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Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Bachelor of Health Care, EQF 6 (European Qualifications Framework) 

Contact Information

Study Counsellor Eija Piikkilä, tel. 050 5915560, eija.piikkila(at)
Head of Competence Area
Päivi Hautaviita
Head of English Degree Programme in Nursing
Sanna Laiho

Special Admission Requirements

Admission criteria and language requirements, see TAMK’s websites.
Act on Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä

Recognition of Prior Learning

It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised. Previous studies in Finnish or foreign higher education institutions/universities, which are equivalent to the studies in the curriculum, or other applied competence, which meets the competence goals and criteria, can be recognised.
See TAMK’s credit transfer guidelines

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

General qualifications for university of applied science required.
The functionally bilingual degree programme in nursing is aimed at those whose native language is other than Finnish and at immigrants. This programme does not have a language proficiency requirement for Finnish, however, the language proficiency requirement for English is B2 level. The student must be motivated and commit to learning the Finnish language.

Profile of the Programme

The degree is a bachelor-level professional higher education degree.
The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence. The programme meets the standards of the European Union Directive (2013/55/EU) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

TAMK's nursing education is profiled in demanding clinical nursing and individualized health promotion.

Key Learning Outcomes

This degree programme is implemented as functionally bilingual, with English and Finnish as the languages of instruction. Finnish language is integrated into English language teaching from the beginning of the studies. Use of English language gradually decreases and studying in the Finnish language increases. In addition, the bilingual nursing programme includes Finnish as a second language studies comprising 19–22 ECTS credits. The objective of the bilingual nursing programme is, in addition to the development of professional competence, to achieve sufficient oral and written language proficiency required for the tasks of a healthcare professional during the studies.

After finishing the degree programme in nursing the student will have wide and evidence-based competence and know-how on taking care of people, their health, and the environment. The student is able to work according to the principles of primary nursing in all stages of the care process, with patients and their families. The student can utilise variety of different guidance methods in nursing care. The student has a strong professional identity, ethical competence, and an ability to reflectively assess and develop his/her own actions.

After the first year of studies the student knows the basics of taking care of a sick person. He/she will follow the health legislations in his/her own work as well as the ethical guidelines of nursing. Student will be able to recognise and predict health problems in both individuals and communities.
Student has learned to monitor person’s vital functions, recognise what kind of treatment the patient needs, and will know how to use various nursing methods safely. The student will already know pharmacotherapy and medical calculations. He/she is skilled in giving emergency first aid. The student will be able to consider the meaning of different cultures in nursing.

During intermediate studies the student will develop clinical expertise in the different fields of nursing. He/she will be able to define the kind of care various clients of different ages require. Student will plan, implement, evaluate and carry out care with clients and their families. He/she uses information from different sciences as a basis for the actions. Student knows how to guide and support clients in self-care in a natural manner and will be competent in working in a multiprofessional environment, looking after clients’ interests. He/she will be able to critically evaluate own actions.

During the advanced professional studies student will enhance his/her competence. Student will be able to make ethically sound, evidence-based decisions and work professionally. Student can take care of clients of different ages. He/she will also take the client’s family into account as part of the nursing process. Student will be able to act as a primary nurse for a client in all stages of the nursing process.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

TAMK’s graduate nurses have good employment opportunities in different fields of nursing. Registered nurses have possibilities to work with clients of different ages, in different care environments. They can work in various expert duties which require either comprehensive or specialised skills. There are jobs in primary health care, specialised health care, social services as well as in private or third sector services both in Finland and abroad. Workplaces can be for example in hospital inpatient units, outpatient or emergency units or in the operation units. They can work in home care, in different rehabilitation centres, nursing homes, medical stations or clinics or within digital health care services. In addition to these, the degree programme in nursing enables working in specialist or consultant tasks, as an entrepreneur, or in voluntary organisations and international jobs

Access to Further Studies

Bachelor's degree in nursing graduates can complement their competence in many ways. There are several further and postgraduate education possibilities. Registered nurses can deepen and extend their competence in different professional specialisation, further or higher education studies in social and health care services. TAMK offers wide range of choices for continuous learning.

After the Bachelor's degree in health care, nursing, it is possible to continue studies in universities, by applying to bachelor’s or master’s degree studies in nursing sciences or health sciences.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Completed courses are evaluated on the scale excellent (5), good (3-4), satisfactory (1-2), and fail (0). The marking pass (S) can exceptionally be used if it has been separately stated in the study guide or individual study plan. Further, more detailed information on assessment can be found in the course implementation descriptions. The joint assessment framework forms the basis for competence assessment at TAMK

Graduation Requirements

Graduation as a registered nurse requires the completion of studies and achievement of competence objectives in the structure and extent set by the curriculum. As TAMK’s graduate the student will have strong working life skills for the future and an ability to develop nursing.

Mode of Study

The scope of the degree programme is 210 credits. The completion time is 3,5 years. The studies are carried out as full-time studies using different learning methods. The studies can be contact or online teaching and learning, skills practices, simulation practices, independent study and team/group work. Part of the studies can be distant learning or arranged at evenings. Nursing education includes 75 credits of clinical training to enhance professional skills, in different care environments. Bachelor’s thesis, 15 credits, is part of the studies. Student’s competence and know-how in nursing deepens and expands during the studies.

Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing is full-time studies, study language is English, and Finnish language is integrated in the studies as well. Use of English language gradually decreases and studying in the Finnish language increases.

Curriculum-specific principles are followed in the completion and progress of studies. A more detailed description and principles of the curricula can be found from the study guide, tab curricula.

Development of the Programme

Finland’s health policy programmes and TAMK’s strategy have been considered in the curriculum. Act on Health Care Professionals and National core competences for nurses and their contents have been considered when developing the degree in nursing.

TAMK’s nursing education advisory committee and working life cooperation partners have taken part in the curriculum planning by offering comments on the contents and the structure of the curriculum.

The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence.

Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing
Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing
Nursing (aimed at immigrants)
Nursing (aimed at immigrants)
Enrolment period

22.05.2023 - 11.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sara Willberg
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the structure and function of the digestive system
- knows the struckture and function of the the urinary tract, as well as the fluid balance and acid-base balance of the body
- knows the structure and function of the nervous system
- knows the structure and main functions of the skin

Content (course unit)

- digestive system and its function
- urinary tract system and its function, fluid balance and acid-base balance
- nervous system and its function
- skin and its functions

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- knows the general structure and function of the digestive system
- knows the basics of the structure and function of the urinary tract, knows the principles of body fluid balance and acid-base balance
- knows the basics of the structure and function of the nervous system
- knows the structure of the skin and its main functions

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- knows the structure and function of the digestive system
- knows the structure and function of the urinary system, fluid balance and acid-base balance
- knows the structure and function of the nervous system
- knows the structure of the skin and its main functions
- is able to describe the relationship between the functions of the human body and apply the knowledge learned

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- have a deep understanding of the structure and function of the digestive system
- understands the structure and function of the urinary tract, understands the importance of body fluid balance and acid-base balance in body function
- has a broad understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system
- understands the structure of the skin and its main functions
- is able to apply his / her knowledge, demonstrate mastery of entities and combine theoretical knowledge with the professional context

Exam schedules

Exam open in moodle week 43
1.retake: week 46
2.retake: week 49, if needed

The student has two possibilities to retake the exam.
The student has a right to raise the grade one time at retake.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the students performance is done with written exam. Grades are 0-5, 0 meaning disqualification and 5 meaning excellent knowledge. Grade 1 requires 60% of the maximum points.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Classroom lectures (some of the lectures will be via Teams/Zoom), independent studying and working in small groups, homework and anatomy and physiology 3d software

Learning materials

Text books, e-books, online material, 3d software
Recommended Text books:

Choose one several:
1. Bjålie, J.G. Haug, E. Sand, O. Sjaastad O.V. & Toverud, K.C. IHMINEN. FYSIOLOGIA JA ANATOMIA. Juva WSOY
2. Tortora & Derrickson. Principles of anatomy and physiology. Wiley/Harper Collins Publishers
From Tuni library also as an e-book
3. Leppäluoto Juhani – Kettunen Raimo – Rintamäki Hannu – Vakkuri Olli. ANATOMIA JA FYSIOLOGIA. RAKENTEESTA TOIMINTAAN. WSOY. From Tuni library also as an e-book
4. Thibodeau G.A., Patton K.T. Structure et Function of the Body. Elsevier
15th Edition online access and free download

Student workload

2 credits = 2 x 27h= 54h
12 h contact hours
42 h independent learnign

Further information

Orientation durin first lecture, attendance highly recommended. If you can't attend, find out the neccessary information on how to carry out the course.

Anatomy and Physiology includes contact learning, e-learning and self-learning. During contact learning the focus is on more complicated tasks, student are expected to actively take part in discussion.

Content and content-specific goals:
-structure and function of the digestive system: The student knows the parts of the digestive system and their structure. The student can explain the breakdown, absorption, transport and storage of nutrients. The student knows the function of liver. The student understands, how the digestive system is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and hormones.

-structure and function of the urinary system, body fluid balance, acid-base balance: The student recognizes the parts of the urinary tract and knows their structure. The student is able to explain the function of the nephron and understands the significance of urinary excretion for fluid and electrolyte balance and pH.

-structure and function of the nervous system: the student knows the operation of the nerve cell. The student can explain what the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and the autonomous nervous system are. The student understands the significance of the nervous system, knows the anatomy of the brain and understands how the cerebrospinal fluid is formed and circulated.

-The skin is studied mostly independently. The student knows the structure and importance of the skin in thermoregulation and maintaining fluid balance, as well as for physical and immunological defense of the body and as a sensory organ. The student knows the role of the skin in secretion and in the synthesis of vitamin D.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sara Willberg
  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the structure and function of the musculosceletal system
- knows the structure of the endocrine system and know the body's most important hormones
- knows the reproductive system and its functions

Content (course unit)

- the structure and function of the musculosceletal system
- the structure and function of the endocrine system
- the reproductive system and its functions

Further information (course unit)

Anatomy and Physiology 1

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

- knows the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system mainly
- knows the structure of the endocrine system and is able to list the most important hormones in the body
- knows the reproductive system and knows the basics of its functions

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- knows the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
- knows the structure of the endocrine system and knows the most important hormones in the body
- knows the reproductive system and its functions
- is able to describe the relationship between the functions of the human body and apply the knowledge learned

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- has a deep understanding of the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
- knows the structure of the endocrine system and knows the most important hormones in the body
- knows the reproductive system and knows its functions in depth XXX tarkasta!
- is able to apply his / her knowledge, demonstrate mastery of entities and combine theoretical knowledge with the professional context

Exam schedules

Moodle exam, which is in week 6 (5-11.2.).
The first retake is week 7 (12-18.2.)
Discuss with the teacher if there is a need for second retake. Should be done during weeks 8-9.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment of anatomy and physiology is based on a written examination. Rating 0-5.

- The student knows the structure and function of human body organ systems and is able to form an understanding of a human body as a physical functional entity.
- The student knows the most important terms of anatomy and physiology.
- The student knows how to apply the aforementioned knowledge both when studying and when carrying out nursing work.
- The student learns to use different sources to gain information both independently and together with fellow students.
- The student learns to effectively use the time intended for independent study.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Classroom lectures (some of the lectures will be via Teams/Zoom), independent studying and working in small groups, homework and anatomy and physiology 3d software.

Learning materials

Text books, e-books, online material, 3d software
Recommended Text books:

Choose one or several:
1. Bjålie, J.G. Haug, E. Sand, O. Sjaastad O.V. & Toverud, K.C. IHMINEN. FYSIOLOGIA JA ANATOMIA. Juva WSOY
2. Tortora & Derrickson. Principles of anatomy and physiology. Wiley/Harper Collins Publishers
From Tuni library also as an e-book
3. Leppäluoto Juhani – Kettunen Raimo – Rintamäki Hannu – Vakkuri Olli. ANATOMIA JA FYSIOLOGIA. RAKENTEESTA TOIMINTAAN. WSOY. From Tuni library also as an e-book
4. Thibodeau G.A., Patton K.T. Structure et Function of the Body. Elsevier
15th Edition online access and free download

Content scheduling

2 credits = 2 x 27h= 54h
12 h contact hours
42 h independent learning

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Riikka Pelkonen
Person in charge

Riikka Pelkonen

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the obligations set by the Infectious Diseases Act and Regulation in nursing
- can identify the main and topical national and global communicable diseases and knows how to prevent and treat them at individual and population level
- knows which diseases can be prevented by vaccines
- knows the different types of vaccinations and basics of vaccine composition
- knows the vaccines included in the national vaccination program
- knows the principles of safe vaccination

Content (course unit)

- Infectious Diseases Act and the Decree
- communicable diseases which are generally dangerous and to be controlled
- prevention and treatment of communicable diseases
- national vaccination programme and diseases prevented by vaccinations
- different vaccine types and composition of vaccines
- safe vaccination
- international travel and health

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- knows the prevention and treatment of the most common communicable diseases, along with care and guidance for the patient
- knows the basic priciples of safe vaccination
- knows the most common vaccines and the main principles of a national vaccine program
- knows the basics of vaccination-related guidance

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the prevention and treatment of the most common communicable diseases, along with care and guidance for the patient
- knows the principles of safe vaccination
- knows the most common vaccines and vaccines of the national vaccination program
- knows the basics of vaccination-related guidance

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- masters the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases along with care and guidance at the individual and population level
- is able to apply the principles of safe vaccination in different situations
- knows the national vaccination program and its vaccines, as well as the most common travelers’ vaccines
- knows the basics of vaccination-related guidance

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.06.2023 - 06.11.2023


13.11.2023 - 15.12.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- understands the philosophical, ethical and pedagogical bases for education and teaching
- is able to utilise client-oriented education and teaching methods appropriate to the situation considering clients of different ages and their significant others
- is able to use and plan digital teaching methods and materials
- knows how to evaluate the effectiveness of different methods.

Content (course unit)

- different education and teaching philosophies
- the education and teaching method process
- education in different situations with various methods
- education and communication utilising information and communications technology
- the assessment of nursing education and teaching

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- identifies evidence-based knowledge related to education and teaching and digital communication.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the theoretical basis of education and teaching and digital communication and is able to apply them utilizing evidence-based knowledge.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- knows and is able to utilize broadly education and teaching and digital communication
- analyzes and applies evidence-based knowledge and electronic communication individual and family-oriented way.

Exam schedules

In case of an absence from Digital communication workshop:workshop is compensated individually by writing a peer review on 3 posted materials and posting 3 materials with written presentation on it based on scientific references with two weeks by 6.12.2023
from Guidance workshop:In case of absence from the Guidance workshop (B) compensatory work: *Post a video on your self- practice with a self-evaluation on the session based on minimum of three references to moodle's submission platform by 14.12.2023

from Seminar:If you have actively participated in planning, implementing , and analysing and reporting the team’s teaching/guidance session, they compensate for an absence by watching all the posted videos and looking into every other (excluding your own team’s) teams’ presentations and giving detailed, peer review using evidence-based references on all presentations in the seminar. All aspects of the guidance sessions must be reviewed based on references. The due date is two weeks after the seminar by 2.1.2024. Peer reviews must be posted to the Discussion Forum in question. If the due date is not followed, the work will not be taken into consideration.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in the workshops and seminar work preparation and in the seminar is required for an approved grade.
Grade 0-5 based on guidance video and written report done with allocated team.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, small group work, seminar, workshops at school and individual studying.

Learning materials

Marshall, Lori C., and Sigma Theta Tau International. Mastering Patient and Family Education: A Healthcare Handbook for Success. Sigma Theta Tau International, 2016. Chapters 2,7-8,14.
Rogers, Alan & Horrocks, Naomi: Teaching Adults.2010.E-book chapters: 5-6 and 10 from page 237 on tp page 262. or
Vehviläinen, S. Ohjaustyön opas : yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta . Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2014. Print. Saatavilla myös e-kirjana.

For the interested:
Harju (toim.). 2021. Yhdessä perheen kanssa: perheiden ja terveydenhuollon kohtaamisia. Saatavilla e-kirjana.
Tervo-Heikkinen, Saaranen, Huurre & Turunen. 2018. Hoitohenkilökunnan arviot potilasohjausosaamisestaan – kyselytutkimus yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Hoitotiede, 30 (3), s. 179-190.
Tervo-Heikkinen, Saaranen, Miettinen & Vaajoki. 2018. Hoitotyöntekijöiden kokemuksia potilasohjauskoulutuksen merkityksestä potilasohjaukselle. Tutkiva hoitotyö, 16 (3), s. 27-33.
Erilaiset ajankohtaiset, sähköiset ohjausalustat. Terveyskylä, Mielenterveystalo, ODA-hankkeen sisällöt, Sairaanhoitajaliiton sähköisten palveluiden strategia.
Muut ajankohtaiset digitaaliset ohjausalustat, materiaalit ja artikkelit aiheesta.

Other material will presented in the mandatory orientation.

Student workload

54 hours of students work including a 2-hour mandatory Orientation, workshops, and seminar

Completion alternatives


Further information

Course is for nursing students only.

Enrolment period

07.12.2023 - 06.05.2024


01.01.2024 - 04.06.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Anna Rinne
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- understands the philosophical, ethical and pedagogical bases for education and teaching
- is able to utilise client-oriented education and teaching methods appropriate to the situation considering clients of different ages and their significant others
- is able to use and plan digital teaching methods and materials
- knows how to evaluate the effectiveness of different methods.

Content (course unit)

- different education and teaching philosophies
- the education and teaching method process
- education in different situations with various methods
- education and communication utilising information and communications technology
- the assessment of nursing education and teaching

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- identifies evidence-based knowledge related to education and teaching and digital communication.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the theoretical basis of education and teaching and digital communication and is able to apply them utilizing evidence-based knowledge.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- knows and is able to utilize broadly education and teaching and digital communication
- analyzes and applies evidence-based knowledge and electronic communication individual and family-oriented way.

Exam schedules

Orientation, and all sessions are 100% mandatory.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in the workshops and seminar work preparation and in the seminar is required for an approved grade.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, small group work, seminar, workshops at school and individual studying.

Learning materials

Marshall, Lori C., and Sigma Theta Tau International. Mastering Patient and Family Education: A Healthcare Handbook for Success. Sigma Theta Tau International, 2016.
Rogers, Alan & Horrocks, Naomi: Teaching Adults.2010.E-book.or
Vehviläinen, S. Ohjaustyön opas : yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta . Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2014. Print. Saatavilla myös e-kirjana.

