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Analyzing management communicationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: NY00FD95


5 op


After the course the student will be able to observe the phenomena of management communication and analyze them on the basis of the knowledge acquired in previous courses or by intensive self-study at the beginning of the course. He / she is able to present development proposals for the management communication problems he / she has discovered. They are able to evaluate the importance of communication in the management and for the operation of the organization. The student is able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication and is aware of his / her main areas for development in order to improve interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.


Students make a leadership communication observation and analysis task and present its results to other classmates. Students prepare and present to others in small groups or individually a leadership message and receive feedback from others, and / or design and implement their own communication within their work community. Also this own application utilizes observation, feedback and analysis, and they will write a report on the experiences

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

After the course the student is able to describe and analyze the phenomena of managerial communication, but the analysis remains very superficial. He/she proposes some simple development suggestions for the management communication problems he/she has identified. However, he/she does not know much about the importance of communications for leadership and organizational performance. The student is only poorly able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication, and he / she does not properly understand his / her development areas for improving interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

After the course the student is able to observe and analyze the phenomena of management communication quite well. He / she is able to make some development suggestions for the management communication problems he / she has discovered. He / she is able to assess to some extent the importance of communication for the management and operation of the organization. Students will be able to apply some of the key principles of leadership communication in their own communication and will be aware of some of their areas of development for improving interactive and effective leadership communication from a workplace perspective.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

After the course the student will be able to observe and analyze in depth the phenomena of management communication. He / she is able to present development proposals for the management communication problems he / she has identified and to reason them consistently. He /she are able to evaluate the importance of communication in the management and operation of the organization. The student is able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication and is aware of his / her most important development areas in order to improve interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.

Enrolment period

08.01.2024 - 21.03.2024


21.03.2024 - 18.05.2024


5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Online learning


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

  • Kai Hintsanen
  • Päivi Mayor
Person in charge

Päivi Mayor

  • 24YAMK
    Ylempi AMK, yhteiset opinnot

Objectives (course unit)

After the course the student will be able to observe the phenomena of management communication and analyze them on the basis of the knowledge acquired in previous courses or by intensive self-study at the beginning of the course. He / she is able to present development proposals for the management communication problems he / she has discovered. They are able to evaluate the importance of communication in the management and for the operation of the organization. The student is able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication and is aware of his / her main areas for development in order to improve interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.

Content (course unit)

Students make a leadership communication observation and analysis task and present its results to other classmates. Students prepare and present to others in small groups or individually a leadership message and receive feedback from others, and / or design and implement their own communication within their work community. Also this own application utilizes observation, feedback and analysis, and they will write a report on the experiences

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)

After the course the student is able to describe and analyze the phenomena of managerial communication, but the analysis remains very superficial. He/she proposes some simple development suggestions for the management communication problems he/she has identified. However, he/she does not know much about the importance of communications for leadership and organizational performance. The student is only poorly able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication, and he / she does not properly understand his / her development areas for improving interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)

After the course the student is able to observe and analyze the phenomena of management communication quite well. He / she is able to make some development suggestions for the management communication problems he / she has discovered. He / she is able to assess to some extent the importance of communication for the management and operation of the organization. Students will be able to apply some of the key principles of leadership communication in their own communication and will be aware of some of their areas of development for improving interactive and effective leadership communication from a workplace perspective.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)

After the course the student will be able to observe and analyze in depth the phenomena of management communication. He / she is able to present development proposals for the management communication problems he / she has identified and to reason them consistently. He /she are able to evaluate the importance of communication in the management and operation of the organization. The student is able to apply the basic principles of management communication in his / her own communication and is aware of his / her most important development areas in order to improve interactive and effective management communication from the perspective of working life.

Location and time

21.3.2024 klo 17.00-20.00 - Zoom
Kurssin esittely, ryhmät ja menetelmät

22.3.- 3.5.
Ohjattua ryhmätyötä (60 min per ryhmä) erikseen sovittuna aikana opettajan kanssa

Kirjallinen analyysi (DL: 24.4.)

Viestintävideo (DL: 29.4.) ja vertaispalaute Moodlessa (DL: 3.5).

3.5.2024 klo 12.30 - 16.00 (Zoom)
Kirjallisten analyysien esitykset ja vertaispalaute

Exam schedules

Ei tenttejä. Ryhmässä tehtävä kirjallinen tuotos ja pareittain tehtävä viestintävideo arvioidaan.

