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Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Bachelor of Health Care, EQF 6 (European Qualifications Framework) 

Contact Information

Study Counsellor Eija Piikkilä, tel. 050 5915560, eija.piikkila(at)
Head of Competence Area
Päivi Hautaviita
Head of English Degree Programme in Nursing
Sanna Laiho

Special Admission Requirements

Admission criteria and language requirements, see TAMK’s websites.
Act on Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä

Recognition of Prior Learning

It is possible for students to have their prior competence recognised. Previous studies in Finnish or foreign higher education institutions/universities, which are equivalent to the studies in the curriculum, or other applied competence, which meets the competence goals and criteria, can be recognised.
See TAMK’s credit transfer guidelines

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

General qualifications for university of applied science required.
The functionally bilingual degree programme in nursing is aimed at those whose native language is other than Finnish and at immigrants. This programme does not have a language proficiency requirement for Finnish, however, the language proficiency requirement for English is B2 level. The student must be motivated and commit to learning the Finnish language.

Profile of the Programme

The degree is a bachelor-level professional higher education degree.
The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence. The programme meets the standards of the European Union Directive (2013/55/EU) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

TAMK's nursing education is profiled in demanding clinical nursing and individualized health promotion.

Key Learning Outcomes

This degree programme is implemented as functionally bilingual, with English and Finnish as the languages of instruction. Finnish language is integrated into English language teaching from the beginning of the studies. Use of English language gradually decreases and studying in the Finnish language increases. In addition, the bilingual nursing programme includes Finnish as a second language studies comprising 19–22 ECTS credits. The objective of the bilingual nursing programme is, in addition to the development of professional competence, to achieve sufficient oral and written language proficiency required for the tasks of a healthcare professional during the studies.

After finishing the degree programme in nursing the student will have wide and evidence-based competence and know-how on taking care of people, their health, and the environment. The student is able to work according to the principles of primary nursing in all stages of the care process, with patients and their families. The student can utilise variety of different guidance methods in nursing care. The student has a strong professional identity, ethical competence, and an ability to reflectively assess and develop his/her own actions.

After the first year of studies the student knows the basics of taking care of a sick person. He/she will follow the health legislations in his/her own work as well as the ethical guidelines of nursing. Student will be able to recognise and predict health problems in both individuals and communities.
Student has learned to monitor person’s vital functions, recognise what kind of treatment the patient needs, and will know how to use various nursing methods safely. The student will already know pharmacotherapy and medical calculations. He/she is skilled in giving emergency first aid. The student will be able to consider the meaning of different cultures in nursing.

During intermediate studies the student will develop clinical expertise in the different fields of nursing. He/she will be able to define the kind of care various clients of different ages require. Student will plan, implement, evaluate and carry out care with clients and their families. He/she uses information from different sciences as a basis for the actions. Student knows how to guide and support clients in self-care in a natural manner and will be competent in working in a multiprofessional environment, looking after clients’ interests. He/she will be able to critically evaluate own actions.

During the advanced professional studies student will enhance his/her competence. Student will be able to make ethically sound, evidence-based decisions and work professionally. Student can take care of clients of different ages. He/she will also take the client’s family into account as part of the nursing process. Student will be able to act as a primary nurse for a client in all stages of the nursing process.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

TAMK’s graduate nurses have good employment opportunities in different fields of nursing. Registered nurses have possibilities to work with clients of different ages, in different care environments. They can work in various expert duties which require either comprehensive or specialised skills. There are jobs in primary health care, specialised health care, social services as well as in private or third sector services both in Finland and abroad. Workplaces can be for example in hospital inpatient units, outpatient or emergency units or in the operation units. They can work in home care, in different rehabilitation centres, nursing homes, medical stations or clinics or within digital health care services. In addition to these, the degree programme in nursing enables working in specialist or consultant tasks, as an entrepreneur, or in voluntary organisations and international jobs

Access to Further Studies

Bachelor's degree in nursing graduates can complement their competence in many ways. There are several further and postgraduate education possibilities. Registered nurses can deepen and extend their competence in different professional specialisation, further or higher education studies in social and health care services. TAMK offers wide range of choices for continuous learning.

After the Bachelor's degree in health care, nursing, it is possible to continue studies in universities, by applying to bachelor’s or master’s degree studies in nursing sciences or health sciences.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Completed courses are evaluated on the scale excellent (5), good (3-4), satisfactory (1-2), and fail (0). The marking pass (S) can exceptionally be used if it has been separately stated in the study guide or individual study plan. Further, more detailed information on assessment can be found in the course implementation descriptions. The joint assessment framework forms the basis for competence assessment at TAMK

Graduation Requirements

Graduation as a registered nurse requires the completion of studies and achievement of competence objectives in the structure and extent set by the curriculum. As TAMK’s graduate the student will have strong working life skills for the future and an ability to develop nursing.

Mode of Study

The scope of the degree programme is 210 credits. The completion time is 3,5 years. The studies are carried out as full-time studies using different learning methods. The studies can be contact or online teaching and learning, skills practices, simulation practices, independent study and team/group work. Part of the studies can be distant learning or arranged at evenings. Nursing education includes 75 credits of clinical training to enhance professional skills, in different care environments. Bachelor’s thesis, 15 credits, is part of the studies. Student’s competence and know-how in nursing deepens and expands during the studies.

Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing is full-time studies, study language is English, and Finnish language is integrated in the studies as well. Use of English language gradually decreases and studying in the Finnish language increases.

Curriculum-specific principles are followed in the completion and progress of studies. A more detailed description and principles of the curricula can be found from the study guide, tab curricula.

Development of the Programme

Finland’s health policy programmes and TAMK’s strategy have been considered in the curriculum. Act on Health Care Professionals and National core competences for nurses and their contents have been considered when developing the degree in nursing.

TAMK’s nursing education advisory committee and working life cooperation partners have taken part in the curriculum planning by offering comments on the contents and the structure of the curriculum.

The degree complies with the criteria set by the Finnish national degree system as well as with the European framework for degrees and other competence.

Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing
Bilingual Degree Programme in Nursing
Nursing (aimed at immigrants)
Nursing (aimed at immigrants)
Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 20.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Akindayo Ogunbayo
  • Sanna Laiho
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The objective of the course is to develop basic knowledge of the structure and function of the circulatory and respiratory systems.

After completing the course, the student
• understands the structure of basic tissue types and how they form organs
• knows the structure and function of the blood, cardiovascular system and respiratory system
• knows the key concepts and vocabulary of the course in Finnish

Content (course unit)

• tissues
• structure and function of blood and the circulatory system
• structure and function of the respiratory system
• key vocabulary in Finnish

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
• recognizes basic tissue types, can name them and understands the way they form the organs
• understands the basics of the structure and function of blood, circulatory and respiratory system

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
• knows the structure and functions of tissues
• knows the structure and function of blood, circulatory system and respiratory system
• can describe the relationship between various functions in the human body and apply acquired knowledge

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
• understands the structure and significance of tissues broadly in terms of the overall functioning of the entire body
• has an in-depth understanding of the structure and function of the human circulatory and respiratory systems
• can apply their knowledge of anatomy and physiology, demonstrates mastery of overall concepts and is able to integrate theoretical knowledge into a professional context

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Implementation plan will be updated before the orientation meeting

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 12.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 09.03.2025


9 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

56 % Contact teaching, 44 % Online learning




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Johanna Kangaspunta
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Virva Vasari
  • Johanna Vilppola
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Ella Hakala
  • Hanna Sahinoja
Person in charge

Annukka Huuskonen

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

During the course, you will immerse in the world of nursing, where you will learn a variety of basic nursing skills and client interaction. You will learn how psychological factors affect the well-being and development of individuals of different ages. The course will equip you with the skills to handle basic first aid situations in illness and accident emergencies.

Nursing 1, 4 cr
After completing part Nursing 1, the student
• understands the principles of individualized nursing care and acting as a primary nurse in the Finnish healthcare environment
• is able to work according to aseptic principles
• possesses basic skills related to assisting patients with their daily activities
• knows the principles of rehabilitative nursing care
• knows the principles of ergonomic work in nursing
• knows the basics of promoting health through nutrition
• can describe different stages of basic nursing activities in Finnish
• can name the equipment used for the patient's hygiene and excretion, also in Finnish language
• takes responsibility for their learning and actively participates in small group activities in good collaboration and in reliable manner

Nursing 2, 3 cr
After completing part Nursing 2, the student
• understands the normal basic bodily functions and recognizes changes in them
• knows how to observe/monitor and ensure the client's basic bodily functions using nursing assistance methods
• understands the concepts of ABCDE, NEWS, and ISBAR methods and knows how to use them
• understands pain management as part of clinical nursing
• can describe their activities in the ABCDE approach and using NEWS method
• can name the equipment needed to measure vital functions, also in Finnish language
• takes responsibility for their own learning and actively participates in small group activities

Psychology, 1 cr
After completing part Psychology, the student
• understands the link between psychological factors and client well-being
• takes into account the psychological development of people of different ages in client encounter

First aid, 1 cr
After completing part First Aid, the student
• knows how to act independently based on evidence and give first aid in the most common illness and accident situations, taking into account the need for safety and emotional first aid
• can call for help also in Finnish

