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Quality Management and Sustainability (5 cr)

Code: TJ00GE19-3001

General information

Enrolment period

01.01.2024 - 29.02.2024


01.03.2024 - 30.04.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


50 - 50


  • Marja Rissanen
  • Minna Varheenmaa

Person in charge

Marja Rissanen


  • 23JTEMU1
    Tekstiili- ja muotialan kasvun painopisteet, jotpa-täydennyskoulutus

Objectives (course unit)

- knows the meaning of the different quality characteristics of textiles and the related testing methods
- becomes aware of the impact of the circular economy on quality characteristics
- understands the importance of quality control and knows how to take into account the importance of the product's application area when choosing quality control methods
- knows the basics of product safety and related legislation
- knows how to apply own knowledge from the point of view of sustainable production in the textile and fashion industry

Content (course unit)

- the most common quality testing standards for fibers, yarns and fabrics and the testing principles
- quality management and responsibility systems in the textile and fashion sector
- standardization and legislation related to product safety

Core questions:
- What is a good enough value in a specific application?
- What does quality management mean in the circular economy?
- How does quality and quality management effect on sustainable production?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Can identify the basics and quality characteristics of textile testing.
Participates in activities and performs assigned tasks according to instructions. Gather information.
Identifies own communication skills. Can act responsibly both independently and as a team member. Can give and receive feedback. Considers the decisions he makes both for himself and for the team.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Understands textile testing methods and quality requirements. Can independently explain and compare test results. Knows how to choose the right testing method according to the application area requirements. Understands quality management and responsibility systems as part of the whole.
Acquires new information. Can apply the previous knowledge. Can present reasoned solution alternatives.
Develops own interaction skills. Can give and receive feedback actively and interactively (throughout the process). Tests own solutions from the point of view of different actors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Broadly understands textile quality, testing methods, quality management and sustainability. Can apply own knowledge in different applications.
Can bring own versatile knowledge to common use. Tests new operating models. Creatively combines the positive sides of different solution options.
Develops new, creative solutions. Systematically uses feedback as a tool for personal and community professional growth. Tests and evaluates solutions in terms of the whole, taking into account the different effects.

Assessment scale
