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Modern Digital MarketingLaajuus (1 op)

Tunnus: NN00FO10


1 op


This course gives you an overview on modern digital marketing. During this course you will learn basics about digital marketing strategy, marketing automation and using different digital platforms for marketing purposes.

Learning outcomes
After completing the course you:
• will have a basic overview on different areas of digital marketing
• are able to describe what kind of topics to cover in digital marketing strategy
• know how to set goals in digital marketing
• have introductory level knowledge on digital platforms and automation
• will know about measuring digital marketing


• Introduction to digital marketing
• How to make a digital marketing strategy?
• How to set goals in digital marketing?
• How to use different digital channels and platforms for digital marketing purposes?
• How can you benefit from marketing automation and scheduling posts?
• How do you measure digital marketing?

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