Content (course unit)

Nursing 1, 4 cr
• primary nursing and the responsibility and principles of primary nursing
• aseptic practice and sustainable work in the nursing environment
• adherence to general cleanliness and orderliness during practice sessions
• considering and maintaining ergonomics for both the client and the nurse in nursing care
• acknowledging and addressing basic human needs
• rehabilitative nursing care as a method in daily activities
• Finnish dietary recommendations
• interaction and communication in basic nursing situations in Finnish
• key vocabulary in Finnish
• active participation and goal-oriented problem-solving in a small group

Nursing 2, 3 cr
• monitoring, measuring, and nursing assistance methods related to circulation, respiration, and temperature balance
• ABCDE, NEWS and ISBAR methods in patient care and reporting
• pain assessment, the basics of pain and its management
• fundamentals of gas calculations
• interaction and communication in basic nursing situations in Finnish
• key vocabulary in Finnish language
• active participation and goal-oriented problem-solving in a small group

Psychology, 1 cr
• psychological reactions in crisis situations: illness, traumatic crises from the individual and community perspective
• health psychology in promoting client well-being: e.g. resilience, stress, state of alertness regulation, psychological self-regulation
• developmental psychology in promoting client well-being

First Aid, 1 cr
• recognizing an emergency situation and alerting additional help
• first aid for an unconscious person who has had a seizure
• basic CPR for children and adults, PPE-D (defibrillation)
• first aid for an accident patient
• mental first aid

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Nursing 1:
The student
• understands the principles of individualized nursing care and primary nursing
• knows how to work according to aseptic principles
• knows the basic information related to the patient's daily activities and assistance methods
• knows the principles of rehabilitative nursing care
• knows the principles of ergonomic work in nursing
• knows the fundamentals of promoting health through nutrition
• understands professional communication as part of nursing practice
• participates in small group work

Nursing 2:
The student
• knows the normal functioning of basic bodily functions and can recognize changes in them
• knows how to observe and secure the client's basic bodily functions using nursing assistance methods
• understands the meaning of ABCDE and NEWS methods and knows how to use them
• knows the basics of pain management
• understands professional communication as a part of nursing practice
• participates in small group work

The student
• knows about the link between psychological factors and client well-being
• knows about the psychological development of people of different ages in client encounter

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Nursing 1:
The student
• is able to act according to the principles of individualized nursing care and primary nursing
• is able to work according to aseptic principles and ecologically
• has basic knowledge of patient's daily activities and assistance methods
• knows the principles of rehabilitative nursing
• knows the principles of ergonomic working methods in nursing
• knows the basics of promoting health through nutrition
• becomes skilled in interaction situations
• takes responsibility for their own learning and actively participates in small groups

Nursing 2:
The student
• knows how to work ecologically and according to aseptic principles
• understands the normal functioning of basic bodily functions and can identify changes within them
• is able to observe and secure the client's basic bodily functions through fundamental nursing interventions
• understands the concepts of ABCDE, NEWS, and ISBAR and knows how to use them
• understands the basics of pain management, such as pain monitoring, assessment, and basic pain management methods
• becomes skilled in face-to-face guidance situations
• takes responsibility for their own learning and actively participates in small groups

The student
• is able to identify the connection between psychological factors and client well-being
• is able to recognize aspects related to the psychological development of individuals of various ages in client work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Nursing 1:
The student
• operates excellently according to aseptic principles and considers sustainability
• reflects on, justifies, and integrates theoretical knowledge into practice
• is able to work using basic clinical nursing skills
• is able to consider and adhere to the basic principles of individualized nursing care
• actively takes responsibility for their own learning and teamwork in small groups, and commits to goal-oriented problem-solving processes with the small group

Nursing 2:
The student
• operates excellently according to aseptic principles
• is able to utilize various nursing interventions in addressing issues related to adult thermoregulatory system and respiratory and circulatory systems, and justify actions from a nursing perspective
• is able to work using basic clinical nursing skills
• is able to consider and adhere to the basic principles of individualized nursing care
• actively takes responsibility for their own learning and teamwork in small groups, and commits to goal-oriented problem-solving processes with the small group

The student
• is able to comprehensively identify the connection between psychological factors and client well-being
• is able to comprehensively recognize aspects related to the psychological development of individuals of various ages in client work

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

First Aid:
The student
• can provide first aid proactively based on evidence in common illness and accident situations
• takes into account both own and others' safety while providing first aid
• considers the need for psychological first aid
The student
• is unable to justify provided first aid based on evidence
• is unable to provide first aid independently
• does not consider safety aspects when providing first aid
• does not consider the need for psychological first aid

Exam schedules

Nursing care part 1:
Exam in exam area in weeks 5-6, 2025
1st retake: weeks 10-11, 2025
2nd retake: weeks 14-15, 2025

Nursing care part 2:
Exam in the 4th period, timetable to be specified in December 2024

Psychology 1 cr. Individual exam in Exam-area, week 50, scale: failed/ 1-5
- Retake I: week 3/2025
- Retake II: week 7/2025

Skills stations: pre-task is required to be able to participate a skills station. Skills stations are mandatory, no compensatory tasks are accepted. In case of abscence, student may ask to join another group for the missed skills station.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching, Small group work, Guided independent work, Flipped learning, skills stations, Moodle online work, teaching discussions, group work, online tests and courses.

Learning materials

Course ebook:Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing : concepts, process, and practice / Audrey Berman, Shirlee J. Snyder, Geralyn Frandsen., Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2016.

Other materials provided in the Moodle course

-Lecture materials  and Course book:  
Weiner, I.B., Lerner, R.M., Easterbrooks, M.A. , Mistry, J. and Weiner I. 2012. Handbook of Psychology, Developmental Psychology. Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated  
Chapters: II Infancy and Early Childhood, III Childhood 
The book is available as an e-book in Tuni library.   

Student workload

9 ect = 243hrs of studying

Nursing Skills lab -numbers of hours spent 8 x 4 h = 36 h
First aid skills labs 2 x 4h = 8h
Contact lessons on nursing care 12h

Psychology, 1 ects: The number of hours for the entire part of the course (Psychology) is 27 hours for the student, of which 20 hours are independent work, teaching 6 hours, exam 1 hour. Orientation classes are mandatory.

Finnish language integration 16h
Nutrition online-course 20h
Independent work 9 x 8 h = 110 h
Pre-task before the skill lab 7 kpl x 4 h = 28 h

Content scheduling

During first semester:

Nursing care part 1
Skills stations 1-4
First Aid

During 3rd peiod:
Nursing care part 2
Skills stations 5-8

Further information

Implementation plan will be edited before the orientation class.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 10.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.10.2024


2 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Tarja Friman
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Essi Ylistalo

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The objective of the course is to develop aseptic skills and learn the basics of microbiology from the perspective of infection control and disease prevention. 
After completing the course, the student
• has a comprehensive understanding of the basics of infection prevention in various nursing environments in Finland
• knows the microbial groups that are essential to health and is able to apply this knowledge to maintain health and prevent illness
• is able to apply and evaluate the principles of aseptic work in different nursing environments and is able to justify their actions with evidence-based practice 
• knows the key vocabulary of infection control in Finnish

Content (course unit)

• essential microbes in nursing, their routes and modes of transmission
• the role of microbes in the prevention of infections; principles of microbial reproduction
• aseptic work in different nursing environments in Finland
• the importance of personal and hand hygiene in aseptic working
• use of the precautions and different isolation measures in nursing care
• documentation of infection control in nursing 
• key infection control vocabulary in Finnish

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
• knows the basic principles of infection prevention
• recognizes the microbial groups that are essential to health and knows how they spread
• can work according to aseptic principles without compromising patient safety 

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
• has a structured understanding of the basics of infection prevention
• knows the main microbial groups relevant to health and understands the importance of their spread in maintaining health and preventing disease
• is able to work in accordance with the principles of aseptic work and justify his/her actions

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
• has a broad understanding of the principles of infection prevention in different care environments
• knows the microbial groups relevant to health and is able to apply his/her knowledge to maintain health and prevent disease
• can apply and evaluate the principles of aseptic working in different nursing settings and justify actions based on evidence-based nursing practice

Location and time

Autumn 2024. TAMK.

The course orientation requires mandatory attendance if you wish to part-take. You also need to register for the course. Being late for the orientation session may likewise mean that you will not be able to part-take in the course.

Finnish lessons (3) linked to the content of this subject are likewise mandatory. These are face-to-face sessions. If you are absent, you will need to complete extensive tasks to compensate for absenteeism. The teacher will provide these on an individual basis.

Exam schedules

Both exams will include one question which will be derived from the Finnish language content of the course.

exam: week 40-42
re-exam 1: week 45 (only available for those who have not passed the initial exam)
re-exam 2: week 49 (only available for those who have not passed the exam)


Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The teaching methods are decided by each teacher involved in teaching this course, depending on the pedagogical need. These methods may include lectures, workshops, group work, independent study, utilizing a virtual learning environment. There will be a final written exam on both course subjects (aseptics and microbiology). Finnish language will be integrated in one question in each of the two exams.

Hybrid sessions will not be organised. Links to attend remotely will not be provided on an individual basis.

The student takes responsibility for his/her own learning by adopting an active and adaptive approach to the learning tasks.