For the interested:
Harju (toim.). 2021. Yhdessä perheen kanssa: perheiden ja terveydenhuollon kohtaamisia. Saatavilla e-kirjana.
Tervo-Heikkinen, Saaranen, Huurre & Turunen. 2018. Hoitohenkilökunnan arviot potilasohjausosaamisestaan – kyselytutkimus yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Hoitotiede, 30 (3), s. 179-190.
Tervo-Heikkinen, Saaranen, Miettinen & Vaajoki. 2018. Hoitotyöntekijöiden kokemuksia potilasohjauskoulutuksen merkityksestä potilasohjaukselle. Tutkiva hoitotyö, 16 (3), s. 27-33.
Erilaiset ajankohtaiset, sähköiset ohjausalustat. Terveyskylä, Mielenterveystalo, ODA-hankkeen sisällöt, Sairaanhoitajaliiton sähköisten palveluiden strategia.
Muut ajankohtaiset digitaaliset ohjausalustat, materiaalit ja artikkelit aiheesta.

Beery, Theresa A, M. Linda Workman, and Julia A Eggert. Genetics and Genomics in Nursing and Health Care. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 2018. Print.

Other material will presented in the mandatory orientation.

Student workload

54 hours of students work including a 2-hour mandatory Orientation, workshops, and seminar

Completion alternatives

None for the whole course.
For coaching workshop, and teaching workshop:
In case of an absence from the coaching workshop 10 May 2024 and/or teaching intervention workshop 17 May practice teaching with GROW (10.5.24) or 5As (17.5.) Take a video of your practice, and attach the link to provided submission platform within a week (by 24.5.24). You can do the practice with GROW or/and 5A's either face-to-face or online.
For Digital tools workshop:In case of absence on 14.5.24:
Workshop is compensated individually by: writing a peer review on 3 posted materials and posting 3 materials with written presentation on it based on scientific references.
In case of an absence from the 29.5. mandatory seminar: if the student has planned and collaborated fully in the guidance session presentation preparations, implementation, analysis, assessment and cannot attend to the mandatory seminar, they can make up for an absence by watching the posted videos and looking into every other (excluding your own team’s) teams’ presentations and giving detailed, peer review using evidence based references on all presentations in the seminar. All aspects of the guidance sessions must be reviewed based on references. The due date is two weeks after the seminar. Peer reviews must be posted to the Discussion Forum in question. If the due date is not followed, the work will not be taken into consideration.

Further information

Course is for nursing students only.
The course will include the application of genomic information in patient guidance situations.

Enrolment period

02.12.2022 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 01.10.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Pasi Vehniäinen
Person in charge

Pasi Vehniäinen

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- is able to act based on evidence on his/her own initiative in different emergency situations in the most common illness and emergency situations taking into consideration safety and the need of mental first aid.

Content (course unit)

- recognition of emergency situations and call for help
- first aid for a person who is unconscious or suffering from a fit
- basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and CPR-D (defibrillation) of children or adults
- first aid of trauma patients
- mental first aid

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

- is able to apply his / her knowledge of first aid in case of illness and accident in a versatile way and to look at the first aid from several different perspectives and to give first aid justifying his / her own actions
- takes into account personal and other safety when providing first aid

- not able to justify first aid
- does not take safety considerations into account when giving first aid

Exam schedules

Moodle -test; passing limit is 80%. The test must be passed during the course

Assessment methods and criteria

Moodle-test 2 cr evaluation pass/fail
Task evaluation pass/fail
CPR training, 0 cr , 100% active attendance, CPR performance evaluation pass/ fail
First Aid in accident training 0 cr, 100% active attendance, evaluation pass/fail

First Aid Case exercise 0 cr, 100% active attendance, evaluation pass/fail

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Groupwork, contact classes, flipped learning, independent learning, Moodle-working, simulations and e-tests.

Learning materials

Emergency First Aid : the Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew’s Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross. Rev. ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2006. Print.

In Finnish:
(Ensiapu. SPR.2017)

All the material provided by the teachers.

Student workload

Total 2 cr x 27 h = 54 hours of study

Content scheduling

6 h theory (3h+3h), (including task-presentations), practicing in small groups 3 x 3 h
Independent study 39h

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

The student
- can work independently following evidence-based knowledge
- gains the confidence to act in an emergency
-can begin and provide first aid safety in a range of emergency situations

- recognizing an emergency and calling additional help
- first aid for someone who is unresponsive and breathing
- first aid for someone (child or adult) who is unresponsive and not breathing when an AED (automated external defibrillator) is available
- first aid for some who have had an accident
- Mental first aid

The implementation plan can be updated before the orientation of the course.

If the student has a valid Red Cross card First Aid I or First Aid II or these courses has been attended within less than three years, contact your First Aid teacher well BEFORE the start of the course. You need a certificate of the First Aid course with you when you go to meet the teacher. More detailed information is provided during that meeting

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- can apply his / her knowledge of First Aid in case of illness or accident in many ways
-can give first aid justifying his / her own actions
- considers personal and other safety when providing first aid

The student
- cannot justify the given First Aid
- when providing First Aid works unsafety

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 12.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Ella Hakala

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- pronounces Finnish well.
- dares to use Finnish at his own level to get information passed on.
- can tell and describe his environment.
- is able to communicate both orally and in written on everyday matters and is motivated to learn the vocabulary of nursing.

- understands simple speech and simple messages about everyday things.
- he understands simple texts in his field with a standard vocabulary.
- is able to write short texts and catalog descriptions of familiar things and events.
- is active in the Finnish language in various everyday situations. He
- has adopted meaningful ways of learning Finnish and also uses Finnish outside the classroom

Content (course unit)

- Developing text type awareness by getting acquainted with professional texts.
- Finnish language environment in different communication situations.
- Developing reading and listening and communication strategies, eg the use of circular expressions.
- Continue to become acquainted with the professional vocabulary and communication situations in nursing.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student has completed all course assignments. He/She can tell about the intended content, but the expression is still incomplete and there are errors in the structures. To have a discussion in Finnish is still a bit difficult. There is still need for improvement in pronunciation.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student studies Finnish with activity and does his / her course assignment according to the schedule. The discussions included in the course are already well understood by him/her. He/She is able to write short texts related to his/her environment and future profession. Pronunciation goes well.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student has a positive and active attitude towards language learning. He/She pronounces Finnish clearly and is able to use appropriate, alternative expressions in his/her interaction and form grammatically correct sentences. He/She is able to take part in discussions on the topics covered during the course by telling, asking and answering naturally. He/She is able to write descriptions or narrations and actively utilize the words and phrases he/she has learned in new contexts.

Location and time

The meeting time and place will change every week. Please, check out your calendar in order to see the new meeting information.

Course meetings do not take place during the clinical training. Students have individual study material for the training.

Exam schedules

Test dates will be discussed when the course starts.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in the course meetings.
Review of the course assignments.
Review of the exams.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Classroom meetings.
Course assignments.
Exams (spoken and written final exam)

We practise speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading. We will focus on active language use and communication needed in nurses profession.

Learning materials

You will receive the study material in the form of handouts and online material.

You do not need to use a study book in the course. We will study the grammatical topics from the book Suomen mestari 2 so that is recommended for independent studying if interested.

Student workload

You should prepare for the following schedule in each course week:
- 2x2 classes per week.
- 4-6 hours of independent work (home work, course assignments, reviews) + active use of Finnish (The amount of independent work varies each week.)

International connections

The group is international.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student will not pass the course in the following situations:

- The students did not take part in both final exams.
- The student's performance in the final exam did not meet the minimum criteria (i.e., grade 1-2 criteria).

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student will receive the grade 1 or 2 when they could not reach the level 3 or higher in the final exam. The student might, for example, still struggle with forming fluent, complete sentences in Finnish or understanding every day Finnish speech.

However, on level 1-2 grade, the student needs to show that they have a basic proficiency in nursing Finnish (e.g., required vocabulary and most common structures), and that they can get their message across in Finnish, even if their communication style and expressions did not meet all the expectations of fluent, grammatically correct Finnish.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student will receive the grade 3 or 4 when they could not reach the level 5. The student might, for example, still struggle with individual aspects of Finnish communication (e.g., pronunciation, knowledge in word forms and verb tenses, formation of longer sentences).

However, on level 3-4 grade, the student needs to show that they have a solid proficiency in nursing Finnish (e.g., required vocabulary, most common structures, and passive writing style), and that they can have interaction with another person without too many struggles and interruptions.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student will receive the grade 5 when they have reached an excellent level in the final exam. The student is able to produce fluent, comprehensible, and relevant information both in spoken and written Finnish.

The student has a solid proficiency in nursing Finnish (e.g., required vocabulary, most common structures, and passive writing style), and, additionally, does not have any major issues with understanding other people's speaking or writing. Based on the exam evaluation, the student would be able to handle most common work assignments in nursing with the language skills they have.

Enrolment period

01.06.2023 - 07.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Linah Oule
  • Virva Vasari
  • Nancy Kamau
Person in charge

Nancy Kamau

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basics of fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- is able to monitor the patient's fluid balance
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate the patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions according to given orders
- is able under supervision to safely perform peripheral cannulation
- is able to implement aseptically in intravenous fluid and drug therapy
- is able to guide the patient in issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- identifies his/her own ethical responsibility for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Content (course unit)

- fluid balance, acid-base balance and electrolyte balance
- planning, implementation and assessment of intravenous fluid- and medication therapy blood products and blood transfusion
- infusions
- medication additions and medication dilutions
- fluid and blood transfusion equipment and devices preparing the infusion for use
- peripheral vein cannulation
- guidance of fluid therapy and blood transfusion aseptics and safety in fluid therapy and blood transfusion - - ethical and responsibility issues in fluid therapy and blood transfusion

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- identifies the basics of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- identifies the basics of monitoring the patient's fluid balance
- is able under supervision to plan, implement and evaluate the patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions according to given orders
- is able under supervision to perform peripheral cannulation
- identifies the basic principles of asepsis in intravenous fluid and drug therapy
- knows the basic principles how to guide the patient in issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion identifies ethical issues for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the basics of fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- is able to monitor the patient's fluid balance
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate the patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions according to given orders
- is able under supervision to safely perform peripheral cannulation
- is able to implement aseptically in intravenous fluid and drug therapy
- is able to guide the patient in issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- identifies his/her own ethical responsibility for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- masters the basics of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion in depth
- is able to monitor the patient's fluid balance
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate patient- centered intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion according to the orders given
- is able safely perform peripheral cannulation
- is able to work aseptically in intravenous fluid and drug therapy, having mastered the aseptics in different situations
- is able to properly guide the patient on issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion implementation
- knows his/her own ethical responsibility for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Location and time

Autumn 2023 Tamk Campus and Tampere Center for Skills Training and Simulation

Exam schedules

Course exam: week 37 - 38 (11.9 - 23.9.2023),. (Theory and medical calculation) Electronic exam room at TAMK)

1st retake week (Electronic exam room at TAMK) week 41 (9.10 - 14.10.2023)
2nd retake week (Electronic exam room at TAMK) week 47 (20.11 - 25.11.2023

Moodle tests and assignments (more information given during the course)

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching, Small group work, Guided independent work, Flipped learning, Orientation skills training, teaching discussions, teaching simulation, group work, online tests, and courses.

Learning materials

Brady, Anne-Marie; McCabe, Catherine; McCann, Margaret. Fundamentals of medical-surgical nursing: a systems approach. 2014. Part 1, chapter 3. Principles of intravenous therapy.

Smeltzer S., Bare B., Hinkle J. & Cheever K. : Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Wolters Kluwer: 12th/13th/14th edition.

Chapter: Fluid and Electrolytes: balance and disturbance, fluid volume disturbances, electrolyte imbalances, acid-base disturbances, parenteral fluid therapy.

Chapter: Assessment of Hematologic Function and Tretment Modalities: anatomic and physiologic overview, procuring blood and blood products, transfusion.

John Wiley and Sons, Ltd 2017. E-book Central. Part 3, Chapter 20. The infection prevention management of intravascular devices.

Online links:

Other course materials and references given by the teacher.

Student workload

3Cr = 81 hours of students work

Content scheduling

Part 1: Theory
Part 2: Skills labs

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Basics of Intravenous Fluid Therapy -course. The course material will be benefited in the orientation practices.

Further information

Contents of the course:
- aseptics and safely in intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- fluid balance, acid-base balance, electrolyte balance
- intravenous fluid therapy and medication administration
- intravenous infusion fluids
- medication additives, medication dilutions
- peripheral venous cannulation
- intravenous fluids and blood transfusion devices and machines
- different blood products, safe blood transfusion
- guidance inpatient care with intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion

If the student is absent from the first skills lab, the student will not be allowed to participate in the 2nd skills lab

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- identifies the basics of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- identifies the basics of monitoring the patient's fluid balance
- is able under supervision to plan, implement and evaluate the patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions according to given orders
- is able under supervision to perform peripheral cannulation
- identifies the basic principles of asepsis in intravenous fluid and drug therapy
- knows the basic principles how to guide the patient in issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion identifies ethical issues for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- knows the basics of fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- is able to monitor the patient's fluid balance
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate the patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions according to given orders
- is able under supervision to safely perform peripheral cannulation
- is able to implement aseptically in intravenous fluid and drug therapy
- is able to guide the patient in issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion
- identifies his/her own ethical responsibility for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- masters the basics of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion in depth
- is able to monitor the patient's fluid balance
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate patient- centered intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion according to the orders given
- is able safely perform peripheral cannulation
- is able to work aseptically in intravenous fluid and drug therapy, having mastered the aseptics in different situations
- is able to properly guide the patient on issues related to fluid therapy and blood transfusion implementation
- knows his/her own ethical responsibility for implementing fluid therapy and transfusions

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 13.08.2023


13.11.2023 - 17.12.2023


7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Mielenterveyshoitotyö Tiimihenkilö
  • Johanna Vilppola
Person in charge

Johanna Vilppola

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to act in a manner to promote mental health and prevent mental and substance abuse problems in different environments
- is able to professionally meet clients and families from diverse life situations and different cultures who have mental and / or substance abuse problems or life crisis
- identifies the symptoms of mental and / or substance abuse problems among clients of different ages and can intervene appropriately
- is able to make an assessment of the need for treatment in collaboration with the patient and his / her family
- is able to assess the patient’s need for special services or the services of a special worker, in collaboration with other professionals
- is able to take into account the situation of children and other family members in the event of a family member suffering from mental or substance abuse problems
- is able to plan, implement and assess the care of mental health and / or substance abuse problems in primary health care using evidence-based knowledge and feedback in collaboration with the patient, the family and other professionals
-is able use digital tools in care
- is able to act proactively and professionally in a threatening interaction situation
- is able to reflect on the professional use of his/her own personality and identify his/her own developmental challenges
- knows the most common psychiatric illnesses and their symptoms, examinations and treatment methods
-knows the basics of psychiatric pharmacogenetics as well as the effects of genes on the development of mental disorders
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Content (course unit)

- mental health promotion, prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems in nursing
- the most important treatment methods in mental health and substance abuse
- main legislation and regulations for mental health and substance abuse
- therapeutic interaction with people of different ages in mental health and substance abuse care
- care plans and structured documentation of mental health and substance abuse care
- assessing the need for mental health and substance abuse care in crisis situations and as care and rehabilitation continues
- rehabilitative approach in working in mental health and substance abuse care
- using digital tools in care
- predictive interaction in a threatening, escalating situation
- use and development of one's own professional personality
- psychopharmacology and psychiatric pharmacogenetics
- psychiatric and substance abuse psychiatric diagnostics and psychiatry as a medical specialty

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic principles of mental health promotion and the prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems
- identifies key problems in mental health and substance abuse care and primary health care interventions
- knows the importance of using and developing his/her own professional personality
- knows the effect of genes on mental health and substance abuse disorders
- knows what is meant by an approach that supports rehabilitation
- identifies key psychiatric diagnoses and medical treatment methods and the basics about psychiatric pharmacogenetics

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition to a satisfactory level
The student
- is able to intervene in mental health and substance abuse problems and assess the need for treatment
- is able to apply knowledge of the problems of mental health and substance abuse
- is able to apply basic care methods in primary health care
- is able to apply an approach that supports rehabilitation
- recognises the psychiatric diagnoses which are assessed and treated in primary health care and is familiar with their medical care
- seeks and utilises evidence-based knowledge in his/her work
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition to a good level
The student
- is able to assess the patient's needs for treatment according to the severity of the symptoms and the patient's resources, taking into account the patient’s family and network
- knows the main medication used to treat mental disorders
- identifies the most important substance abuse psychiatric diagnoses and their treatment methods

Location and time

Remote and classroom teaching, but only one at the time. There won´t be online streaming while teaching in the classroom (because of the subject: mental health and substance abuse nursing).

Followed by organizational regulations and if needed there might be changes in pedagogical implementation e.g. pandemic situation.

Exam schedules

Students can to study all the materials beforehand the each lecture. You can find all the lecture-slides and some other materials from the Moodle. In the classroom, we are also using traditional methods like lectures and discussions, some games, group methods, pair discussions and so on. Individual (or pair or group- teacher´s decision which based on pedagogical issues) exam in the classroom.

1.Psychiatric nursing ( 1-5) (13.12.2023 in the classroom)
2.Psychiatry (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)
3.Psychopharmagology (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)

Psychiatric nursing- exam retakes: retake I January week 3 and Retake II February week 8 in Exam environments.
Assignments and psychiatry and psychophamacology exams deadlines are informed in the Moodle. All the assingments are not possible to submit after that. The next opportunity is to do assignments with the next implementation in the schedule of another group.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

lectures, team work, small group work, individual tasks, visit by expert by experience

Learning materials

Nursing part: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : An Interpersonal Approach Rogers, Vickie L.; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.;Jones, Jeffrey S. New York : Springer Publishing Company. 2017 (USA) e-book, or newer (pages are informed in slides)

Psychopharmacology part: Chapter 5. Overview of psychopharmacology Debbie Steele, Joan S. Grant, and Norman L. Keltner, In bookAdvanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, Second Edition :pages 63-94 Integrating Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, and Complementary and Alternative Approaches Across the Life Span (2017) (ebook)

Materials in the Moodle and materials provided by teacher in lessons, PP-slides

Psychiatry lectures in the moodle videos

Let´s Talk About Children
And other materials which will be shown during lectures.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Mandatory lectures are:
Orientation on Monday 13.11.2023 (remote teaching)
Small group working: on Thursday 23.11.2023 pretask+Therapeutic listening and discussion (live teaching in the classroom)
Small group working: scientific article feedback-studio on Tuesday 12.12. (remote teaching)
Treatment plan - task on Wednesday 13.12.2023 (live in the classroom)
Nursing exam on Wednesday 13.12.2023 (live in the classroom)

You can find all the lecture-slides and some other materials from the Moodle. In the classroom, we are also using traditional methods like lectures and discussions, some games, group methods, pair discussions and so on. Individual (or pair or group, teacher´s decision based on pedagogical issues) exam on Wednesday 13.12.2023 in the classroom.

