Warehouse ManagementLaajuus (2 op)
Tunnus: 3B00CX09
2 op
This warehouse management course covers the basics of business warehouse management. The most common warehousing operations, practices and topics are covered, like the use of WMS with practices of the voice picking systems and RFID-technology applications (www.logivo.fi). The objective is to understand the warehousing acitivies, the related costs in the entire SCM. This course has also a contribution and link to the transportaion planning and ERP course (SAP). The learning plattform ( Logistics Redesign will be used to demonstrate the SCM design an optimisation tools.
After completing the course, students will be able to:
What are the new challenges in supply chain management process?
How to operate in distribution centers, warehouses and terminals?
How to control and optimize inventories?
What is warehouse inventory system?
What is material handling about?
What are the value added services in a distribution center?
What are the picking techniques used?
Distribution centers as a facilities in the SCM
Inventory Management advanced
WM cycle and operations
WM picking technics
Labeling, tracebelity and RFID solutions
--The Basics of logistics is a prerequisite to this course