Students work in groups in order to develop their own learning, contribute to their fellow students’ learning and as a means to practice collaboration. The teacher’s role is to support students in using this working method.

Active participation in compulsory components is required in order to pass the course. Active participation means that the student contributes with work, interjections and/or their own reflections that are of relevance to the topic. The compulsory components are course orientation, Finnish lessons and group work -related work.

Learning materials

The recommended reading for this course includes the following as well as any material distributed by the teacher.

Ross, Shona ; Furrows, Sarah. 2014. Rapid infection control nursing. Wiley Blackwell. E-book:

Weston, Debbie, Burgess, Alison, Roberts, Sue, 2017. Infection prevention and control at a glance. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd 2017. E-book:

Yoost, B.L. & Lynne, R. 2015. Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice. Crawford Publisher. Chapter 22: Asepsis and infection control. E-book:

Stuart Hogg, 2013. Essential Microbiology.(pages 3-4, 101-108, 243-245, 375-401, 421-424) e-book.

Student workload

The course has two parts: aseptics and microbiology, 1 ECTS each.
The course includes contact teaching, group work, independent study for 2 ECTS in total 54 hours of student work.

Content scheduling

Aseptics 1cr
Microbiology 1cr

Completion alternatives

Alternative ways to complete the course can be provided only, if you have the appropriate and official documents as per TAMK guidelines.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Not applicable.

International connections

The primary teaching language in English. The course integrates Finnish language studies.

Further information

The implementation plan will be finalised by the course orientation and thus there may be changes to the content before then.

Course orientation (45minutes) requires mandatory attendance. Failure to attend or being late can result in failure to participate on the course.

The course requires you to register by latest during the orientation session. Late course registrations will not be accepted not will the teacher add anyone to the course.

Enrolment period

06.05.2024 - 01.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Tuuli Uusitalo

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to use expertise in medical-surgical nursing by using evidence based knowledge
- masters the nursing process of medical-surgical nursing
- masters ABCDE protocol and patient’s health assessment
- masters the central principles in rehabilitative nursing medical-surgical patients
- masters supporting patients and their families
- understands the crisis caused by illness

Content (course unit)

- evidence-based nursing of medical-surgical patients
- nursing process of long-term and acutely ill medical-surgical patients
- ABCDE protocol to assess health, vital functions and disturbances
- principles in rehabilitative medical-surgical nursing
- patient and family guidance to self-care
- support of medical-surgical patients and their families in crisis

Prerequisites (course unit)

First year and middle phase studies completed, at least 135 credits, including the basic level studies in the field of advanced professional studies and Anatomy and Physiology.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- has basic theoretical, evidence-based and ethical knowledge needed in the nursing care of medical- urgical patients and in nursing process
- recognises most common long-term chronic diseases and acute conditions in medical-surgical patients
- recognises most common disturbances in health condition and how they affect patient's health and care
- knows how to implement rehabilitative nursing care
- is aware that patients and their families will need support in crisis
- recognises the importance of patient’s and families’ guidance during the care process
- does not have the ability to justify the decisions made, needs guidance and assistance, but will take responsibility of one’s learning

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The student
- shows good theoretical, evidence-based and ethical knowledge needed in the nursing care of medical-surgical patients and in nursing process
- knows most common long-term chronic diseases and acute conditions in medical-surgical patients
- is able to assess and evaluate most common disturbances in health condition and how they affect patient's health and care
- implements rehabilitative nursing care
- shows good guidance skills with patients and families
- understands that patients and their families will need support in crisis
- is able to justify the decisions made, and understands the importance of taking responsibility of one’s learning

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- masters good theoretical, evidence-based and ethical knowledge needed in the nursing care of medical-surgical patients and in nursing process
- knows long-term chronic diseases and acute conditions in medical-surgical patients
- masters assessment and evaluation of common disturbances in health condition and how they affect patient's health and care
- masters rehabilitative nursing care
- masters good guidance skills with patients and families
- supports patients and families in a crisis caused by illness
- makes justified decisions, taking responsibility of one’s learning

Location and time

Autumn 2024
On campus and mandatory hospital day on P3 building 28.10

Mandatory online orientation 5.9

Mandatory online seminar 8.10

Exam schedules

Nursing theory + medical calculations exam 29.10-12.11.24
1st retake: week 49
2nd retake: week 2 (2025)

If any of the answers would cause harm to the patient and/or would be lethal the exam is considered as fail
In retakes it is possible to either medical calculations and/or nursing theory

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Theory and online lessons
Simulations and workshops in Simulation and Skillis center

Learning materials

Fundamentals of Medical surgical nursing. Brady et al 2014. Ebook
Chapters: 3,4, 14, 17, 20
e-book Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: concepts,process, and practice. 2016 .Chapter 35 Medications, Chapter 46 Pain management
Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing. 2017. Crouch, Robert ( Editor). Oxford University Press. E- book.
Chapters: 1, 2,3, 6, 9 ( excluding individual injuries), 10, 15 ( excluding facial trauma), 16 ( hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, frostbite, hypothermia, Acid base disorders, respiratory and metabolic acidaemia,)

Kliininen hoitotyö.2019. pages 217-282.

Jennings, Catriona, and others, 'Care of the patient with cardiac arrhythmias', in Catriona Jennings, and others (eds), ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Nursing, The European Society of Cardiology Series (Oxford, 2021; online edn, ESC Publications, 1 Jan. 2022),, accessed 16 Jan. 2024.

Resuscitation guidelines 2015. European resuscitation council.

Österberg & Liukas. 2018.Valvontamonitorit, EKG-seuranta, 3–5 kytkentää. Oppiportti Duodecim

All other material according to the teacher and/ or discussed on lessons

Student workload

4 credits= 108 hrs of students work

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

Implementation plan will be updated before orientation
First year and middle phase studies completed, at least 135 credits, including the basic level studies in the field of advanced professional studies and Anatomy and Physiology.

Enrolment period

03.06.2024 - 18.08.2024


21.10.2024 - 24.11.2024


7 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Johanna Vilppola
  • Terhi Tapaninen
Person in charge

Johanna Vilppola

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to act in a manner to promote mental health and prevent mental and substance abuse problems in different environments
- is able to professionally meet clients and families from diverse life situations and different cultures who have mental and / or substance abuse problems or life crisis
- identifies the symptoms of mental and / or substance abuse problems among clients of different ages and can intervene appropriately
- is able to make an assessment of the need for treatment in collaboration with the patient and his / her family
- is able to assess the patient’s need for special services or the services of a special worker, in collaboration with other professionals
- is able to take into account the situation of children and other family members in the event of a family member suffering from mental or substance abuse problems
- is able to plan, implement and assess the care of mental health and / or substance abuse problems in primary health care using evidence-based knowledge and feedback in collaboration with the patient, the family and other professionals
-is able use digital tools in care
- is able to act proactively and professionally in a threatening interaction situation
- is able to reflect on the professional use of his/her own personality and identify his/her own developmental challenges
- knows the most common psychiatric illnesses and their symptoms, examinations and treatment methods
-knows the basics of psychiatric pharmacogenetics as well as the effects of genes on the development of mental disorders
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Content (course unit)

- mental health promotion, prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems in nursing
- the most important treatment methods in mental health and substance abuse
- main legislation and regulations for mental health and substance abuse
- therapeutic interaction with people of different ages in mental health and substance abuse care
- care plans and structured documentation of mental health and substance abuse care
- assessing the need for mental health and substance abuse care in crisis situations and as care and rehabilitation continues
- rehabilitative approach in working in mental health and substance abuse care
- using digital tools in care
- predictive interaction in a threatening, escalating situation
- use and development of one's own professional personality
- psychopharmacology and psychiatric pharmacogenetics
- psychiatric and substance abuse psychiatric diagnostics and psychiatry as a medical specialty

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic principles of mental health promotion and the prevention of mental health and substance abuse problems
- identifies key problems in mental health and substance abuse care and primary health care interventions
- knows the importance of using and developing his/her own professional personality
- knows the effect of genes on mental health and substance abuse disorders
- knows what is meant by an approach that supports rehabilitation
- identifies key psychiatric diagnoses and medical treatment methods and the basics about psychiatric pharmacogenetics

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

In addition to a satisfactory level
The student
- is able to intervene in mental health and substance abuse problems and assess the need for treatment
- is able to apply knowledge of the problems of mental health and substance abuse
- is able to apply basic care methods in primary health care
- is able to apply an approach that supports rehabilitation
- recognises the psychiatric diagnoses which are assessed and treated in primary health care and is familiar with their medical care
- seeks and utilises evidence-based knowledge in his/her work
- knows the basics and specifics of medication treatment in mental health and substance abuse care.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

In addition to a good level
The student
- is able to assess the patient's needs for treatment according to the severity of the symptoms and the patient's resources, taking into account the patient’s family and network
- knows the main medication used to treat mental disorders
- identifies the most important substance abuse psychiatric diagnoses and their treatment methods

Location and time

Remote and classroom teaching, but only one at the time. There won´t be online streaming while teaching in the classroom (because of the subject: mental health and substance abuse nursing).

Followed by organizational regulations and if needed there might be changes in pedagogical implementation e.g. pandemic situation.

