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Improve Your Study Ability at TAMK ParviLaajuus (1 op)

Tunnus: NN00GB75


1 op


The main goal of the course is to help the students strengthen their study skills and study ability. After completing the course, the students:
- are aware of the learning and well-being support services offered at TAMK Parvi and know how to utilise them in order to support their studies.
- recognise their own learning and studying methods and know how to develop their study skills
- can identify different ways to increase and maintain study ability and well-being
- know how to promote their own well-being
- are able to identify communal working methods as way of supporting well-being.


During the study period, the students participate in at least 6 activities of their choice at TAMK Parvi reflecting on what they have experienced and learned in a learning diary. The Parvi calendar for activities and events may be found in the Student’s Handbook on the designated TAMK Parvi page.

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

The course will be graded as a pass when the students:

- know how to resort to the services of TAMK Parvi to support their own studies
- have found suitable study methods for themselves and improved their study skills
- have attempted to enhance their own study ability and well-being
- have participated in individual and/or communal activities supporting well-being.