Traffic Technigues (3 cr)
Code: T300FK44-3001
General information
Enrolment period
01.12.2023 - 21.01.2024
18.01.2024 - 02.05.2024
3 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Construction Engineering
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Construction Engineering
- Johanna Plihtari-Siltanen
Person in charge
Johanna Plihtari-Siltanen
Objectives (course unit)
The student is familiar with the concepts, goals and problems of traffic planning, as well as the principles of planning a community transport system and the connection between traffic and land use planning. He understands the importance of cooperation between different parties and different sector planners for the functioning of the transport system and road safety. They are able to make small traffic plans and make simple traffic economy calculations. He is also familiar with the impact assessment of traffic planning.
Content (course unit)
Urban transport system design principles and levels, traffic and land use, light and public transport, parking, traffic control, road safety, maintenance and freight traffic, urban regeneration and traffic economy calculations.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student is able to identify and define the basics of the course and solve simple questions
applications that are similar to the tasks being handled.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
In addition to the above, the student is able to choose the most suitable one by applying and comparing different options
policy and justify their choices.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
In addition to the above, the student has a comprehensive understanding of the course topics and their use
problem solving; and the ability to present, analyze, and justify logically handled issues and methods of solution.
Assessment scale