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Master's Degree Programme in Media Production

Master of Culture and Arts

Degree title:
Master of Culture and Arts

60 ects

Qualification Awarded and the Level of Qualification

Master of Culture and Arts, NQF 7

Contact Information

Principal Lecturer in Charge
Ari Koivumäki
Student Counsellor
Maija Joensuu

Special Admission Requirements

General admission criteria, see TAMK’s websites.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit transfer for studies means that the student can apply for transfer prior higher education studies to the studied degree if they meet the competence objectives of the degree programme.
Credit transfer follows the spesific instructions of TAMK.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

Completion of curriculum studies and achievement of related competence objectives.

Profile of the Programme

The scope of the degree is 60 cr and it is designed to be studied alongside work. The studies are arranged in one year. The studies consist of common advanced professional studies 25 cr, optional studies 5 cr and master’s thesis 30 cr.

Key Learning Outcomes

The aim of the degree programme is to train producers, who have the skills required to explore the possibilities of business and to develop new ways of production and creation in the field of media. Media producers know how to manage product or service development processes. They are able to develop their businesses and to design business in an international working environment.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates with Examples

Degree programme is meant for media professionals and is aiming to develop personal professionality and career.

Access to Further Studies

The degree produces the same eligibility for public offices as a master’s degree from a university. The student may also apply for doctoral studies at a university.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Assessment of completed courses is based on TAMK’s assessment criteria. TAMK’s degree regulations are followed in implementation and assessment.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate the student need to completed the studies in accordance to the curriculum.

Mode of Study

The tuition uses different teaching methods. The classroom education, for most part, takes place on Wed-Thu 10.00-17.00, roughly once in a month during the autumn and spring terms.
Collaborative knowledge construction and sharing are an essential part of learning and the students are expected to participate in the classroom teaching. The attendance requirements for each course are determined by the teachers of the course.
The degree programme education is mostly carried out in Finnish.

Development of the Programme

The curriculum is developed in cooperation with TAMK’s other master’s degree programmes. Working life cooperation is implemented e.g. through students' Master thesises and advisory councils. Student feedback is collected annually in connection with courses. Alumni feedback is collected regularly through online surveys.

Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
Enrolment period

01.08.2023 - 30.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 14.10.2023


5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship
  • Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise and Development
  • Path Studies for Upper Secondary Students
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Degree Programme in Media, students who began in 2013 or earlier
  • Master's Degree Programme in International Sales and Sales Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Open University of Applied Sciences
  • Modern Executive Assistant
  • Digital Specialist Fast Track – Specialisation Education
  • Case Management in Social Services and Health Care, Specialisation Education
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration
  • Specialisation Education in Digital Financial Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Well-Being Technology
  • Mari Stenvall
  • 23YAMK

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

• is able to perform the learning tasks of the course
• demonstrate that they are in control of the core content of the course
• is able to apply the lessons learned in working life situations, but there is much to improve in sharing knowledge

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

• performs the course as a whole fairly well
• An active learner and as an individual and in a team can demonstrate the applicability of knowledge and practices acquired from literature, lectures, and other sources to tasks analyzing and developing working life

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

• is able to perform all the parts of the course commendably
• she has shown interest and motivation to learn as an individual and in a team and is able to share her knowledge with others
• master the curriculum and apply the skills learned from literature, lectures, and other sources in analyzing and developing work-life skills

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

19.07.2023 - 14.09.2023


18.08.2023 - 22.12.2023


5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Carolina Pajula
  • Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Ari Koivumäki
Person in charge

Ari Koivumäki

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

The students are able to develop the business activities and customership of their company in an international environment. They understand the significance of strategic planning in developing business activities. The students are able to market and sell the organisation's products and services to customers and collaboration partners.

Content (course unit)

Business models of media industry. Researching and analyzing business. Planning and creating customership. The strategic, tactical and operative planning of business.

Further information (course unit)

Language of instruction: Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Can recognise and define field-related phenomena and basic concepts. Manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices Recognises his/her interaction skills. Recognises important courses of action in the field. Takes responsibility for his/her own work. Can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts.Can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Applies Makes a plan/plans Limits tasks/problems Solves problems.Can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Assesses diverse solution alternatives. Combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.Uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

25.07.2023 - 13.09.2023


30.09.2023 - 29.01.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Teppo Yrjönkoski
  • Carolina Pajula
  • Hiili Hiilesmaa
  • Ari Koivumäki
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

The students are able to develop the business activities of their company in an international environment and to acquire funding for projects. They understand the significance of strategic planning in developing business activities. The students are able to market and sell the organisation's products and services to customers and collaboration partners.

Content (course unit)

The requirements and tools in internationalization. International markets research and plan for the student's own company.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Can recognise and define field-related phenomena and basic concepts. Manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices Recognises his/her interaction skills. Recognises important courses of action in the field. Takes responsibility for his/her own work. Can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts.Can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Applies Makes a plan/plans Limits tasks/problems Solves problems.Can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Assesses diverse solution alternatives. Combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.Uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 29.05.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Carolina Pajula
  • Kirsi Karimäki
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

The students have the skills needed to design and implement customer-based, innovative media concepts, products and services in their own companies.

Content (course unit)

The stages and methods of concept and product development process in the media industry. The practices of different fields of business and using those differences in the product development process. Product development in networks and open environments. The analysis and evaluation of the concept and product development in the students' own companies. Gathering information about the competition and competition analysis. Testing concept and product ideas and anticipating markets. Presentation and pitch of product development ideas.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Can recognise and define field-related phenomena and basic concepts. Manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices Recognises his/her interaction skills. Recognises important courses of action in the field. Takes responsibility for his/her own work. Can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts.Can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Applies Makes a plan/plans Limits tasks/problems Solves problems.Can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Assesses diverse solution alternatives. Combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.Uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Develops his/her own and the group's interaction.
Works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.
Understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.08.2023 - 13.09.2023


01.09.2023 - 31.12.2023


5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

10 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Maarit Laskujärvi
  • Ari Koivumäki
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

1. Thesis Planning (gates 1-3), 5 cr
Goals and contents
- being able to select and delimit a topic for a working life based thesis, which supports the student’s own learning, and to write a thesis plan according to TAMK’s thesis instructions
- being able to use national and international sources and adhere to copyrights in planning the thesis,
- being able to choose the proper data collection and analysis methods, to consider the matters regarding data protection as well as the ethical principles of the field in question.

Content (course unit)

Implementation parts
- idea paper, data search, preliminary literature review
- thesis plan
- thesis contract/permission
- peer review

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024


20 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Kai Salonen
  • Pertti Näränen
  • Liiketalous ja media Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Carolina Pajula
  • Ari Koivumäki
  • Ari Koivumäki
  • Kirsi Karimäki
Person in charge

Carolina Pajula

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

2. Implementing the Thesis (after gate 4), 20 cr
Goals and contents

- keeping up with and advancing the development of their field, applying the knowledge, theories, central terms, methods, and principles of their field critically in their own thesis
- being able to apply the suitable research approach in their thesis
- being able to implement the thesis according to plan, while taking advantage of the guidance offered.

Content (course unit)

Implementation parts depend on the degree programme
- implementing empirical and/or theoretical part and writing the report
- methodological studies
- data privacy statement
- participation in thesis seminars and guidance events and peer evaluation

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Assessment criteria can be found from TAMK's web pages: In the thesis guide there is seperate master's thesis assessment criteria. During the process 'Thesis plan' is assessed as failed/passed. In the end of the thesis process failed/passed is turned to a general rating.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023


01.01.2024 - 30.05.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


MD in Media Production


TAMK Mediapolis

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production
  • Carolina Pajula
  • Media-ala Virtuaalihenkilö
  • Tomi Leino
Person in charge

Leena Mäkelä

  • 23YMDT

Objectives (course unit)

The students know how to negotiate and draw up employment contracts, subcontracts and collaboration contracts. They also know how to prepare and draw up immaterial copyright contracts (IPR). The students know the Finnish legislation and the most important international practices. They are able to use expert information in preparing the contracts and understand the significance of interaction and negotiation skills when drawing up the contracts.

Content (course unit)

Contracts and legislation in Finland regarding employment contracts, subcontracts and immaterial rights. The good practices of preparing and drawing up international contracts. Negotiation skills in a multicultural working environment.

Further information (course unit)

Language of instruction: Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Can recognise and define field-related phenomena and basic concepts. Manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Knows diverse courses of action but cannot justify his/her choices Recognises his/her interaction skills. Recognises important courses of action in the field. Takes responsibility for his/her own work. Can describe the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts.Can select the most appropriate course of action from diverse options and justify his/her choice. Applies Makes a plan/plans Limits tasks/problems Solves problems.Can give and receive feedback actively and constructively. Considers and assesses things both from his/her and the close community's viewpoint. Can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action. Assesses diverse solution alternatives. Combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.Uses feedback systematically as a professional growth tool in his/her own work and the community. Considers and assesses himself/herself and his/her professional community or task. Can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively. Develops his/her own and the group's interaction. Works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs. Understands the economic and wellbeing related effects of his/her work and can anticipate them in his/her work.

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

14.08.2023 - 12.09.2023


13.09.2023 - 31.07.2024


30 - 60

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Media Production

Assessment scale
