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Employee Experience ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 8Y00HG61


5 op


The aim of the course is to develop an understanding and skills in managing employees both within one’s own organisation and in the partnership and subcontracting networks typical in the experience economy. The student gains skills in managing people and developing the employee experience.

After completing the course, the student:
- can develop their people leadership skills
- can analyse jobs, tasks, personnel management, and work cultures in the fields of the experience economy
- can research, develop, and enrich the employee experience
- can analyze the principles of managing partnership or subcontracting work from the perspective of employee experience


Elements of employee experience.
Principles of people leadership.
Research and development of work, work methods, work culture, emotions, and employee experience.
Management of partnership and subcontracting work.
Management models and the situational nature of management in changing circumstances.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

A student can use researched information to analyze employee experience.
The student can identify and define phenomena and basic concepts related to employee experience.
The student is familiar with various methods for developing employee experience.
The student can apply some models and perspectives to managing employee experience.
The student examines and evaluates things from their own perspective.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

A student can apply tools for personnel development and choose the most appropriate tool from various options to improve employee experience, justifying their choice.
The student can describe and evaluate the economic, productivity, meaningfulness, and well-being enhancing effects of their own personnel management as a supervisor.
The student can assess the current state of the work community and set goals for its development work.
The student can evaluate the opportunities and challenges of managing employee experience in various situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

A student can broadly structure issues related to managing employee experience and their interrelationships.
The student can seek various methods and alternatives for developing the work community and employee experience.
The student can set justified goals and model the phases of development work to experiment with new operational models and to improve and manage employee experience.
The student can take into account the situational nature of management in changing operational environments.
The student can systematically use feedback and information as tools for their own and their community’s professional growth, productivity, meaningfulness, and well-being.