Enrolment period

15.05.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 05.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anne-Marja Hammar
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

Internal Medicine
The student
- acquires, processes, evaluates, analyzes and uses a wide range of information on the most common diseases and their treatment in the field of internal medicine
- knows the prevalence of the most common internal diseases e.g. their incidence and prevalence
- knows the genetic background of the most common diseases and can identify the effects of genomic information in the treatment of diseases
- can recognize the symptoms of the most common diseases
- knows the clinical, radiological and clinical-physiological examinations of the most common diseases
- is able to define the findings of the examinations performed in relation to the stage of the disease
- knows the treatments for the most common diseases, the consequences of treatment and is able to identify abnormalities in the patient’s condition
- knows the follow-up, monitoring and prognosis of the most common diseases
- understand that nursing and multidisciplinary activities require the skills described above in patient’s care on a daily basis

The student
- knows the basics of the development of various diseases
- understands the principles of treatment of tumors and inflammatory diseases and the process of wound healing in internal medicine and surgery courses
- knows the changes in the body caused by aging
- knows the mechanisms of action of radiotherapy and chemotherapy
- understands the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials in pharmacology
- notices that pathology, or pathology, is a basic science that manifests itself in nursing activities in everyday life on a daily basis

The student
- knows the prevalence of cancer, its causes, the role of genetics in the pathogenesis of cancer and the principles of cancer prevention
- knows the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer
- knows the general principles and treatments of cancer treatment
- knows the symptoms of lymphomas and leukemias, examinations and their findings, as well as the basics of treatment
- knows the basics of palliative care and terminal care

Content (course unit)

- cardiovascular diseases and the causes of diseases, genetics
- lung diseases and their pathophysiology, genetics
- endocrinology, kidney diseases, genetics
- gastroenterology, genetics
- acute neurology, genetics
- chronic neurological diseases and palliative care, genetics
- pathology
- cancers, genetics

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

- is able to identify the symptoms of the most common internal diseases
- names the most common internal medicine studies and their findings
- identifies therapies and follow-up for the treatment of the most common internal diseases
- names the genetic factors of the most common diseases
- defines the mechanisms of action of radiotherapy and chemotherapy
- names the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials in pharmacology
- identifies the main pharmacogenetic factors
- identifies the main causes of diseases
- identifies the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer
- defines general principles and forms of treatment for cancer
- identifies the symptoms, examinations and findings of lymphomas and leukemias, as well as the rationale for treatment

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- identifies the symptoms of the most common internal diseases and be able to name studies of the most common internal diseases and explain their findings
- explains the treatment and follow-up of the most common internal medicine treatments
- justifies the effects of the genetic factors of the most common diseases on the treatment of the disease
- justifies the mechanisms of action of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and the principles of treatment choice
- justifies the choice of treatment in pharmacology on the basis of the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials
- explains the main causes of diseases
- explains the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer in relation to general principles and forms of treatment for cancer
- explains the symptoms, examinations and findings of lymphomas and leukemias, as well as the grounds for treatment in relation to the nature of the disease and the patient's condition

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- comprehensively understands the symptoms of the most common internal diseases, is able to name examinations in case of the most common internal diseases and explain their findings, combining them with the treatment and monitoring of the most common internal diseases in a multidisciplinary working community
- analyzes and justifies the mechanisms of action of radiotherapy and chemotherapy and the principles of treatment selection on the basis of the information obtained in the study of pathology and cancer
- combines his or her knowledge in pharmacology based on the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials with treatment selection criteria and in pharmacogenetics with the need for pharmacovigilance
- explains the main causes of diseases
- explains the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer in relation to general principles and forms of treatment for cancer
- explains the symptoms, examinations and findings of lymphomas and leukemias, as well as the principles for treatment in relation to the nature of the disease and the patient's condition

Exam schedules

Exam 1 including cardiac diseases, circulatory diseases, respiratory diseases and endocrinology the exam period in Tenttiterraario (Exam-room) is between the 27th of September and 11th of November 2023. The 1st re-take period is between 27.11.-15.12.2023 and the second re-take period will be in the beginning of the spring semester 2024. Exact dates will be given during the course.
Exam 2 including pathology, oncology and gastroenterology and neurology, renal diseases will be between the 13th of October to the 5th of December 2023 in Tenttiterraario (exam-room). The 1st re-take period will be 11th of December to the 22nd of December 2023 and the 2nd re-take period in the beginning of the spring semester 2024. Exact dates will be given during the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The total grade of the course will be the average of the grades of the two exams. Time reserved for answering in both exams is115 minutes. Evaluation is numeric (0-5).
The basic prerequisite is that the student does not describe any function or treatment or show lack of knowledge that would harm the patient, endanger the patients health or life in any way or the student does not use incorrect terminology, which could lead to the before mentioned situations.
The minimum score for the approved performance is 50% of the maximum points of the exam.
The total grade of the course will be the average of the two exams.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact hours, which are reinforced with online course and with independent tasks. Teaching and learning methods are Flipped Classroom (=Independent studying according to given questions and tasks before attending the contact hours, contact hours and independent learning after the contact hours), Case Based Learning connecting theory into practice (examples of patients undergoing clinical-physiological examinations) and Constructive Learning (the student builds new information and knowledge on the basis achieved in previous courses).

Learning materials

Harrison's principles of internal medicine
Fauci, Anthony S., Hauser, Stephen L., Jameson, J. Larry, Kasper, Dennis L., Longo, Dan L., Loscalzo, Joseph, McGraw Hill Education ©2015. 19th edition
or other textbook pointed during the course
Moodle material

Student workload

The course consist of 3 ECTS each meaning 81 hours for the student to study.

Content scheduling

Heart and circulation
- coronary artery disease, pathology and genetics
- hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, atrial fibrillation
- clinical physiology: examination connected to cardiac diseases and respiratory functions
Respiratory diseases
- asthma
- pulmonary embolism
- respiratory tract infections
- acute breathing difficulties
- diabetes
- diseases of the thyroid
- diseases of the adrenal glands
Exam 1
Nephrology (independent studying)
- acute kidney insufficiency and chronic renal disorders
- urinary tract infections
Gastroenterology and Oncology (genetics of cancer)
- hepatic diseases
- acute neurology
- chronic neurological diseases
- the main causes of diseases
- development and healing of cell and tissue damage
- body response to damage: inflammatory reaction
- the effects of aging on the body
- basics of pharmacogenetics
Cancers, genetics
- how cancer develops
- different types of cancer and their treatment criteria
- lymphomas
- leukemia
- basics of palliative care
- principles of terminal care
Exam, part 2

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 18.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.05.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Heli Hilander
  • Akindayo Ogunbayo
  • Sanna Laiho
  • Julia Kritz
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- acquires, processes, evaluates, analyzes and uses a wide range of information on the most common diseases and their treatment in the field of surgery
- knows the prevalence of the most common surgical diseases e.g. their incidence and prevalence
- knows the genetic background of the most common diseases and can identify the effects of genomic information in the treatment of diseases
- can recognize the symptoms of the most common diseases
- knows the clinical, radiological and clinical-physiological examinations of the most common diseases
- is able to define the findings of the examinations performed in relation to the stage of the disease
- knows the treatments for the most common diseases, the consequences of treatment and is able to identify abnormalities in the patient’s condition
- knows the follow-up, monitoring and prognosis of the most common diseases
- understand that nursing and multidisciplinary activities require the skills described above in patient’s care on a daily basis

The student
- understands the pathway of the patients from the referral to the postoperative follow-up
- knows the criteria for assessing and selecting the anesthesia method e.g. preoperative evaluation and patient preparation
- knows the premedication for anesthesia
- knows the most common anesthetics for local, regional and general anesthesia in the intraoperative period and the follow-up in the postoperative phase
- understands the most common methods of regional anesthesia (spinal and epidural) in the intraoperative period and the follow-up in the postoperative phase
- knows the meaning and methods of postoperative pain medication
- knows how to act in acute situations like anaphylaxis
- resuscitation, anaphylaxis

Radiation protection and imaging
- the basics of different imaging examinations, safety and radiation protection
- the basics of radiation physics and radiation biology
- general principles of radiation protection in medical exposure
- radiation protection for workers
- legislation related to medical use of radiation

Content (course unit)

Surgery 1cr
- Surgery in general and general surgery
- Gastro surgery
- Cancer surgery
- Orthopedics
- Traumatology

Anesthesia 0,5cr
- criteria for assessing and selecting the anesthesia method
- premedication for anesthesia
- prophylaxis of endocarditis, infections and thrombosis
- anesthetics for local and general anesthesia, their indications, contraindications, effects and possible side-effects to be noticed during the anesthesia
- the most common methods of regional anesthesia (spinal and epidural)
- postoperative pain medication, indications, contraindications, effects and possible side-effects to be noticed after the anesthesia and postoperative care
- acute situations: anaphylaxis

Radiation protection 1 ect and imaging 0.5 ect
- the basics of different imaging examinations, safety and radiation protection
- the basics of radiation physics and radiation biology
- general principles of radiation protection in medical exposure
- radiation protection for workers
- legislation related to medical use of radiation

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Surgery and Anesthesiology
- is able to identify the symptoms of the most common surgical diseases
- names the most common examinations and their findings in common surgical diseases
- identifies therapies and follow-up for the treatment of the most common surgical diseases
- names the genetic factors of the most common diseases
- knows how to act in case of accident
- defines the mechanisms of action of the anesthetics
- names the mechanisms of action of prophylactic factors in endocarditis, postoperative infections and thrombosis
- identifies the main pharmacogenetic factors in pain medication
- identifies the main causes of diseases and knows their prophylaxis
- identifies the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer
- defines general principles and forms of surgical treatment for cancer

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Surgery and Anesthesiology
- identifies the symptoms of the most common surgical diseases and is able to name examinations of the most common surgical diseases and explain their findings
- explains the treatment and follow-up of the most common surgical treatment methods
- justifies the effects of the genetic factors of the most common diseases on the treatment of the disease
- explains the methods of treatment in case of an accident
- justifies the choice of treatment in pharmacology on the basis of the mechanisms of action of antimicrobials, anesthetics and medicines used for prophylaxis
- explains the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer in relation to general principles and forms of treatment for cancer

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Surgery and Anesthesiology
- comprehensively understands the symptoms of the most common surgical diseases, is able to name examinations in case of the most common diseases and explain their findings, combining them with the treatment and monitoring of the most common surgical diseases and accidents in a multidisciplinary working community
- combines his or her knowledge in pharmacology based on the mechanisms of action of medicines with treatment selection criteria and in pharmacogenetics with the need for pharmacovigilance
- explains the main causes of diseases, their prophylaxis, symptoms, examinations and findings in the relation to the treatment of the diseases
- explains the principles of the origin, growth and spread of cancer in relation to general principles and forms of treatment for cancer

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

Radiation protection and imaging
The student is able to explain
- the basics of various imaging examinations, the related safe working practices and radiation protection from the point of view of nursing
- the basics of medical exposure and occupational exposure
- the reasons for the quality, quantity and magnitude of radiation exposure
- the basics of radiation protection and is able to apply them in practice
- the legislation related to the use of radiation
The student is unable to explain
- the basics of various imaging examination, related safety issues, or radiation protection from the point of view of nursing
- the grounds for medical exposure and occupational exposure
- issues related to the quality, quantity or magnitude of radiation exposure
- the principles of radiation protection or is unable to apply them in practice
- the main content of legislation related to the use of radiation from the point of view of nursing

Exam schedules

Radiation protection and radiography: Exam in Tenttiterraario from the 18th of March to the 24th of March, 2024.
1st retake: 02.04-09.04-24
2nd retake: week 20

Surgery and Anesthesiology: Examination is by PBL group exam. Grade is 1-5

Assessment methods and criteria

Radiation protection and radiography: The evaluation of the students knowledge is done by the exam. Student has to get 70 % of total points to pass the exam. Assessment pass/fail.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Radiation protection and radiography: Flipped learning, contact lessons, group work, independent work.

Surgery and Anesthesiology: Contact lessons, Zoom classes, problem-based learning (PBL) work, independent work.

Learning materials

Radiation protection and radiography: e-learning material in Moodle.

Surgery and Anesthesiology: Teaching materials and e-learning materials in Moodle

Student workload

Radiation protection and radiography: 8 hours contact lessons, compulsory attendance

Surgery and Anesthesiology: 12 hours of contact lessons; PBL group work. Compulsory attendance

Content scheduling

Radiation protection and radiography:
-7th February Orientation
-16th February Group presentations
-21th February Group presentations
-12th and 13th March TAMK X-ray lab visit

Enrolment period

02.01.2024 - 18.02.2024


04.03.2024 - 02.06.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Jaana Vainionpää
Person in charge

Jaana Vainionpää

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to understand the entirety of management
- understands the importance of quality and safety in organizational activities
- knows the key work community skills and understands their importance
- is able to analyze one's own working life skills

Content (course unit)

- strategic planning, implementation and evaluation
- key processes in Human Resource Management
- quality and Safety in organizational activities
- work community skills and culture of work society
- critical thinking

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student:
- knows basic concepts of the entirety of management
- recognizes the importance of quality and safety in organizational activities
- recognizes some key work community skills
- recognizes his/her own working life skills

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows and is able to describe basic concepts of the entirety of management
- knows the importance of quality and safety in organizational activities
- knows some key work community skills
- can describe his / her own working life skills

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to understand the entirety of management
- understands the importance of quality and safety in organizational activities
- can analyze and discuss the importance and consequences of the key work community skills
- can analyze his / her own working life skills

Location and time

Orientation lesson in Zoom at 5.3.2024.

Mandatory participation on two seminars with Master´s degree students.

All assignmenets must be submitted by Dead line. Late returns will not be evaluated. If the assignment returned within the deadline needs to be modified or supplemented, this will have a effect on the final grade of the assignment.

Exam schedules

There is no exam on the module. Ensuring competence is done through individual and team ascertainments.

Assessment methods and criteria

Numerical and verbal evaluation of written assignments.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Small group work, teamwork and independent studies.
cooperation with Master´s degree students and visit to Finnish work place.

Learning materials

Material mentioned in Moodle.

Student workload

Independent work 5 h
teamwork 49 h

Completion alternatives


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 21.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 22.02.2024


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Katja Hautsalo

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Part I. Gerontological Nursing and Part V. Medical calculations are in same Exam test, in the period: 20.2- 3.3.2024
Part II. Caring people with dementia and Part IV. Geriatrics are in same Exam test, in the period: 8.- 15.2.2024
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 11
2nd re-exam: 21.-27.3.2024

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 19.2.24.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work project.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Gerontology: The exam includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in moodle.

Nursing Older Adults. Reed, Jan ; Clarke, Charlotte ; MacFarlane, Ann 2011

Dementia Care Workbook by Gary Morris and Jack Morris

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

project (Development and Research project):
Students do project task in small groups in the Kuuselakeskus, Kaukaharju ( or in own work place. Information about the project, students action and schedule will be given and discussed in orientation.

International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)
Student may do this course in Finnish (with group 22sh1C) or in English (with group 22NURFIL). Decision of attendance will be done in the orientation. Students, who do course in Finnish, please see also implementation plan "Ikääntyneiden hoitotyö 7K00FN32-3017"
Some lessons are only for group 22TOKASA, please see timetable.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 15.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 30.11.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Linah Oule
  • Gitte Taulo
Person in charge

Linah Oule

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the meaning of falling ill with internal medicine diseases and disorders for patients and families
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care of a patient with internal medicine diseases and disorders
- is able to plan and implement patient’s self-care guidance in a family-oriented way
- knows the fundamentals of pharmacotherapy, its guidance, implementation and assessment of patients with internal medicine diseases and disorders
- knows the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration in the holistic care of a medical patient.
- knows the meaning of genomic data in medical nursing
- knows the basics of planning, implementing and evaluating cancer patients’ nursing care while considering significant others
- knows the basics of planning, implementing, and evaluating holistic nursing care of a patient in palliative care while considering significant others

Content (course unit)

-Cardiovascular Nursing
-Diabetes Nursing
-Nephrology nursing
-Neurology nursing
-Pulmonary nursing
-Infection control nursing
-Inflammatory bowel diseases nursing care
-Rheumatoid arthritis nursing care
-Cancer nursing
-Palliative nursing
-Genomic Data in Medical nursing
-Self-care and its significance and coping with self-care, supporting self-care
-Examining and assessing basic vital signs and interventions when condition changes

Prerequisites (course unit)

Participation in the courses Basics of Clinical Nursing and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
-recognizes the meaning of falling ill with internal medicine disease and disorder for the patient and his/ her family
-knows the basics of planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a medical patients
-knows the main nursing interventions of medical patients at different stages of an illness
-knows the key issues related to self-care guidance
-knows the key issues related to the medication guidance, implementation, and impact assessment of a medical patient
-recognizes the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration in the holistic care of a medical patient
-can identify the significance of the genomic data in medical nursing
-can identify the basis for the nursing care of the patient who has cancer
-can identify the basis for the palliative care.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
-knows the meaning of falling ill with internal medicine disease and disorder for the patient and his/ her family
-is able carry out nursing care for a medical patient
-is able carry out the main nursing interventions at different stages of illness
-knows the key issues related to self-care guidance planning and implementing
-manages medication guidance, medication management and monitoring of medical patients
-knows the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration in the holistic care of a medical patient
-knows the meaning of genomic data for medical nursing
-knows the key issues of nursing care planning, implementing, and assessing of cancer nursing while considering significant others
-knows the key issues of holistic planning, implementing and assessing in palliative care while considering significant others

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- understands the meaning of falling ill with internal medicine disease and disorder for the patient and his/ her family
- is able to plan, implement and assess patient-focused nursing care and understands the causal relationships
-masters the most important nursing interventions at different stages of illness of medical patients and is able to implement according to the situation
-knows the patient-oriented self-care guidance, implementation, and impact assessment for medical patient
-knows the patient-oriented medication guidance, implementation, and impact assessment for medical patient
-understands the meaning of interdisciplinary collaboration in the holistic care of a medical patient
-understands the meaning of genomic data for medical nursing
-manages the essentials of planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a cancer patient while considering significant others
-manages the essentials of planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a patient in palliative care while considering significant others

Location and time

TAMK, Autumn 2023.
Lectures are planned to be held on campus. Lectures may be held on-line as planned by the teacher.

Any changes in lecture schedule will be communicated through Moodle page or Email announcements.

Exam schedules


Please note that all tasks must be passed in order to enroll for the exam.
Pretasks must be completed before contact class sessions.
Students must complete all the assignments and Moodle exams by given deadline.

Please ensure you have booked your exam time before the first day of the exam period to ensure you have a time slot during the given exam period.

Per TAMK regulations, a missed exam is marked as a fail.

Nutrition exam in Moodle: The nutritional course material is in Moodle course page. Study the material about nutrition in diabetes and cancer. Take the exam. The exam is passed when you get a minimum grade of 11/15.

Infectious diseases exam in Moodle: The infectious diseases resource material is in Moodle course page. Study the material and take the exam. The exam is passed when you get a minimum of 24/40.

General theory exams 1 and 2: In Exam environment. 50% correct = pass.

