). Structure and Properties of High-Performance Fibers. Elsevier.

Student workload

5 credits: 133 working hours
Contact teaching: 50 hours (lectures, exercises, visits)
Independent learning: 83 hours

Practical training and working life cooperation

Company visits and visiting lectures

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Exam: failed
Group works: not returned in the given timetable

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student knows the basics of smart textiles and the main application areas on a general level. The students is aware of what high technology fibers are and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles.
Acting: The student manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assistance.
Being: The student is a little bit motivated, takes his/her responsibility for studying and is capable of working in a group. The student can give and take feedback.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student can explain well the basics of smart textiles and the main application areas. The students understands what high technology fibers are and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles on more advanced level.
Acting: The student applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: The student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. The student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. The student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student knows widely the technology of smart textiles and the diverse application areas of them. The student has extensive knowledge about high technology fibers and what kind of technologies is used in smart textiles.
Acting: The student can search for diverse solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, assesses new solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: The student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows soil properties, soil formation processes, structure, function and biology of soils and their significance as a raw material reserve. Student can take and prepare soil samples for further analysis. Student knows the basic pre-treatment and physico-chemical analysis methods of soils and can apply them in practise. Student knows the phenomenon of water flow in soils, groundwater formation and related practical applications. Student also knows the basics of geotechnology, soil management and soil pollution.

Content (course unit)

Basic geology and soil science; biological and pysical processes in soils; environmental impacts of soil utilization; hydrology; movement of water; air and gases in soils; soils as construction material; basics of geoengineering.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can identify and define core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils. Student has basic understanding in defined themes of the course.

Student has basic skills in soil sampling and analyses in practice when instructed and supervised.

Student can work in a group of course assignments, recognises the significance of the course theme in the professional field and can assess the significance of the theme from his/her viewpoint.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain the core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils and connect them into practice. Student has understanding in annually defined themes of the course and can apply these into practical applications.

Student can apply the skills in soil sampling and analyses, design tests for these studies and justify his/her choices.

Student can cooperate responsibly in the course theme assignments, commit to the group activities and assess the significance of the theme broadly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can understand extensively the core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils and connect them into practice. Student has analytical understanding in annually defined themes of the course and can apply and develop these in practical applications.

Student has skills to compare and apply the most appropriate skills in soil sampling and analyses, design tests for these studies, justify his/her choices and suggest alternative ways of implementation.

Student can cooperate responsibly and constructively in the course theme assignments, commit to the group activities, assess the significance of the theme broadly and understands the effects of the work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 31.07.2023


01.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Miika Huikkola
Person in charge

Miika Huikkola

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course students are able to use the basic statistical methods (calculate statistical values, use graphs in describing scientific phenomena, test hypothesis) in data analysis.

Content (course unit)

Statistical charts and numbers, probability, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Student needs to have basic skills in using Microsoft Excel or some other similar kind of software. Student should also have completed Functions and Matrices and Integral Calculus courses or courses that cover the contents fo the two aforementioned courses before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands and is able to name and define the basic concepts.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and knows different ways to conduct the statistical analyses, but cannot justify his/her choices. Student's way to use the statistical analyses is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and is able to consider and assess things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to structure relations between the basic concepts and is able to apply, explain and compare different statistical methods.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply the advanced concepts when solving technical problems.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and contructively, and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student is able to understand extensive entities and relation between them. Student is able to generalise, analyse and related the advanced problems to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student assesses diverse solution alternatives creatively. Student has skills to present and justify the chosen methods when solving problems in a logical way.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively and works in a committed manner.

Location and time

Period 1, on Thursdays between 14-17 in B2-35

Exam schedules

Exam and retake scheduling to be informed in Moodle.

