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Concrete Structures - State Analysis and Repair (5 cr)

Code: T300DI77-3001

General information

Enrolment period

01.06.2021 - 31.08.2021


30.08.2021 - 30.04.2022


5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


Construction Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 20

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Construction Engineering, students who began in 2014-2018


  • Pekka Väisälä
  • Jarno Oravasaari
  • Marko Harjumäki
  • Jani Hietakangas

Person in charge

Petri Murtomaa


  • 18I311
  • 18I341

Objectives (course unit)

The students learn to plan and carry out condition evaluation of concrete facades and balconies.

Content (course unit)

The project, which is carried out as small group work, includes the condition study, repair planning and construction documents for the actual site, a cost calculation from the documents produced by the other group, and a presentation of the results to the repair site representative.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Admission to the course requires the passing of an examination at the beginning of the course. The material for the examination will be the BY 42 Concrete Facade Fitness Survey (current publication) and other separately designated material.

Further information (course unit)

Teaching methods: Project work, exam is held if necessary.
Language of instruction: Finnish.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

The project team has not worked professionally, the materials contained in the documents produced by the team have not been made and do not fully meet the basic professional requirements.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

The project team has worked professionally and the contents of the documents produced by the team meet the basic professional requirements.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

The project team has worked with high quality and professionalism. Credits meet
professional requirements and are of high quality.

Assessment scale