Exam schedules

1.Psychiatric nursing (5 etc) (scale: (0) 1-5): Nutrition, Psychopharmacology, Treatment plan (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)
2.Psychiatry 1 etc (approved/failed) (in the Moodle during the course, follow the deadlines)
3. Small group working 1 etc : Therapeutic listening and discussion; Scientific article

Psychiatric nursing- exam retakes: retake I week 2 and Retake II week 6 and Raising grade: participating to retake II, week 6 (whole course material including all the subjects of assignments and exams) in Exam environments.

Assignments and psychiatry and psychophamacology exams deadlines are informed in the Moodle.
All the assingments are not possible to submit after that. The next opportunity is to do assignments with the next implementation in the schedule of another group.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

lectures, team work, small group work, individual, pair and group tasks, visit by expert by experience

Learning materials

Nursing part: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing : An Interpersonal Approach Rogers, Vickie L.; Fitzpatrick, Joyce J.;Jones, Jeffrey S. New York : Springer Publishing Company. 2017 (USA) e-book, or newer (pages are informed in slides)

Psychopharmacology part: Chapter 5. Overview of psychopharmacology Debbie Steele, Joan S. Grant, and Norman L. Keltner, In bookAdvanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, Second Edition :pages 63-94 Integrating Psychotherapy, Psychopharmacology, and Complementary and Alternative Approaches Across the Life Span (2017) (ebook)

Materials in the Moodle and materials provided by teacher in lessons, PP-slides

Psychiatry lectures in the moodle videos

Let´s Talk About Children
And other materials which will be shown during lectures.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Compulsory lectures are:
Orientation on Tuesday 22.10.2024 remote teaching)
Small group working I: on Thursday 31.10.2024 and on Friday 1.11.2024 Therapeutic listening and discussion (live teaching in the classroom)
Small group working: scientific article feedback-studio on Thursday 14.11.2024 (remote teaching)
Treatment plan - task on Friday 22.11 2024 (live in the classroom)
Nursing exam on Friday 22.11.2024 (live in the classroom)

You can find all the lecture-slides and some other materials from the Moodle. In the classroom, we are also using traditional methods like lectures and discussions, some games, group methods, pair discussions and so on.
Exam: individual exam (or pair or group, teacher´s decision based on pedagogical issues) in the classroom.

Enrolment period

05.08.2024 - 16.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Anna Rinne
  • Ella Hakala
  • Katja Varamäki
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

With this course, you will gain a multidisciplinary understanding of the future fields within the social and healthcare sector, and acquire tools to support professional growth and studies.

After completing the course, the student
• Understands the individual and multidisciplinary meaning of professional growth in the learning process.
• Understands the importance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field and identifies one's own strengths and areas of development as a learner.
• Can take safety in studying and in the study community into consideration.
• Actively works in a group, taking others into account, and understands the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Is familiar with the values and ethical principles of the social and healthcare sector.

Content (course unit)

• Multidisciplinary study, group work, and teamwork skills in the social and healthcare field
• Reflection, receiving feedback, and giving feedback as a student and employee
• Self-regulation and stress management techniques, as well as restorative activities
• Emotional intelligence and emotion regulation
• Self-efficacy and self-compassion
• Self-leadership
• Self-direction, taking responsibility, and problem-solving skills
• Psychological, physical, and social safety in studying and in the study community
• Values of the social and healthcare sector and professional ethical principles
• Consideration of diversity in study and work communities

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)


The student
• Understands the individual and multidisciplinary meaning significance of professional growth in the learning process. Recognizes the importance of giving and receiving feedback as a student and employee.
• Understands the significance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field. Identifies their own strengths and areas for development as a learner and knows how to utilize information in their own learning.
• Takes into account safety in studying and in the study community. Can act in a way that promotes safety and considers diversity.
• Can actively work in a group and consider others. Understands the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Knows the values and ethical principles of their own field and recognizes the values and ethical principles of other social and healthcare fields.


The student
• Does not understand the individual and multidisciplinary meaning of professional growth in the learning process. Does not understand the importance of giving and receiving feedback as a student and employee.
• Does not understand the significance of resilience and social sustainability in the social and healthcare field. Does not recognize their own strengths and areas for development as a learner and does not utilize information in their own learning.
• Does not consider the importance of safety in the study community. Does not know how to act in a way that promotes safety and considers diversity.
• Is passive and avoids participating in group work. Lacks consideration for others. Does not understand the importance of interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary study and work communities.
• Does not know the values and ethical principles of their own field and does not recognize the values and ethical principles of other social and healthcare fields.

Location and time

Course runs from week 37 to week 50.
Mandatory Orientation online 11.9.2024.
Mandatory small group sessions on Wednesday/ Thursday weeks 39,41,44,47 and 50.
Prior to small group sessions independent Moodle-course studies weeks 37-50.

Exam schedules

The team poster is submitted to the submission platform before the last small group session.

Assessment methods and criteria

Independent work on Moodle prior to every small group session.
Independent preparatory work with Moodle tasks before each of the small group sessions.
Active participation in mandatory small group sessions.
Making a poster and submitting it with the small group.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Independent online studies, small group sessions on campus, teamwork independently

Learning materials

All material is available on the course Moodle.

Student workload

5 credits x 27 hrs = 135 hrs of student work
Orientation: 2 hrs
Small group sessions 2 credits, 5 x 4h = 20 hrs
3 credits, 113 hrs Independent studies on Moodle and team meetings.

Content scheduling

The course consists of the following parts:
1. Orientation
2. Who am I as a learner? – small group session
3. Are you a team player? - small group session
4. Emotional skills - small group session
5. Getting acquainted with professionals in the field of social and health care- small group session
6. Professional growth- can it start already now? – small group session
7. Moodle tasks and poster submission
All themes include independent work online (Moodle) and small group meetings on campus.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


Further information

The course is multidisciplinary. The small groups have students from different health and social care professions, which gives the student an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary way already during their studies.
There is a 100% attendance requirement for the first and last small group session. The other small group sessions have an 80% attendance requirement. If a student is absent from a small group session, they can make up the absence with another group. The substitution must always be agreed in advance with the teacher of the small group. If necessary, the absence can also be made up with a Finnish-language course. If you do not attend the course in accordance with the above instructions, you must retake the course in the following semester.
The implementation plan may be updated before the Orientation.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 05.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Anna Rinne
  • Tuuli Uusitalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basic rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing
- is able to act ethically in accordance with the principles of childcare in cooperation with the child and the family as a member of a multidisciplinary working group.
- is able to appreciate a disabled person and meet him / her as an expert and actor in his / her own life
- is able to interact professionally with children of different ages, young people and people with disabilities and their relatives using different means of communication
- is able to support the growth and development of a healthy, sick and disabled child
- be able to support and guide the family in parenting, raising a child and young person and healthy lifestyles, and identify related risk factors, taking into account the needs and resources of families
- is able to plan and implement and evaluate child and family care work in a supervised manner and to guide using evidence-based information
- is able to apply their knowledge of the most important diseases of children and adolescents when performing nursing work
- knows the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in emergency situations and in the resuscitation of the child in a situation-conscious manner
- is able to safely implement medication and fluid therapy for children
- knows the main measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply their knowledge of disability when performing nursing work for a mentally handicapped or disabled person and to support functional ability

Content (course unit)

- the growth, development, upbringing and daily care of the child and young person
- parental support, risk factors for the well-being of the child, young person and family
- identifying and addressing abuse
- the fundamental rights of the child, young person and the disabled
- principles of childcare
- the process of caring for a child, adolescent and family
- child and family guidance methods and effectiveness evaluation
- the impact of the child's and young person's illness and disability on the child and the family
- interaction, play and communication methods with the child, adolescent, disabled and family in different nursing situations
- child and family care and the most common illnesses and causes of disability in children
- monitoring of the child's vital signs
- basic resuscitation of a child of different ages
- the most common examinations and treatments for a sick child
- basics of medical and fluid care for children and pain management for children of different ages
- death of a child
- specific issues of child nutrition
- the most common pediatric diseases and the impact of genetic information on child and family guidance

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations. Participation in course Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Blood Transfusion.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The Student
- identify the fundamental rights of the child and the person with a disability
- recognize the importance of ethical and childcare principles in multi-professional nursing
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and recognize him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- identify one's own interaction skills and the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled
- identify the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages, as well as forms of family support
-identify the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of children and young people and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors
- identify the childcare process and identify the importance of evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- identify major diseases in children and adolescents
- identify the impact of genetic information on family guidance
- recognizes emergencies and is able to act in a guided manner in the child's resuscitation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and identifies the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- identify the most common procedures and methods used in the care of children and adolescents
- identify the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- know the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in multidisciplinary nursing
- knows how to appreciate a person with a disability and encounters him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- knows his / her own interaction skills and understands the importance of play in the nursing and learning environment of children, young people and the disabled and is ready to develop them
- is able to assess the main features of the growth, development and care of a child of different ages as well as the needs of family support and knows the forms of family support
-understand the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and be able to apply them in guidance
- knows the process of childcare and is able to use evidence-based information in guiding children and families
- knows the most important diseases of children and young people and is able to apply their knowledge when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- can act in a child's emergency and resuscitation
- performs flawlessly on drug bills and the basics of drug and fluid care for children
- know and be able to apply the most common measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- know and be able to apply the main principles of developmental or disabled nursing and support functional ability