Assessment methods and criteria

Course grading is based on the following evaluation areas
Course activity (30%)
Returned assignments (30%)
Exams (40%)

Grade thresholds are determined from the points collected from the evaluation areas as a relative percentage of course max points (50p) as follows:
35%: 1
50%: 2
65%: 3
80%: 4
90%: 5

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Chosen from the following based on teacher's pedagogical evaluation: Contact teaching, Remote teaching, Independent learning, Lesson excercises, Homework, Problem-based learning, Collaborative learninng, Group work, Excercise assignments, Question-based teaching, Question-based learning, PC-excercises, Exams

Learning materials

Provided in Moodle

Student workload

Lessons ca 20h
Exams ca 10 h
Group studying ca 25 h
Independent studying ca 30 h

Content scheduling

This course implementation is held in connection of course 5M00FX80-3001 Statistics and Machine Learning

Period 1
-Use of software in statistics
-Basic statistical measures & methods
-Hypothesis testing

Period 2
-Retake exams

Completion alternatives

To be negotiated with teacher. Teacher is not obliged to grant an alternative way of execution

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows the principles of structure and function of different ecosystems and understands the role of ecosystems as natural reserves and the sustainable use of them. Student is able to combine ecology with engineering. Student knows different kinds bioindicators as monitoring methods of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Student knows the principles of taking water and biological samples and is able to do basic physico-chemical water analyses with field and laboratory instruments.

Content (course unit)

Ecosystem ecology; bioindicators; hydrobiology; ecosystems as natural reserves and the utilization of natural resources; ecosystem services; biodiversity; ecosystem processes (eutrophication, acidification, succession, paludification, terrestrialization).

Prerequisites (course unit)

There are no prerequisities for this course, although it is helpful if you have studied some biology earlier. The course introduces several different ecological concepts and theories, so in case you do not have any knowledge on biology, you may need to do some extra work during the course.

Further information (course unit)

Students will do field work during the course and it is recommended to prepare for outdoor activities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowledge and understanding of the core concepts, processes and phenomena of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Student has basic skills in water sampling and study of basic physico-chemical and biological parameters of freshwater and ability to do the analyses in practise when instructed and supervised. Basic theoretical knowledge and understanding in limnology, forestry and bioindicator studies.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and is able to do routine operations. Student knows courses of action but cannot necessarily justify his/her choices.

Student can give and receive feedback and can work in a group. Student is able to consider and assess the topics from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe sustainability related effects of his/her own work related to structure and function of ecosystems.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to apply, explain and compare the basic concepts, processes and phenomena of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Student has sufficient skills and ability in independent water sampling and study of basic physico-chemical and biological parameters of freshwater and ability to do the analyses in practise independently. Student has fluent theoretical knowledge and understanding in limnology, forestry and bioindicator studies. Student is also able to structure things in relation to one another.

Motivation and interest towards the subject expressed clearly. Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different sampling or indicator options and justify his/her choices. In practice, this means that the student is able apply his/her skills and make plans accordingly. Student is able to limit tasks and solve problems during the course.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student is able to consider and assess the topics both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Can describe and assess the sustainability related effects of his/her own work in relation to structure and function of ecosystems.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyze and relate ecological information to the professional context. Student has fluent knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, processes and phenomena of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the student is able to apply the knowledge in new situations. Sufficient skills and ability in independent water sampling and study of basic physico-chemical and biological parameters of freshwater and ability to do the analyses in practise independently. Ability to make suggestions for developing and/or improving these methods. Student has fluent theoretical knowledge and understanding in limnology, forestry and bioindicator studies.

Motivation and high interest towards the subject and developing oneself in these fields. Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives for ecological issues and sampling, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student is also able to assess diverse alternatives, combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group’s interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the sustainability related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work in relation to contaminated site remediation.

Location and time

Weakly contact lectures, intensive week having the field- and laboratory work.

Exam schedules

Exam will be organized in the end of the course, exact dates and times will be announced later. Possible re-exams will be announced later.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course assignments, field work and report and the final exam share in the final grade is the following:
Weekly assignments: 40%
Exam: 35%
Field work and reporting: 25%

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact, field and laboratory work, demonstrations, exercises and calculations.

Learning materials

All teaching materials will be made available in the Moodle. In addition, the materials available in the Tampere University Library will be used during the course.

Student workload

Lectures, fieldwork and laboratory exercises approximately 36-44 hrs, self-study (reports, exercises, exam) 64-72 hrs. Approximately 108 hrs in total. Students use of time and effort are estimates.

Completion alternatives


Further information

All lecture materials are distributed via the Moodle.

