Development Work (5 cr)
Code: 1L00FO92-3008
General information
Enrolment period
20.04.2022 - 19.12.2023
20.05.2023 - 30.04.2024
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
RDI portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Online learning
Pedagogical Innovations and Culture
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Professional Teacher Education
- Eveliina Asikainen
Person in charge
Katariina Hakala
Objectives (course unit)
In the Development Work the teacher student works in a goal-oriented manner to develop pedagogical actions, learning environments or practices of an educational institution or in a development project in educational context. Development project can be carried out individually or as a pair work.
Learning objectives
The teacher student
• uses and develops his/her professional competences in the development work
• describes and evaluates the outcomes and conclusions of the development work in a written report.
• assesses the development process and his/her competences and learning in research and development
Further information (course unit)
Independent or group work in the organization or development project. Coaching discussions, reviewing literature, realization of the development work, reporting and presentation
The development work can be situated at any term.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The teacher student
• combines theoretical knowledge with his/her own experiences and observation of development
• plans, implements and report a development project in an educational environment
• Reflects his/her actions and evealuates and analyses the results of the development wor and his/her own learning.
Location and time
First meeting in October Other meetings and webinar practices will be agreed then.
Exam schedules
No exams
Assessment methods and criteria
The development work process, outcomes and presentation are evaluated. Self, peer and teacher evaluators take part in the evaluation.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Student's or small student groups' development work in an educational institution, project or association. Development work is guided and reflected in webinars by teachers and peers.
Students present their work three times: idea, draft and dissemination. In Ideas and drafts are discussed to feed the projects forward.
Learning materials
Will be published in the course Moodle. Literature contributing to better understanding of the selected topic.
Student workload
5 credits equals to 135 hours of students work.
Webinars and counselling takes about 10 hours. The rest (125 hours) is student's individual work.
Content scheduling
It is possible to join the course throughout the academic year. If you are late for the initial enrollment period, please contact Eveliina Asikainen
The course starts with a kick-off webinar on Thu 12th October at 17-19.30. The webinar will be recorded.
Meetings to discuss the progress of development work and present final works are organised
Thu 29th Nov 17-18.30
Thu 15th Feb 17-18.30
Thu 4th April 17-18.30
More detailed description of the progress of the course is presented in Moodle
Completion alternatives
To be agreed with Eveliina Asikainen
Practical training and working life cooperation
Development work can be integrated with teaching practice, development of educational institutions or curricula at work (if student is already working as a teacher) or in a TAMK lead project on developing educational institutions, learning environments or teaching practices.
International connections
International projects are welcomed. International student group creates a multicultural learning environment.
Further information
Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The teacher student
• combines theoretical knowledge to his/her own experiences and observations of development work
• plans, carries out and reports a educational development project
• reflects his/her actions, assesses and analyses the success of the project and his/her learning
Evaluation is based on the TAMK thesis criteria taking into account that the development work is of 5 credits.