Vehicle Component Analysis (4 cr)
Code: 5C00ER96-3010
General information
Enrolment period
02.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Vehicle Engineering
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Vehicle Engineering
- Jarkko Peltonen
Person in charge
Jarkko Peltonen
Small groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
Small groups
- Small group 1
- Small group 2
Objectives (course unit)
Students can:
- use digital and analog measurement tools and based the measurements evaluate the condition of components using standards and car industry data sources.
Content (course unit)
Students disassemble and go to know various car components. The purpose is to see of what kind of components the vehicles are made of. Students prepare reports where they analyze component condition and material. In addition students give presentations in groups about given topics.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
Students recognize the main components of the engine and car and know how they work. Student can use measurement instruments. Student is somewhat motivated, is working in a group and is able to handle feedback. Can also make a report.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
Student is able to recognise and specify different kind of car parts and know how they work. Student can use measurement instruments. Student is motivated, is working in a group and is able to handle feedback. Can also make a report.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
Student recognise main parts of engine and car and knows how they work. Student can use measurement instruments. Student is motivated and make all tasks in a schedule. Can make a proper report.
Location and time
The course starts with a joint event, where the course is implemented and group divisions are made. After that, the groups work according to the schedule.
- week 2 opening event
- week 3 - 6 laboratory work
- week 7 performances
- week 11 - 15 laboratory work
- week 16 performances.
Exam schedules
There is no exam in the course.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation consist of working in laboratory, report, presentation material and spoken communication.
Evaluation values:
- measurement 50 % (report 75 % and workin in laboratory 25 %)
- research 50 % (presentation material 75 % and working in laboratory 25 %).
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
During the course, laboratory measurements and research are carried out in laboratory. Based on the measurements, a written report is made and evaluated. On the basis of the studies, a presentation is prepared and presented to other groups at the presentation.
Learning materials
For measurements, reference values are needed for the parts to be measured. These can be found in the automotive software as well as in the engine manufacturer's bulletins and repair instructions.
The manufacturer's press releases and other sources in the automotive industry are sources of research.
Student workload
The time use of the course is divided as follows:
- common issues and presentations: 6 hrs
- laboratory work: 40 h
- self-employment: 77 h.
Content scheduling
All groups do both measurement and research on one topic.
The measurement involves dismantling, examining, measuring and assembling the car's engine. Based on the measurements, an engine condition will be estimated in a report format.
One of the following topics is selected as the topic of the research:
1 Engine control system
2 Basic car electrical system
3 Hydraulics
4 Car light systems
5 Transmission
6 Car suspension system
7 Brakes
8 Steering system.
A presentation will be made from the research, which will be presented at the presentation.
Completion alternatives
There is no other way to execute the course.
Practical training and working life cooperation
You may need to ask the automotive industry for the information you need to carry out the measurement / research. Otherwise there is no working life cooperation in the course.
International connections
There is no international co-operation in the course.
Further information
Attendance is required at all sessions of the course.