Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tutkintonimike ja tutkinnon taso

The Curriculum complies with the European and National Higher Education Qualification Frameworks (Bachelor of Engineering, EQF 6).


Head of Degree Programme: Esa Kunnari
Study Counsellor: Petteri Jekunen
Study Affairs Coordinator: Reetta Palander


Hakukelpoisuus ja hakeminen

General admission criteria, see TAMK’s websites.

Aiemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnustaminen

It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised.
See TAMK’s credit transfer guidelines

Tutkintovaatimukset ja niitä koskevat säännöt

Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.
Further information:
TAMK Degree Regulations

Tutkinnon profiili

The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence.
Ministry of Education and Culture

Tutkinnon keskeiset osaamistavoitteet ja vuositeemat

The build-up of your skills and competences is divided into following annual themes:
During the first academic year, you will build a strong basis for your engineering skills and knowledge by studying mathematics, physics and basics studies of ICT engineering. You will also learn basics of software engineering. According to the study plan, you will complete the first practical training after the first academic year.
During the second academic year, you will deepen your ICT engineering skills and knowledge. You will study topics of modern software engineering, but you will also increase your basic engineering knowledge and language skills. According to the study plan, you will complete the second practical training after this academic year.
During the third academic year, you will continue deepening your software engineering skills and knowledge, mostly by studying advanced topics of modern software engineering. You will be capable of applying and deepening your knowledge and skills in practical areas of working life. According to the study plan, you will complete the third practical training after this academic year.
During the fourth academic year, you will study advanced topics of modern software engineering. You will highly increase your professional software engineering skills and knowledge and gain versatile competence to understand the latest technologies, applications and methods of modern software engineering. During the fourth academic year, you will compile a Bachelor’s Thesis to present your competences in the field of software engineering.

Sijoittuminen työelämään

The growing demand of software engineering specialists gives a vast variety of working possibilities. After graduation, you have competence to work for example as Software Engineer, Software Developer, Software Architect, Software Consultant, Data Engineer, Web Application Developer, Web Programmer and Mobile Application Developer.


The Bachelor of Engineering degree gives you eligibility for Master's degree programmes in many universities offering programmes in ICT engineering.

Opintosuoritukset ja niiden arviointi

Assessment of study performances is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria
The detailed assessment criteria can be found in course implementation plans. The teaching and assessment methods are agreed on with students at the beginning of each course.
TAMK Degree Regulations


Completion of studies and achievement of competence objectives in the extent set by the curriculum.

Opintojen toteuttaminen

The in-class sessions of the courses will be mainly organized as daytime sessions between august and june. The adopted approach is blended learning. Thus, with the varying in-class lectures and practical sessions, also studying outside the classroom is required. The studying and different kind of projects may be taken in teams with the coaching of the experienced teaching staff.

Tutkinnon kehittäminen

The Ministry of Education and Culture’ definitions of policy and TAMK’s strategy have been considered in the curriculum.
The Degree Programme in Software Engineering is continuously developed based on the feedback from the students, alumni and other stakeholders.

Degree Programme in Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering
Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Studies for Exchange Students, Software Engineering

15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 17.12.2023


8 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 45

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Esa Kujansuu
  • Iina Nieminen
  • Miika Huikkola
  • Pekka Pöyry

Pekka Pöyry

  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. The student is able to create and use Machine Learning Algorithms in Python. The student learns how to make analysis and predictions and knows which Machine Learning model to choose for each type of a problem.

Sisältö (OJ)

- Basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning
- Unsupervised and Supervised learning
- Regression, Association, Classification
- Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms
- Training and validation of models
- Production testing of models

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming

Lisätiedot (OJ)

Includes content of previous Mathematics 3 course. The course eliminates duplication observed in courses.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply at least some supervised or supervised learning applications. Student can use regression, association or classification algorithm with support. Student can create an application using either Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees or Neural Network Algorithms. Student can setup training and validation processes for new models. Student can setup production testing for new models.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply both supervised and supervised learning applications. Student can create applications with regression, association, or classification algorithms. Student can create working applications using Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms. Student can setup and apply training and use validation methods for new models. Student can follow procedures of production testing for new models.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply both supervised and supervised learning for various applications. Student can use regression, association, and classification algorithms where appropriate. Student can create versatile applications using Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms. Student can implement various training and validation solutions for new models. Student is able to execute reliable production testing for new models.

Aika ja paikka

AI & ML: 3 hours per week in classroom
Mathematics: 1 hour online, 2 hours in classroom per week (5 weeks total)

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

No exam.

Retake and improvement of the grade :
First retake on week 5/2024. Second retake on week 10/2024. A student contacts the lecturer during the retake week for detailed instructions. Improvement of the grade can be tried once during the retake weeks.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The course consists of two separate parts: ML&AI and Mathematics. A student gets a separate grade from both parts. The final course grade is weighted average of the grades of the parts. ML&AI is 5/8 of the final course grade and Mathematics is 3/8 of the final course grade.

A student can get points from two separate final practical works. Max. points for Practical work 1 is 20 points. Max. points for Practical work 2 is 30 points.

ML&AI points and grades:
0 0
10 1
17 2
25 3
35 4
45 5


The scores in Mathematics part are received from attendance (20%) and activity on classes (30%) and assigments (50%).

Mathematics part grade thresholds are:
0 0
10 1
17 2
25 3
35 4
45 5



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

AI & ML: 3 hours per week in classroom
Mathematics: 1 hour online, 2 hours in classroom per week (5 weeks total)


Course materials in Moodle:

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

75 hours contact teaching and 138 hours independent learning.

Sisällön jaksotus

Course schedule is in course Moodle.

Course content:

Basics of Machine Learning and AI
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Random Forest


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 17.12.2023


8 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Esa Kujansuu
  • Iina Nieminen
  • Miika Huikkola
  • Pekka Pöyry

Pekka Pöyry

  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. The student is able to create and use Machine Learning Algorithms in Python. The student learns how to make analysis and predictions and knows which Machine Learning model to choose for each type of a problem.

Sisältö (OJ)

- Basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning
- Unsupervised and Supervised learning
- Regression, Association, Classification
- Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms
- Training and validation of models
- Production testing of models

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming

Lisätiedot (OJ)

Includes content of previous Mathematics 3 course. The course eliminates duplication observed in courses.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply at least some supervised or supervised learning applications. Student can use regression, association or classification algorithm with support. Student can create an application using either Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees or Neural Network Algorithms. Student can setup training and validation processes for new models. Student can setup production testing for new models.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply both supervised and supervised learning applications. Student can create applications with regression, association, or classification algorithms. Student can create working applications using Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms. Student can setup and apply training and use validation methods for new models. Student can follow procedures of production testing for new models.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth the basic concepts of AI and Machine Learning. Student can apply both supervised and supervised learning for various applications. Student can use regression, association, and classification algorithms where appropriate. Student can create versatile applications using Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees and Neural Network Algorithms. Student can implement various training and validation solutions for new models. Student is able to execute reliable production testing for new models.

Aika ja paikka

AI & ML: 3 hours per week in classroom
Mathematics: 1 hour online, 2 hours in classroom per week (5 weeks total)

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

No exam.

Retake and improvement of the grade :
First retake on week 5/2024. Second retake on week 10/2024. A student contacts the lecturer during the retake week for detailed instructions. Improvement of the grade can be tried once during the retake weeks.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The course consists of two separate parts: ML&AI and Mathematics. A student gets a separate grade from both parts. The final course grade is weighted average of the grades of the parts. ML&AI is 5/8 of the final course grade and Mathematics is 3/8 of the final course grade.

A student can get points from two separate final practical works. Max. points for Practical work 1 is 20 points. Max. points for Practical work 2 is 30 points.

ML&AI points and grades:
0 0
10 1
17 2
25 3
35 4
45 5


The scores in Mathematics part are received from attendance (20%) and activity on classes (30%) and assigments (50%).

Mathematics part grade thresholds are:
0 0
10 1
17 2
25 3
35 4
45 5



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

AI & ML: 3 hours per week in classroom
Mathematics: 1 hour online, 2 hours in classroom per week (5 weeks total)


Course materials in Moodle:

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

75 hours contact teaching and 138 hours independent learning.

Sisällön jaksotus

Course schedule is in course Moodle.

Course content:

Basics of Machine Learning and AI
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Random Forest


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op


3 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 45

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto

Jari Aalto

  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands the concept of APIs in software development. The student is able to use the common technologies to create APIs and microservices for other applications.

Sisältö (OJ)

Development of Service APIs. Development of microservices. API technologies e.g. REST and GraphQL. API version control.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about the concept of service APIs. Student can implement a simple Service API. Student knows about the concept of microservices and can implement a microservice with guidance. Student knows about API technologies e.g. REST or GraphQL. Student can build a version control system for the life-cycle management of the API with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands the concept of service APIs. Student can implement a Service API. Student understands the concept of microservices and can implement a microservice. Student knows and can exploit API technologies e.g. REST or GraphQL. Student can build a version control system for the life-cycle management of the API.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth the concept of service APIs. Student can implement a versatile Service API. Student understands the concept of microservices and can diversely implement microservices. Student knows and can exploit diversely API technologies e.g. REST and GraphQL. Student can build a versatile API version control system for the life-cycle management of the API.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät


Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Vähemmän kuin 30 % harjoituksista ei ole palautettu hyväksytysti.

Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.