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows and can apply the most important unit operations applied in industrial production, knows the principles, basic technologies and management processes that are to be used for a sustainable industrial production. Understands the phenomena of heat transfer by conduction and convection, the working principles of heat exchangers, pumps, sedimentation ad filtration. Is familiar with basic operations and can do simple mass balance calculations related to extraction, membrane separation, dilution, concentration, distillation, fractionation, chemical synthesis and combustion. Student can perform simple design tasks related to heat exchanger- and sedimentation tank size. He/she is aware of the aspects of sustainability related to the subjects discussed (ways to increase energy efficiency and recycling).

Content (course unit)

Basic concepts of mass and heat transfer, mechanical, physical, chemical and biological unit operations applied in industrial production, green solutions to prevent pollution and promote sustainability, basic aspects of energy production, life cycle thinking in production, circular economy.

Prerequisites (course unit)

It is recommended that you have completed the Basics in Environmental Technology and Management or similar before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. Student shows throughout the course that is familiar with the concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course.
Can solve with help model exercises involving heat transfer and heat exchangers, mechanical separation and mass balances correctly. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.
Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Can solve individually model exercise involving heat transfer and heat exchangers, mechanical separation and mass balances correctly and and new exercises/tasks with guidance. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Can solve individually model exercise and new exercises/tasks involving heat transfer and heat exchangers, mechanical separation and mass balances correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Textile and Material Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Cross-study in the Tampere Universities Community
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Marja Rissanen
  • Minna Varheenmaa
Person in charge

Marja Rissanen

  • 22TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

The students understand the diverse usage of technical textiles and can explain the possibilities of textiles in technical use. The student understands the performance requirements of various technical textiles. The students realise the significance of a cross-disciplinary and international approach in the field of textiles.
The students know the materials intended for technical use and are able to choose the materials depending on the end use.
The students can describe the structures of the most common textiles in technical use, the demands of the usage circumstances and manufacturing methods.

Content (course unit)

Textile structures and processes for technical textiles
Joining of technical textiles
High performance and plied yarns
Application areas of technical textiles for example
Air and space
Protective textiles
Paper machine clothing
Textiles for buildings
Smart textiles
Medical textiles
Textile testing for technical textiles

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Knowing: The student knows the basics of different technical textiles and main application areas on a general level. The students can explain on a general level the structures of the most common technical textiles and their production methods as well as the most common fibers used in them.

Acting: The student manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assistance.

Being: The student is a little bit motivated, takes his/her responsibility for studying and is capable of working in a group. The student can give and take feedback.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Knowing: The student knows well the area of different technical textiles and can explain the diverse application areas of them. The students can explain the structures and manufacturing techniques of the most common technical textiles on more advanced level. The student is well aware of the fibers used in technical textile applications and can explain the properties of the fibers at a more advanced level.

Acting: The student applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.

Being: The student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. The student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. The student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Knowing: The student has extensive understanding of technical textiles and he/she can independently describe the diverse application areas of them. The students can explain the structures and manufacturing techniques on more comprehensive level. The student has an extensive knowledge about the most common fibers used in technical textile applications.
Acting: The student can search for diverse solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, assesses new solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: The student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Location and time

Period 3 and 4
On site in Kauppi campus

Exam schedules

Given separately in Moodle

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam and group works

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, discussions, group work, company visits and visiting lectures

Learning materials

Lecture notes in Moodle
- Horrocks, A. Ri. & Anand, S. C.. (2016). Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 1 - Technical Textile Processes (2nd Edition). Elsevier.
- Horrocks, A. R. & Anand, S. C.. (2016). Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 2 - Technical Textile Applications (2nd Edition). Elsevier.
- Alagirusamy, R. & Das, A. (2010). Technical Textile Yarns - Industrial and Medical Applications. Woodhead Publishing.

