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Master's Degree Programme in Emerging Media

Kulttuurialan ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Medianomi (ylempi AMK)

60 op

Tutkintonimike ja tutkinnon taso

Master of Culture and Arts, EQF 7


Manager Dr. Leena Mäkelä

Hakukelpoisuus ja hakeminen

Bachelor of Culture and Arts or other suitable higher education degree and a minimum of three years' work experience in the field AFTER completion of the degree.

Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnustaminen

Credit transfer allows the student to apply for recognition of previous higher education to the studied degree, if they meet the competence objectives of the degree programme. Credit transfer follows the specific policies and procedures of

Tutkintovaatimukset ja niitä koskevat säännöt

Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.
Further information:
TAMK Degree Regulations.
Ministry of Education and Culture.

Tutkinnon profiili

Emerging Media includes media forms and technologies that are at such an early phase that media professionals are still exploring and experimenting with them. In the constantly changing media environment, there is a need for art and media experts who are able to rapidly adopt new technologies. Furthermore, the Master's degree in Emerging Media nurtures a holistic worldview and emphasizes the role of art and media in sustainable development.. The studies combine research and practical work in a multidisciplinary way which encourages to look for ideas from different approaches and practices of media and art as well as other disciplines.

Tutkinnon keskeiset osaamistavoitteet ja vuositeemat

This programme will enable the participants to:
- update their knowledge about emerging media and new technologies
- gain expertise on at least one focus area of emerging media (e.g. social media, virtual reality)
- develop an entrepreneurial attitude and self-learning skills to rapidly take a grip on changing media forms and technologies
- consider sustainability and societal challenges in their work
- apply a multidisciplinary approach to their work
- develop their skills in leading and managing multicultural teams
- carry out an innovative/artistic emerging media project
- research, analyze and critically reflect on topics and practices related to media studies.

Sijoittuminen työelämään

The occupational profiles of graduates are diverse depending on their prior professional experience and personal achievements during the studies. Graduates are qualified for leadership roles and demanding tasks in the area of art, media and innovation in creative industries and other industry sectors.


TAMK's master's degree certificate offers you the possibility to apply for doctoral studies in other universities according to their admission policy.

Opintosuoritukset ja niiden arviointi

Assessment of completed courses is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria. The teaching and assessment methods are agreed on with the students at the beginning of each course. The detailed information and criteria can be found in the course implementation plan. TAMK’s degree regulations are followed in implementation and assessment.


Completion of studies and achievement of competence objectives in the extent set by the curriculum.

Opintojen toteuttaminen

The studies are organised mainly online, with three separate intensive weeks. Therefore, it is possible to study and have a work at the same time. A crucial part of the studies is to activate self-development that is nurtured by personal guidance consisting of online video meetings´ between a student and a supervisor. The intensive weeks arranged at TAMK's Mediapolis Campus are mandatory. The recommended duration of the studies is 1,5 years. The master’s thesis is an independent work that demonstrates student’s capabilities of the required EQF 7 level (see Finnish National Agency for Education, Qualifications Frameworks).

Tutkinnon kehittäminen

The curriculum stems from research and development projects in cooperation with working life in the field of new technologies. It is also based on research mapping the needs of future working life (e.g. reports of Nesta foundation and Finnish Ministry of Culture and Education). Working life cooperation is implemented e.g. through students' master theses.

Master’s Degree in Emerging Media