15.07.2023 - 08.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Sara Nortunen

Sara Nortunen

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

-is able to narrate given mathematical text and self-produced expressions/equations etc.
-is able to evaluate his/her own mathematical know-how
-can manipulate expressions and equations (by utilizing tools, if necessary)
-knows the concepts of function and proportionality
-identifies and is able to create an equation of a line
-knows Boolean algebra and is able to use truth tables
-is able to apply course contents in technical problem solving
-is able to act as a member of a group and take responsibility for one's own and the group's success

Sisältö (OJ)

-Reading and presentation skills of basic software engineering mathematics
-Numeral systems that are used in software engineering (binary and hexadecimal systems)
-Power: powers of 10 and 2, multiplicative units, manipulation of expressions
-Solving an equation, solving a system of equations
-Concept of proportionality
-Equation of a line, concept of regression
-Concept of function, sine function
-Boolean algebra, truth tables
-Basic use of mathematical software (with the content themes listed above)

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-Knows the taught mathematical basic concepts
-Is able to do given basic level tasks by utilizing the group, if necessary
-Understands and is able to narrate given mathematical text
-Knows some engineering applications of the course contents

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

-Can handle expressions and equations within the span of course contents
-Can narrate and justify self-produced expressions and equations etc.
-Is mainly able to use mathematical notations and concepts correctly
-Is able to help other members of the group
-Can apply taught concepts in engineering applications

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

-In addition to aforementioned
*Can apply course contents in technical problem solving – even in new contexts
*Student can present self-written mathematical text clearly, logically and precisely




15.07.2023 - 08.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Sara Nortunen

Sara Nortunen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

-is able to narrate given mathematical text and self-produced expressions/equations etc.
-is able to evaluate his/her own mathematical know-how
-can manipulate expressions and equations (by utilizing tools, if necessary)
-knows the concepts of function and proportionality
-identifies and is able to create an equation of a line
-knows Boolean algebra and is able to use truth tables
-is able to apply course contents in technical problem solving
-is able to act as a member of a group and take responsibility for one's own and the group's success

Sisältö (OJ)

-Reading and presentation skills of basic software engineering mathematics
-Numeral systems that are used in software engineering (binary and hexadecimal systems)
-Power: powers of 10 and 2, multiplicative units, manipulation of expressions
-Solving an equation, solving a system of equations
-Concept of proportionality
-Equation of a line, concept of regression
-Concept of function, sine function
-Boolean algebra, truth tables
-Basic use of mathematical software (with the content themes listed above)

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-Knows the taught mathematical basic concepts
-Is able to do given basic level tasks by utilizing the group, if necessary
-Understands and is able to narrate given mathematical text
-Knows some engineering applications of the course contents

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

-Can handle expressions and equations within the span of course contents
-Can narrate and justify self-produced expressions and equations etc.
-Is mainly able to use mathematical notations and concepts correctly
-Is able to help other members of the group
-Can apply taught concepts in engineering applications

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

-In addition to aforementioned
*Can apply course contents in technical problem solving – even in new contexts
*Student can present self-written mathematical text clearly, logically and precisely




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


2 op




TAMK Matematiikka ja fysiikka


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Emmanuel Abruquah
  • Jukka Suominen
  • Sami Suhonen
  • Noora Erkkilä

Noora Erkkilä

  • 23TEMA
    Textile and Material Engineering
  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Student is able to
- make a measurement task under supervision
- make a data sheet under supervision
- calculate the results of the measurement task
- make a graph representing the results
- make an appropriate error analysis
- draw up a report in accordance with standards

Sisältö (OJ)

Measurements in ICT Engineering.
Calculations of the results including linear regression.
Drawing up reports about the measuring tasks.




15.07.2023 - 29.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 25.02.2024


8 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Miika Huikkola
  • Louis Botha

Louis Botha

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the basics of web programming and how to implement the storage and processing of data that supports the IoT system. The student is able to implement a simple web application. The student is able to do statistical calculations from data. The student is familiar with the most common modern techniques of data storage and web programming.

Sisältö (OJ)

Web programming (6 ECTS): Web programming techniques and languages, data reading from api, data processing, data display to end user. Command line basics.

Basics of statistics and its concepts (2 ECTS).

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basics of Programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student is able to produce a simple web page and format the structure of the page.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student is able to create a versatile web application and take advantage of APIs.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student is able to create and publish a web application with an easy-to-use structure. The student is able to store, read, process and display data to the end user.




15.07.2023 - 29.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 25.02.2024


8 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Miika Huikkola
  • Louis Botha

Louis Botha

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the basics of web programming and how to implement the storage and processing of data that supports the IoT system. The student is able to implement a simple web application. The student is able to do statistical calculations from data. The student is familiar with the most common modern techniques of data storage and web programming.

Sisältö (OJ)

Web programming (6 ECTS): Web programming techniques and languages, data reading from api, data processing, data display to end user. Command line basics.

Basics of statistics and its concepts (2 ECTS).

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basics of Programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student is able to produce a simple web page and format the structure of the page.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student is able to create a versatile web application and take advantage of APIs.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student is able to create and publish a web application with an easy-to-use structure. The student is able to store, read, process and display data to the end user.




02.06.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 08.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 50

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Mark Curcher

Tuomo Soini

  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

This course supports mainly entrepreneurial aspects of business economics. The students gain both basic theory and hands-on guidance in business planning of a new startup company. Entrepreneurial characteristics, creativity and innovations are discussed in general. Students create a business idea and a business model is developed. Finally a business plan is created understanding different elements of it. Pitching the business idea and plan for the stakeholders is practiced, too.

Sisältö (OJ)

Entrepreneurship, founding an enterprise, basic functions of enterprises. What is the importance of a business plan? How to define value proposition for different customer segments? How to position your own business in the market and gain competitive advantage?

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student can name the core elements of a business plan and a business model. The student is able to create a viable business plan including the business model. He/she is able to give and receive feedback related to business planning and collaborate in a small group on business planning tasks. The student takes responsibility of his/her own studies related to business planning.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student is able to explain the core elements of a business plan and the core elements of a business model. He/she can create a coherent and credible business plan including the business model. The student is able to give and receive constructive feedback related to business planning and take responsibility of his/her studies and group work related to business planning.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student can use additional and recent sources to extend knowledge of business planning and business models. The student is able to justify the decisions in the business plan with proper analysis and commit himself/herself to individual studies and group work related to business planning.

Aika ja paikka

Online and virtual work during the fall of 2023. Schedule to be advised.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Will be provided in class and on the Moodle platform.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Online lectures, team assignments and independent work.


Teaching materials will be available on Moodle.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

No alternative approach available

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

An authentic approach to teaching and learning is taken to reflect work life realities.



Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student can name the core elements of a business plan and a business model. The student is able to create a viable business plan including the business model. He/she is able to give and receive feedback related to business planning and collaborate in a small group on business planning tasks. The student takes responsibility of his/her own studies related to business planning.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student is able to explain the core elements of a business plan and the core elements of a business model. He/she can create a coherent and credible business plan including the business model. The student is able to give and receive constructive feedback related to business planning and take responsibility of his/her studies and group work related to business planning.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student can use additional and recent sources to extend knowledge of business planning and business models. The student is able to justify the decisions in the business plan with proper analysis and commit himself/herself to individual studies and group work related to business planning.


23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


12.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


7 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 42

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Ossi Nykänen

Ossi Nykänen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands basic concepts of Statistics and Classical Data Analysis. The student can collect and preprocess data for analysis and visualization. The student is able make appropriate data analyses and visualizations for the problem. The student can evaluate both the quality and the applicability of the results.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course content is:
- Data collection and Data Preprocessing
- Visual analytics process
- Basic methods of Statistics and Classical Data Analysis
- Data analysis with Analytics Tools and Python
- Visualization models
- Critical evaluation of results

Lisätiedot (OJ)

Includes content of previous Mathematics 3 course. The course eliminates duplication observed in courses.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student can sufficiently implement data collection and data preprocessing for a given task. Student knows how to implement visual analytics processes. Student knows some basic methods of statistics and classical data analysis. The student can solve some given data analysis problems with analytics tools or python. Student can use given visualization models. Student understands the meaning of the results.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student can implement data collection and data preprocessing for a given task. Student can implement visual analytics processes. Student knows and understands basic methods of statistics and classical data analysis. The student can solve given data analysis problems with analytics tools and python. Student knows and can exploit given visualization models. Student can evaluate the meaning of the results.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student can implement data collection and data preprocessing with the appropriate methods. Student can implement various visual analytics processes. Student knows and understands in depth basic methods of statistics and classical data analysis. The student can solve versatile data analysis problems with analytics tools and python. Student knows and can exploit visualization models as appropriate. Student can critically evaluate and interpret the meaning of the results.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Weekly assignments and project work presentation.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 23.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Ossi Nykänen

Ossi Nykänen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student learns basic concepts, ideas and principles concerning database systems including big data systems. The student is able to install, configure and run a database system and to design and implement data content to it and handle it with SQL language. General big data system concepts are handled; the aim is that the student can install, configure and run a big data system and handle it’s data. Some of the most popular big data technologies are learned.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course content is:
- General ideas of a database system,
- Data modelling and design techniques,
- Relational model, data handling with SQL language,
- Database programming,
- NoSQL databases
- General ideas of a big data system

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows database system concepts and ideas and recognises them in real running systems. The student is able to do modest maintenance works for existing database systems and participate partly in the design of new database systems.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student understands database system concepts and ideas and can justify their existence in real running systems. The student is able to maintain existing database system structures and design of new database system parts.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth database system concepts and ideas and is familiar with their existence in real running systems. The student is able to create new database system structures and make new designs in all areas of the database systems.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Matematiikka ja fysiikka


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 50

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Leo Peltomaa

Juho Tiili

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22TEMA
    Textile and Material Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing this course student:
- Has developed his/her technological and scientific way of thinking.
- knows the scientific analysis of phenomena
- knows how to describe electromagnetic, oscillation, wave and atomic phenomena with physical quantities
- knows how the electric and magnetic fields are generated and how these fields are used in applications.
- knows how electromagnetic and mechanical waves are generated, how they propagate and where they are used.
- is able to give justifiable solutions to related problems.

Sisältö (OJ)

- electric and magnetic fields, electric circuits and different electronic components
- electric and magnetic properties of matter
- electromagnetic induction
- principles of electric sensors
- Electromagnetic waves, mechanical oscillation, wave propagation, sounds.
- quantization, interaction of photons and matter, atomic energy levels

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Knowledge of the most essential phenomena and related quantities and units regarding to course topics. Capability to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively simple cases related phenomena similar to discussed examples.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

In addition, capability to apply the principles to new situations. Fluent usage of the terminology and models in presentations of justified qualitative and quantitative analyses of phenomena.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

In addition, versatile ability to analyse phenomena qualitatively and quantitatively realizing the limitations related to theories in use.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 40

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Esa Kunnari
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Esa Kunnari

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course student is able to implement microcontroller systems that are connected to real-life IO interfaces. This part focuses on the data acquisition side such as sensors, microcontroller, etc.

Sisältö (OJ)

Advanced C and C++ microcontroller programming. CPU peripherals, interfaces (I2C, Spi, Uart). Connecting to real life IO (LCD, keyboard, sensors, actuators).