Student workload

5 credits: 133 hours
Contact teaching: 50 hours (lectures, groups works, presentations, exercises, visits)
Independent learning: 83 hours

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Exam: failed
Group works: Not returned in the given timetable

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student knows the basics of different technical textiles and main application areas on a general level. The students can explain on a general level the structures of the most common technical textiles and their production methods as well as the most common fibers used in them.
Acting: The student manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assistance.
Being: The student is a little bit motivated, takes his/her responsibility for studying and is capable of working in a group. The student can give and take feedback.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student knows well the area of different technical textiles and can explain the diverse application areas of them. The students can explain the structures and manufacturing techniques of the most common technical textiles on more advanced level. The student is well aware of the fibers used in technical textile applications and can explain the properties of the fibers at a more advanced level.
Acting: The student applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: The student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. The student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. The student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Knowing: The student has extensive understanding of technical textiles and he/she can independently describe the diverse application areas of them. The students can explain the structures and manufacturing techniques on more comprehensive level. The student has an extensive knowledge about the most common fibers used in technical textile applications.
Acting: The student can search for diverse solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, assesses new solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: The student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student is familiar with the principles and practises of waste management and knows waste legislation and its applications. Student knows the waste management techniques and knows waste recycling and the secondary uses of waste material. Student can recycle and manage recycling systems. Student knows the principles of landfill construction and management of waste management sites. Student can do simple laboratory analyses concerning characteristics of waste. Student has adopted the 3R principle and understands the necessity of reducing waste amounts an defficient secondary use of waste materials.

Content (course unit)

Composition, collection, transportation and treatment of waste material; Waste legislation, policies and regulations; Waste treatment technologies (landfills and their operation, waste incineration, biowaste treatment, hazardours waste treatment); Laboratory exercises: composting, leachate tests.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Basic Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry courses, Basics for Environmental Technology and Management

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts introduced during the course.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the assigned exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts introduced during the course.

Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems related to waste management.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Student can describe and assess the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts in waste management and engineering to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action in waste management and engineering. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student is familiar with the concept of water and wastewater management, knows the main sources of water and uses of water. Knows the water quality indicators describing the characteristics of various waters and their significance from environmental health point of view. Knows some very basic unit operations used in water and wastewater treatment: coagulation/flocculation, disinfection, activated sludge and can perform related laboratory measurements and testing. Knows the main steps drinking water production and sewage treatment. Knows the alternative wastewater management options and has a view on the future perspectives of wastewater management.

Content (course unit)

Water resources, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and wastewater, water quality, public health and sanitation, standars and setting standards, centralized and decentralized water and wastewater management, ecological sanitation.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Basic Chemistry, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Enviornmental Chemistry

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. This means that some of the assignments were done acceptably, the student is familiar with the basic concepts discussed during the course but often makes mistakes when applying them. Student can perform the laboratory measurements and experiments under supervision and has basic skills in reporting the results of the measurements and experiments. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance. Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. This means that most of the assignments were done and accepted and student is familiar with the concepts discussed during the course and can apply them in most of the situations. He/she is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course and can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly.
Student can perform laboratory measurements and experiments independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. This means that the assignments were done with great care and detail. Student is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. He/she can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks and can perform simple laboratory measurements and experiments independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 05.01.2024


09.01.2024 - 31.03.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Emmanuel Abruquah
  • Pauliina Mansikkamäki
Person in charge

Pauliina Mansikkamäki

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • 22TEMA

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, the student knows the labour law, human resources and management and related regulations in working life and is able to apply this knowledge to practical situations. Student understands his/her role and responsibilites as employees and employers in the future training and work and knows the juridical status of the individual and the principles of jurisdiction. Student knows the legal and political systems and sources in Finland and Europe with special emphasis in environmental administration and knows the principles of public participation.

Content (course unit)

Legal systems and sources on different levels (Finland, Europe, international); legal cultures; legal acts and representation; the role of public participation in public administration processes; labour law; employee's and employer's responsibilities; human resources management and related regulations; occupational health and safety legislation and practices.

Prerequisites (course unit)

There are no prerequisities for the course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student recognizes the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student identifies the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can define the related concepts.

Student knows the responsibilities of employers and employees, can implement the knowledge in his/her own work in a routine manner.

Student can consider and assess his/her role in the legal context of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student knows the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can explain and compare the related concepts.

Student can apply the knowledge of the course theme in the working life, can make plans and solve problems related to the topic.

