Modern Digital SellingLaajuus (1 op)
Tunnus: NN00FO11
1 op
This course provides an introduction into digital sales. During this online course you will get an overview into different areas of digital selling including social selling, using buyer personas and organizing online sales meetings.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course you:
• will have a basic understanding what digital sales consists of
• know how to set and measure goals in digital sales
• know how to use buyer personas
• understand how to create value in online world
• describe the basic steps on customer journey
• know how to organize an online sales meeting
This course will cover the next six topics:
• Introduction to digital selling
• How to you set goals and track process in digital sales?
• How can you use buyer personas in digital sales?
• How do you help and create value to customers instead of pushing?
• How do you convert leads into customers?
• How do you do selling 100% online?
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