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basics of Programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-is able to create simple programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART.
-is able to control DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators with the help of the teacher and fellow students.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

-is able to create programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators independently.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

-is able to create complex programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows and understands I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate diversely DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators fluently.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Vihtori Virta

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course student is able to implement microcontroller systems that are connected to real-life IO interfaces. This part concentrates on high level IOT- protocols such as MQTT and rest-API.

Sisältö (OJ)

Connecting to real life IO (LCD, keyboard, sensors, actuators). IoT protocol programming C++/Python, MQTT, rest-API.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-is able to create programs that control car movements with C/C++ and Arduino IDE.
-is able to control the car with lidar feedback and other sensors with the help of the teacher and fellow students.
-is able to get VM traffic light code working with MQTT protocol, with the help of the teacher and fellow students

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to get system working by adding some small own functionality for reference code C/C++(MEGA, ESP, VM) , HTML/web page, MQTT.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able to get end to end system working by adding several new own functionality to reference code C/C++(MEGA, ESP, VM) , HTML/web page, MQTT.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


12 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Esa Kunnari
  • Noora Erkkilä
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course, student is able to create data transfer from sensors to cloud and vice versa. Student is able to implement an intelligent IoT system combining hardware and software together. Student is aware of IoT architecture from beginning to end. Student gets practice in working as a member of a team, learns communication and co-operation skills.

Sisältö (OJ)

Introduction to electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality, IoT- protocols, basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. Project work in small groups, planning, reporting, joining project meetings and giving presentations.

Includes Physics ~ 2 credits:
Introduction to the principles of electricity. Topics covered include electric potential, current, resistance, and DC circuits among other topics. Topics are designed for students with a basic understanding of physics and mathematics.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows some basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student knows some basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can implement project work in small groups with guidance and can participate partially in planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student knows basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can implement project work in small groups and can participate in planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows comprehensively basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student is familiar with the basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can independently implement project work in small groups and can carry out in leading role planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


12 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Esa Kunnari
  • Noora Erkkilä
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course, student is able to create data transfer from sensors to cloud and vice versa. Student is able to implement an intelligent IoT system combining hardware and software together. Student is aware of IoT architecture from beginning to end. Student gets practice in working as a member of a team, learns communication and co-operation skills.

Sisältö (OJ)

Introduction to electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality, IoT- protocols, basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. Project work in small groups, planning, reporting, joining project meetings and giving presentations.

Includes Physics ~ 2 credits:
Introduction to the principles of electricity. Topics covered include electric potential, current, resistance, and DC circuits among other topics. Topics are designed for students with a basic understanding of physics and mathematics.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows some basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student knows some basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can implement project work in small groups with guidance and can participate partially in planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student knows basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can implement project work in small groups and can participate in planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows comprehensively basics of electronics, A/D- conversion, sensor technologies, broker functionality and IoT- protocols. The student is familiar with the basics of C and C++ microcontroller programming with IoT interfaces. The student can independently implement project work in small groups and can carry out in leading role planning, reporting, project meetings and giving project presentations.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Sami Suhonen

Juho Tiili

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

- Can write and use equations, units, and multiple units for calculations and for presenting results
- Can assess the validity of the results and knows the correct order of different quantities
- Can present a numeric result in proper accuracy
- Knows how to function as a member of a group and takes responsibility for the success of the group
- Learns to use a computer in solving numerical problems (for example MATLAB, Excel, Excel VBA, or other suitable software), regression, numerical integration, numerical equation solving
- Solves practical problems from technology and everyday life

Sisältö (OJ)

Course consist of measurement and modelling exercises done in small groups, and students will study creating simple algorithms and functions. Studied topics are:
- Mechanics: quantities and units, linear and constrained motion, rotary motion
- Thermal physics: quantities and units, thermal energy and power, heat transfer, fluid mechanics
- Air humidity: relative and absolute humidity
- Mechanical oscillations and waves: natural frequencies of different systems and structures, resonance
- Sound: logarithmic scale, level quantities (dB), noise spectrum

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student actively participates in learning and solving given assignments. Student can use quantities and equations to solve given problems with the help from the group. Student needs a lot of support to finish the computer aided problems.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student actively participates in learning and solving given assignments and helps the rest of the group to solve exercises. Student needs very little help with computer aided problems.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is involved in examining topics. Student can come up with their own solution methods to given problems.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Assessment is continuous and it is based on the points collected from measurement assignments (8 x 5 p) and topic tests (8 x 5 p). However, the maximum points are 60 p. This means that students can choose which 12 of the 16 assessed tasks to do. If s student does all 16 tasks, then the points of 12 best assignments are taken into account. There are NO RETAKES of measurement tasks or topic tests - the extra 4 act as a backup for absences.
The dates:
Measurement assignments:
4.9.2023 (kinematics)
18.9.2023 (work, energy, power)
2.10.2023 (rotational motion, torque, moment of inertia)
23.10. 2023 (heat, heat capacity)
6.11.2023 (fluid flow, viscosity)
27.11.2023 (mechanical oscillations)
11.12.2023 (sound pressure level)
before 15.12.2023 (own measurement)

The final DL for all topic tests is 15.12.2023

There are also two retake exams of the whole course. They are own separate exams in which the points of measurement assignments or topic tests are not taken into account. The retakes will be on January 2024. Dates will be discussed with the students.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Assessment is continuous and it is based on the points collected from measurement assignments (8 x 5 p) and topic tests (8 x 5 p). However, the maximum points are 60 p. This means that students can choose which 12 of the 16 assessed tasks to do. If s student does all 16 tasks, then the points of 12 best assignments are taken into account. There are NO RETAKES of measurement tasks or topic tests - the extra 4 act as a backup for absences.

There are also two retake exams of the whole course. They are own separate exams in which the points of measurement assignments or topic tests are not taken into account.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Activating lectures, group working, measurement assignments, homework, teaching videos


OpenStax College Physics
Technical formula (Tammertekniikka)
Material in Moodle

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 ects = 135 h student work. Roughly 60 h of contact teaching.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

There are options how to study and what parts to choose for evaluation within the course in Moodle.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö





15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Sami Suhonen

Juho Tiili

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

- Can write and use equations, units, and multiple units for calculations and for presenting results
- Can assess the validity of the results and knows the correct order of different quantities
- Can present a numeric result in proper accuracy
- Knows how to function as a member of a group and takes responsibility for the success of the group
- Learns to use a computer in solving numerical problems (for example MATLAB, Excel, Excel VBA, or other suitable software), regression, numerical integration, numerical equation solving
- Solves practical problems from technology and everyday life

Sisältö (OJ)

Course consist of measurement and modelling exercises done in small groups, and students will study creating simple algorithms and functions. Studied topics are:
- Mechanics: quantities and units, linear and constrained motion, rotary motion
- Thermal physics: quantities and units, thermal energy and power, heat transfer, fluid mechanics
- Air humidity: relative and absolute humidity
- Mechanical oscillations and waves: natural frequencies of different systems and structures, resonance
- Sound: logarithmic scale, level quantities (dB), noise spectrum

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student actively participates in learning and solving given assignments. Student can use quantities and equations to solve given problems with the help from the group. Student needs a lot of support to finish the computer aided problems.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student actively participates in learning and solving given assignments and helps the rest of the group to solve exercises. Student needs very little help with computer aided problems.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is involved in examining topics. Student can come up with their own solution methods to given problems.




15.07.2023 - 30.09.2023


18.09.2023 - 13.12.2023


3 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Janne Hopeela

Janne Hopeela

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course, students
- know how to act in working life communication situations (e.g. presentations and meetings)
- know the most important vocabulary of software engineering
- can write job application documents and take part in a job interview
- know the basic business terminology and can give a presentation of a chosen company

Sisältö (OJ)

- Working life communication situations
- Business life English
- Job applications
- Terminology of ICT and Software Engineering
- Meetings and negotiations
- Grammar as required

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.




15.07.2023 - 30.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


3 op


1 op


67 % Lähiopetus, 33 % Etäopetus


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi

0 - 30

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petri Tuohimäki

Kirsi Saarinen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course, students
- know how to act in working life communication situations (e.g. presentations and meetings)
- know the most important vocabulary of software engineering
- can write job application documents and take part in a job interview
- know the basic business terminology and can give a presentation of a chosen company

Sisältö (OJ)

- Working life communication situations
- Business life English
- Job applications
- Terminology of ICT and Software Engineering
- Meetings and negotiations
- Grammar as required

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

- comprehension of key points of limited professional material is fairly good and with tools for studies
- basic knowledge is acquired and shared
- basic and unclear expressions are used in communication but main message is shared and
- transmitted with some professional touch
- communication seems clumsy and limited but some attention is paid to interaction
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

pronunciation sounds clear and quite natural
- comprehension of key points as well as details of professional material is good and acquired
- knowledge can be implemented
- clear professional expressions are used and the number of mistakes is limited
- communication seems professional and interpersonal skills are quite good
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

pronunciation sounds clear and natural with different nuances in tone
- comprehension of key points as well as details of demanding professional material is good and
- acquired knowledge can be implemented with ease
- fluent and proficient language is used with a good sense of style and register
- communication seems professional, interactive and efficient with very few mistakes made
- all separately defined course requirements contributing to the final grade are met.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Terhi Tapaninen

Kirsi Saarinen

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The course provides the basics of the Finnish language (estimated level A1.2)

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic
situations related to everyday life (introducing oneself and one’s family, simple shopping and food)
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic structure of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to
everyday life.

Sisältö (OJ)

• study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
o pronunciation exercises
o vocabulary exercises
o structural exercises
o conversational and drama exercises
o listening comprehension exercises
o reading comprehension exercises
o written exercises.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Terhi Tapaninen

Terhi Tapaninen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The course provides the basics of the Finnish language (estimated level A1.2)

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic
situations related to everyday life (introducing oneself and one’s family, simple shopping and food)
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic structure of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to
everyday life.

Sisältö (OJ)

• study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
o pronunciation exercises
o vocabulary exercises
o structural exercises
o conversational and drama exercises
o listening comprehension exercises
o reading comprehension exercises
o written exercises.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.