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The Student
- knows the fundamental rights of the child and the disabled person and is able to apply them in nursing work
- knows the importance of ethical and child nursing principles and is able to apply them in a variety of professional nursing work
- is able to appreciate a person with a disability and is able to face him or her as an expert and actor in his or her own life
- is able to develop his / her interaction skills and is able to apply play in nursing and learning environments for children, young people and the disabled and
- is ready to develop group interaction skills
- is able to evaluate and support the growth, development and care of a child of different ages and knows and is able to use forms of family support
- understands the need for family support and guidance in the upbringing of a child and young person and in healthy lifestyles and related risk factors and is able to apply them in guidance in a variety of ways
- knows the process of childcare and is able to apply evidence-based information in the guidance of children and families in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to apply his / her knowledge of children's and young people's diseases extensively when carrying out nursing work
- know the effect of genetic information on family guidance
- is able to act consciously in a child's emergency and resuscitation situation
- performs drug invoices flawlessly and masters the basics of pediatric medication and fluid therapy
- know and be able to apply measures and methods used in the care of children and young people
- is able to apply the main principles of nursing for the mentally handicapped or disabled in a customer-oriented manner and to support functional ability

Location and time

Autumn 2024 at TAMK and Taitokeskus
Mandatory Orientation 7 August 2024

Exam schedules

Joint exam of Part 1 (Nursing for children and adolescents 3 ECTS) and Part 3 (Medical calculations)

Test in EXAM area week 41 (7.10.-12.10.2024)
I retake November 2024
II retake December 2024

Dates will be confirmed closer to the beginning of the course

The exam is failed if, based on the exam answer, patient safety is substantially compromised, e.g. a child would die due to incorrect medication or instructions.
If you want to participate in the upgrading exam, contact the responsible teacher (Anna Rinne) of the course by e-mail by 11.11.2024 . NOTE! Upgrading exam includes all parts of the study course, i.e. only one part of the study course cannot be upgraded.

In addition, course includes three individual tests which must be completed before the actual exam. The Nutrition Moodle exam and the Child Growth and Development exam is taken independently by latest 4.10.2024 . The growth and development test can be retaken trice during that period (pass limit 15/20 points). Moodle tests Equal Treatment must be taken individually by 21.10.24

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People
-Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam.

Part 2 Nursing work for the disabled
-Pass/Faill. Participation in the class and taking the Equal Treatment digicampus- course.

Part 3 Medical calculations
-Pass/Fail. 100% correct for passing.

Part 4 Orientational training
-Pass/Faill. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching, familiarization with the preliminary material and doing the preliminary assignment.

Part 5 Orientational training, simulations
-Passed/rejected. 100% participation in classes, active participation in teaching.
Part 6 Nutrition
-Passed /failed based on the test on the course moodle platform.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Theory teaching: face-to-face teaching at school, online learning, Compulsory classes (Orientation, Pharmacotherapy, preventing child maltreatment), small group work (orientational training) at Taitokeskus (Mandatory participation), cooperative learning, 3 individual tests and 1 group test. Finnish language workshops (mandatory)

Learning materials

For Peadiatrics:
llustrated Textbook of Paediatrics. 2018. Lissauer, Tom and Carroll, Will. 5th edition. Saint Louis : Elsevier. 2018. eBook.
For Children's Nursing:
1) Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö ( 2019) an e-book)) Storvik-Sydänmaa, S., Flinck, M., Hammar, A.-M. & Tervjärvi,L. LUVUT: luvut:6,9-14,23,24
or Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People.2010.
Alan Glasper, Marion Aylott, and Cath Battrick. London, England : Hodder Arnold. eBook.
2) KELA website: If a child gets ill
3) Articles and websites appointed by teachers
4) Nutrition material on Moodle Paediatric nursing:. Study the material and take the exam. The exam is passed when you get a grade 10/12.
5) Equal Treatment -moodle course for nursing care of people with disabilities.
6)Material provided by teachers

There may be changes to the material before the course begins.

Student workload

Nursing of Children and Young People 4 credits: total number of hours 108 h includes participation in teaching and independent study. Participation is required at the orientation lesson (2h) and orientational practice lessons at the Taitokeskus (8 h; Orientational practice 1 and Orientation practice 2, simulations)

Nursing of the Disabled 1 credit: total number of hours 27 hours, which includes 2 hours of lecture teaching and 25 hours of independent study and taking the test.

Content scheduling

Part 1 Nursing of Children and Young People 3 cr
Part 2 Nursing of the Disabled 1 cr
Part 3 Medical calculations 0 credits
Part 4 Orientational practice 0 credits
Part 5 Orientational practice, simulations 1 credit
Part 6 Nutrition

Further information

The implementation plan will be updated by the beginning of the study period, changes are possible.

Participation is mandatory at the orientation class. Participation ensures admission to the course. Participation at the orientation is required, even if you have already completed part of the implementation.

Prepare for the lesson by familiarizing yourselves with the given materials when requested.

Before the orientational training at Taitokeskus, familiarize yourself with the Children and young people skills workshop material in Moodle: (key: Lasten skills lab), and take the test Lasten hätätilanteet in Oppiportti with your appointed team before the Taitokeskus class.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Marita Mäki

  • 23TOKASA

Location and time

The meeting time and place will vary each week. Please, check out your calendar to see the meeting times and places.

Exam schedules

This information will be updated later.

Assessment methods and criteria

This information will be updated later.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

In Occupational Finnish 2, your goal is to extend your knowledge on how to use Finnish in a healthcare field. To support this goal, you will have regular classroom meetings with a teacher. Additionally, you are expected to do independent work outside the classroom.

To show your progress in the course, you need to take part in two course exams (mid exam and final exam).

Learning materials

You will receive the study material from the teacher. Please, prepare yourself to use digital material.

Student workload

You will have around 2 x 1,5 h classroom meetings every week. In addition to this, you are expected to do independent study work 1,5-3 hours a week. The independent work can include, for example, home work, course assignments, and use of language learning apps.

Notice that it can be difficult – if not impossible – to pass the course without any independent work. Classroom meetings are more like an introduction to the study topics while you will extend your knowledge with independent work.

Content scheduling

We will look at the course plan in the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Not available.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Not available.

International connections

Not available.

Further information

If you are uncertain whether this is the right course for you, please, contact our Finnish language counsellor Ella Hakala (

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 18.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Terhi Tapaninen
Person in charge

Annukka Huuskonen

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The objective of this course is to develop skills in professional interaction and encounters. You will also learn to reflect on your own competence using various methods.

After completing the training, the student
• can act responsibly in Finnish training environment and follow the guidelines of the training
• can develop the ability to act professionally and collegially in the work community
• gains experience in professional interaction and encounters with clients/patients of different ages, cultures, and backgrounds
• gains proficiency in identifying client’s strengths and factors that contribute to well-being
• is capable of reflecting on and identifying strengths and areas for improvement in one's professional interaction and can recognise ethical issues
• knows the key laws and regulations governing professionals in the social and healthcare sector
• understands the operating principles of Finnish work culture and is able to act accordingly

Content (course unit)

• responsible and professional conduct in studies and in the role of a nurse
• professional conduct in the workplace, collegiality, and employee competency
• clients from diverse cultures and vulnerable client groups
• recognising and evaluating one's own interpersonal skills
• reflecting on personal actions and handling ethical issues
• key laws and regulations in the social and healthcare sector

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
• acts responsibly in the training environment and follows the training guidelines
• learns to act in accordance with good work community skills
• learns professional interaction with clients/patients of different ages and backgrounds
• can plan own actions taking into consideration the client’s resources
• can reflect on and identify strengths and areas for development in one’s own professional interaction, and reflect on and identify ethical issues
• knows the key laws governing the actions of social and healthcare professions, and the principles of regulatory supervision

The student
• does not act responsibly in the training environment and fails to follow the training guidelines
• does not act in accordance with good work community skills
• is unable to engage in professional interaction with clients/patients of different ages and backgrounds
• is unable to plan actions, taking into consideration the client's resources
• cannot reflect on and identify strengths and areas for development in one’s own professional interaction, and cannot reflect on and identify ethical issues
• is not familiar with the key laws governing the actions of social and healthcare professions, and the principles of regulatory supervision

Exam schedules

Any missed hours of training needs to be compensated.
Attendance is mandatory for all classes (100 % attendance requirement).
A written reflective learning diary evaluation: passed / needs to be completed / failed

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Supervised clinical training 1 includes 36hours of practical training, instruction, reflective learning situations, and group work as contact teaching in the first semester.

Orientation and reflection classes
Clinical training in various social an health care settings.
Workshops on written communication.

Learning materials

Materials provided by teachers in Moodle.

Abdrbo, A. 2017. Assessment of Nursing Students’ Communication Skills. Nursing Education Perspectives. 38 (3), 149-151.

Crawford, R., McGrath, B., Christiansen, A., Roach,D., Salamonson, Y., Wall. P. & Ramjan, L. 2020.
First year nursing students’ perceptions of learning interpersonal communication skills in their paid work: A multi-site Australasian study. Nursing Eduction in Practice. 48, 1-7.

