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Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering: Production Engineering

Code: 24I112

Bachelor of Engineering

Degree title:
Bachelor of Engineering

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025


240 cr
4 years
Full-time studies

A large part of Finland's exports consists of mechanical engineering products, in the design and production management of which mechanical engineers play a key role. Pirkanmaa's economic area is a significant concentration of technology industry in the areas of mobile work machines, mechanical and production technology. In addition, a large number of Finnish companies utilizing aviation technology are concentrated in Pirkanmaa. The operations of these companies are largely global.
The training program produces design, automation, production technology and project expertise for the needs of all these operators.

Mechanical engineers work both in production, automation and machine design tasks, as well as in design, production, development, operation, maintenance, marketing, training and management tasks. Graduated engineers are placed in an international operating environment in the engineering industry, engineering offices, technical trade and as private entrepreneurs.

Machine, production and automation technology create effective aids to carry out the everyday activities that people need. These fields of technology free people from repetitive, heavy and health-damaging work and enable them to focus on control and planning functions. Well-functioning devices bring energy efficiency. This is of central importance in saving natural resources and sustainable development.
The general competencies of mechanical engineering also include ethical competence. The graduate knows the value base and professional ethical principles of his field, which he knows how to apply in his own activities, knowing and acknowledging his responsibilities. He knows how to act in accordance with the agreed operating methods, applying the principles of sustainable development and taking others into account.
High quality, safety, appropriateness, functionality and customer satisfaction are the basis of values in the design, manufacture and maintenance of machines and equipment needed both in industry and in private use. Ease of use, design, ergonomics, organizing recycling and meeting environmental standards are also important values.

The teaching utilizes learning-activating and diverse teaching methods, and the activities are carried out in modern learning environments. The study courses have project work, practice tasks, presentations and learning tasks. Laboratory exercises and project work give a practical perspective to support theory teaching. In addition to Finnish-language material, only English-language material is used as teaching material. Guided training starts immediately in the first year of study. Students are guided to complete part of their studies or internship abroad, for which the extensive international partnership network provides good opportunities. At the end of the studies, a thesis is made, with which the student shows his professional competence.

In the first two years of study, the focus is on learning basic science knowledge - basic physics and mathematics skills, and on the other hand skills related to basic mechanical engineering subjects such as statics, strength theory, mechanical engineering, 3D printing and computer-aided drawing and modeling. Basic laboratories in materials technology, welding, machining, machine installation and machine automation provide a wide range of practical skills and capabilities. The study of vocational subjects according to the chosen field of study begins in the fall of the third year of study and is continued in the fourth year of study with the following competence goals:

The product development course of study includes the principles of product design, product development systems such as 3D design and simulation methods and 3D printing, product information management systems (PDM/PLM) and the various stages of bringing a product to market in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

The field of study in production technology focuses on the application of modern production technology and production automation, computer-aided production, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and production planning and control. New digital solutions and the principles of energy efficiency and sustainable development are used in the training.

The field of study in aviation technology includes e.g. the following entities: flight technology, flight mechanics, aircraft loads and structural solutions, composite structures, avionics and aircraft engines and systems. Flight technology teaching can be organized in cooperation with other educational organizations.

The field of study in machine automation focuses on robotics, the development, design, production and sale of automatic machines, devices and various mechatronic products and systems. The training takes into account and utilizes the latest technology, sustainable development and energy efficiency in the field.

The Industrial Engineering and Management course includes industrial economics studies in English. These studies strengthen strategic thinking, technical and economic understanding, business skills in an industrial operating environment and language skills.

1st year: The student knows the basics of mechanical engineering and knows the mathematical and natural science basics for studies in the field. The student has the skills to work under supervision in the field of mechanical engineering in employee-level positions.
2nd year: The student knows the key functions of mechanical engineering. The student is able to navigate the tasks of an assistant foreman or designer. The student knows the different production methods, the procedures related to production planning and occupational safety and knows how to work in the area of mechanical and production technology as an assistant supervisor under the guidance of a more experienced person or as a designer's assistant.
3rd Year: The student has deepened his knowledge related to the functions of the mechanical engineering area in the areas of production technology, machine automation, product development, aircraft technology, intelligent machines and/or production economics. The student is able to work independently in the tasks of assistant foreman or designer.
4th Year: The student controls the areas of expertise to the extent that he is able to develop into an expert through work.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

Konetekniikan työelämäfoorumi guides and guides in developing the study structure and setting priorities.
With a close working life connection, mechanical engineering education receives valuable information from companies and communities as a basis for curriculum work.