23.11.2023 - 11.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 03.05.2024


5 op




TAMK Kielet ja viestintä


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Terhi Tapaninen

Terhi Tapaninen

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The course provides the basics of the Finnish language (estimated level A2.1) building up the knowledge and use of Finnish language in simple everyday situations.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite well
• understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area)
• catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements
• read very short, simple texts
• find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and understand short simple
personal letters
• participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in
the course
• use their Finnish out of a classroom
• use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms their family and other
people, living conditions, educational background and their present or most recent job
• write short, simple texts related to everyday topics.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course contents
• study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 5 - 7 and 9, moreover free time, health, past
tenses, passive voice

o structural exercises
o pronunciation exercises
o vocabulary exercises
o conversational and drama exercises
o listening comprehension exercises
o reading comprehension exercises
o written exercises.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.




23.11.2023 - 11.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op




TAMK Kielet ja viestintä


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Terhi Tapaninen

Terhi Tapaninen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The course provides the basics of the Finnish language (estimated level A2.1) building up the knowledge and use of Finnish language in simple everyday situations.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite well
• understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area)
• catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements
• read very short, simple texts
• find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and understand short simple
personal letters
• participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in
the course
• use their Finnish out of a classroom
• use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms their family and other
people, living conditions, educational background and their present or most recent job
• write short, simple texts related to everyday topics.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course contents
• study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 5 - 7 and 9, moreover free time, health, past
tenses, passive voice

o structural exercises
o pronunciation exercises
o vocabulary exercises
o conversational and drama exercises
o listening comprehension exercises
o reading comprehension exercises
o written exercises.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


10 op


6 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto
  • Esa Parkkila
  • Teemu Heinimäki

Teemu Heinimäki

  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands the concepts used in a full-stack web application. The student is able to develop both frontend and backend of the web application. The student can create authentication for a full-stack web application.

Sisältö (OJ)

Responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Frontend Web development with Javascript frameworks eg. React and Angular. Backend development with popular technologies eg. Node, Java. Using backend data repository. Implementation of authentication with e.g. JWT.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1-3, Basics of Web Development, Web Software Production

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student can implement an UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able implement a simple frontend by using web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a simple backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use the backend as a simple data source for the application. Student knows about authentication possibilities for the application with e.g. JWT.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student can implement a responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able to exploit frontend web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use the backend as the data source for the application. Student is able to implement authentication for the application with e.g. JWT.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student can implement versatile responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able to exploit various frontend web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a versatile backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use diversely the backend as the data source for the application. Student is able to implement a full authentication for the application with e.g. JWT.

Aika ja paikka

Ks. periodiaikataulu (Moodle) ja
Frontend-osuuden tunnit: sekä lähi- että etä.
Backend-osuuden tunnit: sekä lähi- että etä.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Ei tenttiä. Palautetut harjoitukset ja projektit.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Ks. englanninkielinen osa



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät



Soveltuva verkon materiaali esim. aiheista React, Angular, Git Version Control, Databases, NodeJS

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Ks. periodiaikataulu

Sisällön jaksotus

- React, JSX, DOM, Redux, Angular, JSON, Rest
- Version Control, Git, Hostting Services, Data Storage, SQL, NodeJS, HTTP services

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Sovitaan erikseen.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Mahdollisia vierailuluentoja.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Määräajat arvosanoille 1-5:

2023-11-05 viikko 44, deadline, Frontend (Part 1)
2023-12-11 viikko50, deadline, Backend (Part 2)
2024-01-14 viikko 2, deadline, Backend (Part 3)

Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointimenetelmät ja englanninkielinen osa

Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


10 op


6 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto
  • Esa Parkkila
  • Teemu Heinimäki

Teemu Heinimäki

  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student understands the concepts used in a full-stack web application. The student is able to develop both frontend and backend of the web application. The student can create authentication for a full-stack web application.

Sisältö (OJ)

Responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Frontend Web development with Javascript frameworks eg. React and Angular. Backend development with popular technologies eg. Node, Java. Using backend data repository. Implementation of authentication with e.g. JWT.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1-3, Basics of Web Development, Web Software Production

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student can implement an UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able implement a simple frontend by using web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a simple backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use the backend as a simple data source for the application. Student knows about authentication possibilities for the application with e.g. JWT.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student can implement a responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able to exploit frontend web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use the backend as the data source for the application. Student is able to implement authentication for the application with e.g. JWT.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student can implement versatile responsive UI with HTML and CSS technologies. Student is able to exploit various frontend web development techniques with Javascript framework eg. React or Angular. Student is able to implement a versatile backend with some popular technology eg. Node or Java. Student can use diversely the backend as the data source for the application. Student is able to implement a full authentication for the application with e.g. JWT.

Aika ja paikka

Ks. periodiaikataulu (Moodle) ja
Frontend-osuuden tunnit: sekä lähi- että etä.
Backend-osuuden tunnit: sekä lähi- että etä.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Ei tenttiä. Palautetut harjoitukset ja projektit.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Ks. englanninkielinen osa



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät



Soveltuva verkon materiaali esim. aiheista React, Angular, Git Version Control, Databases, NodeJS

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Ks. periodiaikataulu

Sisällön jaksotus

- React, JSX, DOM, Redux, Angular, JSON, Rest
- Version Control, Git, Hostting Services, Data Storage, SQL, NodeJS, HTTP services

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Sovitaan erikseen.

Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö

Mahdollisia vierailuluentoja.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Määräajat arvosanoille 1-5:

2023-11-05 viiko 44, deadline, Frontend (Part 1)
2023-12-11 viikko 50, deadline, Backend (Part 2)
2024-01-14 viikko 2, deadline, Backend (Part 3)

Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointimenetelmät ja englanninkielinen osa

Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

Ks. arviointikriteerit.


23.11.2023 - 09.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jere Käpyaho
  • Tony Torp
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student can implement custom, fluid and modern graphical user interfaces with user interaction for most common device types based on UX design

Sisältö (OJ)

Implementing graphical user interfaces for embedded, mobile and desktop environments with Qt/QML programming framework

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is able to implement a graphical user interface for an embedded, a mobile or a desktop environment. Student knows about Qt/QML programming framework and is able to use the framework in a project with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to implement a graphical user interface for an embedded, a mobile and a desktop environment. Student knows and understands Qt/QML programming framework and is able to exploit the framework in a project.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able to implement various graphical user interfaces for embedded, mobile and desktop environments. Student knows and understands in depth Qt/QML programming framework and is able to exploit the framework diversely in various projects.




23.11.2023 - 09.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jere Käpyaho
  • Tony Torp
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student can implement custom, fluid and modern graphical user interfaces with user interaction for most common device types based on UX design

Sisältö (OJ)

Implementing graphical user interfaces for embedded, mobile and desktop environments with Qt/QML programming framework

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is able to implement a graphical user interface for an embedded, a mobile or a desktop environment. Student knows about Qt/QML programming framework and is able to use the framework in a project with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to implement a graphical user interface for an embedded, a mobile and a desktop environment. Student knows and understands Qt/QML programming framework and is able to exploit the framework in a project.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able to implement various graphical user interfaces for embedded, mobile and desktop environments. Student knows and understands in depth Qt/QML programming framework and is able to exploit the framework diversely in various projects.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 42

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Tony Torp

Tony Torp

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student is able to implement mobile applications utilizing cloud services for Android and iOS devices.

Sisältö (OJ)

The basics of mobile application development. Writing mobile applications for different types of iOS and Android devices. Native (Java and Swift), web and hybrid frameworks. Mobile application user interface development.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming Languages 1-3

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows the basic principles of mobile application development. Student is able to implement mobile applications for different types of iOS and Android devices with guidance. Student knows about native (Java and Swift), web and hybrid frameworks. Student is able to design and implement mobile application user interfaces with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student understands the basic principles of mobile application development. Student is able to implement mobile applications for different types of iOS and Android devices. Student knows native (Java and Swift), web and hybrid frameworks. Student is able to design and implement mobile application user interfaces.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student understands in depth the basic principles of mobile application development. Student is able to implement diversely mobile applications for different types of iOS and Android devices in various situations. Student knows in depth native (Java and Swift), web and hybrid frameworks. Student is able to design and implement mobile application user interfaces with good UX.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 45

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jere Käpyaho
  • Tony Torp

Tony Torp

  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student is able to program mobile applications for mobile platforms and utilizing device APIs like sensors, location and camera as well as background services and tasks withing mobile opereating systems.

Sisältö (OJ)

Native, hybrid and web development for Android and iOS. Device APIs. Hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Application engine development.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1-3, Mobile App Development 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student knows about the device APIs. Student is able to implement hybrid development (Ionic, React Native) with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student understands the device APIs. Student is able to implement hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Student is able to implement application engines with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth native, hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student understands in depth the device APIs. Student is able to implement diversely hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Student is able to implement independently application engines.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Optional exam, which is required for the best grades.

Re-take exam will be held on January.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Grading based on scale 0-5. More detailed limits and criteria published in course's Moodle page.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Teams lectures and demonstration. Classroom teaching. Problem based learning. Exercises and projects.


Mobile app development tutorials and materials linked in course's Moodle page.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

130h of student work including lectures and all practical work during the course.


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 30

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jere Käpyaho
  • Tony Torp

Tony Torp

  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student is able to program mobile applications for mobile platforms and utilizing device APIs like sensors, location and camera as well as background services and tasks withing mobile opereating systems.

Sisältö (OJ)

Native, hybrid and web development for Android and iOS. Device APIs. Hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Application engine development.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1-3, Mobile App Development 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student knows about the device APIs. Student is able to implement hybrid development (Ionic, React Native) with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student understands the device APIs. Student is able to implement hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Student is able to implement application engines with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth native, hybrid and web development principles for Android and iOS. Student understands in depth the device APIs. Student is able to implement diversely hybrid development (Ionic, React Native). Student is able to implement independently application engines.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Optional exam, which is required for the best grades.

Re-take exam will be held on January.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Grading based on scale 0-5. More detailed limits and criteria published in course's Moodle page.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Teams lectures and demonstration. Classroom teaching. Problem based learning. Exercises and projects.


Mobile app development tutorials and materials linked in course's Moodle page.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

130h of student work including lectures and all practical work during the course.


