Possibilities of Service Innovation in Global Sustainability and Wellbeing (10 op)
Toteutuksen tunnus: 8T00FW12-3001
Toteutuksen perustiedot
02.12.2023 - 05.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 26.04.2024
10 op
3 op
7 op
70 % Lähiopetus, 30 % Verkossa tapahtuva opiskelu
TAMK Mediapolis
- Englanti
- Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Mika Kylänen
- Sanna Luoto
Mika Kylänen
22RESTOPalveluliiketoiminta 2022, päivätoteutus
Tavoitteet (OJ)
- is able to demonstrate the synergy between tourism, hospitality, well-being and sustainability
- is able to evaluate new service opportunities in global and regional context
- is able to add value in a cross-sectoral, multicultural team and global problem solving
- is able to apply possibilities of circular economy in development of sustainable service business
- is able to explain the value of research, development and innovation projects in enhancement of sustainability challenges
Sisältö (OJ)
MITÄ näkökulmia monikulttuurisuus tuo hyvinvoinnin ja kestävyyden käsitteiden tarkasteluun?
MIKSI kestävyyshaasteiden ratkaisemiseen tarvitaan moninainen tiimi?
MIKSI hyvinvointia ja kestävyyttä tulisi ymmärtää kokonaisvaltaisesti?
MITEN kiertotalousajattelua sovelletaan kestäviin palveluihin ja tapahtumiin?
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Opiskelija osaa tunnistaa ja määritellä matkailun, vieraanvaraisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja kestävyyden peruskäsitteistön.
Opiskelija tuntee erilaisia menettelytapoja, muttei osaa perustella valintojaan kiertotalouden kannalta palveluliiketoiminnassa.
Opiskelija osaa kuvata oman toimintansa taloudelliset ja hyvinvointia lisäävät vaikutukset. Opiskelija osaa työskennellä projektissa yhteistyössä eri alojen toimijoiden kanssa ja osaa tuoda omaa ammatillista osaamistaan tiimityöskentelyyn.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Opiskelija osaa selittää alaan liittyvien matkailun, vieraanvaraisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja kestävyyden ilmiöiden ja käsitteiden väliset suhteet.
Opiskelija osaa valita eri vaihtoehdoista sopivimman menettelytavan ja perustella valintansa kiertotalouden edistämiseksi palveluliiketoiminnassa.
Opiskelija osaa kuvata ja arvioida oman toimintansa taloudellisia ja hyvinvointia lisääviä vaikutuksia monikulttuurisessa tiimissä. Opiskelija osaa tuoda omaa ammatillista osaamistaan tiimityöskentelyn voimavaraksi.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Opiskelija ymmärtää laaja-alaisesti ja kykenee havainnollistamaan matkailun, vieraanvaraisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja kestävyyden välisen synergian.
Opiskelija osaa etsiä erilaisia toimintatapoja ja ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja kiertotalouden edistämiseksi palveluliiketoiminnassa.
Opiskelija ymmärtää ja ennakoi toimintansa taloudelliset ja hyvinvointia edistävät vaikutukset.
Opiskelija osaa toimia monikulttuurisessa tiimissä.
Opiskelija osaa yhdistellä eri osaamisalueita ja kannustaa muita tiedon jakamiseen tiimityöskentelyssä.
Aika ja paikka
The course runs the entire Spring semester, both the third and the fourth periods. Time tables and places (tba) can be found at https://lukkarit.tamk.fi/. Our weekly rhythm is based on Monday mornings 9-11.30 and Tuesday mornings 9-11.30 in the 3rd period. In the 4th period, the key days are Monday mornings 9-11.30, and Wednesday afternoons 12.30-16. At some point, on some weeks, Tuesdays may be used for team work without teacher-driven sessions. However, we begin on the 8th of January at 9:00, and at least in January both Mondays and Tuesdays we spend together, and team work is coached and facilitated by the teachers during the sessions.
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
No exam.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Evaluation is based on individual work and teamwork, and will be completed with numeric evaluation. We use teachers' evaluation, self- and peer reflection, and commissioner's evaluation. Assessment is based on the process and end result of the team process. Also, there will be some individual assignments that play a role in the overall grading.
The evaluation will lean on three angles of assessment: knowing (information search, theoretical understanding etc.) - doing (applying theory, use of development methods etc.) - being (self-leadership, participation in teamwork, reflection etc.).
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
The study unit in principle builds on a multi-disciplinary, cross-sectoral process where hospitality management students and social services students work together in teams around a topical service development project.
Pedagogically, different learning methods and techniques will be used ranging from teacher-driven inspirational lectures to interactive exercises, dialogue, and excursion visits to team work and individual work.
Articles and other material in Moodle; material tipped by the coaches; material searched and acquired by students. The pre-assignment includes a cavalcade of articles etc. related to the topic at hand.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
10 credits equals 267 h of student's work. The workload is tackled as individual and team work, and via joint learning sessions at the campus. On a weekly basis, as this covers about a third of the Spring semester's objectives (10/30 ECTS), students should prepare to work around the study unit topics, project and assignments for about 1-2 work days per week. On a weekly basis, in the time table there are 2 x 2,5 hours in the period 3, and 2,5 hours + 3,5 hours in the period 4. As the study unit lasts about 16 weeks, that is, 15 weeks without the so called project week (Spring break on week 9), this means 35 hours + 56 hours = 91 hours. So, joint sessions cover less than half of the study unit's workload. This calls for individual and team work along with good time management and commitment.
Sisällön jaksotus
Possibilities of service innovation in global sustainability and well-being as a topic deals with sustainability, circular economy, well-being, and cross-sectoral ways of working. Students get to learn about eco-social wellbeing, education and civilization. Also, new ways of organizing for and provision of services as public-private partnership, and partnerships between sectors (incl. the 3rd sector and the 4th sector, civil society activism) will be discussed.
Service development work will also draw from gamification, storification and storytelling, and experientialism - how to enhance services towards experience economy, transformation economy, and the new relationship between individualism and sense of community.
The students will learn to combine the assets of people with different backgrounds, and skills, and add value in cross-sectoral, multicultural team-based problem solving. Diversity and multi-culturalism are discussed from a synergetic angle to deal with wicked problems related to sustainability. Also, opportunities surrounding circular economy are introduced and studied.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
No alternative ways of completion. Recognition of prior learning.
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
The study unit is built around a commissioned project that deals with service development, wellbeing, and sustainability, and there will be a real-life working life partner involved.
The content and topics have a global angle, there may be international students (and/or customers, citizens, ...) on the course and in the teams, and / or we get to work with immigrants. We work in English.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
More information will follow by the 8th of January, and on our opening session. For instance, the discussions with possible commissioners for the service development project, and the cooperation with social services education are going on at the moment.