Finnish Language and Reporting (3 cr)
Code: 5N00EK88-3024
General information
Enrolment period
02.07.2025 - 14.09.2025
01.08.2025 - 31.12.2025
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Languages and Communication
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
- Open University of Applied Sciences
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Textile and Material Engineering
- Maiju Paldán
Person in charge
Maiju Paldán
Objectives (course unit)
This course is for native Finnish speakers only.
After successful completion of the course student understands the importance of communication skills especially in working life and are able to evaluate one’s communicational capability and wants to develop one’s Finnish language and communication skills as a part of own professional development. Student can give and receive feedback and can utilize received feedback. Student understands the meaning of principles of appropriate professional communication e.g. obeying the timetables. Student knows the essential text types belonging to one’s own branch and their norms and can act in objective-oriented way in professional situations communicating as an expert in a structured, understandable and convincing way using appropriate argumentation. Student can gain and use information concerning their own branch in a critical point of view and can write their thesis reports using given guidelines: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style, correctness. Student acts in professional communication situations responsible way obeying given norms and can take into consideration a receiver, a situation and demands of own field.
Content (course unit)
Guidelines of reporting: structure, references, summarizing, visual demonstration, style; Familiarizing with thesises of own field; Bullet; Documents for job search; Instructions; e-mails; Features in language of administration; Exercises of grammatical correctness.
Prerequisites (course unit)
No prerequisites
Further information (course unit)
The course is for Native Finnish speakers only. No alternative form of completion. Sufficient skills in Finnish.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
A student can write comprehensible and formal documents and reports having a rough idea of standards. Structures of the texts are unclear and forms, styles and correctness of the language earn much comments. A level of argumentation is low. She/he has been able to complete all course assignments.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
Student’s written communication is structural and demonstrational. It is easy to catch the essential information of texts, which language is quite correct and faithful to the report standard. Student is able to present gained information from sources so that the summarizing separates clearly from her/his own ideas but combining these two parts natural way. Student completes all tasks in timetable, is active and gives strong arguments for her/his opinions. Her/his assignments have functional structures and fit a situation and a receiver.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
Student’s written communication is convincing, and she/he is able to present versatile arguments to her/his opinions. The essential information of her/his text has been structured and summarized properly. She/he uses correct language and controlled style obeying the guidelines of reporting perfectly. She/he attends contact lessons active and constructive way.
Assessment scale