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Sprint Innovation FestivalLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: NN00FH28


5 op


Sprint Innovation Festival is an intensive course during which you will work as a team with your student-colleagues of different fields to create solutions to real life challenges with work life experts and organizations. The over-arching theme of the festival is sustainability. Coaches, professionals and company representatives guide you during the innovation project with variety of methods and tools. At the end of the event week every team presents their solution to the advisory board who gives feedback and evaluates the presented ideas.

The Sprint can be completed for 3 cr or 5 cr. Read more in the section Additional Information.

After the Sprint Innovation Festival student can:
• take a creative and user-centric approach (design thinking)
• initiate and advance the innovation process within a limited time
• present the idea to the customers and stakeholders in a concise and sales-like manner (pitching)
• act as a member of a multidisciplinary and cross-cultural team
• productively combine knowledge and skills from different fields
• is able to apply sustainability thinking in creating regenerative and sustainable solutions


Online Kick-off: Teaming up
• Kick off for the teamwork: roles and introductions
• Orientation to the program and innovation process
• Insights on sustainability

Online Kick-off: Teaming up (4h)
• Kick off for the team work: roles and introductions
• Orientation to the program and innovation process
• Insights on sustainability

Online Teamwork: Data and Defining the Problem
• Independent teamwork on an online platform

Event Week (4 days)
• Ideation
• Working on the top ideas
• Working on the chosen idea & building the pitch
• Presenting the outcomes

Online After-Sprint session (2h)

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

The course is approved when you have demonstrated active participation and commitment to each Sprint Innovation Festival section and campus day; working both independently and as a team member. Together with your team, you have successfully created sustainable solutions, presented ideas in a compelling manner, and given and received feedback. You can describe the completed innovation process, its phases, and the outcome.

Further information

After completing the additional module (2 credits) of Sprint Innovation Festival, the student will be able to deepen their entrepreneurship and sustainability skills based on what was done and experienced during the Sprint. This can be achieved either by creating an implementation plan for an idea with a team or individually, or by developing a personalized plan for enhancing entrepreneurship and sustainability skills.