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From Expert to EntrepreneurLaajuus (1 cr)

Code: NN00HD35


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This course provides students with some insights on how to describe own knowledge, skills and competences. Students will explore videos, articles, canvases, dialogue and and reflection as tools to get to the bottom of your own ways to build your future.

After completing the course student
• will understand the key elements of identifying and describing your knowledge, skills and competences
• will know how to take your expertise into practice as entrepreneur or employee
• will know how to apply your possibilities in your future working life


1. Identifying your competence
2. Articulating your expertise
3. Putting your know-how into practice

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Approved when student has demonstrated successful work towards the learning outcomes: understands the main aspects of identifying and describing own knowledge, skills and competences. Can assess his/ her skills and connect them to career plans.