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Nursing Care for the ElderlyLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: 7Q00FP83


4 op


The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.


- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)


30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Enrolment period

02.12.2024 - 01.01.2025


08.01.2025 - 04.02.2025


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Gerontologinen & hoitotyö etänä ja kotona Tiimihenkilö
  • Katja Hautsalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Katja Hautsalo

  • 23TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Exam 1 includes Caring people with dementia (Part II) and Medical calculations (Part IV). The questions of these are in the same Exam test, in the period: 16.- 26.1.2025
Exam 2. includes Gerontological Nursing (Part I) and Geriatrics (Part III) and will be in 3.2.25. Take your own computer with you 3.2.25!
Re-exam includes questions from all parts and will be Exam test. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 10
2nd re-exam: week 14

Nutrition exam is in the moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 2.2.25.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part IV. Medical calculations: 100% correct
Part V Nutrition: The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in the Moodle.

Gerontological nursing (materials are in the Moodle)
Ferraro, K. F., & Wilmoth, J. M. (2013). Gerontology perspectives and issues (4th ed.). Springer. (selected parts)
Brown Wilson, C. Caring for Older People : A Shared Approach. (2013) London, [England] ; SAGE Publications. Print. (selected parts)

Caring people with dementia: Jackson, G. A., & Tolson, D. (Debbie) (Eds.). (2019). Textbook of Dementia Care : An Integrated Approach (1st ed.). Routledge. Available as a ebook.

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in the Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. Geriatrics
Part IV. Medical calculations
Part V. Nutrition

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures), 23.1. lesson (we will have visitor from home care then).
Student may do this course in Finnish (7K00FN32-3029 Ikääntyneiden hoitotyö 4 op, Ryhmä: 23SH1A) or in English (23TOKASA). Students, who do course in Finnish, please see also implementation plan "Ikääntyneiden hoitotyö 7K00FN32-3029"
Participation in the language integration workshop "kielen integraatiopaja" is mandatory for every 23TOKASA student.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

06.06.2024 - 14.10.2024


21.10.2024 - 15.11.2024


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
  • Lily Nosraty
  • 22NURSE

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Exam exam 18-25.11. 2024
Retake exam: 9-16.12-2024
2.Reake exam: 27.1-5.2.2025. The link of the exam:

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 12.11.2024

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct
Part VI. Nutrition: Moodle test, minimum requirement 8/10 points

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in the Moodle.

Gerontological nursing (materials are in the Moodle)
Ferraro, K. F., & Wilmoth, J. M. (2013). Gerontology perspectives and issues (4th ed.). Springer. (selected parts)
Brown Wilson, C. Caring for Older People : A Shared Approach. (2013) London, [England] ; SAGE Publications. Print. (selected parts)

Caring people with dementia: Jackson, G. A., & Tolson, D. (Debbie) (Eds.). (2019). Textbook of Dementia Care : An Integrated Approach (1st ed.). Routledge. Available as a ebook.

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in the Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. D&R -project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations
Part VI. Nutrition

Completion alternatives


International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Nursing Care for the Elderly.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 31.07.2024


08.08.2024 - 29.08.2024


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
Person in charge

Katja Hautsalo

  • 22NURKEN

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Exam 1. Parts of "Caring people with dementia (part II)" and "Medical calculations (part V)" are in the same Exam test, in the period: 19.- 25.8.2024
Exam 2. "Gerontological Nursing (part I)" and "geriatrics (part IV)" are in the same Exam test, in the period: 27.8 - 3.9.2024
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only the questions of the parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 40, 30.9.-6.10.2024
2nd re-exam: week 44, 28.10.-3.11.2024
Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. Moodle materials and test. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10.
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

The exams includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in the Moodle.

Gerontological nursing (materials are in the Moodle)
Ferraro, K. F., & Wilmoth, J. M. (2013). Gerontology perspectives and issues (4th ed.). Springer. (selected parts)
Brown Wilson, C. Caring for Older People : A Shared Approach. (2013) London, [England] ; SAGE Publications. Print. (selected parts)

Caring people with dementia: Jackson, G. A., & Tolson, D. (Debbie) (Eds.). (2019). Textbook of Dementia Care : An Integrated Approach (1st ed.). Routledge. Available as a ebook.

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, making RAI assessment and mind map, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. Nutrition
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Nursing Care for the Elderly.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation (100%), lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures) and RAI-reflection (100%).

