Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing (4 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: 7Q00EZ94-3003

Toteutuksen perustiedot


02.12.2021 - 31.08.2022


01.08.2022 - 18.09.2022


4 op






TAMK Pääkampus


  • Englanti


  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing


  • Elina Hilvola
  • Milla Hiitti


Marika Mettälä


  • 20NURKEN
    Degree Programme in Nursing

Tavoitteet (OJ)

The student
- is able to evaluate nursing care for the client during the age of fertility, pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as for clients with gynaecological disorders, utilising evidence-based knowledge
- knows the basics of promoting sexual and reproductive health and protecting fertility; recognises and is able to bring up matters concerning sexuality and reproductive health with the client and her significant others
- knows the ways to support and guide a family expecting a child, and families with children, in a healthy and sober lifestyle, promoting partnership and their growth as parents utilising multi-professional cooperation
- knows the normal path and follow-up of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
- knows the structure and process of the maternity care service system
- knows the most common disorders related to fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
- is able to support families in basic care and breastfeeding for newborns
- recognizes the ethical principles of maternity care and gynaecologal nursing.

Sisältö (OJ)

- women's health at different stages of life
- promotion of sexual and reproductive health and protection of fertility
- supporting partnership, parenting growth and family in nursing
- promoting sober and healthy lifestyles during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- normal pregnancy, normal childbirth and postpartum period
- the most common disorders and treatments for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
- maternity care service system
- basic neonatal care and breastfeeding
- the most common gynaecological diseases and their treatment
- medication of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period and gynaecology

Esitietovaatimukset (OJ)

50 ects of first year studies completed, including Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)

The student
- recognises the special features and processes of maternity- and gynaecological nursing
- identifies the most common gynaecological diseases, the physiological changes in pregnancy and the disorders of pregnancy and postpartum care
- recognises the family support methods, but is unable to explain his/her activities in detail
- identifies parenting growth and sexual and reproductive health issues in a woman's and family's life
- performs medication calculation correctly, knows the basics of medication in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and gynaecological care
- recognises the ethical principles of maternity- and gynaecological nursing care
- identifies his/her own interpersonal skills in the context of maternity -and gynaecological nursing care, as well as in the learning environment
- takes responsibility for her/his own learning
- is able to receive feedback

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)

The student
- understands the special features of maternity- and gynaecological nursing care and is able to apply evidence-based knowledge to such care
- is able to describe and define the most common gynaecological diseases, physiological changes in pregnancy and the disorders of pregnancy and postpartum care
- is able to describe and explain in detail the family support methods
- performs medication calculations correctly and knows the basics of medication in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and gynaecological care
- knows how to support and guide families in healthy and sober lifestyles, partnership and growth as parents, utilising multiprofessional co-operation
- understands and is able to apply the ethical principles in maternity- and gynaecological nursing care.
- is able to work in a responsible and constructive manner and is ready to develop his /her interaction skills in the context of maternity- and gynaecological nursing care, as well as in the learning environment
- is able to provide reflective feedback

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)

The student
- understands and utilises extensively the knowledge of maternity- and gynaecological nursing care
- analyses evidence-based knowledge in maternity- and gynaecological nursing care and is able to apply the nursing process both to individuals and in a family-centred way
- knows the family support models
- knows how to support and guide families in healthy and sober lifestyles, partnership and growth as parents, utilising multi-professional collaboration
- performs medication calculations correctly and knows the basics of medication in pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum care and gynaecological care, and knows the specific challenges associated with them
- understands and is able to creatively apply the ethical principles in maternity- and gynaecological nursing care
- is able to work in a responsible and constructive manner, developing both his/her own and group interaction skills in the context of maternity- and gynaecological nursing care and in the learning environment
- is able to provide reflective feedback.

Aika ja paikka

Orientation lecture attendance compulsory. Orientation includes course info, division into small groups (also for skill stations), schedule and info regarding Orientation to Clinical Training, Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing also. The course includes a web based lecture in nutrition (will be announced during orientation).

Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat

- Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing Exam at 14.9. 10-11:30 (classroom). Medical calculations (2) are included to the exam, calculator will be provided.
- 1. resit Exam at 27.10. 10-11:30, 2. resit Exam (if needed) at 9.12. 10-11:30
- Raising the grade of this course at 9.12. Raising test includes all parts of the course, not just theory. Enrolling 3 weeks before the test.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Part 1: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing theory
- Numeric evaluation (0-5) exam, passed assignments, 70% attendance during lectures.
Part 2: Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing medical calculations (2)
- pass/fail
Part 3. Small Group Work (CBCL)
- pass/fail Small group work is completed by attending opening and closing session and producing a groupwork.



Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät

Lectures, small group work (CBCL) and independent studies.


