Professional English for Nursing and Health Care (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: NN00GS13-3003
Toteutuksen perustiedot
02.11.2024 - 17.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
3 op
3 op
Verkossa tapahtuva opiskelu
TAMK Pääkampus
- Suomi
0 - 40
- Minna Metsäportti
Minna Metsäportti
VAPAAVapaasti valittavat opinnot
Tavoitteet (OJ)
Professional English for Nursing and Health Care -kurssilla keskitytään keskeisiin viestintätilanteisiin sairaanhoitajan (tai muun terveydenhuoltoalan ammattilaisen) ja potilaan välillä. Kurssilla opiskellaan runsaasti jokapäiväiseen hoitotyöhön liittyvää terminologiaa. Opiskelijoilla on myös tarvittaessa mahdollisuus keskittyä oman erikoisalansa sisältöihin (esim. kätilöt, ensihoitajat, terveydenhoitajat).
Opintojakson keskeinen tavoite on, että opiskelija:
ymmärtää englannin kielen taidon, vuorovaikutuksen ja viestinnän merkityksen osana ammattitaitoa ja
tiedostaa oman roolinsa terveysalan ja hoitotyön viestijänä potilastilanteissa.
Sisältö (OJ)
The importance of guidance and patient education
Patient interview, obtaining information
Describing pain
Wound care
Successful discharge, giving home care instructions
Medical terminology
Human anatomy
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
The student
- can communicate in familiar, simple and routine situations in a manner that is mostly understandable
Guidance Skills:
The student
- can provide patients/clients with simple oral and written instructions
- can ask patients/clients basic questions regarding their lifestyle, as well as previous and current health status
- can employ basic nursing and health care terminology as required by the situation (e.g. obtaining a consent, giving treatment, giving instructions, referring to further care)
Professional Data Acquisition:
- can search for information in scientific publications and other professional sources but has problems in interpreting and utilizing it
- understands the main points in relatively easy nursing-related texts when consulting a dictionary
Linguistic Skills:
- can communicate in English but has problems with grammar and style
- manages simple conversations provided that the other person talks slowly and clearly, and sometimes repeats the information
- responds to questions in discussions, but pauses, mistakes and reformulations occur
Additional Information:
- understands the significance of knowing professional English, and works purposefully to gain linguistic competence in one’s special field
- is aware of some ways to further develop one’s professional language skills and language learning skills by utilizing different tools and strategies
- makes progress in the course, based on one’s individual level and linguistic needs
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
The student
- communicates clearly in multi-professional and multi-cultural interaction situations (verbal and written reports, documentation)
Guidance Skills:
The student
- can provide patients/clients with individual instructions in the most common patient guidance situations (e.g. home care instructions)
- can conduct a detailed health interview, asking further questions when needed
- can appropriately document the information obtained, as required by the situation (providing treatment, service, or further care)
- can successfully respond to the questions asked by patients/clients
- can employ and utilize relevant nursing and health care terminology
Professional Data Acquisition:
The student
- can search information in scientific publications and other professional sources to promote one’s professional growth
- can critically assess the references
- can apply and utilize most of the information obtained
Linguistic Skills:
The student
- almost invariably communicates fairly effortlessly, and in a way appropriate to the situation
- discusses field-specific topics fairly fluently
- responds to questions in discussions fairly successfully
- can pronounce fairly clearly and effortlessly
- employs grammatical structures fairly successfully, and self-corrects potential errors if causing misunderstandings
- can re-formulate one’s sentences if and when needed
- understands and employs field-specific terminology fairly accurately
- can utilize various resources and dictionaries
- expresses oneself and conveys the message to the reader/listener fairly idiomatically without misunderstandings (H4)
- conveys the information to the reader/listener understandably without misunderstandings, but somewhat non-idiomatically, at times with features from the mother tongue (H3)
Additional Information:
- works in an active and self-directed manner to improve one’s special field English, based on one’s level, linguistic needs and personal interests
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
The student
- communicates successfully even in demanding multi-professional and multi-cultural interaction situations (e.g. oral and written reports, documentation, potential extra-curricular activities, such as projects or international collaboration)
Guidance Skills:
The student
- interviews and instructs patients/clients successfully adapting to the interaction situation, challenging and unexpected situations included
- employs and utilizes specific terminology and field-specific concepts
- speaks fluently and idiomatically
Professional Data Acquisition:
The student
- can search for information in scientific publications and other professional sources, interprets it, and utilizes it with ease to promote one’s professional growth
- can critically assess the references
- can apply and utilize the information obtained
Linguistic Skills:
The student
- communicates effortlessly, almost flawlessly, and in a way appropriate to the situation
- discusses field-specific topics fluently
- responds to questions in discussions appropriately and without delay
- can pronounce clearly and effortlessly
- employs grammatical structures almost flawlessly, and self-corrects potential errors
- re-formulates one’s sentences if and when needed
- understands and employs field-specific terminology accurately
- can utilize a vast variety of resources and dictionaries
- expresses oneself fluently and conveys the message to the reader/listener idiomatically without misunderstandings
Additional Information:
- works in an active and self-directed manner to further improve and maintain one’s special field English, based on one’s level, linguistic needs and personal interests
Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)
Reasons for failing the course:
Written / Oral exam is failed
-the student has considerable problems in linguistic structures and grammar
-one's health care and nursing terminology is very limited, or almost non-existent
-one fails to convey the relevant message across to a listener or a reader
- Negligence or delays in submitting the assignments
- Non-compliance to attendance requirements
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
Kirjallinen lopputentti suoritetaan sähköisenä EXAM -tenttinä TAMKin tai oman ammattikorkeakoulun kampuksella. (Jos ammattikorkeakoulusi ei kuulu EXAM -järjestelmään, voit tehdä tenttivierailun sopivaan ammattikorkeakouluun.)
Huomaa, että voit osallistua kurssille vain jos omassa ammattikorkeakoulussasi on EXAM -järjestelmä.
Tenttiperiodi on 17.2.-28.2.2025.
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
TÄMÄ KURSSI ON SUUNNATTU SAIRAANHOITAJILLE (sekä hoitotyön opiskelijoille, kuten esim. terveydenhoitajille).
Verkko-opiskelu (TuniMoodle) Itsenäinen sekä yhteistoiminnallinen opiskelu (osallistuminen yhteisiin aktiviteetteihin omatahtisesti). Kirjallinen tentti, suullinen esitys Moodlen tehtävät (keskustelualue, Flinga, H5P, GoogleDocs, Padlet ym.) Opettaja ohjaa opiskelua (viikkoviestit Moodlen kautta, aktiviteettien ohjeistus ja kommentointi).
Kurssi alkaa 13.1.2025. Ohjeistettuja opiskeluviikkoja on viisi. Tämän jälkeen opiskelijalla
on aikaa työstää ja palauttaa kurssin tehtäviä 2.3.2025 asti.
Moodlen materiaalit
[Oppikirja: Karhumäki, M., Metsäportti, M. & Tuohimäki. Dear Patient - English for Nursing. SanomaPro 2017/2019.]
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Kirjallinen lopputentti suoritetaan sähköisenä EXAM -tenttinä TAMKin tai oman ammattikorkeakoulun kampuksella. (Jos ammattikorkeakoulusi ei kuulu EXAM -järjestelmään, voit tehdä tenttivierailun sopivaan ammattikorkeakouluun.)