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 40

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Harri Saarinen

Harri Saarinen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Student will be able to
- decribe the devices and services used to support communication in computer networks and Internet
- explain how devices access local and remote network resources
- understand the basic settings that IP-network devices need to communicate
- configure basic settings to network devices
- set IP-networking settings to servers and clients
- explain fundamentals of switching, Ethernet LANs and IP routing
- explain the phases and encapsulation of data in TCP/IP transmission
- build a small LAN
- describe a wireless network and functions of a digital communication system

Sisältö (OJ)

Introduction to Networking, network protocols and communication, TCP/IP and data encapsulation, Ethernet, Configuring network devices, IP-Addressing, Troubleshooting network connections. Wireless communication.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student
- Knows what is a tcp / ip stack and how it relates to data transfer
- Knows how to configure network devices

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student
- Understand how the computer network works
- Knows how to enable network devices in an appropriate way
- Is able to create a small local area network
- Is able to apply the course topics and their own ability to demonstrate their skills

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student
- Can explains how the Internet works according to the tcp / ip stack
- Can install network devices and know where they are needed.
- Can create a small local area network.
- Can independently and extensively apply the topics discussed in the course and have the ability to demonstrate their skills.




23.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the basic principles and tasks of operating systems including virtual memory management, device i/o, processes, inter-process communications, scheduling and concurrency and system calls.

Sisältö (OJ)

Linux operating system concepts and system software development. File i/o, processes, inter-process communications, virtual memory management, system calls. System development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student is able to exploit file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls with guidance. Student is able to implement system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student understands and is able to exploit file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls. Student is able to implement system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student understands and is able to exploit independently file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls. Student is able to implement diversely system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.




23.11.2023 - 12.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the basic principles and tasks of operating systems including virtual memory management, device i/o, processes, inter-process communications, scheduling and concurrency and system calls.

Sisältö (OJ)

Linux operating system concepts and system software development. File i/o, processes, inter-process communications, virtual memory management, system calls. System development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student is able to exploit file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls with guidance. Student is able to implement system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student understands and is able to exploit file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls. Student is able to implement system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth Linux operating system concepts and system software development principles. Student understands and is able to exploit independently file i/o, processes, interprocess communications, virtual memory management and system calls. Student is able to implement diversely system development on Linux by using C/C++ programming languages.




23.11.2023 - 10.03.2024


04.03.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • Janika Asplund
  • Tietotekniikka Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Jaana Hännikäinen
  • Petri Tuohimäki
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • Louis Botha

Petteri Jekunen

  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

- osaa käyttää kansallisia ja kansainvälisiä tietolähteitä oman opinnäytetyönsä suunnittelussa,
- osaa käyttää sovellettavissa olevaa tietoa kriittisesti,
- tuntee tekijänoikeudet ja osaa kunnioittaa niitä,
- osaa ottaa huomioon sekä tutkimuseettiset että oman alansa eettiset periaatteet,
- osaa valita ja rajata omaa oppimista tukevan ja työelämälähtöisen opinnäytetyöaiheen,
- osaa tehdä TAMKin opinnäytetyöohjeiden mukaisen opinnäytetyösuunnitelman ja perustella tekemänsä valinnat,
- tuntee erilaisia omalle koulutusalalle soveltuvia tutkimuksellisia opinnäytetyön tekemisen tapoja
- osaa valita opinnäytetyöhönsä sopivat aineistonkeruu- ja analysointimenetelmät
- tietää näyttöön perustuvan toiminnan merkityksen oman koulutusalansa kannalta

Sisältö (OJ)

Hyväksytty opinnäytetyösuunnitelma ja opinnäytetyösopimus tai -lupa ovat edellytyksenä opintojakson suorittamiselle tutkinto-ohjelmakohtaisten suoritusten lisäksi.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Opinnäytetyön arviointikriteerit löytyvät opinnäytetyöohjeiden yhteydestä. Ks.
Numeerinen arviointi annetaan opinnäytetyön valmistuttua.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Opinnäytetyön arviointikriteerit löytyvät opinnäytetyöohjeiden yhteydestä. Ks.
Numeerinen arviointi annetaan opinnäytetyön valmistuttua.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Opinnäytetyön arviointikriteerit löytyvät opinnäytetyöohjeiden yhteydestä. Ks.
Numeerinen arviointi annetaan opinnäytetyön valmistuttua.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


3 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jaana Hännikäinen
  • Tomi Salo

Louis Botha

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing this course a student can:
- plan his/her studies - preliminary plan his/her professional career
- use the software tools uselful during the studies
- write, present and manage numerical and written data with the aid of computers and software
- use appropriate TAMK’s information systems, services and network

Sisältö (OJ)

-orientation for ICT engineering studies at TAMK
-timetables and rules of the studies
-curriculum and personal study plan
-practical training and it's significance for professional learning
-basic use of Microsoft's Word, Excel and Power Point
-TAMK information systems and services for students

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

"Introductory knowledge". The student knows the basic of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can take responsibility of his own studying and needs some support from her/his team mates.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

"Basic knowledge": The student knows the possibilities of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can do independently the projects and can also support her/his group and team mates. The student can follow the course timetables and project schedulings.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

"Advanced knowledge": The student can broadly and independently apply the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student is very self motivated in solving problems in her/his application area and she/he can take responsibility of her/his group and team mates. The student follows exactly the course timetables and is faithful to agreed schedulings.

Aika ja paikka

Follow the TAMK intranet and course schedule from there. There will be also weekly schedule in the course Moodle.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

The assessment is based on personal projects, the result of the projects and the documentation of the results and the implementation. Also keeping in the schedules is one part of the assessment.
More detailed instructions will be given in the practical work instructions.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The final grade is based on personal projects which are checked against timetable, demands, documentation and the quality of the solution. Documentation details can be found from the assignment sections. Using the Onedrive cloud is also one part of the documentation. The details and the grading of the projects will be published in the first lectures. The details of the grading can be found also from course Moodle.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

The course will be hold partly in contact teaching and partly online learning.


Study material is shared via Moodle. Material includes explanatory videos mainly published in Youtube. Links to these materials are provided via Moodle.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Total approx. 80 hours, of which self-promoted working is about 50 hours.

Sisällön jaksotus

Rules for studying at TAMK
TAMK information systems and computer services for students
Study plan and practical training
Office365 environment
Microsoft (MS) Excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Contact the course lecturer.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Follow the course Moodle.


15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.10.2023


3 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jaana Hännikäinen
  • Tomi Salo

Tomi Salo

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing this course a student can:
- plan his/her studies - preliminary plan his/her professional career
- use the software tools uselful during the studies
- write, present and manage numerical and written data with the aid of computers and software
- use appropriate TAMK’s information systems, services and network

Sisältö (OJ)

-orientation for ICT engineering studies at TAMK
-timetables and rules of the studies
-curriculum and personal study plan
-practical training and it's significance for professional learning
-basic use of Microsoft's Word, Excel and Power Point
-TAMK information systems and services for students

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

"Introductory knowledge". The student knows the basic of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can take responsibility of his own studying and needs some support from her/his team mates.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

"Basic knowledge": The student knows the possibilities of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can do independently the projects and can also support her/his group and team mates. The student can follow the course timetables and project schedulings.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

"Advanced knowledge": The student can broadly and independently apply the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student is very self motivated in solving problems in her/his application area and she/he can take responsibility of her/his group and team mates. The student follows exactly the course timetables and is faithful to agreed schedulings.

Aika ja paikka

Follow the TAMK intranet and course schedule from there. There will be also weekly schedule in the course Moodle.

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

The assessment is based on personal projects, the result of the projects and the documentation of the results and the implementation. Also keeping in the schedules is one part of the assessment.
More detailed instructions will be given in the practical work instructions.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The final grade is based on personal projects which are checked against timetable, demands, documentation and the quality of the solution. Documentation details can be found from the assignment sections. Using the Onedrive cloud is also one part of the documentation. The details and the grading of the projects will be published in the first lectures. The details of the grading can be found also from course Moodle.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

The course will be hold partly in contact teaching and partly online learning.


Study material is shared via Moodle. Material includes explanatory videos mainly published in Youtube. Links to these materials are provided via Moodle.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

Total approx. 80 hours, of which self-promoted working is about 50 hours.

Sisällön jaksotus

Rules for studying at TAMK
TAMK information systems and computer services for students
Study plan and practical training
Office365 environment
Microsoft (MS) Excel
MS Word
MS PowerPoint

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Contact the course lecturer.

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Follow the course Moodle.


23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


3 op




TAMK Matematiikka ja fysiikka


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Roope Siikanen
  • Noora Erkkilä

Roope Siikanen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Studend are able to
- make controlled measurements
- make plans of measurements
- evaluate reliability of measurements
- evaluate importance of measurements

Sisältö (OJ)

Measurements of students own technical area
Reporting of laboraratory works made
Project learning applications

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentattions is compulsory.
Reports have been done,methods and results have been presented, structure and analyses may have some shortages and can be partly erroneous.Discussion contains very few, simple conclusions.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done in a normal way. Results and analyses are correct.
Reports have been done correctly according to the reporting standards of TAMK. Discussion contains some comments relevant comments relating to the results and applications.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done with comprehensive, active, collaborative working. Results and analyses are correct. Structured, fluent, especially transparent text, vision of limitations and improvements, broad mature discussion and own conclusions related to the topics




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 15.09.2024


6 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the first Practical Training students have achieved practical work life skills and been introduced to the work culture of ICT engineering.

Sisältö (OJ)

Practical training. Documentation and reporting of training.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 15.09.2024


12 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the second part of Practical Training students have achieved practical work life skills and have deepen their skills in software engineering

Sisältö (OJ)

Practical training. Documentation and reporting of training.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 15.09.2024


12 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the third part of Practical Training students have achieved practical work life skills and have deepen their skills in software engineering

Sisältö (OJ)

Practical training. Documentation and reporting of training.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


10 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Juha Ikonen
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the requirements and practices for developing software in a long run, what different roles and responsibilities are involved in professional software development and production. The student is able to participate in software development in various roles.

Sisältö (OJ)

Conducting software development work as part of a development team. Producing and maintaining production ready software. Deploying new versions of the software to different environments. Building and developing tools and practices for continuous delivery. Creating and updating documentation. Designing and refactoring the system for better quality by applying the common software architecture styles and design patterns. Implementing and maintaining tests at different levels, integrating the tests into the automated deployment.

Before taking the course, the student is assumed to possess decent understanding and some practical skills in the most common areas of professional software development including intermediate level programming experience in one or more modern programming language, implementing software in some modern context like web, mobile, or embedded systems, implementing pipelines for continuous development and delivery and software testing. The course is meant to be one of the last courses where earlier studies or skills gained elsewhere are put together to a comprehensive modern software development process.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows the basics of requirements for professional software development work.
The student is able to operate in a professional software development team with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows the basics of requirements for professional software development work.
The student is independently able to operate in a professional software development team. The student knows the tools and technologies required and know how to use them.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows what is required and what different roles, responsibilities and activities exist in continuous high quality software development work. The student is successfully and independently able to operate in a professional software development team. The student knows the tools and technologies required and knows how to use them.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Esa Kunnari

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of programming. 2. Student is able to apply her/his programming skills to more demanding challenges involving writing algorithms and modularizing programs with functions 3. Student understands different kinds of programming languages and their usage areas.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics of programming by using Java (previously C++). Handling data with variables and functions, writing code in different environments, debugging and profiling. Overview of programming languages: compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages. Git and version management.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is sufficiently able to handle data with variables and functions to solve basic programming tasks. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling with guidance. Student knows the basic idea of programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling when needed. Student knows the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able diversely to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in different environments. Student is able to use debugging and profiling to solve problems. Student knows diversely the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Esa Kunnari

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of programming. 2. Student is able to apply her/his programming skills to more demanding challenges involving writing algorithms and modularizing programs with functions 3. Student understands different kinds of programming languages and their usage areas.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics of programming by using Java (previously C++). Handling data with variables and functions, writing code in different environments, debugging and profiling. Overview of programming languages: compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages. Git and version management.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is sufficiently able to handle data with variables and functions to solve basic programming tasks. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling with guidance. Student knows the basic idea of programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling when needed. Student knows the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able diversely to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in different environments. Student is able to use debugging and profiling to solve problems. Student knows diversely the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 40

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Louis Botha

Louis Botha

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the concepts of object-oriented programming. 2. Student is able to implement Java programs and applications by utilizing object-oriented design. 3. Student knows how to program with Java programming language.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics object-oriented programming by using Java. Modularizing programs with classes and objects and utilizing object-oriented programming in program implementations.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students knows about object-oriented programming principles. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects with guidance. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles in simple program implementations with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students knows object-oriented programming principles by using Java. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles independently in different program implementations.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students knows in depth object-oriented programming principles by using Java. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects in diverse situations. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles independently diversely in various different program implementations.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jussi Pohjolainen

Jussi Pohjolainen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the concepts of object-oriented programming. 2. Student is able to implement Java programs and applications by utilizing object-oriented design. 3. Student knows how to program with Java programming language.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics object-oriented programming by using Java. Modularizing programs with classes and objects and utilizing object-oriented programming in program implementations.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming languages 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Students knows about object-oriented programming principles. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects with guidance. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles in simple program implementations with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Students knows object-oriented programming principles by using Java. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles independently in different program implementations.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Students knows in depth object-oriented programming principles by using Java. Student is able to implement modularizing programs with classes and objects in diverse situations. Student is able to utilize object-oriented programming principles independently diversely in various different program implementations.

Aika ja paikka

w02: pre-exercise, no teaching
w03: Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w04 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w05 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w06 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w07 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w08 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w10 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w11 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w12 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w13 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w14 easter
w15 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
w16-> exams

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

Exam is done independently using
Time slot: 2024-04-15 - 2024-05-03

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Course is graded using exam (0-5) and exam is mandatory.

- Participation in the lectures is voluntary
- Maximum points for the exam is 48 points.
- You can get extra points for the exam:
- If you do min 50% of given exercises (points) -> 2 extra points for the exam
- If you do min 70% of given exercises (points) -> 3 extra points for the exam
- If you do min 90% of given exercises (points) -> 6 extra points for the exam
- The exercise points are accepted only if the student participates in the lectures and is ready to present exercises / explain them

Exam grading:

[ 0, 19] => 0
[20, 25] => 1
[26, 31] => 2
[32, 37] => 3
[38, 43] => 4
[44, 48] => 5



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Lectures, demonstrations, discussions, hands-on activities, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, peer teaching, unquiry-based teaching


Introduction to Programming using Java

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 cr = 135 h, total, 8 - 11h per week.

Sisällön jaksotus

2 No teaching, pre-exercise
3 Remote teaching
4 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
5 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
6 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
7 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
8 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
10 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
11 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
12 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
13 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20
15 Mon 12:15 - 15.00, B2-20

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö





15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti

Hanna Kinnari-Korpela

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. 2. Student is able to use ready made data structures and algorithms. 3. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms for more specific needs.

Sisältö (OJ)

Data structures and algorithm design and implementation with Java programming language.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming Languages 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows the basics of data structures and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms with guidance. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student understands in depth the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use readymade data structures and algorithms diversely in various situations. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs diversely.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Suomi
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Mira Grönvall
  • Kati Pääkkönen
  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student can
- work as part of project teams
- operate in international projects
- tasks, rights and responsibilities of the manager
- main content of the labour legislation
- the labour market system in Finland
- the collective agreement of the field choosen
- contract of employment
- the role of manager in developing of work atmosphere
- the role of manager in motivating of subordinates
- models and challenges of the team management
- models and challenges of the management of change
- basics of psychology in leadership

Sisältö (OJ)

- project management in general
- working in projects (as a manager and as a team member)
- rights and responsibilities of managers
- main content of the labour legislation
- the labour market system in Finland
- the collective agreement of the field choosen
- contract of employment
- the role of manager in developing of work atmosphere
- the role of manager in motivating of subordinates
- models and challenges of the team management
- models and challenges of the management of change
- basics of psychology in leadership

Aika ja paikka

According to timetable
15.1.2024-22.4.2024 at 2 PM - 5 PM

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

More info in Moodle

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

The overall assesment (0-5) based on these mandatory parts of the course:

Individual work (55%)
-Examination (0-5)
-Mandatory participating in virtual learning events: Mandatory participating in >=80% of remote teaching sessions 15.1. - 22.4.2024
Mandatory completing >= 80% of the individual learning tasks in Moodle
With 100% participation and 100 % completion of the tasks gets an extra point for the course overall assessment.

Group work (45%)
-25 % Team work - more info 22.1.2024
-20 % Feedback from the teacher, group and the peers



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

- Self learning - reading, reflecting and writing
- Active participating on interactive remote sessions 15.1.-22.4.
- Knowledge sharing
- Group work and discussions
- Examination


In Moodle

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

5 cr equals 135 hours of work.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

In Moodle


15.07.2023 - 29.09.2023


20.09.2023 - 30.11.2023


2 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Kristiina Tillander

Kristiina Tillander

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student
1. improves his life management and cognitive control skills.
2. improves his group work and communication skills.
3. improves in identifying his strengths and needs for development and setting his own goals.

Sisältö (OJ)

Self-Leadership skills mean various activities that aim to improve and maintain one’s well-being at work and in life. They could include e.g. tools for time and stress management as well as exercises to improve awareness of one’s strengths, needs, values, attitudes, thoughts and feelings.

The modern work culture that underlines efficiency and quantity over quality easily steers people towards instant needs satisfaction instead of focusing on the good quality of life. This might lead people into workaholism and exhaustion. Good self-leadership skills help to protect people’s well-being both as a student and later in the working life.

Communication skills are basic skills that can develop throughout life. The importance of good communication skills in working life is constantly growing. A person with good communication skills is able to recognize and appreciate different personality types and is capable of considering other people’s feelings and opinions as well as negotiating solutions in conflicts. Communication skills are needed not only in face-to-face situations but also in writing. Good communication skills improve working atmosphere, efficiency and well-being of the workers.

The aim of this course is to study the basic tools of self-leadership and develop one’s communication skills.

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

Pass: The student participates in contact lessons and takes active part in group conversations and group work. The students submits the personal learning diary on time.

Fail: The student does not take part in the required number of contact lessons, does not participate in the group work, or submit the personal learning diary on time.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


10 op


5 op


50 % Lähiopetus, 50 % Etäopetus


Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

Student is able to
-perform a complete server configuration including: firewall, backups, etc.
- set up basic single server services, including a web server and web application,
- set up Docker containerization system
- use basic Unix/Linux command line tools found on most servers
- perform regular server maintenance
- set up basic server hardening by configuring a firewall and setting limitations on user login and file access

Sisältö (OJ)

Linux, advanced cloud based server configuration, firewall, scheduled tasks, remote backups, server platforms, server architectures. Secure remote access, command line usage, virtualization, server container management, service management, HTTP server setup.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows the basics of Linux including: how to configure command line shell, is familiar with the basic commands, can use manual pages to understand to use more features of the system utilities.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student can set up services, manage users, perform regular server maintenance tasks like simple backups, software install, system upgrades, basic server security.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student can manage advanced server features in a cloud based server, can set up web servers, set up containers to the server. Student can plan, setup, maintain and document secure production ready server management practices in system, service and network levels.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


29.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 45

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the ideas and principles of all main topics of the course.
2. Student can apply the previous information in typical daily tasks of a software engineer.
3. Student develops to an attitude of continuous learning of Software Engineering topics and applying this new information in her/his tasks.
4. Student has the right attitude towards working in a project group as a responsible group member.
5. Student understands and adapts to the demands of customers, his/her own company and managers in it, market forces as well as demands of the society.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software engineering overview and processes, software development life cycle, software project planning and management, software requirements management, system modeling, software architecture design, software detailed design, analysis & design tools, software design strategies, software user interface design, software design complexity

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software engineering and about its processes and about software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling with guidance. Student can implement simple software architecture designs and simple software detailed designs. Student is able to use some analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement software user interface designs with guidance and knows about software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software engineering and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement software architecture designs and software detailed designs. Student is able to use analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement some software user interface designs and understands software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software engineering overview and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement diversely software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement independently software architecture designs and software detailed designs in various situations. Student is able to use diversely and independently analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement various software user interface designs and understands in depth software design complexity.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the ideas and principles of all main topics of the course.
2. Student can apply the previous information in typical daily tasks of a software engineer.
3. Student develops to an attitude of continuous learning of Software Engineering topics and applying this new information in her/his tasks.
4. Student has the right attitude towards working in a project group as a responsible group member.
5. Student understands and adapts to the demands of customers, his/her own company and managers in it, market forces as well as demands of the society.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software engineering overview and processes, software development life cycle, software project planning and management, software requirements management, system modeling, software architecture design, software detailed design, analysis & design tools, software design strategies, software user interface design, software design complexity

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software engineering and about its processes and about software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling with guidance. Student can implement simple software architecture designs and simple software detailed designs. Student is able to use some analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement software user interface designs with guidance and knows about software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software engineering and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement software architecture designs and software detailed designs. Student is able to use analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement some software user interface designs and understands software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software engineering overview and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement diversely software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement independently software architecture designs and software detailed designs in various situations. Student is able to use diversely and independently analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement various software user interface designs and understands in depth software design complexity.




