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Swedish Language and Communication, WrittenLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: R-005


2 op


The aim of the course is to provide the students with such proficiency in the written and spoken Swedish language as needed to meet the demands of the profession and to further develop professional skills. (Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies.

European Common Languages Framework level B1: Threshold, survival in the language areas.


• Technical communication
• Interactive communication
• Education
• Job seeking and working life
• Working environment and society
• Written communication in the working life
• Oral communication in the working life
• Terminology of the field


Prerequisites: B1-level skills.
The students take part in an exam to establish their skill level. Based on the exam, students may be recommended to take refresher courses in Swedish (Swedish 1, 3cr, elective)

Further information

Literature: To be announced
Teaching methods: Discussions, texts and listening comprehension, grammar, presentation practice
Method of completion: active participation in class, written exam, oral exam.
Language of tuition: Swedish and Finnish