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Physics Laboratory Works (3 cr)

Code: 5N00DJ65-3003

General information

Enrolment period

15.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 01.05.2022


3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


ICT Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Software Engineering


  • Sampo Saari
  • Sami Suhonen

Person in charge

Sami Suhonen


  • 20I260E

Objectives (course unit)

Studend are able to
- make controlled measurements
- make plans of measurements
- evaluate reliability of measurements
- evaluate importance of measurements

Content (course unit)

Measurements of students own technical area
Reporting of laboraratory works made
Project learning applications

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentattions is compulsory.
Reports have been done,methods and results have been presented, structure and analyses may have some shortages and can be partly erroneous.Discussion contains very few, simple conclusions.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done in a normal way. Results and analyses are correct.
Reports have been done correctly according to the reporting standards of TAMK. Discussion contains some comments relevant comments relating to the results and applications.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done with comprehensive, active, collaborative working. Results and analyses are correct. Structured, fluent, especially transparent text, vision of limitations and improvements, broad mature discussion and own conclusions related to the topics

Location and time

According to the timetable in

Exam schedules

No exams

Assessment methods and criteria

Labs 1 - 4 Grading: 0...5
- 2 individual reports/person or 4 reports per pair.
Lab 5 Own designed lab Grading 0...5
- Presentation
Delivery times:
- 2 working weeks from the date of the measurements
- a delay will affect negatively on the grading

Evaluation is based on the of the grades of the laboratory works. Each report is evaluated based on the work in the laboratory, results and the report (report is the most important one).
Participation to measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Detailed evaluation, see in Moodle

If reports from several students are found to copies of each other (even partially), all those reports are disqualified, and students involved will need to perform new measurements for different laboratory assignments and write new reports from those measurements.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Contact teaching
Laboratory work
Cooperative learning

Learning materials

Randall Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
The weekly schedule and laboratory instructions available in Moodle
Technical Formulas, Tammertekniikka, 2002

Student workload

- Introductions, guidance 9 h
- Laboratory measurements 15 h
- Poster presentation 3 h
- Independent work 54 h

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

Working: Measurements are done by working in pairs.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Reports have been done,methods and results have been presented, structure and analyses may have some shortages and can be partly erroneous. Discussion contains very few, simple conclusions.
Detailed evaluation, see in Moodle

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done in a normal way. Results and analyses are correct.
Reports have been done correctly according to the reporting standards of TAMK. Discussion contains some comments relevant comments relating to the results and applications.
Detailed evaluation, see in Moodle

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Participation to all measurement classes and presentations is compulsory.
Measurements and reports done with comprehensive, active, collaborative working. Results and analyses are correct. Structured, fluent, especially transparent text, vision of limitations and improvements, broad mature discussion and own conclusions related to the topics.
Detailed evaluation, see in Moodle