Student can sensitively consider and assess the activities and processes in the legal context of working life.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands and analyses the significance of regulations and laws of the course theme. Student understands the juridical status of the individual in working life and as a citizen and can extensively and analytically use the concepts of the topic.

Student can apply the knowledge of the course in an analytical way in the working life. Student can find creative solutions to problems related to the topic and assess the outcome in question.

Student can critically assess the activities and processes in the legal context of working life and change his/her actions and thinking accordingly.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Emmanuel Abruquah
Person in charge

Emmanuel Abruquah

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course students have achieved the following skills realistic evaluation of one’s own language (English) learning skills, accessing information from a wide range of sources, critical evaluation of information and competence in scientific reporting.

Content (course unit)

The students will practice producing reports which are logically structured, cover sufficient and relevant content, include appropriately labelled graphics, follow the norms for referencing and lay-out, and are written in clear and accurate English.

The students will develop their skills in summarising, paraphrasing and synthesise source materials.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student writes in comprehensible English on the whole and shows some awareness of the norms for scientific writing; references to source materials are included.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student's English is mainly formal and clear; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently, source materials are adequately paraphrased.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student's English is mainly formal and accurate; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently and in a variety of ways, source materials are adequately paraphrased.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 22IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows about the major physical, chemical and biological water and wastewater treatment units, such as sedimentation, filtration, coagulation/flocculation, activated sludge, N and P removal, membrane processes, ion exchange, advanced oxidation processes. He/she can perform mass balance calculations related to the units. Knows various natural wastewater treatment systems and the alternative wastewater management options. Can perform simple design of a water/wastewater treatment system for a specific situation.

Content (course unit)

Physical, chemical, and biological unit operations used in water and wastewater treatment, drinking water production, wastewater treatment, and sludge processing, laboratory exercises: activated sludge analysis, activated sludge process, coagulation and flocculation.

Prerequisites (course unit)

You will be handling real activated sludge during the course, due to which you should be up to date with the Tetanus vaccination before the laboratories.

This course is primarily aimed for the IDEE students and Double Degree students. Before taking this course you should have the Water and Sanitation course and all basic chemistry courses done. Exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory water treatment and chemistry courses done before taking this course. If you are an exchange student and you do not have studies the aforementioned courses, you are advised to take Water and Sanitation course instead of this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. This means the student is familiar with the basic concepts discussed during the course but often makes mistakes when applying them. Can perform the laboratory measurements and experiments independently and has basic skills in reporting the results of the measurements and experiments. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance. Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. This means that the student is familiar with the concepts discussed during the course and can apply them in most of the situations. Is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course and can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly. Can perform laboratory measurements and experiments independently and the reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices. Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. This means that student is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks and can perform simple laboratory measurements and experiments independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives. Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 21IENVE
    Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student knows the concepts related to contaminated sites, knows the main contaminants in soil, groundwater and sediments. Student understands the main processes of soil contamination, knows remediation and management technologies of contaminated soils. Student will also gain soil and groundwater sampling skills. Other types of environmental sampling, such as sediment sampling, are covered during the course. After the course, student has preparedness to design and implement sampling programmes, which gives him/her preparedness to participate different remediation projects.

Content (course unit)

Soil contaminants, soil and grondwater sampling, analysis and measurement methods, remediation methods, principles of sustainable remediation, field visits and practical work, occupational health and safety issues related to contaminated site remediation.

Prerequisites (course unit)

This course is primarily aimed for the environmental engineering, Double Degree, and exchange students. Before taking this course you need to have all basic studies done, especially all chemistry, physics and mathematics courses. In addition, it is required that you have completed Soils Science and Engineering or equivalent course.

Double Degree and exchange students planning to take the course, has to have experience and training in working in laboratory and should have an introductory soil engineering and chemistry courses done before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student is able to recognize and define the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and is able to do routine operations. Student knows courses of action but cannot necessarily justify his/her choices, for example, when choosing a remediation method and sampling methods.