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 21.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 22.02.2024


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bilingual Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
  • Ella Hakala
Person in charge

Katja Hautsalo

  • 22TOKASA
    Degree Programme in Nursing, TOKASA

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Part I. Gerontological Nursing and Part V. Medical calculations are in same Exam test, in the period: 20.2- 3.3.2024
Part II. Caring people with dementia and Part IV. Geriatrics are in same Exam test, in the period: 8.- 15.2.2024
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 11
2nd re-exam: 21.-27.3.2024

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 19.2.24.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work project.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Gerontology: The exam includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in moodle.

Nursing Older Adults. Reed, Jan ; Clarke, Charlotte ; MacFarlane, Ann 2011

Dementia Care Workbook by Gary Morris and Jack Morris

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

project (Development and Research project):
Students do project task in small groups in the Kuuselakeskus, Kaukaharju ( or in own work place. Information about the project, students action and schedule will be given and discussed in orientation.

International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)
Student may do this course in Finnish (with group 22sh1C) or in English (with group 22NURFIL). Decision of attendance will be done in the orientation. Students, who do course in Finnish, please see also implementation plan "Ikääntyneiden hoitotyö 7K00FN32-3017"
Some lessons are only for group 22TOKASA, please see timetable.

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.12.2023 - 21.01.2024


22.01.2024 - 22.02.2024


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
Person in charge

Katja Hautsalo

  • 22NURFIL

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Exam 1. Caring people with dementia and Geriatrics -parts are in the same Exam test, in the period: 8.- 15.2.2024
Exam 2. Gerontological Nursing and Medical calculations are in the same Exam test, in the period: 20.2- 3.3.2024
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 11
2nd re-exam: 21.-27.3.2024

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 19.2.24.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work project.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Gerontology: The exam includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in moodle.

Nursing Older Adults. Reed, Jan ; Clarke, Charlotte ; MacFarlane, Ann 2011

Dementia Care Workbook by Gary Morris and Jack Morris

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

project (Development and Research project):
Students do project task in small groups in the Kuuselakeskus, Kaukaharju ( or in own work place. Information about the project, students action and schedule will be given and discussed in orientation.

International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.05.2023 - 07.08.2023


17.08.2023 - 24.09.2023


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 21NURKEN

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Part I. Gerontological Nursing and Part V. Medical calculations are in same Exam test, in the period: 18.-24.9.2023
Part II. Caring people with dementia and Part IV. Geriatrics are in same Exam test, in the period: 12.- 24.9.2023
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 41
2nd re-exam: week 43

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10. Deadline of test is 17.9.23.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level). Oblication to attend lessons 50%.
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work project.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Gerontology: The exam includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in moodle.

Nursing Older Adults. Reed, Jan ; Clarke, Charlotte ; MacFarlane, Ann 2011

Dementia Care Workbook by Gary Morris and Jack Morris

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

project (Development and Research project):
Students work in pairs or in small groups in the project Minun ääneni (see Information about the project, students action and schedule will be given and discussed in orientation.

International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)


Enrolment period

02.05.2023 - 06.08.2023


14.08.2023 - 24.09.2023


4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Katja Hautsalo
Person in charge

Sanna Laiho

  • 21NURSE
    Degree Programme in Nursing

Objectives (course unit)

The Student
- understands the importance of aging, knows the changes in aging, is able to identify the most common changes in the elderly's health and well-being, as well as individual help needs
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop nursing work that strengthens the health and functional capacity of the elderly in different operating environments. Knows the service system and is able to guide the elderly and their loved ones in different life situations
- understands the effects of memory disease on the life of the sufferer and his or her loved ones and identify the specific characteristics and attitudes of a person with memory impairment.

Content (course unit)

- physiological changes in aging and mental and social aging
- geriatrics, morbidity and drug treatment of the elderly (eg multiple morbidity, acute morbidity)
- comprehensive assessment and promotion of functional capacity and health (functional capacity indicators, eg RAI)
- special features of aging nutrition
- enabling and supporting the inclusion of the elderly and their loved ones at all stages of care
- ethics in the care of the elderly (eg self-determination)
- the main laws, regulations and ordinances governing the services of the elderly, as well as the service system, referring the elderly and relatives to the services
- opportunities and utilization of welfare technology
- nursing expertise in multidisciplinary work in different living and care environments for the elderly
- genome information from the perspective of memory management work
- encountering a person with a memory disorder (eg the most common memory disorders, non-drug methods, behavioral characteristics)

Prerequisites (course unit)

