Process and Quality ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 7H00EC41
5 op
The students
- masters the basic process and methods of quality management in social and health care
- masters the key quality management systems and their contents
- masters the basics and methods of process management
- is able to describe, measure and develop the qualities and processes of the services
- basics and methods of quality and process management in social and health care
- quality management systems
- process description
- measurement of process performance and continuous improvement
- quality management as part of developing professional practice in a work unit
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
- kykenee hakemaan tietoa aihealueeseen liittyen ja käyttämään kansallisia ja kansainvälisiä lähteitä
- kykenee soveltamaan kuvailevalla tasolla keräämäänsä tietoa nykyisten käytäntöjen ja toimintatapojen tarkastelussa
- ei osoita aihealueen kriittistä arviointia
- osallistuminen opintojaksolle vaihtelevaa
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student
- is able to seek evidence-based knowledge from both national and international sources, and is able evaluate the sources critically
- is able to construct both analysss and syntheses of the topic
- is able to use the acquired knowledge in critical evaluation and development of current practices
- generally participates in the course actively and professionally.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- is able to retrieve evidence-based knowledge from a number of national and international sources of information, critically evaluate the studies and synthesise the collected data
- shows a profound command of the subject
- is able to evaluate current practices critically and is able to create new evidence-based practices
- participates in the course actively and professionally.