Student can give and receive feedback and can work in a group. Student is able to consider and assess the topics from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work. Student can describe sustainability related effects of his/her own work related to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to apply, explain and compare the basic concepts related to contaminated site remediation. Student is also able to structure things in relation to one another.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from different remediation options and justify his/her choices. In practice, this means that the student is able apply his/her skills and make plans accordingly. Student is able to limit tasks and solve problems during the course.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student is able to consider and assess the topics both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work. Can describe and assess the sustainability related effects of his/her own work in relation to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyze and relate contaminated site remediation to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives for remediation and sampling, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student is also able to assess diverse site remediation solution and sampling alternatives, combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group’s interaction. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Student understands the sustainability related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work in relation to contaminated site remediation.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Emmanuel Abruquah
Person in charge

Emmanuel Abruquah

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course you
• are aware of and able to practice the conventions used in business communication
• can state some of the contributions you can make in working life
• analyse your audience and choose your methods of communication accordingly
• develop your written, spoken and online skills further

Content (course unit)

Business communication. Job application process. Skills based CV. Communicating professional matters outside your field. Presentation skills. Using the available media to get the reaction you want.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Writing Scientific Reports in English or equivalent

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

pronunciation is not always correct but acceptable for communication
- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

07.06.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Johanna Granlund
Person in charge

Johanna Granlund

  • 22AI112P

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
  • Johanna Granlund
Person in charge

Johanna Granlund

  • 21I131
  • 21I132
  • 21I228A

Objectives (course unit)

This course is for native Finnish speakers only.

After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.

Content (course unit)

Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.

Prerequisites (course unit)

No prerequisites

Further information (course unit)

The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

23.05.2024 - 30.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 07.10.2024


3 - 5

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning




TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Cross-study in the Tampere Universities Community
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Audiovisual Media
  • Pertti Näränen
  • Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 24AVMA
    Audiovisuaalisen median tutkinto-ohjelma 2024

Objectives (course unit)

The course familiarizes students with the history of audiovisual media. The connections between aesthetics and media technology are analyzed, and themes related to propaganda and media ethics are contemplated.

After completing the course, the student
- knows the mainlines and turning points in the development of audiovisual media
- identifies the connections between media forms and content with the development of technology, economy, art, and politics in Western countries
- develops their skills related to information retrieval, source criticism, and copyright
- is able to assess or test the use of historical media expressions or archival materials in contemporary media productions

Content (course unit)

Early history of moving images
Development of documentary filmmaking.
Enlightenment and propaganda.
Transformative phases in electronic media and digital media.
The future of media and developing global digitalization.
Public media archives and utilizing archives in new productions.

Note: The three-point section focuses on constructing knowledge related to media history. The five-point section includes the application of historical form of media expression to a new media product or other kind of competency-based application.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student recognizes the main trends in the history of audiovisual media. The student participates in teaching, collaboration, and discussions to a limited extent. Independent information retrieval is limited. Adherence to activities, instructions, and schedules during the period is at a satisfactory level.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student recognizes the main trends in the development of audiovisual media and is able to assess the connections between this development and cultural, political, economic, and technological advancements. The student is familiar with the principles of media ethics. The student actively participates in teaching, collaboration, and discussions. Independent information retrieval is diverse. The student can evaluate the applicability of artistic and technical expressions in the history of audiovisual media to contemporary media productions. The student is developing their skills related to online studies. They can utilize and provide constructive feedback to others.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student knows the main trends in the development of audiovisual media and can analytically assess the connections between this development and cultural, political, economic, and technological advancements. The student is familiar with the principles of media ethics and is able to evaluate media content from an ethical perspective. The student actively participates in teaching, collaboration, discussions, and setting personal goals. Independent information retrieval is diverse and critical. The student can analytically evaluate the applicability of artistic and technical expressions in the history of audiovisual media to contemporary media productions. The student knows principles related to intellectual property rights and copyright issues concerning the use of archival materials in media. The student is developing technical and interactive skills related to online studies. They can effectively utilize and provide constructive feedback to others.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

11.06.2024 - 31.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Seija Haapamäki
  • Hilda Szabo
  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student knows the different groups of hydrocarbons, compounds with functional groups, large molecular compounds of biological importance – their properties, naming and roles. Understands the mechanisms of environmental pollution and knows the main pollutants of air, water and soil. Understands the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative and instrumental analysis, is familiar with volumetric and some instrumental analytical methods and can apply them in practice.