23.07.2023 - 21.08.2023


22.08.2023 - 31.07.2024


60 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 2

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Sisältö (OJ)

Studies consist of first year studies of the degree programme.

You will study full time in the degree programme´s student group. Open UAS students are reserved two (2) study places in the group.

The enrollment will start on 2 August at 9 am and end on 3 August at 11.59 pm. If there are still study places left after the enrollment period ends, the period may be continued. Places are filled on a first come, first served basis and registration is done in our online store.

The fee for the open path studies is 300 euros. You pay 150 € when enrolling and 150 € will be invoiced in September.

Path studies in English require good oral and written English language skills.

The fee for the first year is the same for all students. If you apply to become a degree student and are not an EU/EEA student, you will have a tuition fee like all the other non-EU/EEA –students.

Degree application and student selection
You can apply for admission to the degree programme based on your Open UAS studies. If you start path studies in the autumn 2023, you will be able to apply to become a degree student in the application on the basis of Open UAS studies in in May 2024.
Student selection is made considering your completed amount of credit points and study success. Study success means the GPA of the studies completed during your Open UAS Path Studies. If necessary, students are placed in order by their GPA (highest to lowest).
Required amount of credit points in bacheror’s degrees is 50 and must be completed by 31 July 2024.
Student Benefits
Open UAS students do not receive Kela’s financial aid for students or any other student benefits. If you are a customer of TE Services, you should check your study right with them before signing up for Open UAS studies.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op


3 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus


Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the ideas and principles of all main topics of the course.
2. Student can apply the previous information in typical daily tasks of a software engineer.
3. Student develops to an attitude of continuous learning of Software Engineering topics and applying this new information in her/his tasks.
4. Student learns the motivation and basic ideas / principles of the last steps of software project that are handled in this course.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software implementation, software testing species: unit, API, functional, integration, system, acceptance, software deployment, software maintenance and evolution, dependable systems, CASE tools overview, version control, product and configuration management, continuous integration, test automation, quality management.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software design principles and practices. Student is able to exploit needed software implementation principles and practices in software projects with guidance. Student is able to use needed testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software design principles and practices. Student is able to independently exploit some software implementation principles and practices in software projects. Student is able to use needed testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software design principles and practices. Student is able to independently exploit diversely software implementation principles and practices in software projects. Student is able to use various testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


5 op


3 op


40 % Lähiopetus, 60 % Etäopetus


Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jari Aalto
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the ideas and principles of all main topics of the course.
2. Student can apply the previous information in typical daily tasks of a software engineer.
3. Student develops to an attitude of continuous learning of Software Engineering topics and applying this new information in her/his tasks.
4. Student learns the motivation and basic ideas / principles of the last steps of software project that are handled in this course.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software implementation, software testing species: unit, API, functional, integration, system, acceptance, software deployment, software maintenance and evolution, dependable systems, CASE tools overview, version control, product and configuration management, continuous integration, test automation, quality management.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software design principles and practices. Student is able to exploit needed software implementation principles and practices in software projects with guidance. Student is able to use needed testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software design principles and practices. Student is able to independently exploit some software implementation principles and practices in software projects. Student is able to use needed testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software design principles and practices. Student is able to independently exploit diversely software implementation principles and practices in software projects. Student is able to use various testing subspecies and techniques related to software maintenance.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jere Käpyaho
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows what the phases and requirements are for setting up a software development project. The student is able to participate in a software project in different roles.

Sisältö (OJ)

Conducting the initiation phase of a software project from setting the high level goals for running the project work following agile project management practices. Choosing and planning the use of tools required for the work. Planning the required documentation for the project, designing the system, architecture and software structure. Developing software with chosen technologies.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows the basic requirements for software development projects and is able to work as a team member with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to work independently as a team member in a software project. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to independently set up and run a software development project using agile methodologies and appropriate tools. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op






TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 20I260E
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

-The student knows the basic principles of software requirements affecting software design and implementation.
-The student is able to design and implement software with fulfilling the regulations and requirements -The student manages the processes of software regulations, requirements and can design software within the context.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software requirements and requlations. Functional and non-functional requirements and analysis. Prototyping

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations with guidance. Student is able to implement functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project with guidance. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to use functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement projects diversely according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to exploit functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in various projects. Student is able independently to implement prototyping for various cases.




15.07.2023 - 04.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Louis Botha

Louis Botha

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows the full process of development for web applications from code to distribution. The student is able to setup a development environment using Docker. The student is able to setup and configure all stages of DevOps.

Sisältö (OJ)

DevOps Web development methods and practises with a Web Software project. Version control, Docker, Testing automation, CI/CD Pipeline, deployment process.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic of Web Development

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about DevOps web development methods and practises in a web software project. Student can use version control in the project. Student is able to use Docker or some similar technology in the project with guidance. Student is able to configure testing automation setup for the project with guidance. Student is able to implement a simple CI/CD Pipeline for the project. Student is able to configure a simple deployment process for the project.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands DevOps web development methods and practises in a web software project. Student can exploit version control in the project. Student is able to use independently Docker or some similar technology in the project. Student is able to build testing automation setup for the project. Student is able to implement CI/CD Pipeline for the project. Student is able to configure deployment process for the project.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth DevOps web development methods and practices in a web software project. Student can exploit version control diversely in the project. Student is able to use diversely Docker or some similar technology in the project. Student is able to build good testing automation for the project. Student is able to implement versatile CI/CD Pipeline for the project. Student is able to configure complete deployment process for the project.




02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 03.05.2024


2 op




TAMK Kielet ja viestintä


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 45

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Emmanuel Abruquah

Emmanuel Abruquah

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course students have achieved the following skills:
-realistic evaluation of one’s own language (English) learning skills,
-accessing information from a wide range of sources,
-critical evaluation of information and competence in scientific reporting.

Sisältö (OJ)

The students will practice producing reports which are logically structured, cover sufficient and relevant content, include appropriately labelled graphics, follow the norms for referencing and lay-out, and are written in clear and accurate English.

The course is organized in cooperation with Embedded Systems course.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student writes in comprehensible English on the whole and shows some awareness of the norms for scientific writing; references to source materials are included.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student's English is mainly formal and clear; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently, source materials are adequately paraphrased.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student's English is mainly formal and accurate; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently and in a variety of ways, source materials are adequately paraphrased.




23.11.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 05.05.2024


2 op




TAMK Kielet ja viestintä


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Emmanuel Abruquah

Emmanuel Abruquah

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
    Biotuotetekniikka kevät 2024, double degree

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course students have achieved the following skills:
-realistic evaluation of one’s own language (English) learning skills,
-accessing information from a wide range of sources,
-critical evaluation of information and competence in scientific reporting.

Sisältö (OJ)

The students will practice producing reports which are logically structured, cover sufficient and relevant content, include appropriately labelled graphics, follow the norms for referencing and lay-out, and are written in clear and accurate English.

The course is organized in cooperation with Embedded Systems course.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student writes in comprehensible English on the whole and shows some awareness of the norms for scientific writing; references to source materials are included.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student's English is mainly formal and clear; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently, source materials are adequately paraphrased.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student's English is mainly formal and accurate; reports meet norms for scientific writing, references to source materials are incorporated consistently and in a variety of ways, source materials are adequately paraphrased.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


04.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 40

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Ossi Nykänen

Ossi Nykänen

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student learns basic concepts, ideas and principles concerning database systems including big data systems. The student can install, configure and run a relational database system and to design and implement data content to it and handle it with SQL language. The student can install, configure and run a NoSQL database system and to design and implement data content to it and handle it with queries. The student knows required concepts to be able to exploit big data systems.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course content is:
- General ideas of a database system,
- Data modelling and design techniques,
- Relational model, data handling with SQL language,
- Database programming,
- NoSQL databases
- General ideas of a big data system

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows basics idea of a database system. The student can use a data modelling and design technique. The student can implement a simple relational database model and can implement simple data handling with SQL language. The student can implement a solution with database programming with guidance. The student knows some principles and can use a NoSQL database as data storage/source with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows the general ideas of a database system. The student can use some data modelling and design techniques. The student can implement a relational database model and can implement basic data handling with SQL language. The student can implement a solution with database programming. The student knows the principles and can use a NoSQL database as data storage/source. The student is aware of the general ideas of a big data system.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows comprehensively the general ideas of a database system. The student can exploit data modelling and design techniques. The student can implement a complex relational database model and can implement required data handling with SQL language. The student can implement different solutions with database programming. The student knows well the principles and can exploit NoSQL databases as data storage/source. The student knows the general ideas of a big data system.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


03.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 40

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Ossi Nykänen

Ossi Nykänen

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student learns basic concepts, ideas and principles concerning database systems including big data systems. The student can install, configure and run a relational database system and to design and implement data content to it and handle it with SQL language. The student can install, configure and run a NoSQL database system and to design and implement data content to it and handle it with queries. The student knows required concepts to be able to exploit big data systems.

Sisältö (OJ)

Course content is:
- General ideas of a database system,
- Data modelling and design techniques,
- Relational model, data handling with SQL language,
- Database programming,
- NoSQL databases
- General ideas of a big data system

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows basics idea of a database system. The student can use a data modelling and design technique. The student can implement a simple relational database model and can implement simple data handling with SQL language. The student can implement a solution with database programming with guidance. The student knows some principles and can use a NoSQL database as data storage/source with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows the general ideas of a database system. The student can use some data modelling and design techniques. The student can implement a relational database model and can implement basic data handling with SQL language. The student can implement a solution with database programming. The student knows the principles and can use a NoSQL database as data storage/source. The student is aware of the general ideas of a big data system.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows comprehensively the general ideas of a database system. The student can exploit data modelling and design techniques. The student can implement a complex relational database model and can implement required data handling with SQL language. The student can implement different solutions with database programming. The student knows well the principles and can exploit NoSQL databases as data storage/source. The student knows the general ideas of a big data system.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Esa Kunnari
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course student is able to implement microcontroller systems that are connected to real-life IO interfaces. This part focuses on the data acquisition side such as sensors, microcontroller, etc.

