Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests (4 cr)
Code: 7K00GH65-3015
General information
Enrolment period
20.09.2025 - 19.10.2025
20.10.2025 - 21.12.2025
4 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 52
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Nursing
- Minna Merta
- Lasten Ope Lärare
- Tarja Friman
- Maarit Lähteenmäki
- Riikka Huttunen
Person in charge
Minna Merta
25ASH2CLSairaanhoitajan tutkinto-ohjelma, 25ASH2CL
Objectives (course unit)
The objective of the course is to provide the competence to carry out intravenous fluid therapy and basic clinical laboratory tests.
After completing the course, the student
• Have knowledge of the fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Be able to plan, execute, and assess a patient's intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions.
• Work aseptically and prioritize safety in intravenous fluid and medication therapy.
• Consider patient education and care continuity.
• Know the most common clinical laboratory tests.
• Understand the principles and stages of the clinical laboratory testing process.
• Grasp the pre-analytical quality factors related to laboratory testing and their significance in their own practice.
• Be familiar with the basics of venous blood and skin puncture.
• Practice venous blood and skin puncture under guidance, ensuring patient and occupational safety.
Content (course unit)
• Fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion
• Planning, implementation, and evaluation of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion
• Aseptic and safety in intravenous fluid therapy
• Patient education and ensuring care continuity in fluid therapy and blood transfusion
• Key clinical laboratory tests
• Laboratory testing process
• Test names and the use of laboratory manuals
• Pre-analytical quality factors
• Patient guidance for laboratory tests
• Venous blood and skin puncture
Prerequisites (course unit)
The student has participated in Basics of Infection Prevention course.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
• Identifies the fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Practices in planning, implementing, and evaluating intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Understands the basic principles of aseptic practice and safety in intravenous fluid and medication therapy.
• Has a basic understanding of patient education in the administration of fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
• Knows the fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Implements the planning, execution, and evaluation of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Follows the basic principles of aseptic practice and safety in intravenous fluid and medication therapy.
• Can guide the patient in the basics of administering fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
Intravenous Fluid Therapy
• Masters the fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
• Can patient-centeredly plan, execute, and evaluate intravenous fluid therapy and blood transfusions.
• Can analyze the basic principles of aseptic practice and safety in intravenous fluid and medication therapy.
• Can reasonably guide the patient in the administration of fluid therapy and blood transfusion.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
Clinical Laboratory Tests
• Knows the basics of key laboratory tests and pre-analytical quality factors.
• Can search for information in laboratory manuals.
• Can guide patients through laboratory tests.
• Considers patient and occupational safety in their actions.
• Practices supervised venous and skin puncture sampling.
• The basic of laboratory tests and the pre-analytical quality factors are unclear.
• Does not know how to use the laboratory manuals.
• Patient guidance for laboratory tests is inadequate.
• Does not ensure the safety of a patient or safety at work.
• Does not actively participate in venous blood sample and skin puncture sample training.
Assessment scale