Content (course unit)

Hydrocarbons; organic compounds with functional groups; organic pollutants; volumetric analysis; spectroscopy; chromatography.

Prerequisites (course unit)

In order to be able to follow this course, the students should have completed Basic Chemistry and Basics of Environmental Chemistry and Measurements (or equivalent courses taken in another higher education institute).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is sufficient but narrow. Student shows throughout the course that is familiar with the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.

Can solve model exercises correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples under supervision and has basic skills in reporting the results of the analysis. Overall knows the courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices. Completion of the tasks is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student can work in a group and recognizes his/her interaction skills. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is structural. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes.

Can solve model excercises and new exercises correctly, based on given models is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently. The reporting of the laboratory results shows that the student attends to apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results. Overall student is able to select appropriate course of action from diverse options, can make plans and apply his/her knowledge when solving problems and can justify the choices.

Student can give and receive constructive feedback and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Cooperates and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Overall the achieved competence is wide. Student shows throughout the course that is fluent in the basic concepts and phenomena related to the subjects discussed during the course: main classes of hydrocarbons and functional compounds, main classes of (organic) pollutants and environmental processes. Can solve model exercise and new exercises correctly, shows creativity in solving tasks, is able to write chemical reactions of the organic compounds correctly and independently. Can perform volumetric, instrumental and simple microbiological analyses of soil samples or various water samples independently.

Understands the background of the analytical method and the reporting of the results of the analysis shows that the student can apply the theoretical knowledge in explaining the results and can think about alternative solutions. Overall student is able to search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices, try new courses of action and assess diverse solution alternatives.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, and develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jaakko Aumala
Person in charge

Hilda Szabo

  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course, student has basic skills in the use of computer applications and resources in environmental planning and design. The aim is that, after the course, student is able to start his/her own design projects by using the introduced software tools. Examples of design softwares include programmes like AutoCAD and SketchUp.

Content (course unit)

Computer-aided design and drafting; technical drawing applications; 3D modeling.

Prerequisites (course unit)

It is recommended that before taking this course, you have completed the Computer and Software Tools or similar course.

Further information (course unit)

The programmes to be used during the course are specified in the implementation plan.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can recognize, name and define basic concepts introduced during the course.

Student manages the assigned computer exercises under supervision. Student knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices when using a computer programme. Completion of the assigned computer exercises is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback. He/she considers and assesses things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student structures, applies, explains and compares things in relation to one another between field-related phenomena and concepts introduced during the course.

Student is able to select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply, make plans and solve problems by using the software tools introduced during the course.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Student considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community’s viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills. Student also recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field. Student takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student understands extensive entities and relations between them, and is able to generalize, analyse and relate the introduced concepts to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action when using the software tools. Student is able to combine solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional task. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Student works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 23.10.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Mathematics and Physics

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Jukka Suominen
Person in charge

Miika Huikkola

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course students are able to use the basic statistical methods (calculate statistical values, use graphs in describing scientific phenomena, test hypothesis) in data analysis.

Content (course unit)

Statistical charts and numbers, probability, regression and correlation, hypothesis testing.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Student needs to have basic skills in using Microsoft Excel or some other similar kind of software. Student should also have completed Functions and Matrices and Integral Calculus courses or courses that cover the contents fo the two aforementioned courses before taking this course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student understands and is able to name and define the basic concepts.

Student manages the assigned tasks under supervision and knows different ways to conduct the statistical analyses, but cannot justify his/her choices. Student's way to use the statistical analyses is based on routine and pre-learned performance.

Student can give and receive feedback, and is able to consider and assess things from his/her viewpoint. Student takes responsibility for his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to structure relations between the basic concepts and is able to apply, explain and compare different statistical methods.

Student can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Student is able to apply the advanced concepts when solving technical problems.

Student can give and receive feedback actively and contructively, and considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Student can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student is able to understand extensive entities and relation between them. Student is able to generalise, analyse and related the advanced problems to the professional context.

Student can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Student assesses diverse solution alternatives creatively. Student has skills to present and justify the chosen methods when solving problems in a logical way.

Student uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Student can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively and works in a committed manner.

Assessment scale
