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International Business and logistics: International Business and Logistics


1 years (32 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023


The training aims at providing the students with understanding and competence in internationalization requirements and strategic planning of international sales and marketing. The goal of the training is to increase the participants' skills needed in international trade. After the training, the person knows and controls the basic functions needed in foreign trade and has received field-related internships and networked with organizations and companies operating in the field. The aim of the versatile training is to develop the participants' ability to work in the digital age so that they also get a job at the end of the training. The aim of the training is thus to also benefit the surrounding Pirkanmaa business ecosystem by connecting Finnish export companies with experts who have international know-how.


The goal is that after the studies, all students who have completed the training will work in companies where the students can utilize their strengths and the content they have learned in this training. Long-term results are achieved through systematic group guidance, personal guidance and monitoring. Some students may need more support in applying for an internship, and trainers help students with this as needed. The student can also book tutoring time on his own and ask the trainers for help. According to our experience, some of the participants of our workforce trainings already get a job during the training, because the training develops job skills right from the start and students are also actively encouraged to practice using job search skills. Some of the students can get a job in an internship, and some can get a job after the education in other paid work. The education also prepares students for freelance work, light entrepreneurship and hybrid work, where a person partly works as a wage earner and partly as an entrepreneur. With the help of education, students expand their professional networks, strengthen their working life skills and identify new job opportunities. By developing professional skills, expanding professional networks, and making one's own skills visible, the students' readiness for employment is strengthened and maintained even after the education.

The previous results of the completed trainings have been very positive: despite the difficult corona situation, almost all those who participated in the training were employed after the internship period or very soon after. In this way, the companies from Pirkanmaa have acquired a high level of international know-how and at the same time improved their own employer image in a more international direction.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

Work-life connection and correspondence have been taken into account in the planning of the education in particular in six different ways:
• career planning with the student, during which the student is encouraged to take into account the fields that interest him/her, where more skilled labor is currently needed.
• systematically growing students' networks and highlighting the importance of finding hidden jobs.
• lectures by experts in the field who visit the courses, listening to the students' wishes and interests.
• market analysis for a company in Pirkanmaa (all students)
• a service design project for a company in Pirkanmaa (native Finnish students)
• internship in companies in Pirkanmaa

During the program, you will get to know the needs of the international trade industry and your own strengths. Various methods are used in the training to increase self-knowledge, and various suitable career and employment opportunities are explored. Students' working life networks are systematically expanded throughout the education. In Finland, the development of networks is particularly important in terms of employment, and students are encouraged to be active and participate in the many business seminars and events organized in Pirkanmaa. Activity and motivation are also needed to find hidden jobs.
In training, we use the professionalism and latest know-how of experts in the field. We invite experts from different areas of the business ecosystem to lecture. Traditionally, we have received visitors from e.g. Business from Tampere, the Tampere Chamber of Commerce, companies such as TT Gasket, Gofore, Polar Partners, Vincit, Unikie and Kopar. Within the framework of the training, we are also expanding our own networks and every year we aim to bring in new names in both individuals and companies. TAMK is a large operator in Pirkanmaa and has very extensive networks as an educator to operators and workplaces in the field of international trade, not only on a local but also on a national scale.

Further information

Content of training
The total scope of the education is 32 credits. The education consists of substantive studies, coaching and a period of on-the-job learning. These are described in more detail below. The theory and coaching part of the training is a total of 4 months. The education is conducted in English, with the exception of the Finnish language teaching.

The theory part of this training is mainly carried out as face-to-face teaching, online teaching is only used when it is appropriate. The start and end date is implemented as face-to-face teaching in Tampere.
The Moodle learning environment is used as the learning platform for the training, where all learning material related to the training is compiled for students to access. A WhatsApp group will also be set up for the student group, which will be used to communicate during the training and send e.g. current links, tips about internships and open jobs.
The training includes lectures and diverse teaching. The training also includes independent study, including e.g. current articles and getting to know the literature of the field, exercises related to different themes and applied exercises. Through independent tasks, the student develops his skills and deepens his knowledge according to his own level of competence and interests. Students do distance assignments independently and/or in group work. Remote assignments are returned in the Moodle learning environment. to the teacher responsible for studies, who goes through the assignments with the students and gives feedback on the assignments. Each teacher is responsible for monitoring the tasks included in his or her study unit.
In addition to the substantive subjects, the training includes group guidance for the development of various working life skills. The individual guidance included in the training aims to take into account everyone's personal life situation, available resources and resources, professional competence and interests in building a career path.

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Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024
TK00GA80 Strategy for International Business: Logistics and Supply Chain Management 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
TK00GA81 International Growth Strategy: Analysing Target Market Potential 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
TK00GA82 Customer Experience in a Digital Environment 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
TK00GA83 Basics of Project Management 2 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
TK00GA84 Career Planning 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
TK00GA85 Business Finnish 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TK00GA86 On-the-job Learning Period 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TK00GA87 Service Design 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 32 37 16 21 8.2 8.2 10.7 10.7

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.