Genetic Competence in Midwifery (5 cr)
Code: 7L00FT63-3003
General information
Enrolment period
02.12.2023 - 31.12.2023
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
MD in Clinical Expertise and Development
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Master's Degree Programme in Clinical Expertise and Development
- Hoitotyö Luennoitsija
- Raakel Viheroksa
Person in charge
Raakel Viheroksa
Objectives (course unit)
The student
Has comprehensive knowledge in developing evidence based midwifery related to genetic diseases
Has comprehensive knowledge in developing new operating models to midwifery care of genetic diseases
Content (course unit)
Genetic information and its possible consequences for the client and family
Ethical aspects related to genetic diseases
Theoretical counseling models for genetic counseling
Effects of genetic diseases on health behavior
Fetal diagnosis and fetal abnormalities associated with genetic diseases
Development of early information related to genetic diseases in midwifery
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student
Knows the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases and is able to use this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
Has key knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and is able to utilize this knowledge in the development of midwifery
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student
Has proficient knowledge in the key consepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases as well as how to apply this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
Has proficient knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and in applying this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student
Has proficient knowledge in the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of these as well as in applying this knowledge extensively in the development of midwifery care
Has proficient knowledge in theoretical principles and operating models related to genetic diseases as well as developing evidence based midwifery care related to genetic diseases
Location and time
The course will be carried out as classroom teaching at Metropolia and online with Zoom video conferencing tool.
16.2.2023 9 to 10.30 AM Orientation
20.2.2023 9 AM to 4 PM Lecture (Zoom)
22.2. 1 to 4 PM Lecture (Zoom)
1.3. 10 to 12 AM Lecture (Zoom)
13.3. 16 to 17.30 (Zoom)
21.5. 10 AM to 5PM Workshop (Metropolia)
Compulsory attendance at the orientation lecture and workshop, recommended in other lectures.
Exam schedules
Assessment methods and criteria
Assessed study assignment:
1) Written assignments in a group
Instructions will be given in the course.
Course evaluation 0-5. The evaluation criteria for the course are shown in the curriculum.
Written task evaluation matrix on the Moodle platform.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
- Interactive lectures
- Literature reading and writing
- Individual working
- Team working
Course instructions and assignments can be found on the Moodle learning platform (Metropolia). The Moodle platform opens at the beginning of the course.
This course information will become more complete by the beginning of the studies.
Learning materials
Aittomäki Kristiina, Moilanen Jukka, Perola Markus: Lääketieteellinen genetiikka, Duodecin (Oppiportti), in Finnish.
Clarke Angus: Harper's practical genetic counselling. 2020, 8. painos (e-book).
Other materials and literature will be given in the course.
Student workload
5 ECTS equals about 135 hours of work.
Content scheduling
13.2.2023 9 to 10.30 AM Orientation
20.2.2023 9 AM to 4 PM Lecture (Zoom) Genetic information and its possible consequences for the client and family, Effects of genetic diseases on health behavior, Theoretical counseling models for cancer diseases, Ethical aspects in genetic counseling
22.2. 1 to 4 PM Lecture (Zoom) Prenatal screening and counseling
1.3. 10 to 12 AM Lecture (Zoom) Global perspective on birth defects prevention
13.3. 16 to 17.30 (Zoom) Foetalal diagnosis and fetal abnormalities associated with genetic diseases
21.5. 10 AM to 5PM Workshop (Metropolia) Seminar: Development of early information related to genetic diseases in midwifery
Completion alternatives
Practical training and working life cooperation
International connections
Further information
Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student is not able to meet the criteria mentioned below.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
Satisfactory (1-2):
The student
- Knows the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases and is able to use this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
- Has key knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and is able to utilize this knowledge in the development of midwifery
Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- Has proficient knowledge in the key consepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of the diseases as well as how to apply this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
- Has proficient knowledge in genetic diseases and operating models related to these and in applying this knowledge in the development of midwifery care
Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student
- Has proficient knowledge in the key concepts related to genetic diseases and the nature of these as well as in applying this knowledge extensively in the development of midwifery care
- Has proficient knowledge in theoretical principles and operating models related to genetic diseases as well as developing evidence based midwifery care related to genetic diseases