Laki potilaan asemasta ja oikeuksista 785/1992
Laki terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöistä 559/1994 (sis. vaitiolovelvollisuus, salassapito)

Sairaanhoitajaliiton sosiaalisen median ohjeet

TAMKin kirjallisen raportoinnin –ohjeet


Student workload

Total hours 81 h.
This includes orientations, reflections, academic writing and individual and group work
Students will do 36 hours in clinical training environment

Completion alternatives

Students have the option to demonstrate their competence through Recognition of Prior Learning (AHOT) if they hold a relevant practical nurse qualification or have work experience in Finland as a practical nurse or in a similar role, and have achieved the objectives of the respective study module. The student demonstrates their previously acquired competence through an assigned written task. The student also participates in written communication classes.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Students will arrange in small groups and individually visits and volunteer work opportunities in public, private or third sector social and health care units/clubs/associations. student is responsible for finding their own clinical placements. One can gather training hours in various placements or complete all hours in same placement.

Further information

Implementation plan will be edited before the orientation class.

Any missed hours of training needs to be compensated.
Attendance is mandatory for all classes (100 % attendance requirement).

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
Person in charge

Anna Rinne

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- can apply an appropriate research approach in their thesis
- can implement their thesis as planned
- can use supervision during their thesis process
- can follow ethical principles during their thesis process

Content (course unit)

Course is accepted when at least empirical, theoretical and / or operational part has been implemented.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages:
General rating of thesis will be given in the end of the process.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Implementation follows the BT process.
Includes workshops on the BT methods

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 16.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annukka Huuskonen
  • Sanna Laiho
  • Taina Peltonen
Person in charge

Annukka Huuskonen

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

During this course, you will learn study practices and become part of the study community.

After completing of the course, the student
• feels a sense of belonging to the university, degree program, and student community.
• receives guidance for their studies and can plan their coursework effectively.
• familiarizes themselves with TAMK's practices and services.
• recognizes TAMK's services that support learning and well-being.
• understands the services supporting learning and well-being provided by key stakeholders.

Content (course unit)

• Engagement in Higher Education Studies
• Orientation to Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and Degree Program
• Curriculum of the Degree Program and Creating a Individual Study Plan (ISP)
• Course Offerings and Cross-Enrollment
• Internship as Part of a University of Applied Sciences Degree
• Services Offered by Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
• Monitoring the Progress of Studies
• Orientation to the Next Study Year

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The course is approved when the student proves that they
- are able to plan their studies at TAMK and are familiar with the curriculum of their degree programme.
- know what kind of support is available for their studies.
- understand the importance of the group as part of the learning environment.

A course is failed if the student does not have evidence of achieving the objectives of the course.

Exam schedules

pass/fail evaluation based on active participation and demonstration of the gained competences

Participation in mandatory teaching sessions, tutor sessions, information sessions and information search sessions. In addition, the student has a personal study plan discussion with the tutor-teacher alone, in pairs, or in groups.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Orientation week, tutor lessons, personal study plan discussion with tutor-teacher, independent familiarization with Tuni intra, Pakki and other platforms used in studies.

Learning materials

Curriculum of Nursing Degree, 24TOKASA
-Competence areas of general nurse (180 CR):

Materials and links provided in course moodle

Student workload

1 CR = 1 x 27 h = 27 h

Orientation week

Tutor teacher -meetings 

HOPS –personal discussions

Information search 2 h

Completion alternatives


Further information

Participation in orientation week and tutor lessons, one personal study plan discussion with tutor-teacher and data search lessons are mandatory

Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 22.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Terhi Tapaninen
  • Ella Hakala
  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

- is able to examine the patient according to the ABCDE protocol
- is able to inform the patient about the situation using the ISBAR method
- is able to act in emergencies with patients of different ages
- knows the basics of safe medication and fluid therapy
- is able to act with patient safety in mind

Content (course unit)

- vital organ functions in patients of different ages
- action in acute situations
- teamwork skills
- medication and fluid therapy in patients of different ages
- patient safety expertise

Prerequisites (course unit)

Participation in the for the courses according to the simulation before the simulation.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The Student
- works actively in simulation in different roles
- is able to act in emergencies
- identify situations that threaten the patient's condition
- is able to find out the key issues about the patient's current situation
- is able to inform the patient about the condition and changes in the condition

The Student
- does not actively participate in simulations
- Emergency response endangers the patient's life
- does not recognize life-threatening situations in the patient's condition
- acts improperly in the situation
- cannot inform about issues related to the patient's condition.

Location and time

Mandatory Orientation 25.9.20204
Simulation 1 will be arranged as a one-day workshop in collaboration with other nursing groups. Requires attending the whole day physically in Skills Center.

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation is based on active attendance, completing the given assighments in the workshops and completing the given and required pretasks.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Workshop and simulation.

Learning materials

A student can revise all previous courses materials, espcially Basics of Clinical Nursing, Intravenous Fluid Therapy, Medical and Surgical Nursing.

Student workload

one full day workshop, preparation before the workshop. 1 ects credit is 27 hours of student work

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

Clinical practices in Skillls Center with fellow students

Further information

All sessions are mandatory for everyone throughout the workshops and simulations.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Maiju Paldán

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you will study basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A1.3.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic situations related to everyday life
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic grammatical structures of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to everyday life.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
• alphabet and numbers
• introducing oneself
• telling about one’s family and background
• simple description of things and people
• telling about the weather
• shopping and food
• grammatical structures: basic sentences and questions, verb conjugation (positive and negative verbs), partitive, genitive, KPT-change, I have -structure

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.

Location and time

The meeting times and places will vary each week. Please, check out the weekly schedule in your calendar.

Exam schedules

This information will be updated later.

Assessment methods and criteria

This information will be updated later.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

In Finnish 1, your goal is to learn basic information about Finnish language and culture. To support this goal, you will have regular classroom meetings with the course teacher. Additionally, you are expected to do independent work outside the classroom.

To show your progress in the course, you need to take part in two course exams (mid exam and final exam).

Learning materials

You will need a physical or digital copy of Suomen mestari 1 (2020). We will use the same book in the second course as well. In addition to this, you will get study material from the teacher as well.

You can look for a copy of Suomen mestari 1, for example, in an online store, local library (in Tampere), or online marketplace (e.g.,

Student workload

In this course, your goal is to learn as much Finnish in two months as possible. Because of this, we will have several course meetings every week. Additionally, you are expected to do 1-2 hours of independent work every work day. The independent work can include, for example, home work, course assignments, discussions with local people, and use of language learning apps.

Notice that it can be difficult – if not impossible – to pass the course without any independent work. Classroom meetings are more like an introduction to the study topics while you will extend your knowledge with independent work.

Content scheduling

We will discuss this in the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Not available.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Not available.

International connections

Not available.

Further information

If you are uncertain whether this is the right course for you, please, contact our Finnish language counsellor Ella Hakala (

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 11.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


International Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Annina Korpela
Person in charge

Annina Korpela

  • 24IB1
    International Business, syksy 2024, 1-ryhmä
  • 24IB2
    International Business, syksy 2024, 2-ryhmä
  • 24IB3
    International Business, syksy 2024, 3-ryhmä
  • 24IB4
    International Business, syksy 2024, 4-ryhmä
  • 24IB5
    International Business, syksy 2024, 5-ryhmä
  • 24IB6
    International Business, syksy 2024, 6-ryhmä
  • 24IB7
    International Business, syksy 2024, 7-ryhmä
  • 24IB8
    International Business, syksy 2024, 8-ryhmä

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you will study basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A1.3.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic situations related to everyday life
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic grammatical structures of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to everyday life.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
• alphabet and numbers
• introducing oneself
• telling about one’s family and background
• simple description of things and people
• telling about the weather
• shopping and food
• grammatical structures: basic sentences and questions, verb conjugation (positive and negative verbs), partitive, genitive, KPT-change, I have -structure

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.

Location and time

We will have 2 double classes every week, on Mondays and on Wednesdays.

Exam schedules

Mid-term exam (in October)
Final exam (in December)

Assessment methods and criteria

Continuous assessment based on classwork (activity, presence, completed exercises). To pass the course, active attendance is required.

Course grade consists of four parts:
A Mid course written test (listening comprehension + reading comprehension + writing + structure tasks)
B Oral test in small groups
C Final test (listening comprehension + reading comprehension + writing + structure tasks)
D Class activity
Strong class activity can raise course grade at least in borderline cases.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Different methods: contact classes, conversations, cooperative learning, oral and written exercises and games. Also online material is utilized. All materials have been collected and structured on Moodle. The idea is to make learning basics of Finnish not only important but also interesting and fun.

Learning materials

Textbook Suomen mestari 1 - Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille (by Sonja Gehring & Sanni Heinzmann) (the renewed version). You may find the book in the TAMK library, but it is recommended to buy the book, because it will be used also in the spring term in the course Finnish for Foreigners 2. Also materials made by the teacher and e-materials are used.

Student workload

Group meetings twice a week (2x90 minutes/week), attendance required. A regular and active attendance in lessons is important and also compulsory to pass the course. In addition, much private learning is needed. 5 ECTs course means 5 x 27 hours of work! To build up one's motivation is very important: to find useful, fun and creative ways to learn, use and understand Finnish. So have Finnish as a hobby also in your free time!
Homework: 6-8 hours per week (may vary individually) and active attitude towards Finnish-speaking society.

