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Building an Entrepreneurial Portfolio (20 cr)

Code: NN00FP47-3002

General information

Enrolment period

01.11.2021 - 01.06.2022


20.01.2022 - 30.07.2022


1 - 20

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching




TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish
  • English


0 - 50


  • Maria Ruokonen
  • Sanna Tahlo

Person in charge

Maria Ruokonen

Objectives (course unit)

Entrepreneurial Portfolio is way to bring your practical experience about entrepreneurship and working skills to be part of your curriculum. Relevant examples of such a practical experience are for example developing a business idea or existing business, volunteering to work in an entrepreneurial association or training program related to entrepreneurship or working life skills (e.g. accelerator etc.)

The objective is to build entrepreneurial competences in real life setting. You will create a personalized plan on how to gain knowledge and document the results. The plan is reviewed with the coach before starting the assignment. The way how you will document the outcomes is also agreed with the coach.

Content (course unit)

The content of this course is tailored individually with you and will be based on your personal learning targets. This is done together with a coach.

Kick off to the program (a group meeting) in every period
- Familiarizing with entrepreneurial competences
- Introduction to the way how Entrepreneurial Portfolio is built
- Personalized plan to develop entrepreneurial competences
- Schedule and execution plan

Building the results presentation
- The outcome can be presented e.g. as a blog post, vlog, handbook or presentation

Reflections among the group in every period
- Dialogue and feedback

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

Approved when you have demonstrated independent and self-conducted work towards your own goals. You have set the goals, worked persistently towards them and evaluated the outcome both in quality and quantity.

Failed if you have not succeeded in planning and producing the self-development process. You have not mastered the learning targets in a way that could describe the meaning and progress in self-development.

Location and time

Period 3: Kick off session on Thursday 20.1.2022 and Reflection session on Tuesday 22.2.2022, both 14:15-16:00. If the corona situation allows, we’ll meet at TAMK Main Campus in Kauppi, room Paja (C1-23), other wise the sessions will be held online.

Period 4: Kick off session on Thursday 17.3.2022 and Reflection session on Thursday 21.4.2022, both 14:15-16:00. If the corona situation allows, we’ll meet at TAMK Main Campus in Kauppi, room Paja (C1-23), other wise the sessions will be held online.

Assessment methods and criteria

-Student activity: independent and self-conducted work towards your own planned goals
-Learning outcomes and presentation

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Joint kick-off and reflection sessions, independent or team work.

Period 3: Kick off session on Thursday 20.1.2022 and Reflection session on Tuesday 22.2.2022, both 14:15-16:00. If the corona situation allows, we’ll meet at TAMK Main Campus in Kauppi, room Paja (C1-23), other wise the sessions will be held online.

Period 4: Kick off session on Thursday 17.3.2022 and Reflection session on Thursday 21.4.2022, both 14:15-16:00. If the corona situation allows, we’ll meet at TAMK Main Campus in Kauppi, room Paja (C1-23), other wise the sessions will be held online.

Student workload

1 - 20 ects = 27 - 540 hours

Content scheduling

You can join the kick-off and the reflection sessions in your own schedule. This means that you can start your Entrepreneurial Portfolio for example in the first period and participate in a reflection session in the second period or later.

Further information

Assessment criteria - pass/fail (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Approved when you have demonstrated independent and self-conducted work towards your own goals. You have set the goals, worked persistently towards them and evaluated the outcome both in quality and quantity.

Failed if you have not succeeded in planning and producing the self-development process. You have not mastered the learning targets in a way that could describe the meaning and progress in self-development.