Assessment methods and criteria

Kirjallinen tuotos arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5. Muodostaa 70 % arvosanasta.
Viestintävideo arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5. Muodostaa 30 % arvosanasta.

Assessment scale


Teaching methods

Kurssilla opiskelijat toimivat 4-7 hengen sekaryhmissä, joissa toimeksiantona on perehtyä johonkin konkreettiseen olemassa olevaan tai menneeseen, aitoon johtamisviestinnän ”probleemaan” tai caseen. Tätä tutkitaan tiimin itsensä valitseman systemaattisen menetelmän avulla hyödyntäen lähdemateriaalia.

Ryhmätyönä tehdään kirjallinen analyysi, jossa hyödynnetään laajasti alan kirjallisuutta mm. aikaisemmilta kursseilta ja hyviä käytäntöjä ja videoita. Kirjallinen työ voi esimerkiksi kuvata sitä, miten viestintä tietyssä tilanteessa toteutettiin ja miten se olisi pitänyt tehdä.

Lisäksi kurssin lopussa kukin ryhmä tekee kirjallisen työn caseen pohjautuen viestintään keskittyvän videon. Viestinnässä arvioidaan mm. uskottavuutta ja asia- ja tunneviestinnän tasapainoa, ja tavoitteena on oman (johtamis)viestinnän kehittäminen.

Student workload

Tämä on viiden opintopisteen kurssi, joka edellyttää noin 135 tuntia työskentelyä.

Content scheduling

21.3.2024 klo 17.00-20.00 - Zoom
Kurssin esittely, ryhmät ja menetelmät

22.3.- 3.5.
Ohjattua ryhmätyötä (60 min per ryhmä) erikseen sovittuna aikana opettajan kanssa

Kirjallinen analyysi (DL: 24.4.)

Viestintävideo (DL: 29.4.) ja vertaispalaute Moodlessa (DL: 3.5).

3.5.2024 klo 12.30 - 16.00 (Zoom)
Kirjallisten analyysien esitykset ja vertaispalaute
3.5.2024 klo 12.30 - 16.00 (Zoom)
Kirjallisten analyysien esitykset ja vertaispalaute

Practical training and working life cooperation

Caset pohjautuvat työelämän johtamisviestinnän tapauksiin.

Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Opintojakson jälkeen opiskelija osaa kuvata johtamisviestinnän ilmiöitä ja analysoida niitä, mutta analyysi jää hyvin pinnalliseksi. Hän ehdottaa joitakin yksinkertaisia kehittämisehdotuksia havaitsemiinsa johtamisviestinnän ongelmiin. Hän ei kuitenkaan juurikaan osaa arvioida viestinnän merkitystä johtamisen ja organisaation toiminnan kannalta. Opiskelija osaa vain heikosti soveltaa johtamisviestinnän keskeisiä periaatteita omassa viestinnässään, mutta ei juurikaan tiedosta kehittymiskohteitaan vuorovaikutteisen ja vaikuttavan johtamisviestinnän parantamiseksi työelämän näkökulmasta.

Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Opintojakson jälkeen opiskelija osaa melko hyvin havainnoida johtamisviestinnän ilmiöitä ja analysoida niitä. Hän osaa esittää joitakin kehittämisehdotuksia havaitsemiinsa johtamisviestinnän ongelmiin. Hän osaa jossain määrin arvioida viestinnän merkitystä johtamisen ja organisaation toiminnan kannalta. Opiskelija osaa jonkin verran soveltaa johtamisviestinnän keskeisiä periaatteita omassa viestinnässään ja tiedostaa joitakin kehittymiskohteitaan vuorovaikutteisen ja vaikuttavan johtamisviestinnän parantamiseksi työelämän näkökulmasta.

Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)

Opintojakson jälkeen opiskelija osaa havainnoida johtamisviestinnän ilmiöitä ja analysoida niitä syvällisesti. Hän osaa esittää kehittämisehdotuksia havaitsemiinsa johtamisviestinnän ongelmiin ja perustella ne johdonmukaisesti. Hän osaa arvioida viestinnän merkitystä johtamisen ja organisaation toiminnan kannalta. Opiskelija osaa soveltaa johtamisviestinnän keskeisiä periaatteita omassa viestinnässään ja tiedostaa tärkeimmät kehittymiskohteensa vuorovaikutteisen ja vaikuttavan johtamisviestinnän parantamiseksi työelämän näkökulmasta.