Drug calculations exam: Paper exams will be administered by teachers in class. Independent practice questions are in Moodle. Remember to review calculations from previous courses as well. The drug calculation part will be evaluated separately from the theory. All steps and answers must be shown and must be correct to pass

The exam dates will be announced during course INFO

Those who fail initial exams and those who wish to improve their grades may enroll for resit exams
Resit exam dates will be communicated with Exam results.

Any changes in exam dates will be communicated through Moodle page or Email announcements.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1: Theory assignments and exam 1 Grade 1-5
Part 2: Theory assignments and exam 2 Grade 1-5
Part 3: Nutrition in diabetes and cancer Moodle course and exam. Grade Pass/Fail.
Part 4: Infectious diseases Moodle course and exam Grade Pass/Fail
Part 5 Small group work Grade Pass/Fail
Part 6: Nursing calculations . Grade Pass/Fail.

All assignments and Moodle tests MUST BE completed by the given deadline. Late submissions will NOT be accepted. Students who fail to complete the assignments within the given timeframe can not register for the exam and will fail the course.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Possible teaching methods include: contact teaching, online teaching as organized by teacher, individual, pair and group tasks; lectures, discussions, independent study, tests, presentations, flipped learning

Learning materials

Ebook:by Anne-Marie Brady, Catherine McCabe, and Margaret McCann 2014. Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing : A Systems Approach. Part 2. Chapters and sections to study in Course INFO in Moodle.

Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing

Guidelines and other materials in Moodle/allocated by the teacher.

Students to search for other credible books and materials for assignments and independent reading.

Student workload

Total course: 5cr = 135hours (27hrs/cr)
Contact teaching: 30 hours
Independent study: 105 hrs

Content scheduling

The course consists of the following parts:

Part 1: Nursing Care of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care theory assignments and Exam 1
Part 2: Nursing Care of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care theory assignments and Exam 2
Part 3: Nutrition Moodle course and exam
Part 4: Infectious diseases Moodle course and exam
Part 5: Small group worshops
Part 6: Nursing calculations

All parts and related tasks must to be successfully completed in order to pass the course.

Completion alternatives


Further information

The course orientation is compulsory. Students who wish to participate in the course must attend orientation. Students who do not attend course INFO will be removed from the course.

Small groupwork and related presentations are compulsory. Students must complete pretasks before small group sessions

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Per Curriculum

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 20.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
Person in charge

Tuuli Uusitalo

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- knows the customer-oriented, ethical and legal principles of documentation
- is able to prepare a structured care plan and a summary of care plan according to the process
- understand the basics of digital information and information management

Content (course unit)

- the nursing process
- structured information on nursing and information produced by the citizen in the national data archive
- documentation ethics and legislation and guidance
- structured nursing documentation, nursing plan and nursing summary

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- knows the customer-oriented, ethical and legal principles of documentation
- is able to prepare a structured care plan and a summary of care plan according to the process
- knows the basics of digital information and information management

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the customer-oriented, ethical and legal principles of documentation
- is able to independently prepare a customer-oriented structured care plan and a summary of care plan according to the process

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to apply customer-oriented, ethical and legal principles in documentation
- is able to prepare independently and evidence-based information, applying a process-oriented structured care plan and a summary of care plan according to the process
- is able to apply digital information and information management principles

Location and time

Autumn term 2023 at TAMK.

Mandatory orientation is organized as remote teaching 22.8.2023 so that everyone can attend. The orientation material can be found on Moodle and the instructions for the course can be found there.

Exam schedules

Exam: week 38 (18.9-24.9)
Re-exam 1: week 43
Re-exam 2: week 46

Exams will be arranged in the exam environment. There will be two possibilities to re-take the exam following the initial exam.

Duration of the exam 55 min. 60% of the exam must be obtained to complete the exam. Return all written assignments before taking the exam, the docca assignment and group work can be returned after the exam.

Nursing care plan submissions on docca are also part of the assessed course work and need to be submitted in line with information provided in the orientation session. All allocated tasks must be submitted within the given timeframe for the course by latest at 1.10. Group works or treatment plans returned after this will not be evaluated.

Approved treatment plan:

It is possible to return the treatment plan 3 times: if the third time is not approved (you get rejected), retake the theory on the topic of the nursing process, after which you will have the opportunity for the 4th time.

Assessment methods and criteria

All the assigned tasks are mandatory. All tasks must be completed by the end of the course.

Nursing documentation and nursing proces theory
-Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam, passed intermediate exams

Docca treatment plan
-Pass/Faill. Participation in the small group workshops

Group work
-Pass/Faill. As a condition for the approved performance

Lesson tasks

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lecture, small group work, independent work.

Changes may be possible before the start of the course

Learning materials

Course material will be presented in the mandatory orientation. Relevant materials will be distributed by the teacher.

Student workload

54 hours of which 12 hours theory and 12 hours of practice in workshops.

Content scheduling

The course is structured as follows: theory, tasks, small group work. All components must be completed successfully in order to pass the course.

Further information

The implementation plan will be updated by the beginning of the study period, changes are possible.

Participation is mandatory at the orientation class, legislation class and workshop sessions. participation ensures admission to the course. Participation at the orientation is required, even if you have already completed part of the implementation.

Prepare for the lesson by familiarizing yourselves with the given materials when requested.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 18.03.2024


01.01.2024 - 01.04.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
Person in charge

Annukka Huuskonen

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- is able to describe the scientific research process in nursing research
- is able to distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research approaches
- is able to choose suitable data collection and analysis methods for the research approach
- be able to evaluate the ethical principles of scientific research
- knows the basic concepts of statistics

Content (course unit)

- recent nursing research
- research ethics
- the stages of the research process
- empirical research: quantitative and qualitative
- theoretical research
- the reliability of the study
- basics of statistics

Prerequisites (course unit)

Completed Structured Data Search

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- can describe superficially the stages of the research process
- be able to look at the reliability of research and research ethics issues in a limited way
- is able to describe the theoretical, quantitative and qualitative research approach in a limited way

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- can describe well the stages of the research process
- is able to describe the reliability of research and research ethics issues
- is familiar with the principles of theoretical, quantitative and qualitative research approach as a rule

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The Student
- is able to describe the research process with various justifications and examples
- is able to describe issues related to research reliability and research ethics in a variety of ways
- clearly knows the principles of quantitative and qualitative research approach
- is able to consider and evaluate research methods suitable for different situations

Exam schedules

PART 1: Group exam during the last session,
21.02.2024 08.30 - 11.45 B6-31a Group exam (numeric, F, 1-5)
If a student is abscent from a lesson, there will be an exam question regarding the missed topic within the same exam.
Retake 1: in Exam area, open 11.-20.3.2024
Retake 2: in Exam area, open 1.4.-14.4. 2024

PART 2: (Pass/fail) complettion of the online Moodle course and passing electronic Exam on statistics. Exam will be open 20.2.-1.4.2024. During this time, you have chance for two re-takes - you can reserve exam time three times with the same code. Please note that it is not possble to have two reservations for the same exam on same day.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam part 1 and 2 passed satisfactorily.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures will be as contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work.

Participation to the orientation lesson is mandatory.

Learning materials

Fain, James. Reading, Understanding, and Applying Nursing Research, 5e. F. A. Davis Company, 2017.

The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland 2023 (PDF)

Glasper, Edward Alan, and Colin Rees. Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell, 2017.

Extra readings
Curtis E, Drennan J (eds.) (2013) Quantitative health research: Issues and methods. Open University Press, Maidenhead. eBook.

Denzin NK & Lincoln YS (eds.) (2018) The SAGE handbook of qualitative research. SAGE, Los Angeles.

Kyngäs H, Mikkonen K, Kääriäinen M (eds.) (2020) The application of content analysis in nursing science research. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Polit DF & Beck CT (2017) Nursing research: generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Wolters Kluwer Health, Philadelphia.

Other material that teacher provides in lessons /in Moodle

Student workload

Total study hours 81 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies, group work, Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, course literature studying)

Content scheduling

PART 1: Nursing research. Contact lessons
06.02.2024 08.30 - 11.45 C4-09a orientation and research process
12.02.2024 08.30 - 14.00 C4-09a types of research, ethics and reliability
21.02.2024 08.30 - 11.45 B6-31a Group exam

PART 2: Health statistics. Online moodle-course

Further information

Implementation plan will be edited and specified prior to the beginning of the course.
Participation to the orientation lesson is mandatory.

Enrolment period

31.12.2023 - 04.02.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- is able to assess and document the need for client care
- is able to apply customer-oriented methods of health promotion and self-care guidance in digital, remote and reception situations
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate the client's nursing work and guidance using evidence-based information customer data and genomic data and multidisciplinary cooperation.
- is able to utilize national health services in his / her work
- know the reasons for environmental health hazards and risks and how to act in emergency situations
- is able to reflect what he has learned

Content (course unit)

- the process of assessing the need for care in different client contacts
- urgency and customer assessment
- nursing documentation at the reception
- methods of health promotion, self-care support, motivational interview, preparatory lifestyle guidance and group counseling, and interprofessional cooperation
- nursing and nursing documentation in a client-centered nursing process
- the use of wellness technology and genomic data to promote the client's health and treat illness
- Omaolo, Health Village Care Trails, 116117, Care Chains
- the role and activity of the nurse in environmental health emergencies
- specific nutrition issues

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

- is able to assess the need and urgency of the client's care in normal situations
- is able to document a client visit using the instructions for documentation of primary health care
- know the main principles of health promotion and support for self-care and identify opportunities for benefiting genomic data
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate nursing work and document it according to the process using instructions
- is able to name professional groups related to the client's process and their roles in care and guidance
- know national health services
- know the operating principles in exceptional situations related to environmental health
- is able to evaluate his / her guidance skills and activities under supervision

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- is able to assess the need and urgency of client care in a client-oriented, individual and using evidence-based information
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate nursing work and document nursing work in a customer-oriented manner and using digital information sources and identify opportunities for benefiting genomic data
- is able to implement health-promoting guidance and support the client's self-care using client-oriented methods, taking into account the multidisciplinary professionals involved in the client's care
- is able to utilize national health services in guidance and care
- know the operating principles in exceptional situations related to environmental health
- is able to evaluate his / her guidance skills and activities in a variety of ways

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- is able to evaluate, together with the client, the need and urgency of the client's care in a client-oriented, individual and evidence-based manner
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate nursing work in a customer-oriented and individual way, using diverse information sources, genomic data and methods
- is able to implement client-oriented health-promoting guidance and support the client's self-care in a variety of ways, using various methods, multi-professionalism and networks
- is able to apply the national health care service in a versatile and customer-oriented manner in the client's guidance and care
- is able to apply the operating principles in various exceptional situations related to environmental health
-is able to evaluate their management skills and operations and develop them creatively and customer-oriented

Location and time

Execution time 4.3-22.4-2024

Orientation lesson 4.3.24 is mandatory. (etäopetus)
Orientation to clinical training (skill training at TAMK and Taitokeskus) and small group work (assessment of the need for treatment and case-based learning) are mandatory.

Group exam at TAMK 22.4.2024

Changes are possible before the orientation lesson.

Exam schedules

Exam: 22.4.2024 (at TAMK). Grading scale 0-5. Group exam
Retakes on Electronic Exam Service (Exam):
1. retake week 19
2. retake week 22

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1: Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center (theory lessons and exam) - exam grades 0-5

Part 2: Environmental healthcare case work (cbcl) - 100% presence, active participation, pass/fail

Part 3: Independent work and assignments - pass/fail

Part 4: Assessment of the need for treatment - 100% presence, active participation, pass/fail

Part 5: Intradermal injection and vaccination (skill training at TAMK 2 hours) - 100% presence, active participation, pass/fail

Part 6: Clinical skills (skill training at Taitokeskus 4 hours) - 100% presence, active participation, pass/fail

Assignments returned late or not completed and not participating in the teaching in accordance with the criteria may affect the numerical evaluation of the course.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures, case-based learning, independent work and assignments, orientation to clinical training (skill training)

Learning materials

Materials in Moodle.

Student workload

Requires 3 x 27h = 81 hours of student’s work

Content scheduling

Part 1: Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center (theory lessons and exam)
Part 2: Environmental healthcare case work (cbcl)
Part 3: Independent work and assignments
Part 4: Assessment of the need for treatment
Part 5: Intradermal injection and vaccination (skill training at TAMK 2 hours)
Part 6: Clinical skills (skill training at Taitokeskus 4 hours)

Further information

Changes are possible before the orientation lesson.

Mandatory attendance: orientation, environmental health case-based learning (cbcl), HTA-lesson (assessment of the need for treatment), orientation to clinical training at TAMK and Taitokeskus and exam.

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
Person in charge

Tuuli Uusitalo

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing
- is able to act ethically in accordance with the principles of childcare in cooperation with the child and the family as a member of a multidisciplinary working group.
- is able to appreciate a disabled person and meet him / her as an expert and actor in his / her own life
- is able to interact professionally with children of different ages, young people and people with disabilities and their relatives using different means of communication
- is able to support the growth and development of a healthy, sick and disabled child
- be able to support and guide the family in parenting, raising a child and young person and healthy lifestyles, and identify related risk factors, taking into account the needs and resources of families
- is able to plan and implement and evaluate child and family care work in a supervised manner and to guide using evidence-based information
- is able to apply their knowledge of the most important diseases of children and adolescents when performing nursing work
- knows the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in emergency situations and in the resuscitation of the child in a situation-conscious manner
- is able to safely implement medication and fluid therapy for children
- knows the main measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply their knowledge of disability when performing nursing work for a mentally handicapped or disabled person and to support functional ability

Content (course unit)

- the growth, development, upbringing and daily care of the child and young person
- parental support, risk factors for the well-being of the child, young person and family
- identifying and addressing abuse
- the fundamental rights of the child, young person and the disabled
- principles of childcare
- the process of caring for a child, adolescent and family
- child and family guidance methods and effectiveness evaluation
- the impact of the child's and young person's illness and disability on the child and the family
- interaction, play and communication methods with the child, adolescent, disabled and family in different nursing situations
- child and family care and the most common illnesses and causes of disability in children
- monitoring of the child's vital signs
- basic resuscitation of a child of different ages
- the most common examinations and treatments for a sick child
- basics of medical and fluid care for children and pain management for children of different ages
- death of a child
- specific issues of child nutrition
- the most common pediatric diseases and the impact of genetic information on child and family guidance

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations. Participation in course Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- identify the fundamental rights of the child and the person with a disability
- recognize the importance of ethical and childcare principles in multi-professional nursing
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and recognize him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- identify one's own interaction skills and the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled
- identify the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages, as well as forms of family support
-identify the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of children and young people and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors
- identify the childcare process and identify the importance of evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- identify major diseases in children and adolescents
- identify the impact of genetic information on family guidance
- recognizes emergencies and is able to act in a guided manner in the child's resuscitation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and identifies the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- identify the most common procedures and methods used in the care of children and adolescents
- identify the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- know the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in multidisciplinary nursing
- knows how to appreciate a person with a disability and encounters him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- knows his / her own interaction skills and understands the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled and is ready to develop them
- is able to assess the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages as well as the needs of family support and knows the forms of family support
-understand the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and be able to apply them in guidance
- knows the process of childcare and is able to use evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- knows the most important diseases of children and young people and is able to apply their knowledge when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in a child's emergency and resuscitation
- performs flawlessly on drug bills and the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- know and be able to apply the most common measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- know and be able to apply the main principles of developmental or disabled nursing and support functional ability

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The Student
- knows the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing work
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in a variety of professional nursing work
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and is able to face him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- is able to develop his / her interaction skills and is able to apply play in nursing and learning environments for children, young people and the disabled and
- is ready to develop group interaction skills
- is able to evaluate and support the growth, development and care of a child of different ages and knows and is able to use forms of family support
- understands the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and is able to apply them in guidance in a variety of ways
- knows the process of childcare and is able to apply evidence-based information in the guidance of children and families in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to apply his / her knowledge of children's and young people's diseases extensively when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- is able to act consciously in a child's emergency and resuscitation situation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and masters the basics of pediatric medication and fluid therapy
- know and be able to apply measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled in a customer-oriented manner and to support functional ability

Location and time

Autumn 2023 at TAMK and Taitokeskus

Exam schedules

Joint exam of Part 1 (Nursing for children and adolescents 3 ECTS) and Part 3 (Medical calculations)

Exam week 48-49
I retake week 2 (spring 2024)
II retake week 6 (spring 2024)

The exam is rejected if, based on the exam answer, patient safety is substantially compromised, e.g. a child would die due to incorrect medication or instructions.

In addition, course includes two intermediate exams, which must be completed before the actual exam. The Nutrition Moodle exam and the Child Growth and Development exam is taken independently by latest . The exam can be retaken twice during that period (pass limit 15/20 points)

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People
-Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam, passed intermediate exams

Part 2 Nursing work for the disabled
-Pass/Faill. Participation in the seminar and mindmap

Part 3 Medical calculations
-Pass/Faill. As a condition for the approved performance

Part 4 Orientational training
-Pass/Faill. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching, familiarization with the preliminary material and doing the preliminary assignment.

Part 5 Orientational training, simulations
-Passed/rejected. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Theory teaching: face-to-face teaching at school, online learning, small group work (orientational training) at Taitokeskus (Mandatory participation), cooperative learning, seminar (Mandatory participation)

Learning materials

For Peadiatrics:
llustrated Textbook of Paediatrics. 2018. Lissauer, Tom and Carroll, Will. 5th edition. Saint Louis : Elsevier. 2018. eBook.
For Children's Nursing:
1)Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People.2010.
Alan Glasper, Marion Aylott, and Cath Battrick. London, England : Hodder Arnold. eBook.
2) Developmental psychology.2013.Lerner, Richard M.Easterbrooks,
Mistry, Jayanthi.,Weiner, Irving B. eBook. Parts:Infancy and early childhood,Childhood,Adolescence
3) KELA website: If a child gets ill
4) Articles and websites appointed by teachers
5) Nutrition material on Moodle: 21NurseNutrition, Paediatric nursing. Study the material and take the exam. The exam is passed when you get a grade 10/12.
6)Material provided by the teacher

There may be changes to the material before the course begins.

Student workload

Nursing of Children and Young People 5 credits: total number of hours 108 h includes participation in teaching and independent study. Participation is required at the orientation lesson (2h) and orientational practice lessons at the Taitokeskus (8 h; Orientational practice 1 and Orientation practice 2, simulations)

Nursing of the Disabled 1 credit: total number of hours 27 hours, which includes 2 hours of lecture teaching and 4 hours of compulsory seminar and 21 hours of independent study.

Content scheduling

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People 3 cr
Part 2 Nursing of the Disabled 1 cr
Part 3 Medical calculations 0 credits
Part 4 Orientational practice 0 credits
Part 5 Orientational practice, simulations 1 credit

Further information

The implementation plan will be updated by the beginning of the study period, changes are possible.

Participation is mandatory at the orientation class. participation ensures admission to the course. Participation at the orientation is required, even if you have already completed part of the implementation.

