Sustainable Events (5 cr)
Code: 8T00FW14-3001
General information
Enrolment period
01.08.2024 - 13.10.2024
21.10.2024 - 12.12.2024
5 op
Virtual portion
1 op
RDI portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Online learning
Hospitality Management
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Hospitality Management
- Mika Kylänen
Person in charge
Mika Kylänen
24KVRN2Exchange Students Hospitality Management autumn 2024
Objectives (course unit)
The student is able to
- describe an event process as a whole
- explain the building blocks of a successful event
- analyze tasks and characteristics of an event production
- plan an event in a user-oriented, sustainable and ecological way
- evaluate the impact(s) and outcome(s) of an event
- enhance one’s skills in the field of event production
- enforce employee’s experience by encouraging a team and by giving constructive feedback
Content (course unit)
WHAT are event production, organizing of an event and event marketing about?
HOW can sustainability and user-centricism from the persepctive of different stakeholders be taken into account in events?
WHY is it important to assess the impact of events?
HOW event industry and expertise construct one’s competence identity?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student can identify and define the key phenomena and concepts related to event production. S/he is aware of different ways of action in organizing of events and event marketing.
The student works as a member of an event production/planning team and is able to complete the given tasks when supported.
The student is able to observe and assess the actions taken from one’s own perspective and take responsibility on one’s own jobs to be done. He gives and receives feedback.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student can analytically describe event production as a whole. S/he can plan and/or implement an event in a professional and sustainable way as a team and evaluate the process and the end-result.
The student is able to reason and select the most suitable methods from alternative means of procedure.
S/he is able to cooperate in a sustainable way and to commit oneself to a team’s actions and objectives. The student shows one’s social interaction skills and receives and gives feedback in an active and constructive way.
The student is aware of the principles and significance of equality and parity, and is capable of considering diversity and accessibility in one’s action.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student can explain holistic event-related entities and suggest solutions in a professional context.
The student is able to acquire and critically reflect different operations models and methods and plan and execute a sustainable event. S/he shows creativity in solving problems and seizing opportunities.
The students works in a responsible and sustainable way with high degree of commitment and is able to evaluate stakeholders’ shared value. S/he critically reflects on the event process and the outcome, including self- and peer reflection. S/he is able to benefit from feedback in a systematic tool for one’s own and for a community’s professional growth.
The student promotes and enhances equality and parity, and takes determinedly diversity and accessibility into account in one’s actions.
Location and time
The study unit runs actively in the second period from 21 Oct to 12 Dec. Contact teaching takes place on Monday afternoons (12.30-15.00) and Thu mornings (9.00-11.30). Due to event cooperation, there may be some evening duties from 18 to 21 in October and November, but this will be informed asap among the enrolled students.
Exam schedules
No exam.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation is based on teacher's evaluation, self evaluation, and peer evaluation, and commissioners' evaluation. The evaluation leans on TAMK UAS' framework of knowing, doing, and being. The emphasis of evaluation is in line with the workload; accordingly contact sessions and one's active participation forms 1,5 ECTS of the entire job to be done. Evewnt production in practice covers 1-1,5 ECTS, whereas the event planning and design project covers 1,5-2 ECTS.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
The study unit is targeted to 3rd year Hospitality Management students with a study focus of Services and Wellbeing. The course deals with event production and event design & management from the perspective of hands-on practice, planning and conceptualisation. The students take actively part in both planning and implementing of event productions by working in student teams to meet the commissioners' concrete project tasks. Study methods vary from inspirational lectures to functional exercises, and the case projects. The study unit coaches the student as an event producer and as an event developer.
Learning materials
The teacher will provide useful material via Moodle when the course begins. Also, students search for suitable material during the course. A book that will play a critical role on the course is Frissen ym. 2020. Event Design Handbook. Systematically design innovative events using event canvas.
Student workload
The entire workload on the 5 ECTS course is 135 hours of student's work. Joint contact sessions cover about 50 hours from this (~5 hours per week, 8 weeks) plus the mental workload in terms of learning new things in English. Majority of the workload is connected with the two event projects to be completed in teams.
The assignments will take their form later in the Autumn, but they deal with:
1. Implementation of an event in October-December as student teams; about 1,-1,5 ECTS, some tens of hours in total.
2. Event planning and conceptualisation in October-December as student teams; about 1,5 ECTS, some tens of hours in total.
3. Possibly a third, more theoretical and/or methodological task, such as learning about event related Theses; or a more reflective assignment; about 0,5-1 ECTS.
Content scheduling
Sustainable Events study unit challenges the student as an event producer from the following viewpoints:
1. Event production in practice
- pre-arrangements, participation, and evaluation of an event
- commissioner cooperation during the course
- WHAT are event production, organizing of an event and event marketing about?
- WHY is it important to assess the impact of events?
2. Event design, planning and conceptualisation
- planning and event design for an event
- commissioner cooperation during the course
- WHAT are event production, organizing of an event and event marketing about?
- HOW can sustainability and user-centricism from the persepctive of different stakeholders be taken into account in events?
3. Other related topics and exercises during the contact sessions
- e.g. tasks related to knowing about the event industry and event management, and sustainable events; also tasks related to being an event producer and self-reflection related to one's professional identity
- WHAT are event production, organizing of an event and event marketing about?
- HOW event industry and expertise construct one’s competence identity?
Completion alternatives
No alternative ways of implementation.
Practical training and working life cooperation
We work closely in cooperation with two active event productions that operate as commissioner projects on the course. Negotiations are ongoing, but it now seems that we, firstly, get to work with EuroBasket 2025 (to be held in tampere next Autumn) regarding event planning and concept design. Secondly, as a more acute case of actual event production and implementation, we are in talks with The Festival of Light in Tampere in late October - December. More information will follow.
International connections
Examples may be international, also the learning materials may be in English, partly at least. Some of the joint learning session can be implemented in English. Also, the commissioner event projects may deal with international target audience.
Further information
The joint learning session can be implemented in English.