Further information

See TAMK's application pages and eligibility for the AMK degree.


The study path gives compentence for working independently in business in different jobs of production. Production engineer works in industry example production planning and management as well as team leader. Production engineer understands modern production technologies and systems and he realises the quality and costs things of production so he is able to develop the cost-effective in production line. The study path includes also project working so this education gives good ability also to team and project working.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 Autumn 2028 Spring 2029 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2028 3. / 2029 4. / 2029
Basics Engineer Skills

(Choose all )

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
5K00GF25 IT Basics and Technical Documentation 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5N00GL21 Basic Mathematics for Engineers 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00GL23 Technical Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering 4 4 4 2 2
5N00GL31 Basic Physics in Technology 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5N00GL29 Engineering Mathematics 6 6 6 3 3
5K00GF35 Trump Cards of Working Life 2 2 2 1 1
Basic Skills of Mechanical Engineering

(Choose all )

5K00GF33 Machine Design Basics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF39 3D Product Design 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF47 3D Printing and Design 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5N00GW28 Engineering Physics for Mechanical Engineering 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF45 Statics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG11 Dynamics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF65 Strength of Materials 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
General Skills of Mechanical Engineer

(Choose all )

5K00GF37 Fundamentals of Manufacturing and Quality Technology, and Laboratories 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF49 Basics of Machine Automation 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5K00GF67 Electrical Engineering 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF69 Automation Technology 1 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GF75 Introduction to Materials Science and to Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG05 Product Development 4 4 4 2 2
5K00GG09 Basics of Machine Components 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG07 Quality and Measuring Technology 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG13 Energy Engineering 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Support Studies of Mechanical Engineer Profession

(Choose all )

5K00GF63 Environment and Chemistry 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00GG19 Technical English for Professionals 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00GF85 Swedish Language, Written 2 2 2 1 1
5N00GF83 Swedish Language, Spoken 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
5K00GF51 Industrial Economics 4 4 4 2 2
5K00GG17 Leadership and Labour Law 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
5N00GH33 Finnish Language and Reporting 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Common Studies of Study Paths

(Choose all )

5K00GG03 Automation Technology 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG23 Technology Academy, part 1 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG93 Technology Academy, part 2 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Engineering Competences of Study Path (are chosen in 2. Year Spring according to Study Path)

(Choose one )

Production Engineering

(Choose all )

5K00GM28 Multi-Axes CNC-Machining 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG39 Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Basics 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG37 Basics of Industrial Engineering 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG69 Production Planning 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GG71 CAD/CAM-Programming 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
5K00GH01 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Work life studies 0-30 ECTS

(Choose ects: 0)

5K00GV13 Industry Projects of Specialisation 0-30 ECTS 0 - 30
Practical Training

(Choose all )

5K00GF71 Practical Training 1 6 3 3 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
5K00GG15 Practical Training 2 12 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3
5K00GH31 Practical Training 3 12 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3
Skills of Making Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 240 62 66 53 29 28 34 33 33 27 26 16 13 14 14 17 17 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 13.5 13.5 13 13 8 8 6.5 6.5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Practical Training 3
Bachelor's Thesis
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis
Basic and Professional Studies
Study Guidance
IT Basics and Technical Documentation
Basic Mathematics for Engineers
Technical Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering
Basic Physics in Technology
Engineering Mathematics
Trump Cards of Working Life
Machine Design Basics
3D Product Design
3D Printing and Design
Engineering Physics for Mechanical Engineering
Strength of Materials
Fundamentals of Manufacturing and Quality Technology, and Laboratories
Basics of Machine Automation
Electrical Engineering
Automation Technology 1
Introduction to Materials Science and to Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science
Product Development
Basics of Machine Components
Quality and Measuring Technology
Energy Engineering
Environment and Chemistry
Technical English for Professionals
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Industrial Economics
Leadership and Labour Law
Finnish Language and Reporting
Automation Technology 2
Technology Academy, part 1
Technology Academy, part 2
Mechanics of Structures
Finite Element Method
Advanced Course in Machine Elements
Finite Element Method, Advanced
Advanced Design Methods
Multi-Axes CNC-Machining
Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Basics
Basics of Industrial Engineering
Production Planning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Aviation Technology, Loads and Structures
Using of Drones
PLC Control Systems
Mechatronics Projects
Machine Automation Systems
Motion Control Systems
Sustainable Industrial Logistics
Technology Design and Innovation Management
Industrial Data Analytics and Management
Technology Strategy and Portfolio Management
LEAN Thinking in Industry Operations
Sourcing and Procurement in Value Network
Free-Choice Studies
Trump Cards of Project Management
Engineers in the Technology Industry
Working English for Engineers
English for Engineers
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Industry Projects of Specialisation 0-30 ECTS

