Biorefinery (3 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: 5P00EE14-3005
Toteutuksen perustiedot
18.11.2024 - 06.01.2025
06.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
3 op
Rakennettu ympäristö ja biotalous
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Biotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Anna Hämäläinen
- Atte Rättyä
Päivi Viitaharju
22BIOTBBiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, syksy 2022
23BIOTABiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, kevät 2023
24KVTBIOTBiotuotetekniikka kevät 2024, double degree
Tavoitteet (OJ)
The student learns basic principles of biorefining processes and how especially wood based biomass can be utilized as raw material for biorefining processes.
Sisältö (OJ)
1. Plant biomass material and potential as raw material
2. Wood: structure and potential as a bio based raw material
3. Wood based biorefining processes: mechanical and chemical pulping, chemical and thermochemical conversion
-hydrolysis and fermentation
-combustion, torrefaction, gasification, pyrolysis, liquidification
4. Special topics
a. Bioethanol production and Kraft mill
b. Bioethanol purification processes
c. Kraft mill and energy production: new process concepts
Lisätiedot (OJ)
Course material:
Papermaking science and technology. Book 20, Biorefining of forest resources
Different articles related to biomass utilization as raw material for bio based products and energy production
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Grading is based on lecture tasks, home assignments, group work, preliminary assignments and an exam.
Exam is a compulsory part of the course: 75%
Home assignments (10%) and group work (15%) are also a compulsory part of the course.
Preliminary assignments for visiting lecturers, activity during classes and lecture tasks can improve grade in borderline cases.
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
Contact teaching according to course shedule. Lecture tasks, home assignments, group work, preliminary assignments, visiting lecturers and an exam.
Course material will be available in Moodle. Additional book: Papermaking science and technology. Book 20, Biorefining of forest resources. The book is available through ForestBioFacts learning environment.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Lectures: around 32 hours
Independent work: 49 hours
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Visiting lecturers from companies involved in biorefining business.