Prepare for the lesson by familiarizing yourselves with the given materials when requested.

Before the orientational training at Taitokeskus, familiarize yourself with the Children and youth skills workshop material in Moodle: (key: Lasten skills lab)

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 20.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Maiju Paldán

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Location and time

Most of the meetings will be held on Wednesday afternoons. However, the meeting time and place will change from week to week. I recommend that you check out the meeting time and place in the calendar.

Exam schedules

The final exam will take place on the 29th of November, and the renewal exam on the 12th of December.

If needed, another renewal exam will be organized in the winter 2024.

Assessment methods and criteria

Course work:
- the final exam (evaluation scale: 0-5)
- an extensive writing assignment (pass/fail)
- an oral presentation (pass/fail)

Additionally, student needs to attend specific meetings that will be announced beforehand.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

- classroom meetings
- a lot of independent work
- an oral presentation
- a final exam

Learning materials

You will receive the study material from the teacher.

Student workload

Attendance requirement:
You need to attend
- the first meeting
- meetings about voice use and speaking
- the oral presentation meetings

Otherwise, you can consider yourself which lessons are most useful for you.

Course schedule in each month:

In August:
- around 2 x 1,5 h meetings in a week
- 1,5-3 hours of independent work in a week

In September:
- as much independent work as you can do

In October:
- around 1 x 1,5 h meetings in a week
- 1,5-3 hours of independent work in a week

- around 1 x 1,5 h meetings in a week
- 1,5-3 hours of independent work in a week

Content scheduling

We will discuss this in the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Not available.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Not available.

International connections

Not available.

Further information

Not available.

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Ella Hakala

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to tell about everyday life, future plans, working life, traveling, etc.
- is able to express the past time and discuss everyday topics with Finns.
- is somewhat familiar with the basic vocabulary and phrases used in the work of a nurse.

Content (course unit)

- vocabulary of transactions and the basic vocabulary of nursing
- oral and written interaction in Finnish
- main structures of Finnish

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student has passed all course assignments. The student recognizes the typical basic structures of the Finnish language, but there are many structural errors in his oral and written expression. The student recognizes some phrases and vocabulary in the field of nursing, but is able to utilize them in his / her own expression only by schematically imitating.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student performs the assignments on the schedule and the desires motivation for studying the Finnish language and culture. The student is able to use typical Finnish language structures in unifying sentences. He/She knows how to use the nursing vocabulary and phrases in his/her own expression.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student has a positive and active attitude towards studying the Finnish language. He/She does the assignments correctly, and is able to reflect on his/her learning process. He/She uses different language structures correctly and is able to utilize nursing vocabulary and phrases in her own expression naturally.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

11.12.2023 - 07.02.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Anna Rinne
  • Taina Peltonen
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- can use national and international information sources in planning their bachelor’s thesis
- can use applicable information critically
- know copyrights and respect them
- can consider research-related and field-specific ethical principles
- can select and define a working life oriented thesis topic which supports their learning
- can make a thesis plan in accordance with TAMK’s thesis guidelines and justify their choices
- know applicable research methods of the field of education
- can choose suitable data collection and analysis methods for the thesis
- know the meaning of evidence-based operation in the field of education

Content (course unit)

Course is accepted when at least thesis plan and thesis contract or permit are accepted.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Location and time

Spring 2024 - April 2025.

Assessment methods and criteria

Please see intra's evaluation criteria.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Orientation lessons ( mandatory), online workshop (mandatory), idea workshop ( mandatory), data search class with an information specialist, data search task, team work with a cowriter, tutorials with thesis supervisor, Manuscript seminar (mandatory), Presentation seminar (mandatory), maturity test ( independently), peer reviewing, creating a poster.

Learning materials

to be updated

Student workload

The thesis equals 15 credits = 405 hours

Content scheduling

Orientation phase spring 2024, Implementation phase fall 2024, Presentation phase spring 2025.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation is possible if previous bachelor's /master's/ doctoral thesis within 10 years.

Further information

Orientation, BT moodle, and Student Guide will provide more information.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 07.01.2024


15.01.2024 - 07.04.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Virva Vasari
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Jaana Vainionpää
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the role of the perioperative nurse
- knows the meaning of aseptics in intraoperative nursing
- knows the significance of patient safety and continuity in perioperative care
- knows the main methods of preparation of a patient's anaesthesia;
- knows the medication and infusions used in anaesthesia
- knows the observation and the main areas of treatment under anaesthesia and in recovery room
- recognises main surgical instruments and suture materials and knows their basic use in surgery
- knows the main equipment and their use in the operating theatre
- knows the most common methods of disinfection and sterilasation
- becomes familiar with positioning the patient for the operation

Content (course unit)

- various roles of a perioperative nurse
- nursing in day surgery and ambulatory surgery
- interaction with the patient
- guidance of patients of different ages and special issues in perioperative nursing
- preparation of the operating theatre for surgery
- patient safety, documentation and reporting in perioperative nursing
- preparation of the patient for the operation
- the principles of aseptics in the operating theatre
- the main instruments and equipment and their use in the operating theatre
- the most common methods in disinfection and sterilasation in perioperative nursing
- induction and observation of the patient during the operation
- medication and fluid therapy in anaesthesia
- observation of the patient in the recovery room
- pain control in immediate postoperative nursing

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations. Participation in course Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- perceives the patient's care path in the intraoperative phase
- perceives the perioperative nurse's job description in the intraoperative care of the patient
- is able to guide the patient in the intraoperative phase
- knows the importance of patient safety and continuity of care during intraoperative care
- knows the importance of aseptics in the work of the operating room and in minor surgery
- knows the main preparation methods for the patient's anaesthesia
- knows the infusions and medications used for the patient's anaesthesia
- knows the most important aspects of monitoring a patient under general or local anaesthesia during the operation and in the recovery room
- knows the most important surgical instruments
- knows the main surgical sutures
- knows the treatment tools used in the patient's intraoperative phase
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilisation methods in perioperative nursing
- knows the most used surgical positionings
- knows the importance of written documentation and oral reporting of the patient care

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- knows the patient's care path in the intraoperative phase
- knows the perioperative nurse's job description in the intraoperative care of the patient
- is able to guide the patient with detailed explanations during the intraoperative phase
- understands the importance of patient safety and continuity of care during intraoperative care
- knows the importance of aseptics in the work of the operating room and in minor surgery and is able to act according to the aseptic rules
- knows the main preparation methods for the patient's anaesthesia
- knows the infusions and medications used in the patient's anaesthesia
- know the most important surgical sutures and the purpose of their use
- knows the most important aspects of monitoring a patient under general or local anaesthesia during the operation and in the recovery room
- is able to identify the most common treatment tools in the intraoperative phase and knows the basics of using them
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilisation methods in perioperative nursing
- is trained in creating the most common surgical positionings for the patient’s operation
- is able to document the main areas of the patient’s anaesthesia

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- understands the patient's care path in the intraoperative phase
- understands the perioperative nurse's job description in intraoperative care and perceives the importance of teamwork
- is able to provide patient-centred guidance during the intraoperative care
- understands the importance of patient safety and continuity of care in the intraoperative care
- understands the importance of asepsis in the work of the operating room and minor operations and is able to work aseptically, having mastered the aseptics in different situations
- has mastered the preparation methods for the patient's anaesthesia
- knows the infusions and medications used in the patient's anaesthesia and knows their action mechanisms
- is able to monitor the essential aspects of a patient under general or local anaesthesia during the operation and in the recovery room
- is able to identify the most common surgical instruments and knows the purpose of their use
- knows the use of the most common sutures
- knows the most common treatment tools in the intraoperative phase and knows the basics of using them
- knows the most-used disinfectant and sterilisation methods in perioperative nursing
- knows how to create the most common surgical positioning and understands their importance for the patient’s condition
- is able to document the key areas of patient anesthesia and give oral reports about the patient’s condition during the operation, taking into consideration patient safety and continuity of care

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 30.09.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Virva Vasari
  • Akindayo Ogunbayo
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to describe the general principles of pharmacokinetics and dynamics
- knows the medications which are used to treat the most common diseases, their action mechanisms, indications and most common side and adverse effects
- is able to monitor the effectiveness of the medicine

Content (course unit)

- the effects of drugs on the body and the effects of the body on pharmaceutical substances
- simple and combined adverse reactions to medication
- antimicrobials and medications for cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, medications for metabolism and endocrine disorders, and medications for tumors
- specific issues for the care of children and elderly
- basic concepts of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, adverse drug reactions and adverse interactions
- medicines for the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure, medicines that affect blood clotting, hyperlipidaemias.
- medication for diabetes: medicines for type I and type II diabetes
- allergy medicines, cortisone as a drug, medication for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
- medicines for respiratory diseases: medicines for asthma and COPD
- medicines for diseases of the digestive system: hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation
- antimicrobials: antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents
- drug treatment of tumors

Prerequisites (course unit)

Participation in the course on Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the indication for use of the medications and knows some of the mechanisms of action of medication groups

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the indication for use of the medications and knows some of the mechanisms of action of medication groups
- knows the typical action mechanisms of the medication groups, some adverse effects and interactions between medication groups and resulting adverse effects

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the typical action mechanisms of the medication groups, some adverse effects and interactions between medication groups and resulting adverse effects
- in addition to the requirements for Good (3-4), also knows the mechanisms and interactions of medication groups, and is able to apply the knowledge he/she masters

Exam schedules

The examination will comprise 50 multiple-choice questions. There shall be NO NEGATIVE marks. The minimum point required for the completion of the course is 50%. The date of the first and second resit shall be announced during the course. Students who fail to attain the pass marks in the first exam shall be eligible to write the resit examinations

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The teaching method will be online. At the beginning of every week, recorded lectures will be uploaded. Panopto video platform by the University will be used for video recording. Please, familiarise yourself with the application.
Students are required to study the lectures each week and write their lecture notes which will be converted to a learning diary at the end of the course. I will reserve lecture time on your timetable but in theory, there will not be a contact or Zoom class. Students can listen to the lectures during the reserved time or at their convenience. The learning diary will be submitted, a requirement for students to receive their grades after the exam.
A discussion forum will be opened each week. Students are expected to participate in the topic of the week. One student can start a discussion which can be questions, contributions, etc and other students are expected to write their comments. I will monitor the trends of the discussion forum and make comments when necessary. Active participation in discussion forums is a prerequisite to passing the course.
At the end of the course, there shall be a symposium where revision of the courses will be done, clinical cases will be examined, and the modalities of the examination will also be discussed. Symposiums may take place in the form of a contact class or via Zoom. This date will be announced later. Attendance is mandated.

Learning materials

Lecture material (assignments and slides) available via tuni-moodle.
Pharmacology: Brenner, G. M., Stevens, C. W. & Brenner, G. M. (2018). Pharmacology (Fifth edition.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. (
Requires registration for the clinicalkey-site

Other material given or stated by the teacher.

Student workload

54 hours (including contact classes and independent studies.)

Content scheduling

All of the subjects can be studied from the self-learning material.
1) General Pharmacology: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Interactions and harmful side-effects of medication.
2) Drug treatments of heart and cardiovascular disease: Hypertension, Heart failure, Coronary heart diseases, Pulmonary Embolism, Hyperlipidemia, Anticoagulants
3) Drug treatment of respiratory diseases: asthma, COPD
4) Drug treatment of diabetes
5) Drug treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: peptic ulcer diseases, Diarrhoea, constipation
6) Antimicrobial drugs: antibiotics, antifungals, and antiviral drugs.
7) Hormones, contraceptive preparations and menopause medications
8)Medications for neurological diseases
9)Cancer chemotherapy
10) Drug treatment of Psychiatry diseases
11) Drug used in medical emergencies

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student shows a lack of understanding of basic principles of pharmacology, drug indications and typical side effects of the drugs taught.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the indication for use of the medications and knows some of the mechanisms of action of medication groups

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the indication for use of the medications and knows some of the mechanisms of action of medication groups
- knows the typical action mechanisms of the medication groups, some adverse effects and interactions between medication groups and resulting adverse effects

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- masters the basics of pharmacology
- knows the typical action mechanisms of the medication groups, some adverse effects and interactions between medication groups and resulting adverse effects
- in addition to the requirements for Good (3-4), also knows the mechanisms and interactions of medication groups, and is able to apply the knowledge he/she masters

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 07.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Ella Hakala
  • Nancy Kamau
Person in charge

Nancy Kamau

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- After completing the module, the student will have a research-based understanding of social and health care system at a political, practical and consumer level.
- The student knows the principles of a welfare state and the basic principles of legislation and political guidance that govern the social and health care service system.
- The student has a basic understanding of the social and health care service system in a changing environment. They know the different ways in which services are provided and the economic conditions that govern them.
- The student has an understanding of the various occupations of social and health care and their multi-disciplinary work for clients.
- The student is able to examine the functioning of the service system from the customer's point of view.

Content (course unit)

- a comprehensive system of social and health care service
- national and EU regulations and guidelines
- service production and organization
- service integration and multidisciplinary work
- the role and position of the customer

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student is able to name the concepts of the social and health care service system and is able to describe the main principles of its function.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student is able to specify the service production of the social and health care service system and the responsibilities from an organizational point of view.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student is able to describe and specify the suitability and manner of organisation of the social and health care service system in accordance with the individual needs of the client.

Location and time

Spring 2024

Exam schedules

Completion of the course consists of independent and small group assignments (S) and group exam (1-5).

Course assignments must be completed and the final assignment returned before the seminar

Assessment methods and criteria

50% of the grade are individual, group assingment and seminar work and 50% is the exam.
All the approved tasks and work forms of the course are mandatory as well as active partcipation during the class sessions.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The course includes lectures, small groups and independent assignments


Learning materials

The Finnish Health and Service Reform -
The Social and Health Care Reform :

Robichaux, Catherine. 2017. Ethical Competence in Nursing Practice : Competencies, Skills, Decision- Making (ebook):
- Public Health Ethics and Social Justice in the Community, p. 209 on, Chapter 9 by Joan Kub:
- Exploring Ethical Issues related to Emerging Technology in Health care. Chapter 11:

All the material available on/ via the course moodle platform.

Student workload

2 cr = 54 hours of student work
The two course credits consist of the student's independent orientation to the course materials, group work and individual assignments.

Content scheduling

Part 1: Independent and Group task
Part 2: Exam

Practical training and working life cooperation

Completion of the course consists of independent and small group assignments (S) and group exam (1-5).

Course assignments must be completed and the final assignment returned before the seminar

Further information

Orientation, workshops, and seminar are mandatory.
Lectures, reading groups, group work visits/interviews, individual work, seminar

Some of the materials provided during the course will be both in English and Finnish.

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 05.05.2024


06.05.2024 - 02.06.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Taina Peltonen
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the meaning of evidence-based practice in nursing
- knows the clinical guidelines and care chain based on health care
- is able to identify, evaluate and use information sources systematically

Content (course unit)

- structured data search and literature critique
- grounds of good scientific practice
- evidence-based practice in nursing
- the most important national and international databases and clinical guidelines in the field of health sciences
- professional writing: structuring a written assignment, paraphrasing and referencing

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

- knows the basics of a structured data search
- identify the importance of evidence-based knowledge in nursing
- knows elements of professional reading and writing

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- is able to describe the structured data search process
- understands the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing
- is able to identify elements of professional reading and writing

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- is able to implement a structured data search with detailed explanations
- is able to apply evidence-based knowledge and clinical guidelines in nursing
- is able to apply the elements of professional reading and writing

Location and time


Exam schedules

Groupwork, including presentations and written report. assessment: 0-5. Feedback and request for completion is given max 2 times - after that the grade is 0.
Deadline for the written report is 31.5.
Delayed submission reduces the grade automatically 1 grade per delayed week.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation criteria - satisfactory (1-2):
The student
- knows the basics of a structured data search
- perceives the importance of evidence-based knowledge in nursing.
Evaluation criteria - good (3-4):
The student
- is able to describe the structured data search process
- understands the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing.
Evaluation criteria - excellent (5):
The student
- is able to implement a structured data search with detailed explanations
- is able to apply evidence-based knowledge and clinical guidelines in nursing.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures (contact lectures)
guided individual work; independently
learning by experience search strategy during the course, group work and self study
Familiarization with course literature

Learning materials

Glaziou and Del Mar (2015) Evidence Based Practice workbook Bridging the gap between health care research and practice, BMJ book
Polit & Beck (2014) Essentials of Nursing Research. Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice.

Materials and links shared by teacher through course Moodle platform.

Student workload

Total student hours 54 h.
Includes lectures, group work and online searches. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, course literature studying, group work).

Content scheduling


Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

Participation in the orientation lesson 07.05.2024 at 12.30 is mandatory.
Participation in the lessons of informatian on 17.05.2024 12.30 - 14.00 is mandatory.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Evaluation criteria - satisfactory (1-2):
The student
- knows the basics of a structured data search
- perceives the importance of evidence-based knowledge in nursing.
Evaluation criteria - good (3-4):
The student
- is able to describe the structured data search process
- understands the importance of evidence-based practice in nursing.
Evaluation criteria - excellent (5):
The student
- is able to implement a structured data search with detailed explanations
- is able to apply evidence-based knowledge and clinical guidelines in nursing.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

01.11.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Johanna Kangaspunta
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Linah Oule
  • Virva Vasari
  • Sanna Laiho
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define own patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs, practices resuscitation and learns to make related decisions in different situations, promoting patient safety
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient and family in self-care utilizing multiprofessional team
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands the meaning of division of duties when considering client’s holistic care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- supervised clinical training in medical nursing context
- patient’s observation and care resuscitation

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical training 1, participated in the Supervised clinical training 2, passed courses Basics of clinical nursing and Pharmacotherapy and medical calculations. Has participated in the course Medical and palliative nursing.

Further information (course unit)

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define own patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs, practices resuscitation and learns to make related decisions in different situations, promoting patient safety
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient and family in self-care utilizing multiprofessional team
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands the meaning of division of duties when considering client’s holistic care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition, does not know the principles of resuscitation and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance and withdraws from it
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Location and time

Orientation 13.3.
Training weeks 15-18, 2024
Reflection after the training
Spring 2024- taitokeskus skills labs, check the group schedule

Important dates and deadlines

- Orientation class- mandatory 13.3.
- Submit your shift schedule and learning objectives to the instructing teacher week 15
- Medication passport entries completed with your mentor before the training ends) week 18
- Submit your training documents (original shift schedule signed by your mentor, evaluation form) week 18
. - Submit your training task week 19

Dates for Skills labs at Taitokeskus will be announced later

Exam schedules

Skills labs:

Part 1: Resuscitation, 0 cr
Participating in small groups in Taitokeskus and completing the pre-task assignments
Approved / rejected

Part 2: Patient observation and Monitoring, 1 cr
Participating in small groups in Taitokeskus and completing the pre-task assignments
Approved / rejected

Part 3: Supervised clinical training, 6 cr weeks 1.4
Participation in orientation classes, December 2023 completion of learning goals and work shifts on time (during the first week of training, completion of practice classes, participation in reflection, evaluation discussions, return of practice documents on time DL 10.2.2023.
Approved / rejected

Part 4: Clinical Training Task, 0 cr
Clinical training task before 10.2. 2023. Assignments returned after this deadline will not be approved.
Approved / rejected

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Participation and completion of following:
1.Orientation class for supervised clinical training - participation mandatory, contact session only
2. clinical practice classes in small groups at the Skills Center - participation mandatory (100% attendance requirement) +
preliminary assignments for clinical practice classes.
4. Consecutive weeks in clinical practice in health care unit placement (
discussion on objectives and progress, mid-term and final evaluation in an agreed manner with instructing teacher). Participation in supervised clinical training according to the specified number of hours required.
5. Medication passport
6.. Reflection session after training - participation mandatory.
7. S2 assignment

Student workload

Supervised Clinical Training 3 is 7 ECTS and consists of

1 cr small group sessions in clinical practice incl. Nursing resuscitation (4h training) and observation and monitoring of the patient (4h training) in Taitokeskus and includes pre-task assignments. 2 h orientation to the course. The student's total workload is 27 hours.