Sustainability and Responsibility

Sustainable Future is one of the pedagogical principles of TAMK. Ecological, social, cultural, and economic sustainability are important building blocks of a sustainable future. All these perspectives can be observed on individual, sectoral, societal, or global scales.

Ecological sustainability

Ecological sustainability can relate to biodiversity, ecosystem functions, sustainable and just use of resources (e.g. circular economy), and ways of mitigating human activities regarding nature’s carrying capacity (e.g. climate change).

No attached course units

Cultural sustainability

Cultural sustainability relates to knowledge of culture, pluralism, tolerance, valuing cultural diversity, and contributing to intercultural communication.

No attached course units

Social sustainability

Social sustainability relates to equal distribution of well-being, realization of fundamental rights, engagement in societal action and decision making, as well as to coping with individual challenges, taking responsibility, and pursuing sustainable lifestyle.

No attached course units

Economic sustainability

Economic sustainability can manifest in combining environmental and economic perspectives in decision making, discussing responsible consumption and business, or addressing different forms of debts (economic, resource-related, social).

No attached course units

Future orientation

Future orientation can appear as dealing with megatrends or powers of transformation, or as discussing and creating scenarios, or as future oriented career counselling or coaching.

No attached course units

Study Guidance
IT Basics and Technical Documentation
Basic Mathematics for Engineers
Technical Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering
Basic Physics in Technology
Engineering Mathematics
Trump Cards of Working Life
Machine Design Basics
3D Product Design
3D Printing and Design
Engineering Physics for Mechanical Engineering
Strength of Materials
Fundamentals of Manufacturing and Quality Technology, and Laboratories
Basics of Machine Automation
Electrical Engineering
Automation Technology 1
Introduction to Materials Science and to Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science
Product Development
Basics of Machine Components
Quality and Measuring Technology
Energy Engineering
Environment and Chemistry
Technical English for Professionals
Swedish Language, Written
Swedish Language, Spoken
Industrial Economics
Leadership and Labour Law
Finnish Language and Reporting
Automation Technology 2
Technology Academy, part 1
Technology Academy, part 2
Mechanics of Structures
Finite Element Method
Advanced Course in Machine Elements
Finite Element Method, Advanced
Advanced Design Methods
Multi-Axes CNC-Machining
Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Basics
Basics of Industrial Engineering
Production Planning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Aviation Technology, Loads and Structures
Using of Drones
PLC Control Systems
Mechatronics Projects
Machine Automation Systems
Motion Control Systems
Sustainable Industrial Logistics
Technology Design and Innovation Management
Industrial Data Analytics and Management
Technology Strategy and Portfolio Management
LEAN Thinking in Industry Operations
Sourcing and Procurement in Value Network
Trump Cards of Project Management
Engineers in the Technology Industry
Working English for Engineers
English for Engineers
Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science
Industry Projects of Specialisation 0-30 ECTS
Practical Training 1
Practical Training 2
Practical Training 3
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)
Basics Engineer Skills

(Choose all)

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1
5K00GF25 IT Basics and Technical Documentation 5
5N00GL21 Basic Mathematics for Engineers 3
5N00GL23 Technical Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering 4
5N00GL31 Basic Physics in Technology 5
5N00GL29 Engineering Mathematics 6
5K00GF35 Trump Cards of Working Life 2
Basic Skills of Mechanical Engineering

