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Orientation to Team Learning (5 cr)

Code: 3Y00GO79-3001

General information

Enrolment period

02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024


01.08.2024 - 15.10.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (Proacademy)


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership


  • Marja-Liisa Timperi
  • Annikka Lepola
  • Tanja Verho


  • 24ENTRE
    Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership, syksy 2024

Objectives (course unit)

During this and parallel courses, you will dive into your first team project. Together, you will reflect on the team as a working environment, the individual as a team member, the laws of learning and feedback, thought processes and other phenomena that arise in team learning situations. You will explore how values, vision, mission and strategy guide the team's activities and what are the conditions for a thriving community.

On completion of the course, students will
- recognise the potential of team learning and know how to learn in a team.
- can act constructively in different dialogue situations.
- can produce new knowledge for a current need.

Content (course unit)

How do individuals, teams and communities learn?
What opportunities does dialogue skills bring to business?
Where can new and relevant knowledge be found?

Prerequisites (course unit)

For the Finnish Programme: Valintakurssi Johdatus yrittäjyyteen ja tiimioppimiseen (3 op), or equivalent skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

See pass/fail

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

See pass/fail

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

See pass/fail

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student demonstrates mastery of team learning and dialogue skills in theory and practice. Through their participation they build a team and new knowledge for it. The student is able to evaluate their competences realistically.

The student has a superficial knowledge of the principles of team learning and dialogue. They do not commit themselves to the agreed practices of the team and does not participate in the production of new knowledge.

Assessment scale
