Introduction to Digital SellingLaajuus (1 cr)
Code: NN00HD33
1 op
This course provides an introduction into digital sales. During this online course student will get an overview of different areas of digital selling including social selling, using buyer personas and organizing online sales meetings.
After completing the course student
• will have a basic understanding what digital sales consists of
• know how to set and measure goals in digital sales
• know how to use buyer personas
• understand how to create value in online world
• describe the basic steps on customer journey
• know how to organize an online sales meeting
This course will cover the next six topics:
• Introduction to digital selling
• How to you set goals and track process in digital sales?
• How can you use buyer personas in digital sales?
• How do you help and create value to customers instead of pushing?
• How do you convert leads into customers?
• How do you do selling 100% online?
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The course is completed when you demonstrate an understanding of the basics of digital sales. You should be able to set and measure goals in digital sales, create value, and utilize the digital sales tools introduced during the course.
Enrolment period
01.08.2025 - 31.07.2026
01.08.2025 - 31.08.2026
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 600
- Sanna Tahlo
- Liiketalous Virtuaalihenkilö
Person in charge
Miina Kivelä
Objectives (course unit)
This course provides an introduction into digital sales. During this online course student will get an overview of different areas of digital selling including social selling, using buyer personas and organizing online sales meetings.
After completing the course student
• will have a basic understanding what digital sales consists of
• know how to set and measure goals in digital sales
• know how to use buyer personas
• understand how to create value in online world
• describe the basic steps on customer journey
• know how to organize an online sales meeting
Content (course unit)
This course will cover the next six topics:
• Introduction to digital selling
• How to you set goals and track process in digital sales?
• How can you use buyer personas in digital sales?
• How do you help and create value to customers instead of pushing?
• How do you convert leads into customers?
• How do you do selling 100% online?
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The course is completed when you demonstrate an understanding of the basics of digital sales. You should be able to set and measure goals in digital sales, create value, and utilize the digital sales tools introduced during the course.
Location and time
The course and the Moodle is open 1.8.2025 - 31.8.2026. You can complete the course at your own pace.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is approved when you have studied the given material and successfully completed the learning assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials.
The course is failed when you have not studied the given material and completed the assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials
Assessment scale
Further information
This course is delivered entirely online and independently in Moodle, and you can progress at your own pace, at a time that suits you. Once you have been accepted to the course, the course Moodle platform will automatically appear.
Enrolment period
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.08.2025
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 900
- Sanna Tahlo
- Sanna Tahlo
- Miina Kivelä
Person in charge
Miina Kivelä
Objectives (course unit)
This course provides an introduction into digital sales. During this online course student will get an overview of different areas of digital selling including social selling, using buyer personas and organizing online sales meetings.
After completing the course student
• will have a basic understanding what digital sales consists of
• know how to set and measure goals in digital sales
• know how to use buyer personas
• understand how to create value in online world
• describe the basic steps on customer journey
• know how to organize an online sales meeting
Content (course unit)
This course will cover the next six topics:
• Introduction to digital selling
• How to you set goals and track process in digital sales?
• How can you use buyer personas in digital sales?
• How do you help and create value to customers instead of pushing?
• How do you convert leads into customers?
• How do you do selling 100% online?
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The course is completed when you demonstrate an understanding of the basics of digital sales. You should be able to set and measure goals in digital sales, create value, and utilize the digital sales tools introduced during the course.
Location and time
1.8.2024-31.8.2025, independet, self-paced studying in Moodle
Exam schedules
No spesific dates, exams or re-takes. The course needs to be completed on 31.8.2025 at the latest.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is approved when you have studied the given material and successfully completed the learning assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials.
The course is failed when you have not studied the given material and completed the assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Videos, reading materials and online materials
Learning materials
Online materials are listed in the course Moodle.
Student workload
It should take around 24h to complete the course
Content scheduling
Content is divided into four different sections
Completion alternatives
No alternative ways to complete the course
Practical training and working life cooperation
No special working life co-operation
International connections
You can choose to do the course in English or in Finnish. You can choose the language in Moodle. We encourage international students with some Finnish skills that you can also do the course in Finnish.
Further information
Course Moodle: