Mentoring ProgramLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: NN00CZ98
5 op
Mentoring program is an individual driven process, where focus is in topcs the program participant presents to be worked on. Participant has a mentor who advices based on her/ his personal experience student to see the big picture, find new solutions and take additional steps towards the set goals.
After the program, student can:
- Act independently to achieve goals, stick to intentions and carry out planned tasks
- Define priorities and action plans
- Accept feedback and different view points
- Learn with others, including peers and mentors
Mentoring program can be done in two different ways:
(1) presenting an own entrepreneurial challenge and working with a mentor
(2) acting as a junior mentor in a co-operation project with City of Tampere and Pirkanmaan yrityskummit
1. Kickoff meeting (group)
- What is mentoring and how it works?
- What topics can I bring to the mentoring program?
- How to plan the mentoring process?
2. Mentoring process
- Selecting the mentor and getting to know each other
- Goal setting and follow up
- Tailored process for the mentoring relationship
3. Group meeting
- Sharing the outcomes and learnings
- Dialogue about the process and its highlights
- How to take the development further - next steps
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
Approved when student has demonstrated independent and self-conducted work towards her/ his own goals. She/ he has set the goals, worked persistently towards them and evaluated the outcome bot in quality and quantity. Student has applied some key tools and methods in mentoring and is capable in evaluating the results.
Failed if student has not succeed in planning and producing the mentoring process. He/ she has not explored the tools or methods suggested by the mentor and therefore not able to describe the process or fit to the purpose.