6 cr Supervised practice (4 weeks). The total number of training hours is 162h and it includes 5 h of time for the task and 2 hours SCT 3 orientation and 2h final reflection. The number of hours in the Supervised Clinical Training is 153 hours (I.E. 38 hrs and 15 minutes/week).

Content scheduling

Part 1 Resuscitation,

Part 2 Patient Observation and Monitoring, 1 cr

Part 3 Supervised Clinical Training, 6 cr

Part 4 Supervised Clinical Training Task, 0 cr

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 3. In Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 3. The placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.

The student is in contact with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.

Further information

The student has completed supervised clinical training 1, participated in the supervised clinical training 2. Passed courses Basics of clinical nursing and pharmacotherapy and medical calculations. Has participated in the course medical and palliative nursing

More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta aihealue 17 -kohdalta.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define own patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs, practices resuscitation and learns to make related decisions in different situations, promoting patient safety
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient and family in self-care utilizing multiprofessional team
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands the meaning of division of duties when considering client’s holistic care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition, does not know the principles of resuscitation and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance and withdraws from it
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Enrolment period

23.05.2024 - 11.11.2024


01.04.2024 - 31.12.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Essi Ylistalo
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient in self-care using evidence-based knowledge and masters data search from most common health sciences’ databases
- is able to evaluate patient’s needs, resources and own responsibility when planning selfcare and guidance, and is able to use patient-centred teaching and guidance methods, evaluating the results of the guidance
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1 and 2 and participated in Supervised clinical training 3. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

Further information (course unit)

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient in self-care using evidence-based knowledge and masters data search from most common health sciences’ databases
- is able to evaluate patient’s needs, resources and own responsibility when planning selfcare and guidance, and is able to use patient-centred teaching and guidance methods, evaluating the results of the guidance
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
- plans and carries out a guidance situation with a patient, which shows utilisation of evidence-based knowledge
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance, fails to plan and carry out a guidance situation with a patient, and/or it does not show utilisation of evidence-based knowledge
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Location and time

Autumn 2024 weeks 48-51

Orientation : 12.11.
Reflection: 8.1. 2025

Exam schedules

Implementation Part 1 Supervised Clinical Training, 6 credits

· Attending the orientation class, making goals and working shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, and evaluation discussions, and returning training documents on time

· Evaluation: pass/fail

Implementation Part 2: reflection
Part 3 Assignments and medication passport 0 credits

· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection

· Evaluation: pass/fail

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Implementation plan will be updated before the orientation.

Supervised training: Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Participation in the Orientation Mandatory
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Assignments completed before the reflection
Filling in and showing the medication passport.

Learning materials

Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the activity assigned by the clinical training (read carefully the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)
Moodle course platform for supervised clinical training. Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen moodle.

Student workload

4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing assignments and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training is 153 h.

Content scheduling

Part 1: Training 6cr,

Part 2: Assignment 0 cr.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 4.

The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.

The student is in contact with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.

Further information

The student has completed Supervised clinical training 1 and 2 and participated in Supervised clinical Training 3. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to a limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training, the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to guide the patient in self-care using evidence-based knowledge and masters data search from most common health sciences’ databases
- is able to evaluate patient’s needs, resources and own responsibility when planning selfcare and guidance, and is able to use patient-centred teaching and guidance methods, evaluating the results of the guidance
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
- plans and carries out a guidance situation with a patient, which shows utilisation of evidence-based knowledge
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance, fails to plan and carry out a guidance situation with a patient, and/or it does not show utilisation of evidence-based knowledge
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Enrolment period

02.05.2023 - 18.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 05.10.2023


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Linah Oule
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Virva Vasari
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

Further information (course unit)

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Location and time

The chosen/allocated clinical placement.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participate in the compulsory orientation.
Complete the specified number of hours in the placement. Full hours need to be completed.
Send the timetable and training goals to your supervising teacher (cc clinical supervisor) by the end of the first week.
Organize and participate in a mid-review/final-review
Complete the training task.
Complete entries in your medication passport
Participate in the compulsory reflection session post training
Return the SCT paperwork with relevant entries and signatures.

Failure to complete one or more of the above (by the dates specified under section lisätietoja opiskelijoille) may result in failure to successfully complete the course.

Assessment scale


Further information

Attend the compulsory SCT orientation
Contact your placement well before you begin the SCT
Plan your work schedule and email this to your teacher by 10.9.2023
Plan your goals and email this to your teacher by 10.9.2023
Book a mid evaluation time on Moodle by 12.9.2023
Complete lääkehoitopassi by 5.10.2023
Complete your task and submit by 5.10.2023
Attend reflection on 5.10.2023
Return the paperwork with signatures by 5.10.2023

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Failure to comply with the given instructions and deadlines can lead to failing the course. Late or incomplete submissions are considered to be in this category.

Enrolment period

16.11.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Virva Vasari
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-4 and participated in Supervised clinical training 5. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

Further information (course unit)

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- is not able to prioritize tasks and does not work cost-effectively
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for his/her own learning; the goals are missing; does not
follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates his/her own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Location and time

Spring 2024 Week 1 - 4 (Clinical Training)
Orientation : 11.12.2023
Reflection: On Campus Week after the trainng

Exam schedules

Implementation Part 1 Supevised Clinical Training, 6 credits

Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time, completing training sessions, participating in reflection, evaluation discussions, returning training documents on time

Evaluation: pass/fail

Implementation Part 2 S2 assignments t 0 credits

Returning the assignment by the time of reflection

· Evaluation: pass/fail

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Participation in the Orientation to the clinical training in December 2023
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
Filling out and showing the medication passport.

Learning materials

Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)

Student workload

4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. The number of hours during training are 153 h.

Content scheduling

Part 1: Training 6cr,

Part 2: Training S2 Assingment - 0 cr.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 6. In Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 6.
The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.

The student is in contact with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.

Further information

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-3 and participated in Supervised clinical training 4. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Enrolment period

29.01.2024 - 31.07.2024


29.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Virva Vasari
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-5 and participated in Supervised clinical training 6. Participated in the nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

Further information (course unit)

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- is not able to prioritize tasks and does not work cost-effectively
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for his/her own learning; the goals are missing; does not
follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates his/her own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Location and time

Spring 2024 Weeks 19-22 (Clinical Training)
Orientation : 9.4.
Reflection: Campus 3.6.

Exam schedules

Implementation Part 1 Supevised Clinical Training, 6 credits

· Attending the orientation class, making goals and work shifts on time (the first week of training), completing training sessions, participating in reflection, and evaluation discussions, returning/finishing training documents on time

· Evaluation: pass/fail

Implementation Part 2 Written Assingment 0 credits

· Returning the assignment by the time of reflection 3.6.

· Evaluation: pass/fail

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Participation in supervised clinical training according to the required specified number of hours.
Participation in the Orientation to the Clinical Training 9.4.
Reflection discussions - Mandatory.
DOCCA assignment with yhteenveto, kotiutusprosessi/ jatkohoito written in Finnish.
In case the DOCCA task does not apply to the placement, students will choose a task in Workseed that fits the placement/training area. .

Learning materials

Study material courses related to the supervised clinical training, material assigned by the teacher, familiarization material for the training assinged by the clinical training (read careful the instructions provided in your reserved clinical training)

Student workload

4 weeks in the supervised clinical training = 6 Credits. The total number of hours of the training is 162 h and this includes 5h of which its reserved for doing the written assingment and 4 h of orientation + final reflection. Ascension 7,5 h is deducted from the training hours. The number of hours during training are 145,5 h.

Content scheduling

Part 1: Training 6cr,

Part 2: Training Written Assingment - 0 cr.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The student has booked the clinical training place from Jobilli or outside Jobilli in accordance with Moodle's instructions for supervised clinical training 7. In Ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodle, more detailed information about places suitable for guided practice 7.

The clinical training placement must be confirmed before the start of the training.

The student is in contact with the supervised clinical training according to the instructions given in Jobiil before starting the supervised clinical training.

Further information

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-5 and participated in Supervised clinical training 6. Participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area.

More information regarding the supervised clinical training in
Hoitotyön ohjattujen harjoittelujen Moodlesta

Supervised clinical trainings 2-7 in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people. Due to limited number of clinical training placements, all areas of nursing are not available for all students. The student should consider how to achieve the goals set for all clinical training areas, combining goals from missing areas to actual clinical training places’ goals, when making individual clinical training plans. Before each clinical training the student should have participated in nursing theory studies related to the clinical training area. Clinical Trainings are carried out with patients of different ages in both primary health care and specialised care, ensuring the development of diverse competence. The student will benefit from having done a middle-phase clinical training in the same area of nursing as advanced studies’ clinical training.

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- is able to apply the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- gets experience in patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- is able to recognise patients’ health risk factors, understands the meaning of patients’ health promotion and can guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to help the patient in the daily activities, is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- is not able to recognise patients’ health risk factors and guide patients in self-care and adherence to care
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for own learning; the goals are missing; does not follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 10.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 22.03.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Nancy Kamau
Person in charge

Essi Ylistalo

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the phases of surgical patient
- understands the process of surgical patient
- knows the main surgical illnesses and their effects on the patient's health, daily survival and the significant others
- is able to guide surgical patient and his/her family member in different stages on nursing process using evidence based knowledge
- is able to document and inform securing the continuity of care.

Content (course unit)

- characteristics of surgical nursing
- infection control in surgical nursing
- praparation for surgery
- preoperative and postoperative observation and care
- pain treatment of postoperative patient
- treatment of a surgical wound
- drug, fluid and nutritional treatment of the surgical patient
- special characteristics of care and support for a cancer patient and his/her significant others
- education and teaching of surgical nursing
- observation and care of the patient in plaster
- nursing care of a tracheostomised patient
- nursing care of a stoma patient

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations. Participation in course Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- outline the steps of the surgical patient's treatment path
- identify the main methods of assistance in the care of the surgical patient
- identify the effects of major surgical diseases on the patient's health, everyday survival and the patient's
- understand the importance of the guidance of the surgical patient and his relatives at different stages of the nursing care process
- know the importance of documentation and informing in ensuring the continuity of patient care

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- know the stages of the surgical patient's treatment path
- masters the main methods of helping the surgical patient in nursing
- know the effects of the most important surgical diseases on the patient's health, everyday survival and the patient's relatives
- be able to guide the surgical patient and their relatives at different stages of the nursing care process using evidence-based information
- is able to document and communicate orally, ensuring the continuity of patient care

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- masters the stages of the surgical patient's treatment path
- masters, with justification, the main methods of helping the surgical patient in nursing
- understand the effects of major surgical diseases on the patient's health, everyday survival and the patient's relatives
- is able to guide the surgical patient and his / her relatives in a patient-oriented way at different stages of the treatment process using evidence-based information
- is able to document assessments and communicate orally, ensuring the continuity of patient care

Location and time

At TAMK during Spring 2024

Exam schedules

The course orientation is mandatory for anyone hoping to participate in any part of the course. Being even 15 minutes late means that you have missed course orientation.
To complete the course, the following components must be successfully completed:

Part 1: Surgical Nursing theory: Exam Room. Numerical Assessment 1-5.
Part 2: Medical calculation: Exam Room. Assessment: pass / fail.
Part 3: Small group work. CBCL. Assessment: pass / fail.
Part 4: Seminar. Assessment: pass / fail.
Part 5: Nutrition in Surgical Nursing. Assessment: pass / fail
Part 6: Orientation to skills training at taitokeskus. Assessment: pass/ fail.

The theory and medical calculation exam in the exam room: 11.3.-22.3.2024
Failed theory and medical calculation re-exams are available as follows:

Re-exam 1:8.4.-12.4.2024 (you can attend only if you did not pass the previous exam)

Re-exam 2: 6.5.-10.5.2024 (you can attend only if you did not pass the previous exams)

The online nutrition test on Moodle must have been successfully completed by the end of the initial exam period (by 22.3.2024) in order to pass this component of the course. There is no restriction on the number of times the test can be taken.

An opportunity to improve your course grade will be provided in the last week (week 22) of May 2024.This requires you to have successfully complete all components of the course. You will need to notify the teacher in charge of the course of your intent two weeks prior (by 12.5.2024). Failure to comply with these instructions means that an exam opportunity will not be provided.

All tasks (including re-submissions) must be completed by the end of the initial exam period (by 22.3.2024 - no extensions will be provided). Late submissions will not be accepted. Failure to complete any part of the course will result in failure to successfully complete the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course orientation is compulsory. Failure to attend this means failure to continue on the course.

All the listed components of the course must be successfully completed within the given time frames in order to complete the course. Failure to complete any part of the course will mean that the student will need to enroll on another course to complete the relevant section.

Alternative tasks or tasks to compensate absenteeism will not be available nor will late submissions be accepted.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Lectures (online and face-to-face), small group work, group discussions, cbcl, seminar, skills training (at taitokeskus), independent study.

Changes to the implementation plan are possible until the orientation. Being even 15 minutes late means that you have missed course orientation.

Changes to the timetable are possible and will be communicated separately. Therefore, actively follow course communication and your schedule.

Learning materials

Hinkle, J.L & Cheever, K.H : Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Contents: Pain Management (revise). Fluid and Electrolyte: Balance and Disturbance/Parenteral Fluid Therapy (revise) Oncology: Nursing Management in Cancer Care/Management of cancer (surgery and nursing management). Perioperative Concepts and Nursing Management/pre- and postoperative nursing management. Musculoskeletal Care Modalities (The Patient in a Cast, Splint, or Brace; The Patient Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery), Management of Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma (Fractures), Digestive and Gastrointestinal Treatment Modalities/Parenteral nutrition. Management of Patients With Intestinal and Rectal Disorders/Appendicitis, Diverticulitis, Ileostomy, Colostomy, Intestinal Obstruction. Assessment and Management of Patients With Breast Disorders/Breast cancer. Assessment and Management of Problems Related to Male Reproductive Processes/Benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer of the prostate. Management of Patients With Dermatologic Problems/Wound care for skin conditions.

Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing : A Systems Approach 2014.Brady, McCabe,& McCann.2014.Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.e-book. 1.3, 1.6, 1.8 (surgical sutures, dressings, drains, postoperative nausea and vomiting, pain management), 2.11 (wound healing/assessment/management, surgical wounds), 2.12-2.21 partly (group assignments).

Yoost& Crawford (2015) Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing : Active Learning for Collaborative Practice.
Unit 2/Ch 6, Unit 2/Ch 10, Unit 5/Ch 25 (wound healing), Unit 6/Ch 32.

Smith, Alison, Maria Kisiel, and Mark Radford. Oxford Handbook of Surgical Nursing . Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 2016. Print.

All material given by the teachers. All material in small group work, lectures and group assignments are part of the course's recommended literature.

Student workload

The course is worth 4 cr. This equates to 4 x 27hrs of student work.

Content scheduling

Part 1: Theory of Nursing
Part 2: Medical calculations (independent study)
Part 3: Small group work (CBCL)
Part 4: Seminar.
Part 5: Nutrition in Surgical Nursing (independent study)
Part 6: Orientation to skills training.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


Further information

Failure to successfully complete one or more of the above parts within the given time frame for the course will result in the student having to register to complete the relevant part/s as part of another surgical nursing course.

CBCL - completed in groups of max. 4 students/group. The group submits one work.
seminar - completed in groups of max. 4 students/group. The group prepares and submits one work.

Failure to work productively and in good collaboration with your group can result in failure to be assessed for the respective group work. Group works must be done in groups - no individual presentations/submissions. Likewise, failure to comply with given instructions can result in failure to successfully complete the task.

Enrolment period

10.05.2023 - 31.07.2023


07.08.2023 - 14.09.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Milla Hiitti
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basics of promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility
- knows the most common issues in gynecological nursing and knows the related physical examinations and care
- is able to assist in a gynecological examination, give guidance in breast examination and is able to bring up sexuality and reproductive health
- knows the normal process and care of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and knows the most common disorders in them
- knows the structure and process of the maternity care service system
- knows how to support and guide expecting families and families with children in a healthy and sober lifestyle, promoting partnership and parental growth, and in issues of genetic diversity in multi-professional collaboration
- is able to assist in childbirth out-of-hospital
- is able to support families in basic care of their newborn and breastfeeding using evidence-based knowledge
- recognizes the ethical principles in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to evaluate, plan and execute nursing care during the fertile years, pregnancy and postpartum period, as well as of clients with gynecological disorders, using evidence-based knowledge
- is able to reflect his/her own professional competence

Content (course unit)

- a woman’s health in different stages of her life
- promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility in nursing care
- the structure of the maternity care service system
- normal pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and most common disorders and hereditary diseases in them
- healthy and sober lifestyle during pregnancy, postpartum period, and breastfeeding
- miscarriage, abortion, and infertility in nursing care
- the most common issues in gynecological nursing

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to identify evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and women’s health nursing process
- is able to identify the most common gynecological problems as well as the physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders of pregnancy and childbirth
- recognizes the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the forms of family support, but cannot justify his/her actions
- is able to identify problems of parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health in a woman’s and family’s life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology and during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes the importance of guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- recognizes the importance of ethical principles in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to identify his/her own interaction skills in maternity care, women’s health and learning environments
- takes responsibility for his/her own learning
- is able to receive feedback
- knows the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- knows the special features of maternity care and women’s health and is able to apply evidence-based knowledge to the care process
- is able to describe and define the most common gynecological problems and physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders during pregnancy and childbirth
- is able to describe and justify the main features of assessment and care of a newborn child and understands the forms of family support
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and sexual and reproductive health challenges of a woman's and family's life
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles in maternity and gynecological nursing
- understands the importance of guidance and is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills in the learning environment of maternity care and women’s health
- is able to give and receive reflective feedback
- has the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- is able to use his/her knowledge base of maternity care and women’s health extensively
- is able to analyze evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and gynecological nursing and is able to apply the nursing process in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to describe and analyze the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the ways to support families.
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health of a woman's and family's life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period, and knows the specific challenges associated with them
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles of nursing in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health in a customer-oriented way
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively. Develops both personal and group interaction skills in the maternity care and gynecological nursing learning environments
- is able to reflectively provide and receive feedback
- is able to implement the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Location and time

The student is required to be 100% present during orientation, workshops (womans health workshop and S2-workshops) and small group seminar.