30 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The student
- is able to name the most common changes in the aging of the elderly and the most common factors influencing changes in health and well-being
- knows the basics of functional assessment
- identifies the basics of the service system and related legislation
- knows the basics of ethics in caring for the elderly and identifies their own ethical thinking on a situation-by-situation basis.
- knows the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly
- knows the basics of the effects of memory disorders on the life of the patient and loved one, is able to list the basics of encountering the patient and identifies attitudes related to memory disorders.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The Student
- identifies the changes in aging and their effects on the elderly's ability to function
- understand the difference between changes in aging and changes in health and well-being
- can compare the purpose and benefits of methods used to assess performance
- identify individual assistance needs
- is able to examine the possibilities of the service system and the main content of the related legislation
- attentional capacity and resources at different stages of treatment planning and implementation
- is able to evaluate one's own and others' activities as a basis for high-quality and safe care, understands the importance of loved ones in the care of the elderly and is able to guide them in issues related to care
- structure the meanings of memory disorders and individually consider the specifics of the encounter of a person with a memory disorder and their loved ones in interaction situations, take responsibility for their own attitude and understand the importance of attitude as part of good care for the memory person.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The student
- is able to look at aging and health holistically
- understand broadly the effects of changes in health and well-being on functioning
- understands the individual needs of the elderly and their loved ones
- takes responsibility and develops one's own and the working group's positive attitude towards specific issues related to aging
- understands the operation of the elderly care system and related legislation and is able to apply them in different situations, taking into account the economic and welfare-promoting effects
- examine and evaluate the importance of high-quality and safe care in various multidisciplinary operating environments
- creatively combines different methods of guidance to promote the well-being of the elderly
- understand broadly the meanings of memory disease in the life situation of the sufferer and his or her loved ones
- looks for different solution options and applies them creatively in learning situations
- develops methods for encountering a person with a memory condition holistically and promotes a positive attitude in the working group.

Location and time


Exam schedules

Part I. Gerontological Nursing and Part V. Medical calculations are in same Exam test, in the period: 18.-24.9.2023
Part II. Caring people with dementia and Part IV. Geriatrics are in same Exam test, in the period: 12.- 24.9.2023
Re-exam includes questions from all parts. Answer only parts, which you haven't pass earlier.
1st re-exam: week 41
2nd re-exam: week 43

Nutrition exam in moodle. The exam is passed when you get a grade 8/10.

Assessment methods and criteria

Part I. Gerontological Nursing: numerical assessment, level for the passed exam (T1) is 50% correct
Part II. Caring people with dementia: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part III. project: 100% participation and completed tasks
Part IV. Geriatrics: passed / failed, minimum requirement in exam is 70% (H3 level)
Part V. Medical calculations: 100% correct

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact lectures, guided work independently and in groups, learning by experience, group work project.
Familiarization with course literature, passing exams in the exam terrier.

Learning materials

Gerontology: The exam includes material assigned to the course and all the materials and outputs of the online study.

Nutrition: Study the nutrition material in moodle.

Nursing Older Adults. Reed, Jan ; Clarke, Charlotte ; MacFarlane, Ann 2011

Dementia Care Workbook by Gary Morris and Jack Morris

Geriatrics: Kortebein P & Means K. (2013): chapters 2-13, 33,36,40,43,52, 57, 63,64,66,88,89

Other material and articles are addressed in lectures and in Moodle.

Extra readings:
Gerontology Nursing Case Studies : 100 Narratives for Learning
by Donna J., MSN, EdD, RN, CNE Bowles , and Edd Rn Donna J Bowles Msn
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

Essentials of Gerontological Nursing. Meredith, PhD, ARPN-BC Wallace. Publisher:Springer Publishing Company

Nursing older people Redfern, Sally J.; Ross, Fiona. 4. ed. : Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2006

Student workload

Total student hours 108 h.
Includes lectures, and online studies. Independent study throughout the course (includes, for example, e-learning, nutrition studies, course literature studying, passing exam).

Content scheduling

Part I. Gerontological Nursing
Part II. Caring people with dementia
Part III. project
Part IV. Geriatrics
Part V. Medical calculations

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation

project (Development and Research project):
Students work in pairs or in small groups in the project Minun ääneni (see Information about the project, students action and schedule will be given and discussed in orientation.

International connections


Further information

Participation in the course requires commitment and teamwork skills. The tasks and other parts of the course unit must be completed during the course within a pre-determined schedule. If the student is unable to perform the given assignments and other tasks according to the schedule, it is not possible to complete the course. In this case, the student must register for a new course in Gerontological Nursing.

Students who do not attend the orientation will not be allowed on the course. Presence at the lectures is highly recommended. Obligation to attend: orientation, project part meetings, lectures of Caring people with dementia (at least 50% of lectures)

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
