Marketing Strategies for Wellbeing and Health TechnologiesLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 7Y00FJ95
5 op
The student
- is able to analyze the company's internal level of readiness and its importance for entering the market of products and services
- is able to select the target market and identify and assess the factors, threats and opportunities for market entry in the selected market
- is able to use tools related to the assessment of business opportunities and analyze their benefits
- is able to make a marketing strategy based on analyzes and other accumulated information
- Concepts and contents related to marketing strategy
- Product features, benefits and value creation
- Customer segmentation
- Customer-related research and its analysis
- Utilization of different analytical tools in placing on the market
- Developing a marketing strategy
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student
- understands the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to perform target group analysis and choose a possible target market, but does not justify his/her choices
- is able to identify only a few factors influencing demand and identifies irrelevant threats and opportunities in the selected market
- describes customer target groups based on information, but they are not justified
- combines random information that is used in the content of the marketing strategy
- describes his/her conclusions and their impact on the company's growth and internationalization
- use only a few different tools at different stages of the marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy using only a part of the collected information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student
- knows the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to choose the target market, but gives little justification for the choice
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on the information
- combines and applies the information obtained, using it in the content of the marketing strategy, but the conclusions remain limited
- analyzes his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and in some respects evaluate different tools at different stages of marketing strategy formation
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- analyzes the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services
- chooses and justifies the target market
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on information
- combines and applies the information obtained appropriately, using it in the content and conclusions of the marketing strategy;
- critically examines his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and evaluates various tools in various stages in the formation of marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.
Enrolment period
19.12.2022 - 28.09.2023
28.09.2023 - 24.11.2023
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
MD in Health Technology
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
- Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
- Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
- Heidi Peltolehto
- Vesa Vuorinen
- Lea Saarni
- Juha Tuominen
Person in charge
Lea Saarni
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- is able to analyze the company's internal level of readiness and its importance for entering the market of products and services
- is able to select the target market and identify and assess the factors, threats and opportunities for market entry in the selected market
- is able to use tools related to the assessment of business opportunities and analyze their benefits
- is able to make a marketing strategy based on analyzes and other accumulated information
Content (course unit)
- Concepts and contents related to marketing strategy
- Product features, benefits and value creation
- Customer segmentation
- Customer-related research and its analysis
- Utilization of different analytical tools in placing on the market
- Developing a marketing strategy
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student
- understands the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to perform target group analysis and choose a possible target market, but does not justify his/her choices
- is able to identify only a few factors influencing demand and identifies irrelevant threats and opportunities in the selected market
- describes customer target groups based on information, but they are not justified
- combines random information that is used in the content of the marketing strategy
- describes his/her conclusions and their impact on the company's growth and internationalization
- use only a few different tools at different stages of the marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy using only a part of the collected information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student
- knows the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services, but is not able to analyze them
- is able to choose the target market, but gives little justification for the choice
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on the information
- combines and applies the information obtained, using it in the content of the marketing strategy, but the conclusions remain limited
- analyzes his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and in some respects evaluate different tools at different stages of marketing strategy formation
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student
- analyzes the importance of the company's internal readiness to enter the market of products and services
- chooses and justifies the target market
- identifies the factors influencing demand, threats and opportunities in the selected market
- identifies and justifies the most important customer target groups based on information
- combines and applies the information obtained appropriately, using it in the content and conclusions of the marketing strategy;
- critically examines his/her own conclusions and their usefulness, risks, effects on the company's growth and internationalization
- utilizes and evaluates various tools in various stages in the formation of marketing strategy
- develops a marketing strategy on the basis of analyzes and information.
Assessment scale