- For Maternity Care: Oxford Handbook of Midwifery, 2nd ed.; Oxford. Available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course.
- For Gynaecological Nursing: Oxford Handbook of Women's Health Nursing; Oxford, 2010. available in TUNI Library. In light of the objectives of this course. The level that a nurse needs to know.
- Eating together - food recommendations for families with children. 2019. (Before and during pregnancy + Breastfeeding)
- KELA, benefits for families
- Brunner & Suddarths’ Medical-Surgical Nursing pages 1610-1700 (optional)​

Other material to be given during lectures.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

- Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing 4 ECTS, 108 hours includes participation in lectures, small group work and independent studies. The course includes a web based lecture in nutrition (will be announced during orientation).
- The student is required to attend in 70% of the lectures. If the student is not present in 70% of the lectures, the course is failed and one can not complete the exam. The web based nutrition module is compulsory to complete. The exam will include questions about the nutrition module.
- The Orientation to Clinical Training, Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing (1 ECTS) content is included in this course's exam material.
- Small group work is 2 CBCL sessions and a groupwork

Sisällön jaksotus

- The course content is divided into the following parts:
Part 1. Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing theory
Part 2. Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing medical calculations (2)
Part 3. Small Group Work (CBCL)

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat


Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö




Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

- The student is required to attend in 70 % of the lectures. If the student is not present in 70 % of the lectures, the course is failed and one can not complete the exam. The web based nutrition module is compulsory to complete.The exam will include questions about the nutrition module.
- The Orientation to Clinical Training, Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing (1 ECTS) content is included in this course's exam material. Nutrition exam is available until 2.9. 16:00.
- Small group work, compulsory attendance.

Arviointikriteerit - hylätty (0) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student is not able to perform enough to achieve a 1.
- The student lacks in Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing theoretical knowledge and has misunderstandings.
- The student is not able to complete the medical calculations without mistakes, lacks understanding in basics of medication care related to Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- The student doesn't take responsibility of his/her own learning.
- The student is not able to receive feedback.
- The student is not able to act professionally in the small group work regarding Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.

Arviointikriteerit - tyydyttävä (1-2) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student:
- Understands evidence based Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing care and the involved process.
- Recognizes the most common gynecological disorders and the physiological pregnancy changes and most common problems in antenatal and postnatal processes.
- Recognizes the basics of observation and monitoring the newborn infant and knows the methods to support families without ability to reason the choices.
- Recognizes the growth to parenthood and challenges in sexual- and reproductive health in the woman's and family's life course.
- Is able to complete medical calculations without fault. Knows the basics of medication care related to Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Is aware of the purpose of guidance in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Is aware of ethics in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Recognizes his/her own communication skills in the learning environment of Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Takes responsibility of his/her own learning.
- Is able to receive feedback.

Arviointikriteerit - hyvä (3-4) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student:
- Understands the special characteristics of evidence based Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing care and is able to apply his/her knowledge into the care process.
- Can describe and define preconception health and care, gynecological disorders and the physiological pregnancy changes and most common problems in fertility, antenatal and postnatal processes.
- Can describe and reason the basics of observation and monitoring the newborn infant and understands how to support families.
- Recognizes the growth to parenthood and challenges in sexual- and reproductive health in the woman's and family's life course and is able to support the woman and families in these.
- Is able to complete medical calculations without fault. Knows the basics of medication care related to Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Understands the purpose of guidance and is able to guide a woman and her family in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Understands the ethics and is able to apply ethical guidelines in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Can co-operate and function responsibly and constructively in a team and is willing to develop his/her own communication skills in the learning environment of Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Is able to receive and give feedback.

Arviointikriteerit - kiitettävä (5) (Ei käytössä, kts Opintojakson Arviointikriteerit ylempänä)

The student:
- Understands and is able to use evidence based Maternity Care and Gynaecological Nursing care broadly, including preconception health and care.
- Analyses evidence based Maternity Care and Gynecological Nursing care knowledge and is able to apply it in a woman and family centered way.
- Can describe and analyse the basics of observation, monitoring and care of the newborn infant and can support families.
- Recognizes the growth to parenthood and challenges in sexual- and reproductive health in the woman's and family's life course and is able to support the woman and families in these.
- Is able to complete medical calculations without fault. Knows the basics of medication care related to Maternity care and Gynaecological Nursing and knows the special challenges related to these.
- Understands the purpose of guidance and is able to guide a woman and her family in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing in a client centered way.
- Understands the ethics and is able to creatively apply ethical guidelines in Maternity care and Gynecological Nursing.
- Can co-operate and function responsibly and constructively in a team and is willing to develop his/her own and the team's communication skills in the learning environment of Maternity care and Gynaecological Nursing.
- Is able to receive and give feedback in dialog.