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Implementation of the Bachelor's Thesis Process (7 cr)

Code: 7K00EW04-3006

General information

Enrolment period

02.12.2021 - 31.12.2021


01.01.2022 - 29.05.2022


7 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Nursing


  • Maaret Salminen
  • Stiina Storvik-Sydänmaa
  • Nora Viitala
  • Katja Hautsalo
  • Heimo Outinen
  • Riitta Lietsala
  • Mari Vikman
  • Pia Keiski
  • Taina Ojaniemi
  • Minna Talvitie
  • Minna Merta
  • Katariina Kunnas
  • Terhi Pekkinen
  • Kristiina Vähämaa


  • 19SH2A
  • 19SH2B
  • 19SH2D
  • 19SH2C

Objectives (course unit)

The student
-is able to use theoretical knowledge critically;
-is able to apply relevant research methods to the bachelor's thesis.

Content (course unit)

- implementation of the bachelor’s thesis process under supervision
- specified method studies (qualitative, quantitative, literature review and functional studies)

Prerequisites (course unit)

The student has completed the course Nursing Science Past and Today and participated in the course on Orientation to the Bachelor's Thesis.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- masters the use of theoretical knowledge in his/her thesis
- masters the appropriate research approach in his/her thesis

The student
- does not master the use of theoretical knowledge in his/her thesis
- does not master the appropriate research approach in his/her thesis

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Exam, lectures, seminars, workshops, online learning, guidance by supervising teacher, independent studies