Woman's Health workshops are in small groups. Groups division in the orientation.

Small group seminar on 30.8.23.Oral peer review during seminar.

Participation in contact teaching/lectures is highly recommended

Exam schedules

Exam in Exam Room on 31.8.23-14.9.23

1. retake: week 41
2. retake: week 46

You can improve the grade of the whole course once by exam on 17.11.23. The deadline for registering for the grade improvement exam is on October 27th, 2023. Register for the exam by emailing the teacher. Registrations received after this date will not be considered.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1: Women´s health theory

-Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam
-By taking part to lectures you can earn extra points to the exam (1 point/lecture, max. 6 points)

Part 2: Women´s health medical calculations (2pcs)

Part 3: Small Group Work+seminar
-Failed/passed. Approved performance requires 100% attendance and successfully completed tasks. Peer review related to competence in the subject area and small group work.

Part 4: Workshop day;
-Failed/passed. Attendance at the workshop day, pre-task completed

Part 5: S2-workshops

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Teaching will take place together with group 22SH1A in Finnish

- Theory of women's nursing, teaching sessions as contact teaching
- Small group work and seminar
- Workshop, pre-task done as a prerequisite for participation
- S2-workshop (including an assignment)
- Independent study

Orientation focuses on the content, schedule and methods of completion of the course. The orientation provides instructions for small group working and workshops.

Mandatory orientation for the course on 7.8. at 12.30-14

Learning materials

Literature in English

You can choose either Finnish-language or English-language learning material

- For Maternity Care: Oxford Handbook of Midwifery, 2nd ed.; Oxford. Available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course.
- For Gynaecological Nursing: Oxford Handbook of Women's Health Nursing; Oxford, 2010. available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course. The level that a nurse needs to know.
- Eating together - food recommendations for families with children. 2019. (Before and during pregnancy + Breastfeeding)
- KELA, benefits for families
- Brunner & Suddarths’ Medical-Surgical Nursing pages 1610-1700 (optional)​

Youtube: Viisaat valinnat videos:

Other material to be given during lectures.

Student workload

The total number of 108 hours of the course includes orientation (2h), participation in teaching (24h), workshop day (8h), small group seminar (8h), S2-workshops (6h) and the rest of the hours goes to independent study and small group work in the subject area.

Content scheduling

The completion of the study module consists of the following parts:

Part 1 Women’s health theory
Part 2 Women’s health medical calculations
Part 3 Small group working+seminar
Part 4 Work shop (Womans Health) and compulsory pre-task
Part 5 S2-Work shops

Completion alternatives

No optional methods.

Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

The objectives and contents of the course guide the preparation for the exam, the course does not provide pages that can be read separately from the course literature. The teacher's lecture material alone is not enough to prepare for the exam.

The implementation plan can be updated if necessary.

Enrolment period

03.06.2024 - 18.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 24.11.2024


7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Johanna Vilppola
  • Terhi Tapaninen
Person in charge

Johanna Vilppola

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to act in a manner to promote mental health and prevent mental and substance abuse problems in different environments
- is able to professionally meet clients and families from diverse life situations and different cultures who have mental and / or substance abuse problems or life crisis
- identifies the symptoms of mental and / or substance abuse problems among clients of different ages and can intervene appropriately
- is able to make an assessment of the need for treatment in collaboration with the patient and his / her family
- is able to assess the patient’s need for special services or the services of a special worker, in collaboration with other professionals
- is able to take into account the situation of children and other family members in the event of a family member suffering from mental or substance abuse problems
- is able to plan, implement and assess the care of mental health and / or substance abuse problems in primary health care using evidence-based knowledge and feedback in collaboration with the patient, the family and other professionals
-is able use digital tools in care
- is able to act proactively and professionally in a threatening interaction situation
- is able to reflect on the professional use of his/her own personality and identify his/her own developmental challenges
- knows the most common psychiatric illnesses and their symptoms, examinations and treatment methods
-knows the basics of psychiatric pharmacogenetics as well as the effects of genes on the development of mental disorders
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Content (course unit)

- mental health promotion, prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems in nursing
- the most important treatment methods in mental health and substance abuse
- main legislation and regulations for mental health and substance abuse
- therapeutic interaction with people of different ages in mental health and substance abuse care
- care plans and structured documentation of mental health and substance abuse care
- assessing the need for mental health and substance abuse care in crisis situations and as care and rehabilitation continues
- rehabilitative approach in working in mental health and substance abuse care
- using digital tools in care
- predictive interaction in a threatening, escalating situation
- use and development of one's own professional personality
- psychopharmacology and psychiatric pharmacogenetics
- psychiatric and substance abuse psychiatric diagnostics and psychiatry as a medical specialty

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic principles of mental health promotion and the prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems
- identifies key problems in mental health and substance abuse care and primary health care interventions
- knows the importance of using and developing his/her own professional personality
- knows the effect of genes on mental health and substance abuse disorders
- knows what is meant by an approach that supports rehabilitation
- identifies key psychiatric diagnoses and medical treatment methods and the basics about psychiatric pharmacogenetics

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition to a satisfactory level
The student
- is able to intervene in mental health and substance abuse problems and assess the need for treatment
- is able to apply knowledge of the problems of mental health and substance abuse
- is able to apply basic care methods in primary health care
- is able to apply an approach that supports rehabilitation
- recognises the psychiatric diagnoses which are assessed and treated in primary health care and is familiar with their medical care
- seeks and utilises evidence-based knowledge in his/her work
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition to a good level
The student
- is able to assess the patient's needs for treatment according to the severity of the symptoms and the patient's resources, taking into account the patient’s family and network
- knows the main medication used to treat mental disorders
- identifies the most important substance abuse psychiatric diagnoses and their treatment methods

Location and time

Remote and classroom teaching, but only one at the time. There won´t be online streaming while teaching in the classroom (because of the subject: mental health and substance abuse nursing).

Followed by organizational regulations and if needed there might be changes in pedagogical implementation e.g. pandemic situation.

Exam schedules

1.Psychiatric nursing (5 etc) (scale: (0) 1-5): Nutrition, Psychopharmacology, Treatment plan (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)
2.Psychiatry 1 etc (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)
3. Small group working 1 etc : Therapeutic listening and discussion; Scientific article

Psychiatric nursing- exam retakes: retake I week 2 and Retake II week 6 and Raising grade: participating to retake II, week 6 (whole course material including all the subjects of assignments and exams) in Exam environments.

Assignments and psychiatry and psychophamacology exams deadlines are informed in the Moodle.
All the assingments are not possible to submit after that. The next opportunity is to do assignments with the next implementation in the schedule of another group.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

lectures, team work, small group work, individual, pair and group tasks, visit by expert by experience

Learning materials

Nursing part: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : An Interpersonal Approach Rogers, Vickie L.; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.;Jones, Jeffrey S. New York : Springer Publishing Company. 2017 (USA) e-book, or newer (pages are informed in slides)

Psychopharmacology part: Chapter 5. Overview of psychopharmacology Debbie Steele, Joan S. Grant, and Norman L. Keltner, In bookAdvanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, Second Edition :pages 63-94 Integrating Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, and Complementary and Alternative Approaches Across the Life Span (2017) (ebook)

Materials in the Moodle and materials provided by teacher in lessons, PP-slides

Psychiatry lectures in the moodle videos

Let´s Talk About Children
And other materials which will be shown during lectures.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Compulsory lectures are:
Orientation on Tuesday 22.10.2024 remote teaching)
Small group working I: on Thursday 31.10.2024 and on Friday 1.11.2024 Therapeutic listening and discussion (live teaching in the classroom)
Small group working: scientific article feedback-studio on Thursday 14.11.2024 (remote teaching)
Treatment plan - task on Friday 22.11 2024 (live in the classroom)
Nursing exam on Friday 22.11.2024 (live in the classroom)

You can find all the lecture-slides and some other materials from the Moodle. In the classroom, we are also using traditional methods like lectures and discussions, some games, group methods, pair discussions and so on.
Exam: individual exam (or pair or group, teacher´s decision based on pedagogical issues) in the classroom.

Enrolment period

05.08.2024 - 16.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Ella Hakala
  • Katja Varamäki
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

With this course, you will gain a multidisciplinary understanding of the future fields within the social and healthcare sector, and acquire tools to support professional growth and studies.

After completing the course, the student
• Understands the individual and multidisciplinary meaning of professional growth in the learning process.
• Understands the importance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field and identifies one's own strengths and areas of development as a learner.
• Can take safety in studying and in the study community into consideration.
• Actively works in a group, taking others into account, and understands the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Is familiar with the values and ethical principles of the social and healthcare sector.

Content (course unit)

• Multidisciplinary study, group work, and teamwork skills in the social and healthcare field
• Reflection, receiving feedback, and giving feedback as a student and employee
• Self-regulation and stress management techniques, as well as restorative activities
• Emotional intelligence and emotion regulation
• Self-efficacy and self-compassion
• Self-leadership
• Self-direction, taking responsibility, and problem-solving skills
• Psychological, physical, and social safety in studying and in the study community
• Values of the social and healthcare sector and professional ethical principles
• Consideration of diversity in study and work communities

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)


The student
• Understands the individual and multidisciplinary meaning significance of professional growth in the learning process. Recognizes the importance of giving and receiving feedback as a student and employee.
• Understands the significance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field. Identifies their own strengths and areas for development as a learner and knows how to utilize information in their own learning.
• Takes into account safety in studying and in the study community. Can act in a way that promotes safety and considers diversity.
• Can actively work in a group and consider others. Understands the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Knows the values and ethical principles of their own field and recognizes the values and ethical principles of other social and healthcare fields.


The student
• Does not understand the individual and multidisciplinary meaning of professional growth in the learning process. Does not understand the importance of giving and receiving feedback as a student and employee.
• Does not understand the significance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field. Does not recognize their own strengths and areas for development as a learner and does not utilize information in their own learning.
• Does not consider the importance of safety in the study community. Does not know how to act in a way that promotes safety and considers diversity.
• Is passive and avoids participating in group work. Lacks consideration for others. Does not understand the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Does not know the values and ethical principles of their own field and does not recognize the values and ethical principles of other social and healthcare fields.

Location and time

Course runs from week 37 to week 50.
Mandatory Orientation online 11.9.2024.
Mandatory small group sessions on Wednesday/ Thursday weeks 39,41,44,47 and 50.
Prior to small group sessions independent Moodle-course studies weeks 37-50.

Exam schedules

The team poster is submitted to the submission platform before the last small group session.

Assessment methods and criteria

Independent work on Moodle prior to every small group session.
Independent preparatory work with Moodle tasks before each of the small group sessions.
Active participation in mandatory small group sessions.
Making a poster and submitting it with the small group.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Independent online studies, small group sessions on campus, teamwork independently

Learning materials

All material is available on the course Moodle.

Student workload

5 credits x 27 hrs = 135 hrs of student work
Orientation: 2 hrs
Small group sessions 2 credits, 5 x 4h = 20 hrs
3 credits, 113 hrs Independent studies on Moodle and team meetings.

Content scheduling

The course consists of the following parts:
1. Orientation
2. Who am I as a learner? – small group session
3. Are you a team player? - small group session
4. Emotional skills - small group session
5. Getting acquainted with professionals in the field of social and health care- small group session
6. Professional growth- can it start already now? – small group session
7. Moodle tasks and poster submission
All themes include independent work online (Moodle) and small group meetings on campus.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


Further information

The course is multidisciplinary. The small groups have students from different health and social care professions, which gives the student an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary way already during their studies.
There is a 100% attendance requirement for the first and last small group session. The other small group sessions have an 80% attendance requirement. If a student is absent from a small group session, they can make up the absence with another group. The substitution must always be agreed in advance with the teacher of the small group. If necessary, the absence can also be made up with a Finnish-language course. If you do not attend the course in accordance with the above instructions, you must retake the course in the following semester.
The implementation plan may be updated before the Orientation.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 05.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing
- is able to act ethically in accordance with the principles of childcare in cooperation with the child and the family as a member of a multidisciplinary working group.
- is able to appreciate a disabled person and meet him / her as an expert and actor in his / her own life
- is able to interact professionally with children of different ages, young people and people with disabilities and their relatives using different means of communication
- is able to support the growth and development of a healthy, sick and disabled child
- be able to support and guide the family in parenting, raising a child and young person and healthy lifestyles, and identify related risk factors, taking into account the needs and resources of families
- is able to plan and implement and evaluate child and family care work in a supervised manner and to guide using evidence-based information
- is able to apply their knowledge of the most important diseases of children and adolescents when performing nursing work
- knows the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in emergency situations and in the resuscitation of the child in a situation-conscious manner
- is able to safely implement medication and fluid therapy for children
- knows the main measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply their knowledge of disability when performing nursing work for a mentally handicapped or disabled person and to support functional ability

Content (course unit)

- the growth, development, upbringing and daily care of the child and young person
- parental support, risk factors for the well-being of the child, young person and family
- identifying and addressing abuse
- the fundamental rights of the child, young person and the disabled
- principles of childcare
- the process of caring for a child, adolescent and family
- child and family guidance methods and effectiveness evaluation
- the impact of the child's and young person's illness and disability on the child and the family
- interaction, play and communication methods with the child, adolescent, disabled and family in different nursing situations
- child and family care and the most common illnesses and causes of disability in children
- monitoring of the child's vital signs
- basic resuscitation of a child of different ages
- the most common examinations and treatments for a sick child
- basics of medical and fluid care for children and pain management for children of different ages
- death of a child
- specific issues of child nutrition
- the most common pediatric diseases and the impact of genetic information on child and family guidance

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations. Participation in course Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- identify the fundamental rights of the child and the person with a disability
- recognize the importance of ethical and childcare principles in multi-professional nursing
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and recognize him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- identify one's own interaction skills and the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled
- identify the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages, as well as forms of family support
-identify the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of children and young people and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors
- identify the childcare process and identify the importance of evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- identify major diseases in children and adolescents
- identify the impact of genetic information on family guidance
- recognizes emergencies and is able to act in a guided manner in the child's resuscitation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and identifies the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- identify the most common procedures and methods used in the care of children and adolescents
- identify the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- know the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in multidisciplinary nursing
- knows how to appreciate a person with a disability and encounters him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- knows his / her own interaction skills and understands the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled and is ready to develop them
- is able to assess the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages as well as the needs of family support and knows the forms of family support
-understand the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and be able to apply them in guidance
- knows the process of childcare and is able to use evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- knows the most important diseases of children and young people and is able to apply their knowledge when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in a child's emergency and resuscitation
- performs flawlessly on drug bills and the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- know and be able to apply the most common measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- know and be able to apply the main principles of developmental or disabled nursing and support functional ability

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The Student
- knows the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing work
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in a variety of professional nursing work
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and is able to face him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- is able to develop his / her interaction skills and is able to apply play in nursing and learning environments for children, young people and the disabled and
- is ready to develop group interaction skills
- is able to evaluate and support the growth, development and care of a child of different ages and knows and is able to use forms of family support
- understands the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and is able to apply them in guidance in a variety of ways
- knows the process of childcare and is able to apply evidence-based information in the guidance of children and families in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to apply his / her knowledge of children's and young people's diseases extensively when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- is able to act consciously in a child's emergency and resuscitation situation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and masters the basics of pediatric medication and fluid therapy
- know and be able to apply measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled in a customer-oriented manner and to support functional ability

Location and time

Autumn 2024 at TAMK and Taitokeskus
Mandatory Orientation 7 August 2024

Exam schedules

Joint exam of Part 1 (Nursing for children and adolescents 3 ECTS) and Part 3 (Medical calculations)

Test in EXAM area week 41 (7.10.-12.10.2024)
I retake November 2024
II retake December 2024

Dates will be confirmed closer to the beginning of the course

The exam is failed if, based on the exam answer, patient safety is substantially compromised, e.g. a child would die due to incorrect medication or instructions.
If you want to participate in the upgrading exam, contact the responsible teacher (Anna Rinne) of the course by e-mail by 11.11.2024 . NOTE! Upgrading exam includes all parts of the study course, i.e. only one part of the study course cannot be upgraded.

In addition, course includes three individual tests which must be completed before the actual exam. The Nutrition Moodle exam and the Child Growth and Development exam is taken independently by latest 4.10.2024 . The growth and development test can be retaken trice during that period (pass limit 15/20 points). Moodle tests Equal Treatment must be taken individually by 21.10.24

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People
-Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam.

Part 2 Nursing work for the disabled
-Pass/Faill. Participation in the class and taking the Equal Treatment digicampus- course.

Part 3 Medical calculations
-Pass/Fail. 100% correct for passing.

Part 4 Orientational training
-Pass/Faill. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching, familiarization with the preliminary material and doing the preliminary assignment.

Part 5 Orientational training, simulations
-Passed/rejected. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching.
Part 6 Nutrition
-Passed /failed based on the test on the course moodle platform.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Theory teaching: face-to-face teaching at school, online learning, Compulsory classes (Orientation, Pharmacotherapy, preventing child maltreatment), small group work (orientational training) at Taitokeskus (Mandatory participation), cooperative learning, 3 individual tests and 1 group test. Finnish language workshop (mandatory)

Learning materials

For Peadiatrics:
llustrated Textbook of Paediatrics. 2018. Lissauer, Tom and Carroll, Will. 5th edition. Saint Louis : Elsevier. 2018. eBook.
For Children's Nursing:
1) Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö ( 2019) an e-book)) Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Flinck, M., Hammar, A.-M. & Tervjärvi,L. LUVUT: luvut:6,9-14,23,24
or Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People.2010.
Alan Glasper, Marion Aylott, and Cath Battrick. London, England : Hodder Arnold. eBook.
2) KELA website: If a child gets ill
3) Articles and websites appointed by teachers
4) Nutrition material on Moodle Paediatric nursing:. Study the material and take the exam. The exam is passed when you get a grade 10/12.
5) Equal Treatment -moodle course for nursing care of people with disabilities.
6)Material provided by teachers

There may be changes to the material before the course begins.

Student workload

Nursing of Children and Young People 4 credits: total number of hours 108 h includes participation in teaching and independent study. Participation is required at the orientation lesson (2h) and orientational practice lessons at the Taitokeskus (8 h; Orientational practice 1 and Orientation practice 2, simulations)

Nursing of the Disabled 1 credit: total number of hours 27 hours, which includes 2 hours of lecture teaching and 25 hours of independent study and taking the test.

