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Working English for Engineers (3 cr)

Code: 5N00EK81-3047

General information

Enrolment period

02.07.2023 - 11.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.12.2023


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TAMK Languages and Communication


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering

Person in charge

Markus Aho

Objectives (course unit)

- know how to act in working life communication situations (e.g. telephone and e-mail communication)
- know the basic business terminology and can give a presentation of a chosen company
- know the most important vocabulary of their field of study

Content (course unit)

• working life communication situations
• business life English
• terminology of the students’ own field of study
• grammar as required

Prerequisites (course unit)

Basic language studies in English completed or equivalent skills

Further information (course unit)

Approved skills test or corresponding course at another university of applied sciences.
Sufficient skills in Finnish.
Mandatory participation on 80% of the classes.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

• copes with simple conversational situations, also related to companies in his field
• reacts to what the interlocutor says most often in a comprehensible manner
• is aware, to some extent, of the style requirements set by different types of texts
• writes clearly in outline
• understands the main points of normal-paced speech in a familiar context, when the message is repeated if necessary
• pronounces intelligibly most of the time
• finds the information the student is looking for in texts that deal with familiar topics
• uses the basic vocabulary of the field so that the essential message is conveyed
• uses simple basic grammar structures
• uses available aids, e.g. online dictionaries

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

• discusses both general topics and topics related to his field and its companies quite fluently
• reacts to what his interlocutor says mostly appropriately
• mostly communicates in the style required by the situation
• writes fairly fluently and clearly
• understands people speaking with different accents when the topic is familiar
• pronounces quite naturally and clearly
• understands the main points and most details of the text read
• can, if necessary, express the matter in other words
• understands and uses the vocabulary of the field quite accurately
• knows how to use different sources and dictionaries
• uses structures mostly correctly and corrects mistakes in language if they have led to misunderstandings

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

• fluently discusses both general topics and topics related to his professional field and its companies
• reacts quickly and appropriately to what the interlocutor says
• communicates in the style required by the situation
• writes fluently and appropriately with almost no grammatical errors
• understands relatively easily also people who speak with different accents
• pronounces naturally and clearly
• understands both the main points and the details of a demanding professional text and is able to apply what he has read
• explains in other words and makes up for gaps in vocabulary discreetly
• understands and uses skillfully and precisely the vocabulary of the field as well as the terminology of the student's own specialty
• usually finds different sources using appropriate words and expressions
• uses versatile grammatical structures and manages them almost flawlessly

Assessment scale
