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Co-working and Impacting in Global Environment (20 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: NA00FV48-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.07.2023 - 01.12.2025


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2025


10 - 20




Pedagogiset ratkaisut ja kulttuuri


TAMK Pääkampus


  • Suomi


  • Mari Rytisalo
  • Petri Tuohimäki
  • Katja Varamäki


Mari Rytisalo

Tavoitteet (OJ)

- knows the regulations, guidelines, quality criteria and control systems governing the international organisation's activities and the sector in which it operates
- knows the principles and starting points of culturally sensitive work
- is able to interact in a professional, client-oriented and ethical manner in international environments
- recognizes factors influencing intercultural communication and is able to modify own communication style according to the context
- can justify the starting points and principles of his/her own activities, the organisation and the sector's activities
- can critically evaluate the structures and systems affecting the organisation and the sector
- develop a reflective and investigative approach to work especially implementable in international environments
- can identify and analyse structures and practices that undermine the performance of customers, the organisation and the industry at global level
- can work with others to strengthen community, inclusion and participation for all
- can plan, implement and evaluate an activity/project/service in cooperation with working life
- The objective is to improve foreign language European Framework of Reference level B2.1 or to learn a new language

Sisältö (OJ)

How do I develop and deepen my own and others' expertise in practice in selected international areas?
How do the different aspects of the organisation's strategy guide its activities and development in international environments?
What international opportunities and challenges does the organisation foresee in the near future and how can I broaden its horizons?
How do I use the organisation's knowledge and knowledge resources in my development?
What are the key challenges facing the organisation's environment?
How do I develop the organisation's activities in line with the SDGs?
How do I use the strategic strengths of the organisation to address the challenges?
How do I use the organisation's partnerships and stakeholders to develop international activities and address challenges?
How do I use my own expertise to influence structures and society at large?
How do I act in a culturally sensitive way?
How do I strengthen community, inclusion and agency in cooperation?

Arviointikriteerit, hyväksytty/hylätty (OJ)

- can act in a planned and solution-oriented manner
- can reflect on his/her own activities, skills and areas for development, also on the basis of feedback received
- can work in a responsible manner and is prepared to develop his/her interpersonal skills
- take responsibility and commitment not only for their own activities but also for those of their customers, teams and organisations, in accordance with the principles relevant to the sector.

- is unable to demonstrate achievement of the objectives of the course.
- is not able to work in a structured manner
- is unable to work responsibly in a collaborative manner while developing his/her own interpersonal skills.
- is unable to reflect on his/her own activities, competences or areas for improvement
- does not take professional responsibility for his/her actions in a customer, team or organisation.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

English Communication for VETO (3 cr, integrated studies)

Mitä opiskelija osaa viestiä osaamisestaan ja työympäristöstään?
Mitä opiskelija tarvitsee onnistuakseen monikulttuurisessa asiakaslähtöisessä vuorovaikutuksessa?
Miten opiskelija kehittää osaamistaan ja hankkii tietoa omalta alaltaan?

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Englannin opintojaksolla perehdytään ammatilliseen kielenkäyttöön liike-elämän vuorovaikutustilanteissa.

- osaa kertoa itsestään, koulutuksestaan, työkokemuksestaan ja -tehtävistään sekä käyttää alansa erikoisterminologiaa
- osaa viestiä asiakaslähtöisesti erilaisissa suhdeverkostoissa ja asiakaskontakteissa
- pystyy seuraamaan oman alansa kehitystä ja osallistumaan siihen aktiivisesti.