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Thesis Reporting and Presentation Seminars (4 cr)

Code: 7B00EG53-3002

General information

Enrolment period

05.06.2023 - 31.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 08.12.2023


4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Biomedical Laboratory Science

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science


  • Kati Borg
  • Tarja Friman
  • Annina Korpela
  • Siru Suoniemi
  • Kaisa Rajakylä
  • Emilia Ali-Löytty
  • Aino Pohja
  • Eeva Liikanen

Person in charge

Kirsi Mansikkamäki


  • 20BA

Objectives (course unit)

The student is able to
- produce a professional-looking thesis report and other related materials
- express themselves in formal Finnish according to the thesis requirements
- present and defend the thesis professionally and justify it theoretically
- give constructive feedback in peer review
- write a maturity test based on the thesis according to instructions

Content (course unit)

Preparation of the thesis report and scientific writing
Presentation and defence of the thesis
Self-assessment and peer-assessment
Maturity test
Poster presentation

Further information (course unit)

Bachelor thesis is assessed according to evaluation criteria of Bachelor thesis in Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
Student gets the performance note of the study module:
- returned the accepted dissertation
- the dissertation has gone through a plagiarism identification acceptably
- student has presented his/her work and participated in the seminar and made evaluations
- written the maturity test
- student has drawn up the poster and has participated in TAMK - Examine and develope day.
- student has taken the dissertation to the library or the Theseus network portal

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)


Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)


Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)


Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

The student
- presents his/her Bachelor’s thesis in the seminar
- acts as a peer reviewer for another student’s Bachelor’s thesis
- participates actively in the Bachelor’s thesis seminars of her/his own group
- passes a maturity test
- prepares a poster about the Bachelor’s thesis
- returns the finished Bachelor’s thesis through Urkund to the supervising lecturer

The student
- doesn’t present his/her Bachelor’s thesis in the seminar or doesn’t act as a peer reviewer for another student’s Bachelor’s thesis
- doesn’t participate in Bachelor’s thesis seminars
- doesn’t pass a maturity test
- doesn’t prepare a poster about the Bachelor’s thesis
- doesn’t return the finished Bachelor’s thesis through Urkund to the supervising lecturer

The Bachelor’s thesis is assessed according to the evaluation criteria for Bachelor’s theses in Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

Assessment scale