Sisältö (OJ)

Advanced C and C++ microcontroller programming. CPU peripherals, interfaces (I2C, Spi, Uart). Connecting to real life IO (LCD, keyboard, sensors, actuators).

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basics of Programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-is able to create simple programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART.
-is able to control DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators with the help of the teacher and fellow students.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

-is able to create programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators independently.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

-is able to create complex programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows and understands I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate diversely DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators fluently.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Vihtori Virta
  • Esa Kunnari
  • Sonja Viinikainen

Esa Kunnari

  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing the course student is able to implement microcontroller systems that are connected to real-life IO interfaces. This part focuses on the data acquisition side such as sensors, microcontroller, etc.

Sisältö (OJ)

Advanced C and C++ microcontroller programming. CPU peripherals, interfaces (I2C, Spi, Uart). Connecting to real life IO (LCD, keyboard, sensors, actuators).

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basics of Programming

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

-is able to create simple programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART.
-is able to control DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators with the help of the teacher and fellow students.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

-is able to create programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators independently.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

-is able to create complex programs without errors using C and Arduino IDE.
-knows and understands I2C, SPI, and UART, and knows how to use them in different situations.
-is able to control and manipulate diversely DC- motors using H- bridge and Arduino.
-is able to use LCDs, keyboard, different sensors and actuators fluently.




27.07.2024 - 05.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 22.12.2024


3 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Jaana Hännikäinen
  • Marja-Liisa Timperi
  • Uusi Opettaja 2 TiTe 2024

Jaana Hännikäinen

  • 24I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

After completing this course a student can:
- plan his/her studies - preliminary plan his/her professional career
- use the software tools uselful during the studies
- write, present and manage numerical and written data with the aid of computers and software
- use appropriate TAMK’s information systems, services and network

Sisältö (OJ)

-orientation for ICT engineering studies at TAMK
-timetables and rules of the studies
-curriculum and personal study plan
-practical training and it's significance for professional learning
-basic use of Microsoft's Word, Excel and Power Point
-TAMK information systems and services for students

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

"Introductory knowledge". The student knows the basic of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can take responsibility of his own studying and needs some support from her/his team mates.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

"Basic knowledge": The student knows the possibilities of the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student can do independently the projects and can also support her/his group and team mates. The student can follow the course timetables and project schedulings.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

"Advanced knowledge": The student can broadly and independently apply the MS Office tools and O365 cloud environment. The student is very self motivated in solving problems in her/his application area and she/he can take responsibility of her/his group and team mates. The student follows exactly the course timetables and is faithful to agreed schedulings.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Louis Botha

Louis Botha

  • 24I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of programming. 2. Student is able to apply her/his programming skills to more demanding challenges involving writing algorithms and modularizing programs with functions 3. Student understands different kinds of programming languages and their usage areas.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics of programming by using Java (previously C++). Handling data with variables and functions, writing code in different environments, debugging and profiling. Overview of programming languages: compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages. Git and version management.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is sufficiently able to handle data with variables and functions to solve basic programming tasks. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling with guidance. Student knows the basic idea of programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling when needed. Student knows the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able diversely to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in different environments. Student is able to use debugging and profiling to solve problems. Student knows diversely the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Louis Botha

Esa Kunnari

  • 24I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of programming. 2. Student is able to apply her/his programming skills to more demanding challenges involving writing algorithms and modularizing programs with functions 3. Student understands different kinds of programming languages and their usage areas.

Sisältö (OJ)

Basics of programming by using Java (previously C++). Handling data with variables and functions, writing code in different environments, debugging and profiling. Overview of programming languages: compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages. Git and version management.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student is sufficiently able to handle data with variables and functions to solve basic programming tasks. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling with guidance. Student knows the basic idea of programming languages.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student is able to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in given environment. Student is able to use debugging and profiling when needed. Student knows the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student is able diversely to handle data with variables and functions. Student can write and compile code in different environments. Student is able to use debugging and profiling to solve problems. Student knows diversely the overview of programming languages like compiled, interpreted, functional and scripted languages.




15.03.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. 2. Student is able to use ready made data structures and algorithms. 3. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms for more specific needs.

Sisältö (OJ)

Data structures and algorithm design and implementation with Java programming language.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming Languages 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows the basics of data structures and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms with guidance. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student understands in depth the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use readymade data structures and algorithms diversely in various situations. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs diversely.




15.03.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • 23I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. 2. Student is able to use ready made data structures and algorithms. 3. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms for more specific needs.

Sisältö (OJ)

Data structures and algorithm design and implementation with Java programming language.

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Programming Languages 1

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows the basics of data structures and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms with guidance. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student understands the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use
readymade data structures and algorithms. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student understands in depth the basic nature of data structure and algorithms. Student is able to use readymade data structures and algorithms diversely in various situations. Student is able to construct their own data structures and algorithms independently for more specific needs diversely.




09.06.2024 - 08.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Petteri Jekunen

Petteri Jekunen

  • 22I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • 22I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

1. Student understands the ideas and principles of all main topics of the course.
2. Student can apply the previous information in typical daily tasks of a software engineer.
3. Student develops to an attitude of continuous learning of Software Engineering topics and applying this new information in her/his tasks.
4. Student has the right attitude towards working in a project group as a responsible group member.
5. Student understands and adapts to the demands of customers, his/her own company and managers in it, market forces as well as demands of the society.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software engineering overview and processes, software development life cycle, software project planning and management, software requirements management, system modeling, software architecture design, software detailed design, analysis & design tools, software design strategies, software user interface design, software design complexity

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

Basic knowledge of programming.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software engineering and about its processes and about software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling with guidance. Student can implement simple software architecture designs and simple software detailed designs. Student is able to use some analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement software user interface designs with guidance and knows about software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software engineering and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement software architecture designs and software detailed designs. Student is able to use analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement some software user interface designs and understands software design complexity.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software engineering overview and its processes and software development life cycle. Student is able to implement diversely software project planning and management, software requirements management and system modelling. Student can implement independently software architecture designs and software detailed designs in various situations. Student is able to use diversely and independently analysis & design tools and software design strategies. Student is able to implement various software user interface designs and understands in depth software design complexity.




28.07.2024 - 26.08.2024


27.08.2024 - 31.07.2025


60 op




TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti

0 - 2

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
    Avoin amk

Sisältö (OJ)

Studies consist of first year studies of the degree programme.

You will study full time in the degree programme´s student group. Open UAS students are reserved two (2) study places in the group.

The enrollment will start on 1 August at 9 am and end on 2 August at 11.59 pm. If there are still study places left after the enrollment period ends, the period may be continued. Places are filled on a first-come-first-serve basis and registration is done in our online store.

The fee for the open path studies is 300 euros and it is paid when enrolling.

Path studies in English require good oral and written English language skills.

The fee for the first year is the same for all students. If you apply to become a degree student and are not an EU/EEA student, you will have a tuition fee like all the other non-EU/EEA –students.

Degree application and student selection

You can apply for admission to the degree programme based on your Open UAS studies. If you start path studies in the autumn 2024, you will be able to apply to become a degree student in the application on the basis of Open UAS studies in in May 2025.
Student selection is made considering your completed amount of credit points and study success. Study success means the GPA of the studies completed during your Open UAS Path Studies. If necessary, students are placed in order by their GPA (highest to lowest).
Required amount of credit points (Bachelor in International Business 50 cr) has to be completed by 31 July 2025.
Student Benefits
Open UAS students do not receive Kela’s financial aid for students or any other student benefits. If you are a customer of TE Services, you should check your study right with them before signing up for Open UAS studies.




09.06.2024 - 02.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 06.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Anne-Mari Stenbacka
  • Uusi Opettaja 2 TiTe 2024
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows what the phases and requirements are for setting up a software development project. The student is able to participate in a software project in different roles.

Sisältö (OJ)

Conducting the initiation phase of a software project from setting the high level goals for running the project work following agile project management practices. Choosing and planning the use of tools required for the work. Planning the required documentation for the project, designing the system, architecture and software structure. Developing software with chosen technologies.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows the basic requirements for software development projects and is able to work as a team member with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to work independently as a team member in a software project. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to independently set up and run a software development project using agile methodologies and appropriate tools. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.




09.06.2024 - 02.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 06.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Anne-Mari Stenbacka
  • Uusi Opettaja 2 TiTe 2024
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student knows what the phases and requirements are for setting up a software development project. The student is able to participate in a software project in different roles.

Sisältö (OJ)

Conducting the initiation phase of a software project from setting the high level goals for running the project work following agile project management practices. Choosing and planning the use of tools required for the work. Planning the required documentation for the project, designing the system, architecture and software structure. Developing software with chosen technologies.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student knows the basic requirements for software development projects and is able to work as a team member with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to work independently as a team member in a software project. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student knows what is required for high quality project work. The student is able to independently set up and run a software development project using agile methodologies and appropriate tools. The student is able to apply the skills gained during the studies in practice to develop software.




15.03.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 21I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

-The student knows the basic principles of software requirements affecting software design and implementation.
-The student is able to design and implement software with fulfilling the regulations and requirements -The student manages the processes of software regulations, requirements and can design software within the context.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software requirements and requlations. Functional and non-functional requirements and analysis. Prototyping

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations with guidance. Student is able to implement functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project with guidance. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to use functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement projects diversely according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to exploit functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in various projects. Student is able independently to implement prototyping for various cases.




15.03.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024


5 op




Software Engineering


TAMK Pääkampus

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering
  • Erkki Hietalahti
  • Petteri Jekunen
  • 21I260EB
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Tavoitteet (OJ)

-The student knows the basic principles of software requirements affecting software design and implementation.
-The student is able to design and implement software with fulfilling the regulations and requirements -The student manages the processes of software regulations, requirements and can design software within the context.

Sisältö (OJ)

Software requirements and requlations. Functional and non-functional requirements and analysis. Prototyping

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

Student knows about software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations with guidance. Student is able to implement functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project with guidance. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case with guidance.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

Student knows and understands software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement a project according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to use functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in a project. Student is able to implement prototyping for a given case.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

Student knows and understands in depth software requirements and regulations and student is able to implement projects diversely according to the software requirements and regulations. Student is able to exploit functional and non-functional requirements and analysis in various projects. Student is able independently to implement prototyping for various cases.

