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C-LABLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: NN00FA81


5 op


C-LAB means commercialization LAB

C-LAB is an 8-week sprint where you will develop ideas from experiment to a concreate and sustainable launching plan – to create value and impact. You will co-operate and work in a multidisciplinary team together with the idea creator/owner.

After the course you:
- understand the different phases in a commercialization process
- can apply knowledge and modern development tools
- can use lean methodology and consumer centricity for a launch plan
- can work together in a team and co-operate with others to develop ideas and turn them into action


C-LAB focuses on real life cases. The program supports moving from experiment phase to commercialization phase:

- How to turn an idea to create many-sided value?
- Customer centric idea development: learning quickly from success and failures
- How to use digital platforms/tools to evaluate the idea and creating business?
- Modern sales and marketing

The program is facilitated by a commercialization coach. The process is:
1) new information
2) active dialogue
3) explorations
4) summarizing

The development cycle is based, where applicable, Scrum and Lean Startup methodologies, TAMK Proakatamia's model of team learning as well as Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Approved when you have demonstrated commitment and productivity in 8-week C-LAB work. You can do it by showing to understand the assignment, being capable to provide ideas, seeking for solutions and making a presentation that is understandable to the team. You can run an experiment to the business idea and can independently describe the occurred commercialization process, its phases and outcome.

Failed if you cannot describe what was done during the commercialization process, its phases, methods and outcome. You have not gained the knowledge required to run a commercialization project.