Content scheduling

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People 3 cr
Part 2 Nursing of the Disabled 1 cr
Part 3 Medical calculations 0 credits
Part 4 Orientational practice 0 credits
Part 5 Orientational practice, simulations 1 credit
Part 6 Nutrition

Further information

The implementation plan will be updated by the beginning of the study period, changes are possible.

Participation is mandatory at the orientation class. Participation ensures admission to the course. Participation at the orientation is required, even if you have already completed part of the implementation.

Prepare for the lesson by familiarizing yourselves with the given materials when requested.

Before the orientational training at Taitokeskus, familiarize yourself with the Children and young people skills workshop material in Moodle: (key: Lasten skills lab), and take the test Lasten hätätilanteet in Oppiportti with your appointed team before the Taitokeskus class.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- can apply an appropriate research approach in their thesis
- can implement their thesis as planned
- can use supervision during their thesis process
- can follow ethical principles during their thesis process

Content (course unit)

Course is accepted when at least empirical, theoretical and / or operational part has been implemented.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Implementation follows the BT process.
Includes workshops on the BT methods

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Ella Hakala
  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- is able to examine the patient according to the ABCDE protocol
- is able to inform the patient about the situation using the ISBAR method
- is able to act in emergencies with patients of different ages
- knows the basics of safe medication and fluid therapy
- is able to act with patient safety in mind

Content (course unit)

- vital organ functions in patients of different ages
- action in acute situations
- teamwork skills
- medication and fluid therapy in patients of different ages
- patient safety expertise

Prerequisites (course unit)

Participation in the for the courses according to the simulation before the simulation.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The Student
- works actively in simulation in different roles
- is able to act in emergencies
- identify situations that threaten the patient's condition
- is able to find out the key issues about the patient's current situation
- is able to inform the patient about the condition and changes in the condition

The Student
- does not actively participate in simulations
- Emergency response endangers the patient's life
- does not recognize life-threatening situations in the patient's condition
- acts improperly in the situation
- cannot inform about issues related to the patient's condition.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


International Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annina Korpela
Person in charge

Annina Korpela

  • 24IB1
    International Business, syksy 2024, 1-ryhmä
  • 24IB2
    International Business, syksy 2024, 2-ryhmä
  • 24IB3
    International Business, syksy 2024, 3-ryhmä
  • 24IB4
    International Business, syksy 2024, 4-ryhmä
  • 24IB5
    International Business, syksy 2024, 5-ryhmä
  • 24IB6
    International Business, syksy 2024, 6-ryhmä
  • 24IB7
    International Business, syksy 2024, 7-ryhmä
  • 24IB8
    International Business, syksy 2024, 8-ryhmä

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you will study basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A1.3.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic situations related to everyday life
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic grammatical structures of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to everyday life.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
• alphabet and numbers
• introducing oneself
• telling about one’s family and background
• simple description of things and people
• telling about the weather
• shopping and food
• grammatical structures: basic sentences and questions, verb conjugation (positive and negative verbs), partitive, genitive, KPT-change, I have -structure

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.

Location and time

We will have 2 double classes every week, on Mondays and on Wednesdays.

Exam schedules

Mid-term exam (in October)
Final exam (in December)

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment based on classwork (activity, presence, completed exercises). To pass the course, active attendance is required.

Course grade consists of four parts:
A Mid course written test (listening comprehension + reading comprehension + writing + structure tasks)
B Oral test in small groups
C Final test (listening comprehension + reading comprehension + writing + structure tasks)
D Class activity
Strong class activity can raise course grade at least in borderline cases.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Different methods: contact classes, conversations, cooperative learning, oral and written exercises and games. Also online material is utilized. All materials have been collected and structured on Moodle. The idea is to make learning basics of Finnish not only important but also interesting and fun.

Learning materials

Textbook Suomen mestari 1 - Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille (by Sonja Gehring & Sanni Heinzmann) (the renewed version). You may find the book in the TAMK library, but it is recommended to buy the book, because it will be used also in the spring term in the course Finnish for Foreigners 2. Also materials made by the teacher and e-materials are used.

Student workload

Group meetings twice a week (2x90 minutes/week), attendance required. A regular and active attendance in lessons is important and also compulsory to pass the course. In addition, much private learning is needed. 5 ECTs course means 5 x 27 hours of work! To build up one's motivation is very important: to find useful, fun and creative ways to learn, use and understand Finnish. So have Finnish as a hobby also in your free time!
Homework: 6-8 hours per week (may vary individually) and active attitude towards Finnish-speaking society.

Content scheduling

Basic information of Finnish language, pronunciation, vocabulary and phrases, greetings, numbers, time expressions, positive and negative verb conjugation, verb types, question sentences, introducing yourself, telling about your everyday life, simple everyday conversations, shopping.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Uncompleted assignments, great difficulties to understand and produce the simplest basic phrases and expressions. Absences from lessons.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself, name a few objects and copy some words that she/he has learned. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They attend the classes regularly. They are able to cope in most common everyday situations: shopping and meeting people. The student able to write brief texts (e.g. e-mail, text message, and post card) and can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students' mother tongue may have an effect in pronunciation and/or sentence structure, but it doesn’t cause big problems to understand the meaning of messages.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a positive and active attitude towards learning Finnish and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture, and brings it up by comparing Finnish culture to his/her own. They have attended the course regularly (80% of the classes). They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and is able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. The student is able to write brief texts in Finnish, which are mostly correct.

Enrolment period

23.05.2024 - 15.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Maiju Paldán

  • 23IENVE
  • 23TEMA
  • 23I260EB
  • 23IB
    International Business, syksy 2023, kaikki
    Degree Programme in Media and Arts
  • 23ENTRE
  • 23I260EA
    Degree Programme in Software Engineering

Objectives (course unit)

In this course, you will improve your Finnish language skills. Estimated level is A2.1 +.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite well
• be more confident in using Finnish in their daily encounters out of a classroom
• understand phrases and typical vocabulary related to areas of personal relevance (e.g. travelling, health, free time)
• catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages, announcements and conversations.
• use a wider variety of everyday vocabulary and phrases more spontaneously and confidently
• read and understand short everyday text types
• find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and understand short simple personal messages and emails
• communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters
• describe aspects of their background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
• use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms their family and other people, living conditions, educational background and their present or most recent job
• write short, simple texts related to everyday topics

Content (course unit)

• travelling, planning a trip
• visiting the doctor
• nature
• telling about the past
• object
• third infinitive

Prerequisites (course unit)

Finnish as a Foreign Language 1 (5 cr) and 2 (5cr) or equivalent knowledge.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons at least 80 %. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.

Location and time

On the course we have meetings two times a week.
Contact classes are on Thursdays 14-15.30
Online class once a week, time will be informed later (online lessons will be recorded)

Exam schedules

Test dates will be agreed on the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in the course meetings.
Review of the course assignments.
Review of the exams.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Classroom and online meetings
Course assignments.

We practise speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading. We will focus on active language use and comprehension.

Learning materials

Course book Suomen mestari 2, chapters 1-4
Teacher's materials in Moodle

Student workload

You should prepare for the following schedule:
- Course meetings two times / week
- 3-6 hours of independent work (homework, course assignments, reviews) in each course week.
- The amount of independent work varies each week.

Content scheduling

We continue practising basic vocabulary, phrases and grammar. Topics include e.g.
- work related vocabulary
- everyday discussions
- telling about past events
- discussing health and telling how you feel
- nature and surroundings
- hobbies and free time
- past tense, object, making a noun out of a verb

International connections

The course is aimed for international students.

Further information

The online meetings consist of grammar and listening comprehension. They are recorded and link to them can be found on Moodle so that you can listen the classes even if you have conflicting classes on Tuesdays.

All the international students have Thursday afternoons 14-16 reserved for Finnish studies.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons regularly. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons regularly. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons regularly. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.

Enrolment period

09.06.2024 - 04.09.2024


05.09.2024 - 12.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Marita Mäki
Person in charge

Marita Mäki

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you will improve your Finnish language skills. Estimated level is A2.2+

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite clearly and fluently
• be more confident in using Finnish in their daily encounters out of a classroom
• understand sentences and frequently used expressions related general knowledge (e.g. environment, recycling, culture, history and society, geography)
• generally identify the topics of discussions around them
• participate actively on routine communication using broader everyday vocabulary and idiomatic expressions
• recognize different grammatical structures and try to apply them in their written and spoken communication
• write simple texts and descriptions about common topics related e.g. to culture, environment and society

Content (course unit)

• protection of the environment
• culture and society
• making an appointment
• time expressions
• conditional form
• passive voice
• past tense forms

Prerequisites (course unit)

Finnish 4 (3 cr) or equivalent knowledge.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student can tell some things about everyday life in Finnish comprehensively. They are able to tell few things related to general knowledge.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language and culture. They are showing that by completing written tasks according to the schedule. The student is able to use structures like past tense forms, conditional and passive voice in simple sentences. They can tell simple things about general topics like protection of the environment, culture, society etc. They are able to write descriptions and texts like emails in Finnish and are able to pronounce Finnish clearly enough.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student has a positive and active attitude towards learning Finnish and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture and brings it up by comparing Finnish culture to their own. They can pronounce Finnish intelligibly when communicating in everyday situations. Expressions used in spoken and written communication are suitable and varied and grammar almost correct.

Location and time

The course meets twice a week. The first session is conducted online (1 h), and the second session takes place in the classroom. The online lesson is recorded, allowing students to view it at their convenience, but it must be watched before the classroom session. The classroom session is scheduled for Thursdays from 14:15 to 15:45.

First meeting is September 5th at 14:15-15.45.

Exam schedules

To pass the course, all mandatory assignments must be completed, and the final test must be passed. The dates for assignments and exams will be announced in Moodle at the beginning of the course.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Classroom and online meetings
Course assignments.

We will practise speaking, listening comprehension, writing, and reading.
We will focus on active language use and comprehension.

Learning materials

Suomen mestari 3, chapters 1-4.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 23.10.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Nancy Kamau
  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to act professionally according to patient safety and ethical principles in nursing in advanced medical- surgical nursing and palliative care circumstances in varied care facilities
- masters essential evidence based knowledge and skills of the advanced clinical nursing
- knows the most common illnesses and is able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients
- is able to implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually while taking family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- is able to implement the principles of sustainability in nursing
- is able to work in multidisciplinary team
- reflects on own actions, sees the development needs and positively effects the work community.

Content (course unit)

Contents: clinical training in Medical- Surgical wards or Medical- Surgical outpatient clinics or specialised care’s Home hospitals

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- masters and is able to implement evidence based knowledge on advanced clinical nursing
- knows the most common illnesses and is able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients
- masters essentials of fluid- and pharmacotherapy and calculates accurately
- is able to analyse and implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually while taking family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- masters varied observation and nursing methods in advanced clinical nursing
- understands ethical principles in nursing and is able to implement them in ethical decision making with patients in advanced clinical nursing
- understands the meaning of sustainability, patient safety, and professionalism via putting it into action in advanced clinical nursing
- masters individual guidance taking the needs of the person with long term condition and the family into consideration in advanced clinical nursing

The student
- is not responsible for one’s learning, and cannot utilise feedback for professional growth
- repeatedly neglects preparation for procedures and/or implementation of the nursing process
- is not able to implement evidence based knowledge on advanced clinical nursing
- does not know the most common illnesses and is not able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients and is not capable of gaining the knowledge after feedback
- does not master essentials of fluid- and pharmacotherapy and calculates inaccurately
- is not able to analyse and implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually in advanced clinical nursing
- does not take family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- does not master varied observation and nursing methods in advanced clinical nursing
- does not understand ethical principles in nursing and is not able to implement them in ethical decision making with patients in advanced clinical nursing
- does not put principles of sustainability, patient safety, and professionalism into action in advanced clinical nursing
- is not able to provide individual guidance taking the needs of the client and the family into consideration in advanced clinical nursing

Location and time


Exam schedules


Assessment methods and criteria

The stipulated training hours completed on medical/surgical wards or medical/surgical outpatient clinics or advanced Hospital in the home services.
Mandatory simulation / skills lab ( 1 credit)
Medication passport

Breaching training rules may result in the discontinuation of the training period.
The course requirements are to be completed within the set timeframe for the course. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The stipulated training hours (6 weeks) completed on medical/surgical wards or medical/surgical outpatient clinics or advanced Hospital in the home services.
Mandatory simulation / skills lab ( 1 credit)
Medication passport

Learning materials

Theoretical courses pertaining to the relevant specialty.

Student workload

Six weeks in a clinical setting
Mandatory simulation
tasks (assignment, medication passport)

Content scheduling

The training is to be completed within the specified time frame of six weeks as per course plan. As a rule, this time cannot be extended as per TAMK rules. Exceptions may be granted by the teacher responsible for the course.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The course will be predominantly completed in a clinical setting.

International connections


Further information

Pre-requirement: Participation on Medical- Surgical nursing course ( Advanced studies)

Enrolment period

02.04.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.12.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Virva Vasari
  • Nursing Tiimihenkilö
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- applies the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- recognises patients’ health risk factors and considers them in patients’ health promotion and can plan, implement and evaluate patient’s self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- practices nursing quality assessment in order to develop patient’s care and own work
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands controlled and flexible division of duties when considering patient’s holistic care
- is able to work as an expert in nursing and can guide students and colleagues
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice and quality of nursing care

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-6.

Further information (course unit)

It is possible to plan the clinical training to be done as a paid training, working as substitute nurse, after the student has achieved 140 credits.
Supervised clinical trainings in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- applies the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- recognises patients’ health risk factors and considers them in patients’ health promotion and can plan, implement and evaluate patient’s self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- practices nursing quality assessment in order to develop patient’s care and own work
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands controlled and flexible division of duties when considering patient’s holistic care
- is able to work as an expert in nursing and can guide students and colleagues
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- is not able to assess nursing quality in order to develop patient’s care
- is not able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance and withdraws from it
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for his/her own learning; the goals are missing; does not
follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates his/her own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.05.2024 - 01.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Elina Botha
  • Marika Mettälä
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Elina Botha

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basics of promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility
- knows the most common issues in gynecological nursing and knows the related physical examinations and care
- is able to assist in a gynecological examination, give guidance in breast examination and is able to bring up sexuality and reproductive health
- knows the normal process and care of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and knows the most common disorders in them
- knows the structure and process of the maternity care service system
- knows how to support and guide expecting families and families with children in a healthy and sober lifestyle, promoting partnership and parental growth, and in issues of genetic diversity in multi-professional collaboration
- is able to assist in childbirth out-of-hospital
- is able to support families in basic care of their newborn and breastfeeding using evidence-based knowledge
- recognizes the ethical principles in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to evaluate, plan and execute nursing care during the fertile years, pregnancy and postpartum period, as well as of clients with gynecological disorders, using evidence-based knowledge
- is able to reflect his/her own professional competence

Content (course unit)

- a woman’s health in different stages of her life
- promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility in nursing care
- the structure of the maternity care service system
- normal pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and most common disorders and hereditary diseases in them
- healthy and sober lifestyle during pregnancy, postpartum period, and breastfeeding
- miscarriage, abortion, and infertility in nursing care
- the most common issues in gynecological nursing

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to identify evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and women’s health nursing process
- is able to identify the most common gynecological problems as well as the physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders of pregnancy and childbirth
- recognizes the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the forms of family support, but cannot justify his/her actions
- is able to identify problems of parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health in a woman’s and family’s life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology and during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes the importance of guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- recognizes the importance of ethical principles in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to identify his/her own interaction skills in maternity care, women’s health and learning environments
- takes responsibility for his/her own learning
- is able to receive feedback
- knows the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- knows the special features of maternity care and women’s health and is able to apply evidence-based knowledge to the care process
- is able to describe and define the most common gynecological problems and physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders during pregnancy and childbirth
- is able to describe and justify the main features of assessment and care of a newborn child and understands the forms of family support
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and sexual and reproductive health challenges of a woman's and family's life
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles in maternity and gynecological nursing
- understands the importance of guidance and is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills in the learning environment of maternity care and women’s health
- is able to give and receive reflective feedback
- has the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- is able to use his/her knowledge base of maternity care and women’s health extensively
- is able to analyze evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and gynecological nursing and is able to apply the nursing process in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to describe and analyze the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the ways to support families.
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health of a woman's and family's life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period, and knows the specific challenges associated with them
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles of nursing in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health in a customer-oriented way
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively. Develops both personal and group interaction skills in the maternity care and gynecological nursing learning environments
- is able to reflectively provide and receive feedback
- is able to implement the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Location and time

The total number of 108 hours of the course includes participation in teaching (28h), workshop day (6h) and the rest of the hours goes to independent study in the subject area. The student is required to be 100% present during the orientation and 1 workshop day.

Compulsory orientation for the course.

Compulsory attendance in 1 workshop, the class will be divided into two groups during the orientation;
- Group 1 workshop day in schedule.
- Group 2 workshop day in schedule.

Exam schedules

Exam in Exam Room. Medical calculations (2) completed during the last lesson at TAMK.

1. retake exam in Exam

2. retake exam in Exam

Increase in the grade of the course during the second retake exam period. The grade increase applies to the entire course, not just the exam grade. Registration for the increase exam (by email to teacher) no later than three weeks before the exam. Registrations received after this date will no longer be considered.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1: Women´s health theory
- Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam

Part 2: Women´s health medical calculations (2), completed during the last lesson at TAMK
- Failed/passed

Part 3: Workshop day;
- Failed/passed. Attendance at the workshop day, pre-tasks completed.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

- Theory of women's nursing, teaching sessions as contact teaching
- Workshop, pre-tasks done as a prerequisite for participation
- Independent study

Orientation focuses on the content, schedule and methods of completion of the course. The orientation provides instructions for workshop. The course also includes online material related to nutrition during pregnancy and the Moodle exam (not compulsory).

Learning materials

- For Maternity Care: Oxford Handbook of Midwifery, 2nd ed.; Oxford. Available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course.
- For Gynaecological Nursing: Oxford Handbook of Women's Health Nursing; Oxford, 2010 (or newer). available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course. The level that a nurse needs to know.
- Eating together - food recommendations for families with children. 2019. (Before and during pregnancy + Breastfeeding)
- KELA, benefits for families
- Brunner & Suddarths’ Medical-Surgical Nursing pages 1610-1700 (optional)​
Youtube: Viisaat valinnat videos:
Other material to be given during lectures.

Student workload

The total number of 108 hours of the course includes participation in teaching (28h), workshop day (6h) and the rest of the hours goes to independent study in the subject area. The student is required to be 100% present during orientation, and workshop day.

Content scheduling

The completion of the study module consists of the following parts:

Part 1 Women’s health theory
Part 2 Women’s health medical calculations (2)
Part 3 Workshop and compulsory pre-tasks

Completion alternatives

No optional methods.

Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

The objectives and contents of the course guide the preparation for the exam, the course does not provide pages that can be read separately from the course literature. The teacher's lecture material alone is not enough to prepare for the exam.

The implementation plan can be updated as necessary.