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Environmental Monitoring and Measurements (5 cr)

Code: 5E00EK90-3001

General information

Enrolment period

02.12.2021 - 16.01.2022


01.01.2022 - 22.04.2022


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Environmental Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering


  • Johannes Jermakka
  • Jari Puranen

Person in charge

Jari Puranen


  • 19IENVE

Objectives (course unit)

After completing this course the student:
- Knows the principles of essential measurement and monitoring methods used in evaluation of the state of the environment;
- Can use equipment and modelling software utilized in environmental evaluations; and,
- Can do critical evaluation of measurements and their connection to the state of environment and legislation.

Content (course unit)

A selection of following themes:
- Air quality monitoring, fine particle and gas emissions;
- Measurement of noise and radiation;
- Modelling of noise and air pollution; and,
- Water monitoring and different measurement technologies.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Writing Scientific Reports in English, Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysiscs, Electrodynamics and Magnetism, Oscillation, Waves and Modern Physics, Physics Laboratories

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

Student is able to analyse simple noise and particle modelling cases both qualitatively and quantitatively. Student needs extra support to be able to complete given tasks. Exercises have been done, but results might be slightly erroneous.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

Student is able to use correct terminology and presents justified qualitative and quantitative analysis. Exercises are done completely, and results and analysis are correct. Results are at least briefly commented.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

Student shows the ability to do versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis. Student has a realistic knowledge of the limitations of the theoretical framework. Reports are comprehensive and well-structured. Student is able to show his or her own conclusions clearly.

Location and time

Contact teaching at TAMK and online lectures

Exam schedules

No exam on noise

Assessment methods and criteria

- Presentation
- Participation in lessons and modelling exercises
- Exercises in Moodle
- Written reports (2)

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Environmental noise modelling and measurements
- Lectures on environmental noise modelling and measurements
- Exercise problems on noise propagation and attenuation
- Traffic noise measurement
- Computer simulations about noise
- Written reports

Learning materials

Environmental noise modelling and measurements
- Teacher's lecture material
- Instructional videos on modelling
- Noise measurement and modelling standards

Student workload

Environmental noise modelling and measurements
30 h lectures and instructed modelling work
50 h independent exercise problems and computer modelling
20 h measurements and reporting

Content scheduling

Environmental noise modelling and measurements
1. environmental aspects of noise, how noise affects humans, brief look at legislation (in Finland)
2. basic noise concepts: pressure level, power level, A-weighting, equivalent level, noise attenuation
3. noise modelling topics: traffic, noise walls, berms, buildings, foliage, terrain, weather, windmills
4. real life modelling case using data for Tampere area
5. Environmental noise measurement, standards and case study of traffic noise

Completion alternatives


Practical training and working life cooperation


International connections


Further information

This course will focus on noise. There is a separate course (Industrial emissions) on aerosols!

Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student hasn't participated in writing the modelling and measurement reports.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student is able to analyze simple noise modelling cases both qualitatively and quantitatively. Student needs extra support to be able to complete given tasks. Conclusions are incomplete and parts of the reports are missing. Student might have trouble following given deadlines.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student is able to use correct terminology and presents justified qualitative and quantitative analysis. Exercises are done completely, and results and analysis are correct. Results are at least briefly commented. Student doesn't fully understand the meaning or limitations of simulations.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Student shows the ability to do versatile qualitative and quantitative analysis. Student has a realistic knowledge of the limitations of the theoretical framework. Reports are comprehensive and well-structured. Student is able to clearly show their own conclusions related to the results, applications and legislation.