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Nuclear Medicine Procedures, Radionuclide Therapy and Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine II (5 cr)

Code: 7R00DV28-3006

General information

Enrolment period

22.11.2023 - 14.01.2024


02.01.2024 - 31.05.2024


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Radiography and Radiotherapy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy


  • Tiina Säilä
  • Tiina Saarimäki
  • Aino Pohja
  • Marja Jaronen

Person in charge

Kirsi Mansikkamäki


  • 22RH

Objectives (course unit)

-knows the European Union legislation, national radiation legislation and directives given by authorities related to safe medical use of ionizing radiation related to Nuclear Medicine
-knows how patients can be examined and treated by using radiopharmaceuticals
-knows the principles of working safely in Nuclear Medicine Procedures
-knows the principles of the most important clinical fysiology examinations related to radiographers work
-knows the principles of bone density measurements
-is able to prepare radiopharmaceuticals
-master the calculation of activities related to prepare and administer of radiopharmaceuticals
-knows the basics of the Hot Laboratory (Clean Room) working

Content (course unit)

-Principles of working in Nuclear Medicine procedures
-Principles of Nuclear Medicine Procedures and Radionuclide Therapy
-Principles of PET-CT procedures
-Principles of most important clinical physiology examinations related to radiographers' work
-Principles of bone density measurements
-Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety in Nuclear Medicine Procedures
-the European Union legislation, national radiation legislation and directives given by authorities related to safe medical use of ionizing radiation
-Radiopharmacy and use of the radiopharmaceuticals
-working in the Hot Laboratory (Clean Room)

Prerequisites (course unit)

-adequate knowledge in human anatomy and physiology
-adequate knowledge in radiation physics and radiation safety

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

-is able to describe the European Union legislation, national radiation legislation and directives given by authorities related to safe medical use of ionizing radiation related to Nuclear Medicine
-is able to name the methods by which patients can be examined and treated by using radiopharmaceuticals
-is able to describe the principles of working safely in Nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to describe the principles of bone density measurements
-is able to describe the principles of the most important clinical physiology examinations related to nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to calculate the activities related to prepare and administer of radiopharmaceuticals
-is able to prepare radiopharmaceuticals in the learning environment
-is able to work safely in the learning environment
-is able to describe the principles of Hot laboratory (cleanroom) work

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

-is able to explain the European Union legislation, national radiation legislation and directives given by authorities related to safe medical use of ionizing radiation related to Nuclear Medicine
-is able to explain the methods by which patients can be examined and treated by using radiopharmaceuticals
-is able to explain the principles of working safely in Nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to explain the principles of bone density measurements
-know the principles of the most important clinical physiology examinations related to nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to prepare radiopharmaceuticals in the learning environment
-is able to calculate the activities related to prepare and administer of radiopharmaceuticals and can apply his/her skills to different situations
-is able to work and apply theory in the learning environment
-is able to explain the principles of Hot laboratory (cleanroom) work

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

-knows the European Union legislation, national radiation legislation and directives given by authorities related to safe medical use of ionizing radiation related to Nuclear Medicine so that he/she can explain their contents to patients, patient's family members and other staff if needed
-is able to reasonably explain the methods by which patients can be examined and treated by using radiopharmaceuticals
-is able to reasonably explain the principles of working safely in Nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to reasonably explain the principles of bone density measurements
-is able to reasonably explain the principles of the most important clinical physiology examinations related to nuclear medicine procedures
-is able to prepare radiopharmaceuticals in the learning environment
-is able to calculate the activities related to prepare and administer of radiopharmaceuticals and can apply his/her skills to different situations versatilely
-is able to work in the learning environment and justify his/her actions with theory
-is able to reasonably explain the principles of Hot laboratory (cleanroom) work

Assessment scale