Content scheduling

Basic information of Finnish language, pronunciation, vocabulary and phrases, greetings, numbers, time expressions, positive and negative verb conjugation, verb types, question sentences, introducing yourself, telling about your everyday life, simple everyday conversations, shopping.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Uncompleted assignments, great difficulties to understand and produce the simplest basic phrases and expressions. Absences from lessons.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself, name a few objects and copy some words that she/he has learned. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They attend the classes regularly. They are able to cope in most common everyday situations: shopping and meeting people. The student able to write brief texts (e.g. e-mail, text message, and post card) and can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students' mother tongue may have an effect in pronunciation and/or sentence structure, but it doesn’t cause big problems to understand the meaning of messages.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

The student has a positive and active attitude towards learning Finnish and is genuinely interested in Finnish culture, and brings it up by comparing Finnish culture to his/her own. They have attended the course regularly (80% of the classes). They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and is able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. The student is able to write brief texts in Finnish, which are mostly correct.

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 10.11.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Maiju Paldán
Person in charge

Maiju Paldán

  • 24TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you continue studying the basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A2.1.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite well
• understand and use phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance
• catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements
• read very short, simple texts
• find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and understand short simple
personal letters
• participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course
• use their Finnish out of a classroom
• write short, simple texts related to everyday topics.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 5 - 7 and 9
• telling about everyday activities and life
• basic time expressions
• home and city environment
• basic things about work life
• grammatical structures (verb types, local cases, noun types, object)

Prerequisites (course unit)

Finnish 1 (5 cr) or equivalent knowledge.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.

Location and time

The meeting times and places will vary each week. Please, check out the weekly schedule in your calendar.

Exam schedules

This information will be updated later.

Assessment methods and criteria

This information will be updated later.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

In Finnish 2, your goal is to extend your knowledge in Finnish language. To support this goal, you will have regular classroom meetings with the course teacher. Additionally, you are expected to do independent work outside the classroom.

To show your progress in the course, you need to take part in two course exams (mid exam and final exam).

Learning materials

You will need a physical or digital copy of Suomen mestari 1 (2020). This is the same book you used in the first course. In addition to this, you will get study material from the teacher as well.

You can look for a copy of Suomen mestari 1, for example, in an online store, local library (in Tampere), or online marketplace (e.g.,

Student workload

In this course, your goal is to learn as much Finnish in two months as possible. Because of this, we will have several course meetings every week. Additionally, you are expected to do 1-2 hours of independent work every work day. The independent work can include, for example, home work, course assignments, discussions with local people, and use of language learning apps.

Notice that it can be difficult – if not impossible – to pass the course without any independent work. Classroom meetings are more like an introduction to the study topics while you will extend your knowledge with independent work.

Content scheduling

We will discuss this in the beginning of the course.

Completion alternatives

Not available.

Practical training and working life cooperation

Not available.

International connections

Not available.

Further information

If you are uncertain whether this is the right course for you, please, contact our Finnish language counsellor Ella Hakala (

Enrolment period

02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024


01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proacademy)


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • KIELET suomi ja viestintä Virtuaalihenkilö
  • 24ENTRE
    Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership, syksy 2024

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you continue studying the basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A2.1.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite well
• understand and use phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance
• catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements
• read very short, simple texts
• find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as
advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and understand short simple
personal letters
• participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course
• use their Finnish out of a classroom
• write short, simple texts related to everyday topics.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 5 - 7 and 9
• telling about everyday activities and life
• basic time expressions
• home and city environment
• basic things about work life
• grammatical structures (verb types, local cases, noun types, object)

Prerequisites (course unit)

Finnish 1 (5 cr) or equivalent knowledge.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can tell about few of the achieved course contents, but their expression stays limited: both spoken and written language is partly hard to understand. It is difficult for them to take part to a simple discussion. Also their incomplete pronunciation may cause difficulties to understand their speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing course tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. Students can write short texts about their home, travelling or work. They can pronounce Finnish clearly enough. Students are able to use typical grammatic structures e.g. local cases and past tenses in simple sentences.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. Students have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively. They manage quite well in everyday conversations related to topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts quite correctly and recombine words and phrases into new sentences so that used typical grammatic structures are almost correct. They understand the importance of good Finnish language skills to get a job in Finland.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 23.10.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024


10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Essi Ylistalo
  • Ella Hakala
  • Nancy Kamau
  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- is able to act professionally according to patient safety and ethical principles in nursing in advanced medical- surgical nursing and palliative care circumstances in varied care facilities
- masters essential evidence based knowledge and skills of the advanced clinical nursing
- knows the most common illnesses and is able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients
- is able to implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually while taking family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- is able to implement the principles of sustainability in nursing
- is able to work in multidisciplinary team
- reflects on own actions, sees the development needs and positively effects the work community.

Content (course unit)

Contents: clinical training in Medical- Surgical wards or Medical- Surgical outpatient clinics or specialised care’s Home hospitals

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- masters and is able to implement evidence based knowledge on advanced clinical nursing
- knows the most common illnesses and is able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients
- masters essentials of fluid- and pharmacotherapy and calculates accurately
- is able to analyse and implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually while taking family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- masters varied observation and nursing methods in advanced clinical nursing
- understands ethical principles in nursing and is able to implement them in ethical decision making with patients in advanced clinical nursing
- understands the meaning of sustainability, patient safety, and professionalism via putting it into action in advanced clinical nursing
- masters individual guidance taking the needs of the person with long term condition and the family into consideration in advanced clinical nursing

The student
- is not responsible for one’s learning, and cannot utilise feedback for professional growth
- repeatedly neglects preparation for procedures and/or implementation of the nursing process
- is not able to implement evidence based knowledge on advanced clinical nursing
- does not know the most common illnesses and is not able to recognise disturbances in vital functions of patients and is not capable of gaining the knowledge after feedback
- does not master essentials of fluid- and pharmacotherapy and calculates inaccurately
- is not able to analyse and implement knowledge in different stages of the nursing process for patients individually in advanced clinical nursing
- does not take family and health promotion into consideration in advanced clinical nursing
- does not master varied observation and nursing methods in advanced clinical nursing
- does not understand ethical principles in nursing and is not able to implement them in ethical decision making with patients in advanced clinical nursing
- does not put principles of sustainability, patient safety, and professionalism into action in advanced clinical nursing
- is not able to provide individual guidance taking the needs of the client and the family into consideration in advanced clinical nursing

Location and time

The course orientation takes place in autumn 2024

Exam schedules


Assessment methods and criteria

The stipulated training hours completed on medical/surgical wards or medical/surgical outpatient clinics or advanced Hospital in the home services.
Mandatory simulation / skills lab ( 1 credit)
Medication passport

Breaching training rules may result in the discontinuation of the training period.
The course requirements are to be completed within the set timeframe for the course. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

The stipulated training hours (6 weeks) completed on medical/surgical wards or medical/surgical outpatient clinics or advanced Hospital in the home services.
Mandatory simulation / skills lab ( 1 credit)
Medication passport

Learning materials

Theoretical courses pertaining to the relevant specialty.

Student workload

Six weeks in a clinical setting
Mandatory simulation
tasks (assignment, medication passport)

Content scheduling

The training is to be completed within the specified time frame of six weeks as per course plan. As a rule, this time cannot be extended as per TAMK rules. Exceptions may be granted by the teacher responsible for the course.

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

The course will be predominantly completed in a clinical setting.

International connections


Further information

Pre-requirement: Participation on Medical- Surgical nursing course ( Advanced studies)

Enrolment period

02.04.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.12.2024


6 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Sanna Aalto
  • Virva Vasari
  • Nursing Tiimihenkilö
Person in charge

Virva Vasari

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- applies the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- recognises patients’ health risk factors and considers them in patients’ health promotion and can plan, implement and evaluate patient’s self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- practices nursing quality assessment in order to develop patient’s care and own work
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands controlled and flexible division of duties when considering patient’s holistic care
- is able to work as an expert in nursing and can guide students and colleagues
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback

Content (course unit)

- patient’s holistic nursing care practice and quality of nursing care

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed Supervised clinical trainings 1-6.

