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Sprint OnlineLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: NN00FH46


3 op


Sprint Online is a course during which students of different fields innovate and create solutions to real cases given by a variety of companies and organizations.

Teachers, professionals and company representatives guide the innovation project with variety of methods and tools. At the end of the course every team presents their solution to judge panel who selects the best ideas. Winners are awarded in a gala.

When compleated the Sprint Online student can:
- initiate and run an innovation prosess
- develop an idea into a solution and pitch it in compact format o the customer
- act as a productive team member in a multidisciplinary team
- learn to combine different approaches


Teachers, professionals and company representatives guide the innovation project with variety of methods and tools. At the end of the course every team presents their solution to judge panel who selects the best ideas. Winners are awarded in a gala.

This course has both 1 cr and 3 cr implementations:
1 cr = intensive innovation assignment work and a pre-task.
3 cr = includes also an article and learning diary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Approved when a student is involved and committed in an active manner; e.g. can independently and as a member of the team study the assignment, ask additional questions. He/ She is capable of providing ideas, seek for solutions, present her own suggestions and give/ receive feedback. A student can independently describe the compleated innovation process, its phases and outcome.

Failed if a student is not participating to the team work. Fail may occure if student cannot descibe what was done during the innovation process, its phases, methods and outcome.

Further information