InnovationLaajuus (2 cr)
Code: 3Y00FQ11
2 op
Enrolment period
07.06.2023 - 30.08.2023
01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proacademy)
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
- Cristian Burr Raty
Location and time
According to HUBS Sprint Innovation Festival (or other similar event) timetable
Exam schedules
No Traditional Exam - To be assigned by Coach
Assessment methods and criteria
Student activity: attending lectures and participation in teamwork. Given and received feedback from other team members. Business partner feedback. Self-reflection. Final presentation: written output and performance. Teamcoach meetings and discussions.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Joint lectures. Tools and materials are distributed in classes. Teamwork to solve the customer's challenge. Individual coaching session or coaching session between the team and the coach. Lectures of other professionals.
Learning materials
Material and tools distributed in lectures or beforehand. Articles and videos about design thinking. Material provided by the customer on the challenge to be solved.
Student workload
Participating in Sprint
Additional Graded Assignment
Completion alternatives
to be negotiated before the course with the Proakatemia coach
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
Approved: The student has actively participated in the course lectures as well as in group work between lectures. The student understands the challenge and set out to solve it with the team. The student is able to suggest ideas to their team to solve the challenge, is able to plan the testing of ideas, and develop them into workable solutions. Together with the team, the student offers versatile customer solutions.
Rejected: The student does not participate in the course activities, does not participate in the team activities according to the project plan, does not interact constructively in the team; does not actively suggest, develop or test ideas in the field.