Further information (course unit)

It is possible to plan the clinical training to be done as a paid training, working as substitute nurse, after the student has achieved 140 credits.
Supervised clinical trainings in the Degree Programme in Nursing should be planned and placed in different areas of nursing. EU directive requires following professional competence areas for a nurse responsible for general care: medical nursing, surgical nursing, nursing of children, young people and families, maternity care, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing, home care nursing, acute care nursing, palliative nursing, end-of-life care and nursing for disabled people.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- meets the patient, family and colleagues appropriately and respectfully, is capable of creating and maintaining professional interaction with the patient, and uses good work community skills
- respects clients/patients and meets them as experts in their lives
- applies the essential nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment and is able to carry out evidence based, ethical and high-quality nursing care
- is able, under supervision, to define patient's nursing needs; to plan, implement and evaluate nursing care in a client-oriented and health-promoting manner, in co-operation with the patient, family and other health care and social services professionals, and is able to use structured documentation system
- knows patient's holistic care path, including discharge and planning for continuing care, and the basics of service management
- is able to observe and evaluate patient’s basic life functions and vital signs and learns to make related decisions in different situations
- is able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- masters the principles of infection control and works aseptically
- is able to carry out patient's medication and fluid therapy safely and correctly under supervision
- recognises patients’ health risk factors and considers them in patients’ health promotion and can plan, implement and evaluate patient’s self-care and adherence to care
- practices in prioritizing tasks according to the situation and is able to work cost-effectively, in accordance with the principles of the environment and sustainable development
- practices nursing quality assessment in order to develop patient’s care and own work
- recognises own and other health care and social services professionals’ responsibilities and understands controlled and flexible division of duties when considering patient’s holistic care
- is able to work as an expert in nursing and can guide students and colleagues
- adheres to ethical guidelines and principles of nursing, acts responsibly as a member of the work community and follows the practice guidelines
- complies with confidentiality and data privacy protection
- is able to evaluate own competence and development as a student nurse realistically, and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
- lacks understanding of professional encounter: treats patients, family, or members of the work community inappropriately or disrespectfully and professional interaction and working life skills are insufficient
- has obvious gaps in nursing knowledge and skills required in the specified care environment; searching for and utilising knowledge is incomplete, and even after a tutorial discussions there are misunderstandings in the theoretical knowledge
- is not able to perform main clinical skills under supervision
- is not able to observe patient's basic vital functions and general condition and decision-making skills are inadequate
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- is not able to present patient's whole situation in nursing care plan and summary
- is not able to recognise patient’s needs, planning, implementation and evaluation of care is inadequate and patient’s care path is unclear
- does not recognize the boundaries of own competence, resulting in endangering patient safety
- is not able to assess nursing quality in order to develop patient’s care
- is not able to promote patient safety and prevent incidents at all stages of the nursing care process
- does not master the principles of infection control and aseptic practice
- makes mistakes in the patient's medication and fluid therapy despite guidance; has not updated medication passport
- does not show interest in patient and family guidance and withdraws from it
- violates confidentiality or patient’s data privacy protection
- fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training (e.g. takes no responsibility for his/her own learning; the goals are missing; does not
follow the working hours, does not report his/ her absences, and/or the total amount of required hours is not fulfilled)
- evaluates his/her own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

01.05.2024 - 01.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Elina Botha
  • Marika Mettälä
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Elina Botha

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The student
- knows the basics of promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility
- knows the most common issues in gynecological nursing and knows the related physical examinations and care
- is able to assist in a gynecological examination, give guidance in breast examination and is able to bring up sexuality and reproductive health
- knows the normal process and care of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and knows the most common disorders in them
- knows the structure and process of the maternity care service system
- knows how to support and guide expecting families and families with children in a healthy and sober lifestyle, promoting partnership and parental growth, and in issues of genetic diversity in multi-professional collaboration
- is able to assist in childbirth out-of-hospital
- is able to support families in basic care of their newborn and breastfeeding using evidence-based knowledge
- recognizes the ethical principles in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to evaluate, plan and execute nursing care during the fertile years, pregnancy and postpartum period, as well as of clients with gynecological disorders, using evidence-based knowledge
- is able to reflect his/her own professional competence

Content (course unit)

- a woman’s health in different stages of her life
- promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility in nursing care
- the structure of the maternity care service system
- normal pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and most common disorders and hereditary diseases in them
- healthy and sober lifestyle during pregnancy, postpartum period, and breastfeeding
- miscarriage, abortion, and infertility in nursing care
- the most common issues in gynecological nursing

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to identify evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and women’s health nursing process
- is able to identify the most common gynecological problems as well as the physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders of pregnancy and childbirth
- recognizes the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the forms of family support, but cannot justify his/her actions
- is able to identify problems of parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health in a woman’s and family’s life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology and during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes the importance of guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- recognizes the importance of ethical principles in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to identify his/her own interaction skills in maternity care, women’s health and learning environments
- takes responsibility for his/her own learning
- is able to receive feedback
- knows the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

- knows the special features of maternity care and women’s health and is able to apply evidence-based knowledge to the care process
- is able to describe and define the most common gynecological problems and physiological changes in pregnancy and the most common disorders during pregnancy and childbirth
- is able to describe and justify the main features of assessment and care of a newborn child and understands the forms of family support
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and sexual and reproductive health challenges of a woman's and family's life
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles in maternity and gynecological nursing
- understands the importance of guidance and is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills in the learning environment of maternity care and women’s health
- is able to give and receive reflective feedback
- has the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

- is able to use his/her knowledge base of maternity care and women’s health extensively
- is able to analyze evidence-based knowledge in maternity care and gynecological nursing and is able to apply the nursing process in an individual and family-centered way
- is able to describe and analyze the main points of assessment and care of a newborn child and knows the ways to support families.
- recognizes and is able to support parenting and issues in sexual and reproductive health of a woman's and family's life
- performs medical calculations flawlessly and knows the basics of pharmacotherapy in gynecology, during pregnancy and postpartum period, and knows the specific challenges associated with them
- understands and is able to apply ethical principles of nursing in maternity care and gynecological nursing
- is able to give guidance in maternity care and women’s health in a customer-oriented way
- is able to co-operate responsibly and constructively. Develops both personal and group interaction skills in the maternity care and gynecological nursing learning environments
- is able to reflectively provide and receive feedback
- is able to implement the theoretical knowledge of breastfeeding

Location and time

The total number of 108 hours of the course includes participation in teaching (28h), workshop day (6h) and the rest of the hours goes to independent study in the subject area. The student is required to be 100% present during the orientation and 1 workshop day.

Compulsory orientation for the course.

Compulsory attendance in 1 workshop, the class will be divided into two groups during the orientation;
- Group 1 workshop day in schedule.
- Group 2 workshop day in schedule.

Exam schedules

Exam in Exam Room. Medical calculations (2) completed during the last lesson at TAMK.

1. retake exam in Exam

2. retake exam in Exam

Increase in the grade of the course during the second retake exam period. The grade increase applies to the entire course, not just the exam grade. Registration for the increase exam (by email to teacher) no later than three weeks before the exam. Registrations received after this date will no longer be considered.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part 1: Women´s health theory
- Numerically evaluated (0-5) exam

Part 2: Women´s health medical calculations (2), completed during the last lesson at TAMK
- Failed/passed

Part 3: Workshop day;
- Failed/passed. Attendance at the workshop day, pre-tasks completed.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

- Theory of women's nursing, teaching sessions as contact teaching
- Workshop, pre-tasks done as a prerequisite for participation
- Independent study

Orientation focuses on the content, schedule and methods of completion of the course. The orientation provides instructions for workshop. The course also includes online material related to nutrition during pregnancy and the Moodle exam (not compulsory).

Learning materials

- For Maternity Care: Oxford Handbook of Midwifery, 2nd ed.; Oxford. Available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course.
- For Gynaecological Nursing: Oxford Handbook of Women's Health Nursing; Oxford, 2010 (or newer). available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course. The level that a nurse needs to know.
- Eating together - food recommendations for families with children. 2019. (Before and during pregnancy + Breastfeeding)
- KELA, benefits for families
- Brunner & Suddarths’ Medical-Surgical Nursing pages 1610-1700 (optional)​
Youtube: Viisaat valinnat videos:
Other material to be given during lectures.

Student workload

The total number of 108 hours of the course includes participation in teaching (28h), workshop day (6h) and the rest of the hours goes to independent study in the subject area. The student is required to be 100% present during orientation, and workshop day.

Content scheduling

The completion of the study module consists of the following parts:

Part 1 Women’s health theory
Part 2 Women’s health medical calculations (2)
Part 3 Workshop and compulsory pre-tasks

Completion alternatives

No optional methods.

Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

The objectives and contents of the course guide the preparation for the exam, the course does not provide pages that can be read separately from the course literature. The teacher's lecture material alone is not enough to prepare for the exam.

The implementation plan can be updated as necessary.

Enrolment period

02.07.2025 - 31.07.2025


01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Entrepreneurship (Proacademy)


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • KIELET suomi ja viestintä Virtuaalihenkilö

Objectives (course unit)

In this course you will study basics of Finnish language. Estimated level is A1.3.

After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic situations related to everyday life
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic grammatical structures of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to everyday life.

Content (course unit)

Study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
• alphabet and numbers
• introducing oneself
• telling about one’s family and background
• simple description of things and people
• telling about the weather
• shopping and food
• grammatical structures: basic sentences and questions, verb conjugation (positive and negative verbs), partitive, genitive, KPT-change, I have -structure

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and name a few objects. It is hard for them to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments. Students have an active attitude towards studying Finnish language showing that by completing tasks according to the schedule. They are able to cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts and pronounce Finnish quite clearly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Students have been able to complete all the assignments acceptably. They have a positive and active attitude towards learning language. They can pronounce Finnish distinctively and are able to use suitable and varied expressions in everyday situations using grammar almost correctly. Students can participate in a conversation asking and responding to questions about topics studied in the course. They can write simple texts and recombine words and phrases into new sentences.

Assessment scale