(Choose all)

5K00GF33 Machine Design Basics 5
5K00GF39 3D Product Design 5
5K00GF47 3D Printing and Design 5
5N00GW28 Engineering Physics for Mechanical Engineering 5
5K00GF45 Statics 5
5K00GG11 Dynamics 5
5K00GF65 Strength of Materials 5
General Skills of Mechanical Engineer

(Choose all)

5K00GF37 Fundamentals of Manufacturing and Quality Technology, and Laboratories 5
5K00GF49 Basics of Machine Automation 3
5K00GF67 Electrical Engineering 5
5K00GF69 Automation Technology 1 5
5K00GF75 Introduction to Materials Science and to Laboratory Exercises in Materials Science 5
5K00GG05 Product Development 4
5K00GG09 Basics of Machine Components 5
5K00GG07 Quality and Measuring Technology 5
5K00GG13 Energy Engineering 3
Support Studies of Mechanical Engineer Profession

(Choose all)

5K00GF63 Environment and Chemistry 3
5N00GG19 Technical English for Professionals 3
5N00GF85 Swedish Language, Written 2
5N00GF83 Swedish Language, Spoken 1
5K00GF51 Industrial Economics 4
5K00GG17 Leadership and Labour Law 3
5N00GH33 Finnish Language and Reporting 3
Common Studies of Study Paths

(Choose all)

5K00GG03 Automation Technology 2 5
5K00GG23 Technology Academy, part 1 5
5K00GG93 Technology Academy, part 2 5
Engineering Competences of Study Path (are chosen in 2. Year Spring according to Study Path)

(Choose one)

Product Development

(Choose all)

5K00GG43 Mechanics of Structures 5
5K00GG41 CAE 5
5K00GG75 Finite Element Method 5
5K00GG45 Advanced Course in Machine Elements 5
5K00GH07 Finite Element Method, Advanced 5
5K00GS22 Advanced Design Methods 5
Production Engineering

(Choose all)

5K00GM28 Multi-Axes CNC-Machining 5
5K00GG39 Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Basics 5
5K00GG37 Basics of Industrial Engineering 5
5K00GG69 Production Planning 5
5K00GG71 CAD/CAM-Programming 5
5K00GH01 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 5
Aircraft Engineering

(Choose all)

5K00GG81 Aviation Technology, Loads and Structures 5
5K00GS44 Using of Drones 5

(Choose one)

5K00GG49 Aircraft Engines and Systems (KONE.720) 5
5K00GG51 Aircraft Avionics and Situational Awareness (KONE.725) 5
5K00GG85 Reliability and maintenance of technical systems (KONE.610) 5
5K00GG47 Introduction to Aircraft Engineering (KONE.700) 5
Machine Automation

(Choose all)

5K00GG27 PLC Control Systems 5
5K00GG65 Robotics 5
5K00GG31 Mechatronics 5
5K00GG67 Mechatronics Projects 5
5K00GG63 Machine Automation Systems 5
5K00GG97 Motion Control Systems 5
Industrial Engineering and Management

(Choose all)

5K00GH17 Sustainable Industrial Logistics 5
5K00GH19 Technology Design and Innovation Management 5
5K00GH21 Industrial Data Analytics and Management 5
5K00GH23 Technology Strategy and Portfolio Management 5
5K00GH25 LEAN Thinking in Industry Operations 5
5K00GH27 Sourcing and Procurement in Value Network 5
Elective Professional Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

5K00GF43 Trump Cards of Project Management 2
5K00GF53 Engineers in the Technology Industry 1
5N00GF91 Working English for Engineers 3
5N00GF55 English for Engineers 3
5N00GF81 Basic Course in Swedish for Technical Science 3
Work life studies 0-30 ECTS

(Choose ects: 0)

5K00GV13 Industry Projects of Specialisation 0-30 ECTS 0 - 30
Practical Training

(Choose all)

5K00GF71 Practical Training 1 6
5K00GG15 Practical Training 2 12
5K00GH31 Practical Training 3 12
Skills of Making Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5