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Intelligent Product Development and MarketingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5K00FN81


5 op


Student understands product marketing activities and the way how new product creation process works in customer oriented way.
Student understands sales and marketing related activities within industrial company.
Student understands new product development (NPD) and main activities capitalising on IoT, sustainability in global environment.
Student can participate and apply these skills to customer oriented value creation process.


Market-oriented product strategy and the importance of product development as a factor in a company's success. Product development methods, organization, budgeting and protection of results. New product development, productization, product structure and product lifecycle management as part of the product development process. Defining customer needs and requirements management as well as marketing channels.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to identify the most important basic concepts, functions and influencing quantities of information technology and information management in industrial economics. The student is aware of the topics governing the subject and performs the given tasks, assisted if necessary.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student has knowledge of the usages and practises of fields and functions information technology and information management in industrial economics. The student performs the given tasks independently.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has a good understanding and skills of information technology and information management in industrial economics and is able to apply his / her skills to various tasks in the field.

Further information