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Soil Science and Engineering (4 cr)

Code: 5E00EK55-3005

General information

Enrolment period

07.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering
  • Open University of Applied Sciences


  • Johannes Jermakka

Person in charge

Hilda Szabo


  • 23IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course student knows soil properties, soil formation processes, structure, function and biology of soils and their significance as a raw material reserve. Student can take and prepare soil samples for further analysis. Student knows the basic pre-treatment and physico-chemical analysis methods of soils and can apply them in practise. Student knows the phenomenon of water flow in soils, groundwater formation and related practical applications. Student also knows the basics of geotechnology, soil management and soil pollution.

Content (course unit)

Basic geology and soil science; biological and pysical processes in soils; environmental impacts of soil utilization; hydrology; movement of water; air and gases in soils; soils as construction material; basics of geoengineering.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student can identify and define core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils. Student has basic understanding in defined themes of the course.

Student has basic skills in soil sampling and analyses in practice when instructed and supervised.

Student can work in a group of course assignments, recognises the significance of the course theme in the professional field and can assess the significance of the theme from his/her viewpoint.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student can explain the core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils and connect them into practice. Student has understanding in annually defined themes of the course and can apply these into practical applications.

Student can apply the skills in soil sampling and analyses, design tests for these studies and justify his/her choices.

Student can cooperate responsibly in the course theme assignments, commit to the group activities and assess the significance of the theme broadly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student can understand extensively the core concepts and phenomena and different interactions in soils and connect them into practice. Student has analytical understanding in annually defined themes of the course and can apply and develop these in practical applications.

Student has skills to compare and apply the most appropriate skills in soil sampling and analyses, design tests for these studies, justify his/her choices and suggest alternative ways of implementation.

Student can cooperate responsibly and constructively in the course theme assignments, commit to the group activities, assess the significance of the theme broadly and understands the effects of the work.

Assessment scale
